Masters week &. 9 holes of golf

WARMUP: Mosey to the millstone parking lot for various exercises with burpees sprinkled in
THE THANG:  9 holes of golf – counts always adding up to 18 – burpees at the tee box and squats at the green: 16-2, 14-4, etc. pax played par 5’s 4’s and 3’s – covered almost 3 miles on this alone. Afterwards, pax moseyed to veterans park for a pledge to honor all who serve our country.
MARY: no time – Stang thought it more important we stretch, so after 5 burpees upon getting back to WEP, we did.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  took place
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks, Grinder, for the call out. Honored to lead where it all started. 👁

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Taking the Conga Line Through Life

WARMUP: Bit of a mosey and short COP with mumblechatter from Bonsai on the Qs Disclaimer. No, it wasn’t perfect. It also wasn’t missed entirely (except you Bonsai).

THE THANG: Two sets of accumulator series 5x / 10x / 15x /20x / 25x with bear crawls or crawl bears in between. one series was all lower body, one all core. along the way we did a conga line mosey weaving through all the posts of the carpool awning at the school.

MESSAGE: Workout and message today were geared around life not moving in a straight line. it hasn’t for me in career, fitness, faith, marriage, finances, etc. there have been ups and downs and twists and turns. too often I fall into the trap of blaming myself or someone else for the downticks when in fact that’s just part of the journey. and in fact it’s those downticks when I have the most to learn and grow. so take the attitude about the #Suck from the Gloom and apply it to the #Suck in the rest of your life — Embrace It!

thanks for the invite Triple Lindy and the AKA spirit Funhouse and pax! always an honor to lead.

COT: It was Day 2 of AKA and we had a great showing and energy level. some new faces (FITS) and some welcome kotters (Naked and Afraid).

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Never skip leg day

Low &Slow Squats
Peter Parker’s
Downward dog
Upward dog
Hamstring stretch

11s with Mike Tyson’s and Sumo Squats, Mode of transport, Lt. Dans going one way

MARY: several exercises 3 min
COT: yes

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Site Q school Vol. 2

Site Q School Volume 2

Decided to streamline this edition. For all specific details and guidance on Site Q responsibilities please refer to the site-q guide on the Site Q channel in Slack.

Started with a disclaimer

Mosey to the teacher parking lot by Dave Gibson.


20 SSH
10 MNC
5 Burpees
20 Seal Jacks
5 Windmills (VERY SLOW windmills)
5 Burpees
15 PlankJacks
5 Burpees

Theme of the day for Site Q school: Stewardship.

Part 1 Stewardship of the Site itself Topics Covered:
Scheduling Workouts
Hyping the Site
Knowing your site(from a safety perspective)
Care for the site. DON’T destroy your site. Intervene if the Workout Q is doing something that could cause damage or trespass
Shovel Flag responsibilities

Workout: 40 Seconds plank followed by 40 Heel Touches 4x. Also 5 more Burpees

Run to the Purple light on Dave Gibson

5 Burpees

Part 2 Stewardship of the PAX Topics Covered:
Check for FNG’s
Welcome them ensure a “good” name (within reason)
Coach and encourage VQ’s or newish Pax
Pick up the 6
Be Prepared with Phone/Safety if needed
Create a positive culture at your site.

Workout: 5 minutes EMOM 25 Merkins 25 LBC’s . For the final minute switched to 20 HR Merkins and 30 LBCs

Before part 3 and for interest of time we did the next portion here.

Workout 30 Burpees but with a 6 minute timer. So every minute you had to run to the other end of the parking lot to complete your reps. If you got to 30 before time was up then did flutters until the 6 was in.

Ran back to COT

Part 3 Stewardship of the Mission (F3 Mission) Topics Covered

F3’s mission statement
F3’s 5 core principles
How to apply those principles to your site
How to encourage those principles at your site
General reminders and recap of the other pieces we covered today.

Thanks to all who showed and for the opportunity for us all to grow together.

Looking forward to the next time!


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Q vs Q 2023 Finals

WARMUP: SSH and Moroccan Night Clubs


Sally’s Q:
Top- 10 shoulder press w/ coupons
Downhill- 10 steps then 10 mountain climbers double count.
Bottom- 10 XFactors single count
Uphill- 10 steps then 10 Merkins on hill
Repeat 10 times or until inevitable time out

Zalinsky’s Q:
Partner Dora
AMRAP excercises were Prison Cell Merkins, Jump Squats, Big Boy Situps.
4 corner exercises were: 10 Merkins, 10 Big Boys, 10 Squats, 5 Burpees

Olaf’s Q:
Fire hose indian run to bleachers. Stop for burpees along the way twice.
Teams divided into two and bear crawl under the bleachers, do 3 hand release merkins, run back.

Poppins’ Q:
Partner up. Movements to cones and back. Burpees at each side. Movements were: Partner carry, wheelbarrow, bear crawl, long jump. Start with 10 burpees on each end and drop it by 2 each time we swapped movements.

Olaf – 19
Poppins – 18
Zalinsky – 5
Sally – 3

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Friendless Dora

WARMUP: ran around parking lot with a few exercises thrown in: butt kickers, high knees, shuffles. Circled up for: SSH, merkins, hillbilly walkers, squats, and some hamstring and back stretches.
THE THANG: Ran over by Indian restaurant (which has been a number of different local establishments but it sounds like this restaurant is PAX approved), we began the fun. Dora concept but no partner. 25x merkins, 25x squats, 25x (count right leg only) flutters. Run to other end of parking lot and rinse/repeat…back and forth for a total of 100x.

Stop 2 was over at the church parking lot – same idea, different exercises. 25x CDD, 25x single count lunges, 25x Freddy (right knee only)…total 100x.

Last stop was in the back parking lot, where the dumpster fumes were at a low. 15x variety merkins (5 diamond, 5 wide arm, 5 ranger), 30x variety claves (10 out, 10 reg, 10 in), 25x LBC. Run and rinse/repeat 4 total times.
MARY: left time for 2 exercises back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter and cannoli run
COT: prayers for health and families

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2 Cats Eat More Than 1 Cat

Undeniably the Classic AO, my all time favorite, the place I started and the place I took a turn as site Q. Weezer has done a awesome job with this AO. It was an honor to lead.

knee tar n’diaye
LS Squats
curb walkers
high knees
butt kickers
more merkins
more squats
dying cockroach
imperial walker
hill billy walker
makhtar n’diayes
more merkins
more squats
shoulder tap
overhead clap

I’m sure I forgot a few things
*not in that order
**modifications were made
***counting was poor at best
****mumblechatter was as expected

noticeably absent … liver eaters

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Survive and Advance

WARMUP: lap around runde and back to the lot for SSH’s, Squats, merkins, imperial and hillbilly walkers with burpees mixed in.


Sweet 16 – Burpees at one end, Sumo Squats at the other. Exercises always added up to 16.

Survive and Advance to the Elite 8.

Kracken Burpees at one end of the parking lot, lunges at the other – always adding up to 8 total.

Final 4 – hang at the pull up bar while pax planked. Someone new got tagged in to go to the bar every 30 seconds.

MARY: a few flutters and hello dollys. Uber called time early. He wasn’t having it.


COT: The 5th core principle

Always an honor to lead at the rock. Thanks, Uber, for the opportunity.


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March Madness

WARMUP: mosey to the mulch for side straddle hops, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins, planks and the like.

Sweet 16 – all exercises added up to 16 – merkins on one end of the parking lot, squats on the other. PAX survived and advanced to the….

Elite 8 – all exercises added up to 8. Diamond merkins on the curb and sumo squats at the light pole.

MARY: The final four – box cutters, flutters, hello dollys, LBCs.


COT: Core principle #5 was conducted

Thanks, Weezer for the opportunity to lead.


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