1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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HIIT & Move

WARMUP: Walked/Mosey to a more suitable parking lot surface and performed the following exercises: SquatsICx10, WindmillsICx10, SSHICx15, PeterParkersICx10, MerkinsICx10, MountainClimbersICx12
THE THANG: Stayed in the preferred parking lot and performed the following routines.
HIIT series for 3 rounds – 40sec of 1st exercise followed by 20sec of 2nd exercise, 30-45 seconds of moseying/walking in between rounds. 1st Exercise-Sumo Squats, 2nd Exercise-Jump Squats.
Next it was time to move a little bit. Start at the beginning of a parking space row. Move 2 parking spaces forward, perform an exercise, and then move 1 parking space back, perform an exercise. Continue this routine for 5 minutes. Mode of travel forward was Alt Lunge Walk, mode of travel backwards was Alt Backward Lunge Walk, exercise performed at each destination was 3 Burpees.
2nd HIIT series was the same as the first but with different exercises. 1st exercise was Inch Worm Merkins, 2nd exercise was Shoulder Taps. Performed 3 rounds.
Time to move again so we did the 2 parking spaces forward and 1 parking space back flow with different mode of travel and exercise. Mode of travel forward was Bear Crawl, mode of travel back was Crawl Bear, exercise at each destination was 5 CDDs. Completed 5 minutes
Time to HIIT the Abs. Same HIIT routine as before.
Round#1 – 40sec of LBCs followed by 20sec of Reverse Crunches
Round#2 – 40sec of AHs followed by 20sec of Gas Pumpers
Round#3 – 40sec of BigBoySitups followed by 20sec of Straight Lower Leg Lifts
Mosey/walk back to COT!

MARY: Didn’t need it
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Memorial Day Murph, Kenya Convergence
COT: Health – mental and physical

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The Armory 13

A bakers dozen (13) pax came out to the Armory.

Started with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Then into a tabata/HIIT routine: 45 seconds ON exercise, 15 seconds rest/transition. The sets were:
Set One:
KB Swings
Side bends
Tricep press
Goblet squats
Burpees (without coupon)

Set Two:
Shoulder press
Bent over rows
Mountain climbers (without coupon)

Set Three:
Bob & weave
Standing rows
Alternating revers lunges
America Hammer
Merkins (without coupon)

In between of each set we did a short run.
Rinse/repeat sets.

Finish with some mary: Flutters, freddies, box cutters, LBC


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Runny thingy doing on

Ready… set…

160 to Massey to spratt to Leonidas, and repeat the loop then return to COT


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A deep dive into the mind of Slash at the Hive


The Q was told today started at 5:16, so he arrived just in time…

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmill, Imperial Walker, Hillbilly Walker


Based off a 2019 GORUCK monthly workout that I know Bandcamp loved back then.

The main movement was suitcase carry up and down the hill by the stadium. At the bottom the work was 20 reps of each below starting with the top. Then adding the next one the next time. Then the top 3 the next time etc. I think we made it to overhead press

Lat Pull-Over
Plank Pull-Through
Overhead Press
Man Makers

MARY: One minute of LBC to get to 6:00


For the love of God, run in the Cannoli Run if you can!

Aug 11-13 plan for retreat to save lives

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Five got loose at Footloose

WARMUP: dynamic warm-up—-
knee to chest;
heel to butt,
heel to hip,
side lunge walk,
lunge and overhead reach,
inch worms
mobility warm up— seated internal/external hip rotations;
Glute mobilizations. (Dirty dogs?)
Adductor rock backs.
back rolls to reach forwards; 1/2 kneel spinal rotations against wall
plank warm up— upward<>downward dog, peter parker x6, upward<>downward dog

Front stairs of 1st Baptist
Squats at bottom, CDDs at top, 10 calf raises in middle

Then Airborne hip flexors followed by a few minutes of Mary

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The Yard. Sat May 13.

Pre-run at 5:45, most of you missed the memo.
Litter pick-up followed, most of you missed the memo.
Lesson learned: write back blasts immediately, for memory sake and the potential of losing your Weinke.
Warm-up stuff
Wait for Bass and Fogerty to finish their pre-run
Back and forth across the lot with other warm-up stuff
Wait for Bass and Fogerty
Monkey Humpers facing away from Bass and Fogerty
5-10-15-20-25 accumulator with running around the track in between (for some/most)
Some wall work
Some picnic table work
Much light to light work and then more light to light work
Old Bay led the way
BitCoin honorable mention
I gave the stellar effort a Q should give
Anchorman pre-ran
Dojo …. Is still busting a$$ while on IR
Bass and Fogerty looked good doing it

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Smash and Grab

17 men did the hard thing at a sweaty Armory this morning. Here’s what we did:

10 SSHs (IC)
10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Bell Work
10 Curls (IC)
10 Squats (IC)
10 Man-makers
Run 100 yards

10 Calf Raises (IC)
10 Bench (IC)
10 American Hammers (IC)

10 Swings (IC)
10 Crossovers – each direction
10 Tricep Extensions (IC)

10 Flutters w/ Press (IC)
10 Skull Crushers (IC)
10 Sit-ups to Press

10 Around the Worlds – each direction (IC)
10 Lunges – each leg (IC)
10 John Deeres (IC)

Repeat all with 5 reps at each pain station
Total mileage: 1.05

20 Boxcutters (IC)
10 LBCs (IC)
10 Freddies (IC)

Today we discussed our roles as leaders. We are to step up when others step back. It may be leading a group at work, leading a workout in F3, or volunteering to take the kids to practice. Leaders do what is needed, when it’s needed. TClaps to Battlebot for leading the Armory site for over a year. As counterculture as it is, he stepped out of his leadership role to allow for a new man to step up. TClaps to Naked and Afraid for being that HIM.
It is incumbent upon us to help with that transition – to support our new site Q by volunteering to lead a few workouts and to show up each week. In F3, we lead on a rotating fashion. We are a group of leaders, not a group with a leader. We lead where we can and find a man to replace us when he can do it 80% as well as we can. That’s what leaders do.
Well done, men. It was a pleasure to share the Gloom with you men.


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Warming up the Canollis


Run to kingsley. do one mile loop as many times as you can before time runs out. every half mile increase speed to 5k pace for about 60 seconds.

read newsletter for important announcements.

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