Failure is not an option


Light stretching exercises, windmills, , MNC, plank, yoga stretches, merkins.
THE THANG: 64 burpees, 8 at a time and run across field each time, crosswise not lengthwise

Death by,


Start with 3, add 3 every 30 secs for 3 rounds, then add 3 per minute until failure… FNG got to 30!

I started my testimonial… beginning of life to my rock bottom.

Then we moseyed behind ROTC, did a dead hang to failure

Then we did a Dora with 50 pull-ups, 100 overhead presses with Cindy then 200 curls with Cindy, we almost finished…

No time but I shared the rest of my testimony. God had a plan for me and He has one for you too!
COT: yes

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God often hides opportunities to be faithful. Don’t miss them


Mosey around the parking lot admiring the new smooth pavement. Then some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers. Finishing with a mosey over to the band lot. Which it should be noted is not nicely newly repaved…


Kind of a modified shuttle run design

From the end zone line, run to the other end zone and do one squat and run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, then run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, bear crawl 10 yards and do 3 squats, then run back.

Continue doing this until you are doing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 squats, each with a 10 yard bear crawl on the return (so the return run gets shorter each revolution).

I interspersed some of this with a brief discussion of the impact of walking in faith in my life. God often presents opportunities that appear as struggles or obstacles/setbacks in our life. He never promised life would be easy, but did promise it is for a purpose. Life life with a purpose and faith in a bigger picture, and often you will see in hindsight, those obstacles were the refiners fire preparing you for opportunities you never even imagined.

Hebrews 12.1 says “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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Konvergence for Kenya

We converged on 6/10 to with a special weinke designed by the PAX of F3 Nairobi (but “may” have been augmented by Poppins…)

Warm up
Various, but highlight was 150 SSH in sets of 50. #CrowdPleaser

Groups of 5
Indian Run
5 burpees by the guys at the back

Dora on the football practice field
50 burpees – bear crawl
200 merkins – bear crawl
200 squats – lunge walk
300 4-count mountain climbers – frog leap a partner

Lots of bat flipping on the 4-count of the mountain climbers and the frog leaping

The guys in Kenya average a 5 mile transit to and from the AO, so a group of PAX dutifully pre-ran and post-ran 5 miles after the beatdown. YHC took a bit of flack, because it was me that spitballed that idea and then did not pre or post run. I did bring my 2.0 to the workout to try to cover the fact that I wouldn’t be running extra, but to no avail. Badlands 100% called me out.

Welcome FNGs
– Dungeon Master
– V-neck

– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse, Sasquatch, Cyclops, Beaker
– rucking: Sprocket, NakedandAfraid
– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse
All running
– Gears

The plan was to raise $$ to purchase a vehicle for transportation of Nairobi PAX to workouts, supporting efforts to assist in community and coordinating donations etc. The need is tremendous and our financial support is magnified in Kenya.

As of this backblast, we raised $2620. I have no idea when you’re reading this, but you could possibly still contribute and Poppins may still have T-Shirts in the back of his vehicle:

Q-School Wednesday 6/14 at Bushwood
The Fort Retreat 8/11-8/13 (Register now!)

Safari (F3 Nairobi Nantan) facetimed in at the end to offer up a prayer closing out COT.

This backblast respectfully submitted by Band Camp

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The 3in Screw!!

WARMUP: mosey to 5 light poles and do exercise
Mosey back to kettlebells

6 exercise moves
*kb Merkins
*shoulder press
*American hammers
Perform 20 reps of each and move to right
Once complete run up hill to Munn Rd and back
Rinse and Repeat except round 2 = 24reps and round 3 =26 reps
MARY: at cot got 3 rounds of Mary in and completed at 0600 sharp

Read your newsletter
Lots of prayers praises and good vibes by all

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Back to school with Billy Madison

This morning 11 studs went back to school with Billy Madison. Here’s what we did:

10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 SSHs (IC)
Take a lap

The Thang
12 rounds of 12 exercises (adding new exercises each round) to simulate 12 years of school Billy had to complete.

12 American Hammers
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys, 12 Diamond Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Burpees

Some guys got to the Diamond Merkins. Most guys hit two miles. All guys got smoked.

“Billy Madison” taught us to make the best of your second chances. Call the friend or family member you lost connection with. With the knowledge you have now, give that business venture a try. You’re never too old to complete the goals you had when you were younger.
Today was fun. The exercises weren’t, but the conversation was. Great energy today. I hope this was the hardest and stupidest thing you do today. If not, there’s always tomorrow. Thanks for the opportunity, Slow Jams.

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HIIT & Move

WARMUP: Walked/Mosey to a more suitable parking lot surface and performed the following exercises: SquatsICx10, WindmillsICx10, SSHICx15, PeterParkersICx10, MerkinsICx10, MountainClimbersICx12
THE THANG: Stayed in the preferred parking lot and performed the following routines.
HIIT series for 3 rounds – 40sec of 1st exercise followed by 20sec of 2nd exercise, 30-45 seconds of moseying/walking in between rounds. 1st Exercise-Sumo Squats, 2nd Exercise-Jump Squats.
Next it was time to move a little bit. Start at the beginning of a parking space row. Move 2 parking spaces forward, perform an exercise, and then move 1 parking space back, perform an exercise. Continue this routine for 5 minutes. Mode of travel forward was Alt Lunge Walk, mode of travel backwards was Alt Backward Lunge Walk, exercise performed at each destination was 3 Burpees.
2nd HIIT series was the same as the first but with different exercises. 1st exercise was Inch Worm Merkins, 2nd exercise was Shoulder Taps. Performed 3 rounds.
Time to move again so we did the 2 parking spaces forward and 1 parking space back flow with different mode of travel and exercise. Mode of travel forward was Bear Crawl, mode of travel back was Crawl Bear, exercise at each destination was 5 CDDs. Completed 5 minutes
Time to HIIT the Abs. Same HIIT routine as before.
Round#1 – 40sec of LBCs followed by 20sec of Reverse Crunches
Round#2 – 40sec of AHs followed by 20sec of Gas Pumpers
Round#3 – 40sec of BigBoySitups followed by 20sec of Straight Lower Leg Lifts
Mosey/walk back to COT!

MARY: Didn’t need it
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Memorial Day Murph, Kenya Convergence
COT: Health – mental and physical

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Halting Ring of Fire

17 pax posted at Ring of Fire.

Started with a run. Did some Toy Soldiers and carioca.

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Ran around to the back of NaFo.

Did bench work: step ups (10 each leg), incline merkins (12 I/C), dips (12 I/C), butt touch squats (12), decline merkins (10 I/C), calf raises (18).

Proceeded to run some more, and stopped at the band practice lot. Did “Munitions factory”:
Pax do low plank for 1 min (this is home), then bear crawl about 100 yards (this is your commute), then do work at your factory making BOMBS (pax do 25 each of: burpees, OH claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats), then commute back home doing a nur, then plank for the six.

Then we ran to the pull up bars.

Did 6 pull ups and 6 toes-to-bar
Next run back to shovel flag for some mary…we did the Sally (Moby’s Flower) routine where leg raises for “bring sally up” and 6 inch leg hold on “bring sally down”.

Fini, COT.
HALT = Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These can be triggers for our Jester. Be aware so that you might be able to break the cycle.

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Less is more

WARMUP: mosey to the track around the courts.  Windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan night clubs, merkins, shoulder taps, stretching.  
THE THANG: 5 rounds of 20 & 23’s – 20’s on one end of the track and 23’s on the other – 20’s alternated between LBC’s and Freddy’s.  23 were squats alternating between regular and sumo.  

Next round of 5 – 20 SSH’s and 23 of your choice of merkin (wide arm, regular or Diamond), except the 4th round.  PAX did monkey humpers – just because.  

Next – Tabata – 40 secs on 20 off for 5 minutes

Minute 1 – merkins
Minute 2 – Freddy’s
Minute 3 – SSH
Minute 4 – LBC’s
Minute 5 – Wall sit of gratitude

4 minutes of Broga closed us out at 0715

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the opportunity, Bitcoin.


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Five got loose at Footloose

WARMUP: dynamic warm-up—-
knee to chest;
heel to butt,
heel to hip,
side lunge walk,
lunge and overhead reach,
inch worms
mobility warm up— seated internal/external hip rotations;
Glute mobilizations. (Dirty dogs?)
Adductor rock backs.
back rolls to reach forwards; 1/2 kneel spinal rotations against wall
plank warm up— upward<>downward dog, peter parker x6, upward<>downward dog

Front stairs of 1st Baptist
Squats at bottom, CDDs at top, 10 calf raises in middle

Then Airborne hip flexors followed by a few minutes of Mary

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Football field with Yds to go!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merks, Squats, Slow mosey, Rebel Merks, LBCs…
THE THANG: 6s and 11s on the Foorball field using the Yard Markers as pain points to traverse the 100yds. 6s Big boys and burpees greeted the pax followed by BombJax and Merks followed by a round of 11s with Squats and Plankjax. Pax fluttered waiting for Six. Circled up midfield for a quick Starfish set up using each corner of field for an in-cadence random Pax grabbing the reigns.
MARY: 4 mins round of Mary that Senator Tressel upgraded w some Xs and Ohhhs – that was a crowd pleaser!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Newsletter, and You
COT: Prayers and Praises for Drop thrill, recent surgery for Pax members, Luka and parents, and health and patience in general.

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