Q School 101- Part II

School was back in session at Golden Corral for the 2nd week of “September Q School”.  Bones and Senator Tressel were the originally scheduled professors.  However, due to Senator being on the IR, YHC was called in as a substi-Q teacher.

14 pax posted for 2nd of two workouts covering 101 material.  An additional 8 pax went their own way with their black backpacks (likely not filled with textbooks).  NASA and TwoFerns brought out FNG, later to be named “Ruxpin”.

Bones kicked us off with a mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke, and lunges.  Circling up for COP, he shared advice and wisdom on exercises that are simple and keep pax together. We did a few minutes of COP warm-up, with some exercises called out (and lead by) by pax that hadn’t Q’ed before (or only Q’ed once):

  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Seal Jacks
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey over to a different part of the parking lot where Bones emphasized that “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”, and that partnering up helps hold men accountable during the exercises.  We each partnered up for the next exercise event. All of the following were done with your partner, not switching off, like some lazy pax (or maybe just YHC) were hoping for.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Lunge across small lot
  • 10 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl back
  • 10 LBCs

Rinse and repeat 4 times.

Hand off to YHC.  We took a couple 10 counts and moseyed to the parking lot behind the shopping center.  I discussed a bit about how pax will follow and trust the Q until they have reason not to.  Trust can be broken by putting pax in dangerous situations.  Trust can be built by showing effort in planning.

Next up, Rugby Sprints.  Two sets of cones were set up about 30 yards apart.  Pax were instructed to perform exercises (together) until Q called out “GO!”.  At that point, pax were to sprint to the other cones, sprint back, then recovery walk back to the other cones.  Rinse and repeat as time allowed.  Stationary exercises we did where:

  • Merkins (in cadence)
  • Overhead Claps (in cadence)
  • Crab Cakes (in cadence)

Mosey back to COT.  Along the way we discussed the importance of promoting your Q via Twitter and documenting it afterwards via BackBlast.

T-claps to FNG Ruxpin for not only posting, but making his first post a Q school! With a Q school now under his belt, he should be ready to lead workout in no time.  Also, great work by NASA and TwoFerns for brining him out.


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On the first clock at Block Party

Thanks to Shady for the Twitter reminder of my Block Party Q as I haven’t been checking my email much lately which would have included the reminder from  Worship Planning.

I had already been planning a “clock” workout for my VQ KB workout the next day at Tomahawk, so I ran with that and applied it to Block Party with a “bigger clock.”

Arrived, set out all the cones in the field in clock formation 12-11:00 along with “the worm” 120 # coupon at 3:00.

Back to parking lot just in time and a quick disclaimer with no FNG’s. (This would not be the case the next day). A mosey around about a half lap of WEP which included high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle. A brief circle of warmups which included a couple back stretches needed by the Q.

Headed to the clock. Each hour had an exercise on a cone a distance away to run to from the epicenter. We first did the clock as a group, then followed it partnering up.  At the end of each ‘cross’ were the following: 12:00 sprint to top of hill, 3:00 worm carry, 6:00 lunge walk, 9:00 partner carry (or modified). The other times included various exercises (of which I cannot now list as the M threw away my weinke), but included calf raises, squat thrusters, merkins…

The bonus on this fine morning was a “Let Me Run Burpee Challenge” cow bell that every PAX had to ring once during the workout and, wherever you were at the time of ringing, 5 burpees were required.  Total 45 burpees were completed.

Thanks to PAX for the cleanup at the end. Ran out of time to get some core work in. No Name O Rama video embedded here as you couldn’t see faces anyway.

Announcements included the Invergence on Sept. 21, G-Fit moving to Saturdays at 3:00 pm with a call to PAX the post if you can and support the kids, after school reading program in Paradise on Mondays and Wednesdays, Ragnar coming up with Sunday morning trail runs, BRR this weekend with many F3 teams.

Prayers to sick family members and PAX going through marital hardships.

Thanks to Shady and all PAX that posted and gave the clock a go.

Aye! Bolt






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10 bootcampers appeared in the gloom 15 minutes after 7 runners took off for parts unknown in the greater Fort Mill area.

Began with a disclaimer followed by a short mosey to the band practice parking lot for a predictable count warm-up:

Squat x10
Windmill x10
Cherry Picker x10
Imperial Walker x10
Hillbilly Walker x10

With a call for “on me,” YHC sprinted erratically and planked up waiting on the PAX. Once all the PAX had planked up, the call for “on me” was immediately repeated and followed by another erratic sprint. Repeated this sequence a few times until the mumble chatter began.

Planked up and discussed how we respond when our expectations (mosey–>circle up–>cadence exercises, etc.) are challenged or directly defied.

The Thang (see  photo w/ working thoughts as well)

Burpees, Merkins, LBCs, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, People’s Chair+Moroccan Night Club

As the exercises became predictable in count and repetition, YHC challenged the PAX to notice if the consistency and expectation made the workout any easier. How does our response change knowing or not knowing every detail of what lies in the 43 feet ahead? How is that response helpful, hurtful, instructive, or destructive.

Added 5 more burpees at COT for what was initially suggested as hitting 60 burpees. Upon further review it was only 45. #1000burpees in September for Double D’s fundraiser supporting Let Me Run.


This workout was inspired by a backblast from Lake Norman: https://f3lakenorman.com/backblast/a-good-f3-workout in an effort to keep the PAX together and create  opportunities for as much 2nd F and 1st F. Personally I find it amazing in my own life that I’ll show up at 5:15am and do whatever the Q (F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders) has in mind (or makes up in that moment) without a problem. But if something goes awry during my workday or home life, my emotions and specifically my patience seems immediately depleted. As we work to grow and train physically, it is important to remember the DRP (Daily Red Pill: The Q’s daily Commitment to Accelerate his Fitness, Fellowship and Faith) includes our spiritual, emotional and mental health as well.

If any PAX know the Professor in Lake Norman, please relay to him YHC’s appreciation of his Back Blast.


Invergence 9/21
Additional runner need for relay: see Hasselhoff

Band Camp dismissed

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Honoring Special Agent Forrest Leamon at HoneyBadger – 8/13/18

24 #HIM joined YHC (25 total) to honor Special Agent Forrest Leamon at the 8-13-18 edition of HoneyBadger.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Forrest Nelson Leamon, 37, assigned to the Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Team (FAST) Echo was killed October 26th, 2009, while on a counternarcotics mission in Western Afghanistan when the helicopter he was in crashed. He is survived by his wife Ana, his son Luke, his parents, Sue and Richard Leamon, and his sister Heather.


  • Mosey around the parking lot 1 lap
  • 50 Side straddle hops
  • 21 double count windmills
  • Downward dog to honey mooner x3
  • Small arm circles
  • Big arm cirles
  • Reverse small arm circles
  • Reverse big arm circles

Mosey to the pull up bars.

The “Forrest” WOD:

3 rounds for time:

  • 20 L Pull-ups
  • 30 toes to bar
  • 40 burpees
  • 800M run



  • Weekend events honoring #HIMs CSPAN & Rooney
  • #218in18
  • SiteQ Meeting this Wednesday


  • Parents
  • Kids back to school

– Ginsu


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Husky VQ at Honey Badger

It was my pleasure to bring a new look with some “fun” exercises to The Honey Badger.  Everyone knows that although the Honey Badger may be small, it is a tenacious and sometimes vicious creature.  Thank you to all this who came out for my VQ, you all did the Honey Badger proud.  It may not have been easy but you scratched your way though when lesser people would have quit.  This AO is Hero or Hero inspired workouts.  I am inspired by all of those who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day.  It was only fitting to discuss our workout theme which was leadership.  We all know and have varying definitions of leadership such as lead by example etc.. Leadership is the development of a vision, establishing what matter, then articulating why.  Set the direction and inspire others.  Translate vision into reality.  I hope I was able to inspire others to push themselves to do things they did not know were possible.  Make a better you every day.  “Accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”  Everyone who came and conquered the Honey Badger are licking their lips today because the taste of victory is amazing.

Warmup:  Windmill, Copperhead Squats, Chinook, Sun Gods, Tempo Merkin

10 Chin ups immediately followed by 10 negative release for a 10 second down count each rep. (Wall pushups and wall sits while waiting for bar)

Bleacher Run X3

Tooth Fairy up Stairs then Reverse Bear Crawl down stairs (2 Rounds)   Sweat Angles while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete

Butkus (Rapid step ups) 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Inclined Mountain Climbers 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Reverse Bear Crawl up steps, Jameis Winston Down Steps with 5 dips every step (crap walk feet first), at bottom 10 Ground and Pound Merkins (Fist on ground with thumbs pointing to the sky then push up mimicking tricep extension movement)      (2 Rounds)  Happy Jacks while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete.

Duck Walk Up Stairs (this is low and slow, do not rush.  Should feel great burn, if not get lower and slower)  Run down  (2 Rounds)

Cool Down:  X’s and O’s, X Cross Sit-ups, Captain Therkins (1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 5:20), Superman to Canoe without arms or feet hitting the ground.




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A Strong House is Built with HEAVY METAL

7 Gathered for Giant Sets in a body builder type workout focused on each muscle group followed by a circle of power with two burnout exercises as PAX alternated.  Rep counts to the right on the grid.

Warmup:  Side Straddle hops, low slow burpess, front straddle seal hops, wide, normal, diamond merkins.

Shoulders Bi’s Legs
5 Front Raise 1KneeCurl Front Lunge
10 Press Reg Curl Sissy Squat
15 Upright Row 1Hammer Squat
5 Front Raise 1KneeCurl Back Lunge
Circle of Power Bus Driver Lucky7Curl Calf Raise
Dynamic10 Bear Crawl Gorilla WalkL Sprint
Chest Core Back Tri
5 Side Fly Am Hammer Pullover Kickback L/R
10 1-2-3 Dolly Lawnmower Overhead Press
15 Press Crunch Plank Row Skullcrusher
5 Side Fly Am Hammer Pullover Kickback L/R
Circle of Power 1/2Merk Hold Boat Back Merk Dips
Dynamic10 Superman Pump Goofballs Gorilla WalkR Crab Walk

Announcements:  Sweti, New Tomakawk, Bermuda Triagle,

Prayers:  Gratitude for a great new day and the pax that attended, healing for the sick, wisdom to start the week.

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Hero’s don’t get a say in “tough”

Start your week right began with a quick mosey around the parking lot with some:  SSH x40, Cherry pickers x10, moroccan night clubs x30, mountain climbers x20, peter parker x5, parker peter x5, downward dog x2, honeymooner x2, imperial walker x10.

We then gathered ourselves to pay tribute to the real Hero of the day, Sr. Airman Mark Forester, aka “Jag 28”.

We honored him by doing the following:

800M run

28 kettlebell swings

28 pull ups

28 kettlebell clean and jerks

28 pull ups

800M run

Since honey badger doesn’t care and we had 30 minutes remaining, we then honored Gunny Sgt Justin Schmallstieg, aka Schmalls.  The honoring was as follows:

800M run

50 burpees

40 pull ups

30 one legged squats

20 kettlebell swings

10 handstand / balls to the wall pushups

800M run

(this was mixed up as needed OYO)

We finished right at 0600, name-o-rama, prayers, praises, and passed the book to the next week Q.  Had a great time with these HIMs, left it all out there, and looking forward to joining again for weeks to come!

Aye!  Shady

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Honeybadger 2018.21

So the Honeybadger does not even have a Category from WordPress yet.  The Comz department gets a demerit…

So this week’s WOD was brought to you by Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker.


Complete three rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups

This is a LOT of pulling.  These are both total body moves emphasizing the back and some shoulders…  I tried to break it up with some core/legs/pushes between rounds.  My instructions were to do this with a partner  and get assistance for pull-ups.

End with a quarter mile run then 6MOM.

I seem to get random questions every now and again about what I do or eat.  I look for the hardest thing I can do, and do that.  I don’t try to make it through it, while distracting myself from the discomfort.  I concentrate on it.  The human body is meant to be uncomfortable, because that is when growth happens.  Muscles tear and get bigger, your lungs burn and your cardio gets better, you hold your breath and your oxygen efficiencies increase, you stretch muscles and increase range of motion, you freeze yourself and your circulation increases, you get hungry and your HGH goes up (burning fat and protecting lean muscle)… and all of these produce adrenaline and endorphins, which helps you enjoy all aspects of life.  So don’t look for comfort.  Don’t covet comfort.  It is a thief, stealing life from you.  Get out and move.  Commit to each rep of each exercise.  Respect the next rep.
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
AKA, lip service gets you no where.  AKA, I can tell what kind of tree you are by the fruit you bear.  Do the hard stuff.

Welcome Schwinn!  Please come back to another workout.

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Cindy Throws a Block Party

Block Party lost out in attendance to a “more difficult”  Colosseum.  Next time we’ll use two blocks per man.

Here then is what transpired after a brief warm up:

The PAX gathered up their date for the morning, aka Cindy

Circuit of WEP on the mile marks with

  1. 20 Curls and 20 Hello Dolly
  2. 20 Rows and 20 Flutters + Bonus 5 Burpees
  3. 20 OH Presses and 20 Rosalita
  4. 20 Tris and 20 Leg Lifts
  5. 20 Swings and 20 Hello Dolly
  6. 20 Curls and 20 Flutters

(all ground moves had optional OH press)

Mosey to  hill with Cindy and move to first light pole and 10 merkins and back with 20 LBCs.  Repeat for next two poles and back for 20 LBCs etc. until time was called.

Moleskin – YHC commented on Honor (from Jekyl) and interwove the law as Christ described it:  Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  (TT – 2018)

YHC will note that Maximus may have a kindred spirit in Husky and Husky needs to visit Beyond and the Badger



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