Just another day at the Badger

WARMUP: rolled in hot! 4:59 to be exact. Quick disclaimer and we did windmills and imperial walkers then held plank while I read the HERO WOD biography
THE THANG: moseyed to pull-up bars and instructed the following:

300 meter run (approx)
5 rounds of Cindy
300 meter run
4 rounds of Cindy

Cindy is 5 pull-ups 10 merkins and 15 squats

When we all finished we moseyed to the triangle shaped awning where we did the Bermuda Triangle workout created by Private Dancer:

First station:
10 burpees
20 Derkins
30 merkins
40 CDD
50 mountain climbers

Lunge walk to second station:
10 big boys
20 V ups
30 LBCs
40 x- factor
50 backscratchers (penguins)

Bear crawl to third station:
10 Bobby hurleys
20 ankle touch squats
30 no surrenders
40 sumo squats
50 lunges

We finished up and held COT right there under awning

Message was that we have to put our faith in something, choose wisely!

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D 10k, blood drive and bethel
COT: yes

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Black Diamonds in Cadence (Honey Badger)

25 Burpee in cadence + NUR hill
15 Merkins IC + NUR
25 squats IC + NUR
25 Bomb Jack Single ct IC + NUR
20 CDD’s IC + NUR
15 Monkey Humpers IC + NUR

5 pull ups/25 SSHs
10 pull ups/50 SSH


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Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard

WARMUP: (cake boss): 5 Burpees, SSH, 4 B., Imp.Walk, 3B., HillWalk, 2B, something else, 1B…

Count off 1 & 2; Group 1 w/ Farmers Only, Group 2 w/ Suplex
Switch Q’s at 1/2 mark

Group 1 (Farmers only):

Group 2 (Suplex):
Cocaine Bear Crawls to the 50 (2 merkins at each 5yrd). Al Gore till the 6
Mary #1: 12 Hello Ladies (IC), 24 Plank Jacks (IC), 12 BBSU & 24 Heel-taps (OYO)
Go right into….
Burpee Broad Jumps (3 & 3) to end zone
Plank till the 6

Crane Carries to 50: back to back, 1 runs while other flutter kicks (swap @ 25… mod. to piggyback if needed)
Mary #2: 12 AmHamms (IC), 24 Gas Pumpers (IC), 12 Dying CockRoaches & 24 LBCs (OYO)
Go right into…
Other man in Sparrow Run.
@ end zone: 12 Imp-Squat-walkers (IC) 24 or something else (improv.)

MARY: done w/in Thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletters… Merry Christmas!
COT: held (5th core principle)

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The Maupin

WARMUP: 10 SSH. Mosey, 10 SSH, Mosey
THE THANG: The Maupin
800 Meter Run
49 Merkins
49 Big Boys
49 Squats
(6 rounds)
MARY: None
Thankful for <@UHSRR3JBC> & <@U076RS8F1DG> for serving our community!

This workout is dedicated to U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, 24, of Batavia, Ohio, who disappeared on April 9, 2004, when insurgents south of Baghdad attacked his convoy with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. His remains were found on March 20, 2008. Prior to his disappearance, Maupin served as part of the 724th Transportation Company in Bartonville, Illinois.
He is survived by his mother, Carolyn; father, Keith; a brother and sister; and many other friends and family members.

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SGT Zachary D. Tellier

WARMUP: Mission, 5 CORE Principles, Credo
Mosey with a few things mixed in then typical warm-up exercises.

Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier
Died September 29, 2007 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom

31, of Charlotte, N.C.; assigned to the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; died Sept. 29 at Firebase Wilderness, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using small-arms fire.
82nd Airborne paratrooper dies after being shot in Afghanistan
The Associated Press
FORT BRAGG, N.C. — An 82nd Airborne paratrooper who pulled two comrades from a burning vehicle in April has died of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan, military officials said Oct. 1.
Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, officials said.
In April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.
Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.
Spc. Larry Spray, who was one of the two paratroopers Tellier rescued, called Tellier “a good friend and a buddy.”
After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.
“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”
Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.
The Tellier WOD:
– 10 Burpees

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges
– 100 Sit-Ups

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges
– 100 Sit-Ups
– 150 Air Squats
That is the completion of the Tellier WOD.

With the time remaining, grab a cinder block and post up at a pull-up bar.
3 rounds:
10 Pull-Ups (Slick, thankfully)
15 Thrusters
20 Curls
Slick, run down the hill to the loop around the playground and back.

NMM: It’s been some time since I’ve not only Q’d at The Honey Badger but also just posted at The Honey Badger. Why? All the excuses like, I can’t do pull-ups like I want to, it’s too far, it’s too early, I’ve got things to do, etc, etc, etc. We all know this is garbage.
The real reason, it’s supposed to be really hard and sometimes I just want easier.
I felt the honor (& pressure) to bring a proper remembrance and beatdown to the PAX this morning; more than I typically feel. Nothing was said by the former Site Q, Spiderman, or the current Site Q, Kaiser, that would illicit that pressure but that self-imposed pressure ain’t all that bad.
Reading through the various WOD’s on http://Wodwell.com, I came across several that would fit the bill, some I know we’ve even completed before. Then, I reread the Tellier and read the writeup of SGT. Zachary D. Tellier.
Imagine being on a patrol then having one of your vehicles run over and detonate a bomb. You then burn your own hands pulling 2 teammates from the fiery wreckage. You then jump up into the turret of a vehicle to return fire in an attempt to protect your team and eliminate the threat. Imagine that. It seems like a far off hypothetical but what if something really difficult is required of you and you don’t have time to weigh the options. What if you just have time to react.
I threw out the comment this morning that if I ever had the opportunity to respond as SGT Tellier did, I hope I would.
Truth is, we never know how we’ll respond to a situation until we’re in that situation. I can also tell you that me choosing to do something easier does no good in preparing me for the possibility.
As much as I like to push sometimes, don’t let me get complacent. Whether that is getting called out for my push-up form on the corner of 160 & 21 or asking me if I’m going to find the bottom of that squat, don’t stop. Or, if I’m going 50% when more is asked and even possible. Don’t stop challenging me. Don’t stop holding me to a standard you know I’m capable of and I’ll do the same for you. Don’t let me feel good about just getting out there in the morning.
Can you do that for me?

MARY: See all the dang sit-ups way up above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, Christmas Eve Convergence
COT: 5th CORE Principle so YES!

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4 Corners at the Varsity

WARMUP: SSHs, Windmills, Merkins, misc stretching
THE THANG: 4 corners at the field, utilizing a cinder block at each workout station. Stay in center and do 5 burpees then go from station to station (presses, dips, curls, overhead press, swings, rows, CDDs, merkins) and run a lap after completing 4 corners.
MARY: flutters for 2 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, CRI run, clave boss
COT: family, travel, parenting, kiddos, specially tapouts upcoming MRI

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Officer Kevin Tonn

Mosey to the pullup bars, 10 pullups, grab a coupon, and mosey to the overhang in front of the school.
Honoring Officer Kevin Tonn
– 20 Shoulder Press
– 13 Merkins
– 15 BO Rows
– 35 Big Boy Situps
– 11 Squat Thrusters
– 9 Burpees
– Run to the traffic circle and back.

Most got 6 in. Dark Helmet got 7

Run back to the pull up bars to return the blocks.
– 35 curls in cadence (70 total)
– Hang on the bag and knees to chest X10
– 15 curls in cadence (30 total)

Head back to COT.


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Sgt Tommy Mac

WARMUP: The warmup was SSH, windmills, mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Wallers
THE THANG: Today we honored my good friend and mentor Retired Sgt Thomas McNamara. He served in the Army in Vietnam and when he returned he joined the NYCTP dept in 1973. He was the Pipe Major of the Transit Poloce Emerald Society, the band played at wedding. I was his driver on many occasions and we always ran into some interesting situations. Sgt Mac retired after 9/11 and we lost him on July 5th of this year. He was a great boss,great cop amd great friend. So today we did
5 Pullups
15 Big Boys
20 Curls with Cindy
25 OH Press with Cindy
30 Bent over rows
Ran down the hill to the stop sign
Rinse and Repeat
Most got 8 or more rounds

MARY: 2 ab exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party
COT: Prayers and praises

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Simple, but not easy

A frozen dozen met at The Honey Badger for a simple but not easy beatdown. Here’s what we did:
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
– 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
– 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
– Mosey to Track

Capoot Hero WOD
Officer James Lowell Capoot, of the Vallejo Police Department, died November 17, 2011, in the line of duty while chasing after an armed man suspected of robbing a bank. The 45-year-old, who lived in Vacaville, CA, joined the Vallejo Police Department in 1993 and served as a motorcycle officer, motorcycle instructor, driving instructor, and SWAT officer. He received two medals of courage, including one life-saving medal, as well as many other department commendations.

– 100 Merkins
– Run 2 laps
– 75 Merkins
– Run 3 laps
– 50 Merkins
– Run 4 laps
– 25 Merkins
– Run 5 laps

Ab Lab
– 10 LBCs (IC)
– 20 Flutters (IC)
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Hello Dollys (IC)
– 10 Boxcutters (IC)
– 10 SSHs (IC)

Today’s workout was proof that it can be simple and still difficult. No PowerPoints needed. No extra explanation. Just Merkins and running. Do enough, and you feel it.

How many times in life do we make things more difficult than they need to be? We worry about things that never materialize. We make excuses to not do something because it might be uncomfortable. We worry ourselves with ornate scenarios we create in our minds that have little to no basis in reality. Sometimes we need to just do the thing. Face it. Do it. Win it. Move on.


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