The Coop take 2

Humid 75 degree morning. Fort Mill, SC Nation Ford High School or better known at 0515 as The Coop.
See and recognize about 10 guys. we have the normal gloom what ups.
0514 rolls around DOAH says hey hope you don’t mind I’ve got a videographer with me. Doing some spotlight piece on wellness for his CO-OP. I say whatever you need to show up is good with me. I give a terrible disclaimer and were off.
Mosey around parking lot with some dynamic stretching here and there.
Circle up warm ups- SSH, Merkins, 6 inch hold, flutter, windmill, peter parkers, mtn. climbers.
Mosey to pull up bars. series of pull ups and merkins
Out to road. Bear crawl down the hill.
Go to the wall. Balls to wall while we work our way down the Pax so everyone broad jumps. Hurry up this hurts.
Mosey to basketball court. partner up 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 big boy sit-ups. you and your partner hold each other accountable.
a couple guys had to leave early so 10 burpee buyout.
if you and your partner finished early start doing burpees until all finished.
At this point I hope the video guy knows how to fix the sound we had a lot of moaning and complaining.
all finished here up the hill for one last set pullups and then a little burpee buy out also.
praise for Dark Helmet sister, prayers for bounty hunters friends who had pregnancy issue. Marriages, travel.

Thanks for having me out to Q Punchlist.

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Blockparty- Just work

Blockparty- WEP- The original home F3thefort.
Always great to Q anywhere but especially fun to come home to where you were introduced to this crazy group of HIMS.
THe tweet that went out this week was simple I was not trying to take you from your normal post site but I did promise if you came here you would have to put in real work.
Lets start- Disclaimer by fast mosey to small parking lot outside of park area.
Circle up for warmups. 15-20 of each of the following
SSH, Mtn. Climbers, flutter kicks, Merkins, windmills
Mosey to building with knee walls- 15 box jumps, 15 dips, 15 derkins- 3 sets drop 5 each time.
Plank while Q discusses discernment and the need for accountablitiy.
Mosey to wall- chair sits while everyone broad jumps past the line.
Next plank with feet up on wall while pax bear crawl past.
Hold Al Gore while pax lunge walks past.
Mosey to flag pole- Pledge of Allegiance.
Hill time- 11s- 1 at bottom 10 at top. 2/9 etc. merkin at bottom Big boy situp at top.
Mosey to COT.
Announcements, Prayers, Praises.
Backdraft out.

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Dance Party at Varsity

Nine men came out to the party.  Weather was perfect.
Warm up
Mosey Run
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1: Elevens
Pull ups at the top of the hill
Bobby Hurleys at bottom
Start at bottom of hill

Thang 2: Global Warming
side shuffle in a circle and call exercises
Bobby Hurleys
Mountain Climbers
OH claps
Arm Circles

Thang 3: Sally Routine
Low plank/high plank [Flower by Moby]

Five minutes of Mary
Abs: LBC, freddie mercury,

Word of the month is: Salvation
This verse spoke to me: Matthew 7:13. Reminds me of the guardrails we need in our lives.
The Narrow and Wide Gates
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Prayers/Praises include: all the school kids at home and the energy they have during the summer months.

music playlist:
Takin’ care of business (BTO)
Big Bottom (Spinal Tap)
Back Door Man (the Doors)
the Man (the Killers)
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
My Hero (Foo Fighters)
Fire (Jimi Hendrix)
19th nervous breakdown (rolling stones)
Today (Smashing pumpkins)

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Gemini Birthday Bash

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot near the tennis courts

COP: Hillbilly Walkers(20x), Imperial Walkers (15x), 1 min of 7 burpees and 33 SSH, 3x

Mosey to the band’s practice parking lot

Jack Webb Style with Crackin Burpees for the 1 and Bobby Hurley for the 4 with 3-4 partners for encouragement

Bomb Jacks (100x), Overhead Claps (200x), Merkins (100x), Big Boy Sit Ups (100x), Squats (200x)


On this glorious day, we followed our own advice of not “going it alone.” So we decided to lock shields to celebrate the 40th birthday of two Geminis that were born two days apart. We are humbled and honored by the love and support of our F3 brothers for our birthday bash. We can’t thank you enough.

As we turn 40 years old, we understand that we are progressing into the next season of life. Age 0 to 20 is the spring season where we identify who we are. Age 20 to 40 is the summer season where we learn and grow. Age 40 to 60 is the fall season where we influence others. Age 60+ is the winter season where we share wisdom with others.

What season of life are you in? Own it. Celebrate life and your season daily.


Deacon & Shady

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Why Do We Have To Do So Many Wheelbarrows?

Punchlist and YHC finishes up a preruck because what is sleep? We finished up and saw a few familiar faces in the parking lot. After a quick disclaimer we started off on a mosey.

Warmup in a parking lot consisting of:


-Hillbilly Walkers

-Imperial Walkers

-Low Slow Squats

-Honeymooner/ Downward Dog


-Probably something else too

Next we continued our mosey down towards the wall for some wall sits. Starting on the ends pop out, 3 burpees and back on the wall until everyone completed their burpees. Rinse and repeat, but with 5 burpees this time around.

After that was over we moseyed back to the park when we stumbled upon some cones. Not entirely sure on the distance between the cones but it was a Very Fair distance. Partner up, and wheelbarrow to the middle cone. Each partner does 25 Merkins. Flapjack on who’s the wheel and who’s the barrow to the next cone. Complete 25 Squats. Repeating this pattern decreasing by 5 until we reached Zero.

Next we used the cones and lunge walked to them completing more squats at each cone. Can’t remember what number we did of them.

After some quick thinking, we made our way to the playground for some Dora. Merkins, Flutter Kicks and SSH. On our way back to COT, lined up for 1 sprint. I was hoping to do more sprints but time was up.

Thanks to Esso for the opportunity!


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Hillbillies on the Loose at The Coop

Wednesdays are great. You’re in the middle of the workout week and your body and mind are prime to push things a bit. Today was no exception at the Coop.

No FNGs. Disclaimer was disclaimed. Off we went.

Slow mosey around the parking lot and pretty much back to the COT area for the COP:

15-30 of the following, keeping folks off balance:
* WM
* IW

Then off to the track for the following:

Hillbilly 12s:

You vs you, as far as you can push it. 12 rounds of the following:

  1. 12 burping hillbillies (BH), then 1 humping hillbilly (HH), then one lap running the track (400m)
  2. 11 BH, then 2 HH, then 1 lap
  3. 10 BH, 3 HH, 1 lap
  4. 9 BH, 4 HH, 1 lap
  5. so on and so on until done.
  • burping hillbillies (BH) = a burpee but instead of a jump at the end you do a good knees to elbows hillbilly walker
  • humping hillbillies (HH) = a monkey humper transitioned to a hillbilly walker
  • Focus on getting the form right, don’t cheat yourself!!

Most completed 8-9 rounds, a few completed more. Everyone did great!! There was a lot of good mumblechatter as always with the Coop group, as well as some good ol fashioned complaining which means I did something right. If I can get Alchemy to slow down then I know I picked a good workout routine.

Kudos to those PAX who said they are not runners, that they do not like running –  they ran well the WHOLE TIME and pushed themselves. That’s how you get better at a weakness.

We do not do enough regular running / cardio in my opinion. We made up for that today. About 3 miles running plus around 80 BH and HH. Cardio health is the key to your longevity. Do not slack on it!!

Back to COT for Announcements, P&P.

Thanks Punch List for the opportunity to lead.



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We were blessed with a breath-taking views of the moon settling and the sun rising. What a great way to start the day! YHC posted a whole two minutes early to prove the Twitter mumble – chatterers wrong. LOL. Each #HIM shared their struggles in COT. Our discussion gave us a common lesson learned: limit our time with electronic devices. Electronic devices are consuming our time and driving our behaviors. The same goes for our children.

The Thang:

Mosey to the playground near Sugar Creek Elementary

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), Clappers (15x)

Mosey to the JROTC Building: Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the bottom, pull ups at the top 9x

Mosey to the parking lot: Burpee Broad Jumps 30 yards and then run to the end of the parking lot and back 2x. One round of Wind Sprints.

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary: Balls to the wall, People’s Chair 3x


To be a high impact man, you must be intentional with your time. Our time on this planet is very limited and life moves at a fast pace. Respond to the Great Commission by intentionally investing time to build God’s kingdom. Do not let the ways of the world distract you from His calling. Be intentional with your family by studying and serving them. Identify and address the needs of your wife and children.

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Duck’s Modified Manion 400-40-7

19 HIM + 1 FNG showed up at The Coop for another round of Duck Season.  Punch-List made the request to Q that night after YHCs VQ. Welcomed that offer and knew another solid #beatdown would be required. Took a bit for me to come up with a solid idea but after completing the 40 day challenge (Thanks Cakeboss) and the Travis Manion, 400-29-7, it came to me and Duck’s Modified Manion was born.

Arrived about 15 minutes early to get rucks and sandbags in place and look the area over once more . Dirty Harry was already on site. From the type and volume of the music coming from his SUV, I now understand why he is so pumped in the Gloom.

Circle Up

1 FNG on hand Robert Farmer, now and forever known as “Token” and a mess of veteran Pax ready to rock. Quick Disclaimer and we are off.

Snake around the parking lot on a brisk mosey -pickup 1 additional ruck and sandbag on the way and head to the FB field for the fun.

COP/ Warmup

20x SSH – 20x windmills- Drop to plank position and hold for enough time to sweat. Down to Supermans- hold 10 secs-+10 sec count down by Punch List-rest. Back to Superman- hold for 10 secs+ 15 sec count by Pothole. Move to Plank and hold- Quizzed Dirty Harry on how the DSM gave him a better perspective on Mental Toughness and Mental Health Awareness. As he pontificated on the subject apparently some in the circle (DrkH) felt the plank burn and mumble chatter ensued over the length of the answer not the substance of the answer.  Move to downward dog and into honeymooners 3x to get everyone a nice stretch.

Recover and move to the end-zone.

The Thang- “Duck’s Modified Manion 400-40-7”

Tribute to the Travis Manion WOD and the 40 day challenge we concluded at the beginning of April.

7 Rounds to Complete- done in any order due to the limited number of coupons and the large number of Pax.

  1. 400 meter run- 40x merkins
  2. 400 meter run- 40x  Big Boy Situps
  3. Honor Round- Weighted 400 meter run- 40x weighted squats. On hand we had 12 gauge shells(60lbs), 16 gauge shells(40Lbs) and 20 gauge shells(30lb rucks). I did request the PAX”Man UP” on the 60s and magically the 60s were always in use. Great Work Men!
  4. 400 meter run-10x 4X4s- Found this little Gem on the Exicon- Burpee to plank-complete 4 merkins and 4 2ct mountain climbers and back to your feet.. Rinse and Repeat.  For some reason the PAX did not particularly like this new exercise. Lots of chatter on this. One PAX used the term “hate” to describe it but, they all worked through it.
  5. 400 meter run- 20/leg Single Dead Lift- Thank Punch list for that bad idea, feeling it now.
  6. 400 meter run- 40x Crab Cakes
  7. 400 meter run – 40x Bomb Jacks

Well, YHC has heard stories of PAX Splashing Merlot but never had it happen at an AO I was at. Well that changed today on my 2nd Q. Somewhere around round 5-6 our newly adopted Pax, Token, had to leave the the line of sight to take care of that business.  YHC thinks it was the weighted run and squats that did him in. He rebounded well to finish the morning off in stride. Good On ya Token, Welcome!

Big Shoutout to Blart w/ F3 Naiperville IL who posted with us today. Good 2ndF on the track with him.

With 2 minutes to spare quick Mosey back to COT. IT issues killed the video somehow.

Praises- Smokey’s father is home recuperating after a heart attack and by pass last week.

Prayers- Cornerstone mentioned a friend that had a relapse of cancer. Prayers for PAX traveling on business. Stang continued prayers after the loss of Pappy. Missing one or two I’m sure.

Thanks Punch List  For the opportunity to lead a Great group of #HIM. Reach out anytime. Good Times were had by ALL, I think?!?

Duck Dynasty


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Start of May at the Coop…the Murph, partner style

15 men joined YHC to make 16 total at the Coop this morning. Simple weinkie…important concept.

Mosey to football field.


  • 20 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 windmills
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 15 big arm circles
  • 5 burpees OYO

Kept it short…we would need the time.

The Thang

Simple…partner Murph. Straightforward exercise, but the key was to stick with your partner and encourage/push him along the way.

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull ups
  • 200 push up
  • 300 air squats
  • 1 mile run


Announcements – Memorial Day CSAUP, Ruck Heavy this weekend.

Prayers for travelers, UNCC school shooting, teachers in general.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Punch List.


The partner theme was appropriate this morning. During the course of the morning with the PAX, I learned about a member of The Fort that has had marital troubles and subsequently split from his wife and another whose marriage is in a difficult patch as well.

It may or may not have been the case with these men in particular, but as sinners, we are incapable of living up to the standard that Christ set for us and as a result, we make poor decisions that often lead to terrible consequences. The funny thing is that often times, these decisions are made at times in our lives where we think we are at our best (pride comes before the fall). Our pride and self-righteousness blinds us to the efforts of the enemy that is constantly looking for ANY opportunity to tear down, separate, and destroy.

One of the best ways to fight this lifelong battle is to find a partner to do battle with. Someone that will push you, lift you up, and most importantly, hold you accountable (just like you will do for them). Someone that will recognize your pride and the small poor decisions that always lead to big poor decisions and check you before they tear you down. Someone that will constantly encourage you to put yourself 3rd, serving Christ first and your wife and family second. This is what we are called to do for each other.

If you don’t have a partner that believes in the same set of values and has similar goals as you do, do yourself and your family a favor and find one. We are not designed to go through our lives alone and unchecked.

– Ginsu




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 – Not a professional, you assume all risk

 – Stretch; front fold/squat, rotate, arm stretch upward

– Mosey to field > jog to 50, sprint; repeat NOT A BREAK, GET HEART RATE UP

– Warmup; SSH, Windmill, imperial Walker

 – The seeds of discontent will yield a legacy of damaged fruit. >> WHAT FRUIT DID THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FATHER YIELD?

 20 X’s – Everything in cadence, NO OYO

 @ End zone

– Squats, IC > toy soldier to 20

– Monkey Humpers, IC > lunges to 40

– Jumping squats, single ct. > long jumps to 40

– Calf raises 3 ways, single ct. > butt kickers to 20

– Low slow Squat, IC > duck walk to end zone

– Air squared (squat w overhead clap), IC

– Jog to 50, sprint to end zone [X’s 2]

 – A father is the defining relationship in the Shortys life. If a father is loving and warm he provides a template of success for relationships in their future. >> WHAT TYPE OF FRUIT DO WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO YIELD? NOT JUST OUR WORDS BUT OUR ACTIONS.

 – Repeat X’s 15

 – What do we as father’s have to sacrifice? i.e. jester, time, money, interests. >> FOR THOSE W OLDER KIDS, HOW ABOUT NOT LETTING THEM LEARN FROM THIER OWN FAILURES? CORNHOLE’s MESSAGE @ BLOCK PARTY

 – Repeat X’s 10

 – Repeat X’s 5


– Doing this so our kids can be free. No more virtuous act that a man can do. RETURN ON INVESTMENT. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”

 – Count off

– Name O’Rama

– Prayers/Praises

– Prayer


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