Hills & Thrills

WARMUP: run to starting point – Academy & Monroe by churches
THE THANG: 4 street hill repeats with pain stations station 1) 20 Merks 20 squats 20 seal jacks
Station 2) 10 burps 10 shoulder taps 10 Peter Parker’s
Station 3) 30 plank jacks 30 sumo squats 30 lbc’s
Station 4) 15 monkey jumpers 15 big boy sit-up 15 calf raises

MARY: flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: spartin beast November 19th
COT: check

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Running in circles with push ups

Started with the pledge at 0514

WARMUP: ran up to the post office.  Circled up for 10 SSHs and 10 Cherry Pickers IC

THE THANG: Partnered up and each PAX was supposed to split up and run in opposite directions until they met back up (ran toward Leroy Street).  When they met up the team would do 50 Merkins.  Each pax would then continue to run back toward the post office.  When meeting there they would do 50 LBCs.  PAX would keep running to meeting spot on Leroy Street and do 50 Dry Docks, then 50 Hello Dollies at the post office.
Rinse and repeat until 0555 and headed back to COT for a little broga until 0600

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for those affected by hurricane

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The Bushwood Gamble

While I tagged the entire PAX from both AOs, the BB is only for Bushwood.
WARMUP: Essentially non-existent. We ran to the bottom of the hill on the backside of the school. We then NUR’d about 75 yards back up the hill then ran back down to the benches for 30 Derkins. We then did 15 pull-ups, ran to the stop sign, NUR’d back for 15 more pull-ups & planked for the 6.
THE THANG: Run back to the parking lot for the deck of cards:
For the 1st-Timers, each suit is an exercise and each card represents the reps (Ace=14).
Hearts: Jump Squats
Diamonds: Diamond Merkins
Spades: Carolina Dry Docks
Clubs: V-Ups
For the other 4 cards, ya know, the ones that have the ads or some other nonsense on them, those were 25 American Hammers I/C.
MARY: Included in the above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the NYT article, watch (record) Fox News at midnight tonight for additional F3 sharing. Be grateful for this brotherhood and welcome the FNGs.
COT: You had to be there.

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Chad 1000 Conditioning

WARMUP: Rucked to Trailhead Park; 10 mins of park bench step-ups with rucks on; AMRAP
THE THANG: Rucked to the top of Powerline Hill, came back down the hill, and retro-rucked (walked backwards) back up to the top of the hill; rucked back to AO base.
MARY: Is soap in the mouth still as effective as it was when we were kids?
COT: Stays in COT

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Don’t Call it a Comeback

14 HIMs gathered with YHC on this cool morning at the Armory to celebrate a return to a KB workout for me. Some came to celebrate, some came to ridicule and some were just curious. Nonetheless, I was prepared with a Weinke and ready to get after it and get better.

The Thang

Uhaul started the music with a request for 80’s rap. Some glorious songs were played. Thanks Uhaul!

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot


SSH x 20
MNC x 10
IW x 10
Hillbillies x 10
Mtn climbers x 10
Windmills x 10
Mixed in Burpee ladder to 5 throughout

Mosey back to the KBs and Partner up

Tabata workout for 1 minute

Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 rests then switch

Round 1
KB swings/Military Press
Goblet squats/Lunge w Exchange
Merkins/Bench press
Take a lap

Round 2
Switch exercises
Take a lap

Round 3
Bent over rows/CDD
Jump squats/bombjacks
Mtn Climbers/Plank jacks
Take a lap

Round 4
Switch exercises

Round 5
Redo Round 1 since YHC messed it up

1 minute of Mary

YHC got off to a slow start with the Q and added 30 seconds to the Tabata to ensure each Pax got 3 rounds. Will do better next time

– Prayers for Dave and Marianne from Jwow
– Anniversaries this week for Dojo and Maximus
-Patience for Bonsai dealing with teen girls
-Respectable birthday for Santini
– Praise for Emma back at dance

– Jwow gave me a KB. Thanks buddy!
– Dojo is someone who is accelerating. Keep up the great work!

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Sweet home AL

WARMUP: pledge
THE THANG: Alabama route 2mi. BASS exercises Bombjacks, American hammers, Squats, SSHs. 10 ea. 2 stops. 2 laps or 2nd lap circle up main and back to COT x2 for 3mi total.
MARY: PAX choice
ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup this Sat. Shooting in Nov.
COT: praises prayers.

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Limited miles and no smiles

WARMUP: Quick warmup ruck around the back of the school to the front entry drive for COP.
– Plank into downward dog, honeymooner, L arm high and R arm high.
– Windmill


Ruck to trailhead park. While in route, there was some chatter/concern that we were headed to “the hill” for a second week in a row. As much as I love taking the hill, I had something a little different planned…an early intro to prep for The Chad.
– 100 step ups
– 100 squats (ruck on)
– 100 irkens

With 30 minutes left on the clock, we rucked back to the school for some field work.

Cones were placed every 20 yards (approx). 4 segments out / 4 segments back. 5 ruck man makers to start and at each turn.

– MOT = bear crawl / 10 ruck on merkins at each cone

– MOT = Lunge walk with ruck overhead / 25 ruck rows at each cone

– MOT = Bear crawl ruck drag / 10 BBSU at each cone

– MOT = Lunge walk with ruck front carry / 25 DC flutter press at each cone

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Support the shoe drive.

COT: Prayers for safety, health, peace and trust in the Sky Q.

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“….how many reps did you say???”

WARMUP: Mosey, Windmill, Plank, Merkins, Tricep stretches

8 Pain Stations w parking lot lap in between.

Station #1 – Shoulders
15 Single Arm upright row
15 Single Arm shoulder press
15 Halo

Station # 2 – Biceps
15 Single Arm bicep curl
20 two hand bicep curl
15 two hand upright curl

Station #3 – Chest
15 single arm chest press
20 close grip Push-up on KB
15  chest press

Station #4 – Triceps (the crowd favorite)
15 skull 💀 crushers
15 tricep kickback
15 over head tricep extension

Station #5 – Legs
15 Goblet squat
15 dead lift
15 calf raise

Station #6 – Core
15 KB Swings
30 single count plank pull through
20 double count flutter press

Station #7 – Shoulders
15 Single Arm upright row
15 Single Arm shoulder press
15 Halo

Station # 8 – Biceps
15 Single Arm bicep curl
20 two hand bicep curl
15 two hand upright curl

MARY:  Ab – 25 LBC, 20 flutter w KB hold
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for BBQ 🍗 ahead of time, 10 year celebration at the Print Shop had over 120 show WOW!
COT: Thanks for opportunity to lead today!

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“Shop Vacs- Cinderblock of pain”

WARMUP: Mosey and Circle up, exercises for starters
THE THANG: Cinder block work- 15 shoulder Presses- a lap(with cider Block) x2, 20 curls- a lap (with block)x2, 15 uprights-a lap (with Block) x2, 20 Bench press-a lap(block) x2, 20 merkins on block- a lap (with block) x2, 10 manmakers- a lap(with block) x2. Then transitioned to pull up bars and did elevens, 10 pull ups and to bottom of hill 1 merkin, 9 & 2, 8&3 and so on! some finished!
MARY: ran out of time- Read a Sean Kelley prayer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for Marriages , I forget the specifics

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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