Show up if you want pullups. Show up if you don’t

Polish Mating Dance – in honor of Kielbasa’s return
Scapular merkins
regular Merkins
Cherry pickers

Today’s message: Whatever you’re dealing with, just hang in there. Cat posters to follow.


Mosey to pullup bars
Split into 2 groups due to size
1 minute dead hang
1 minute plank
1 minute dead hang
1 minute Al Gore
1 minute dead hang
1 minute people’s chair

Yog to the track
Tabata sprints
20 seconds all out sprint
20 seconds rest
3 out (only tell them about the 3)
3 back
Make it back to where you started
Bear crawl to cover missed distance

Yog to the pullup bars

Toes 2 bar/knees to elbows
Run down the hill
Run back up the hill

Pecker pointers
Hello Dollys
Dying cockroaches


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The Forts fastest AO

Tuesday July 12th seabiscuit becomes the Forts newest official AO. Join us in the parking lot of Blues smokehouse @5:15am at the corner of Doby’s bridge rd and the bypass. This is going to be a speed based running AO, geared towards improving overall speed. If you’re not fast, then this is for you. If you are fast, this is also for you. It’s kinda like Disney, there’s something for everyone.

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Broga amd a Beatdown

WARMUP: Sasquatch started with some Broga to warm us up
THE THANG: We had a choice of two exercises per round.
125 SSH and or Merkins
100 SQUATS and or Mountain CLIMBERS
50 Pull ups and or Knees to chest


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F3 Dads and 2.0s – Kickball

Just learning how to do this and getting caught up

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hurdler’s Stretch

Kickball Rules
1. Sportsmanship – Cheer everyone on!
2. May throw the ball at the body below the head to get an out. Ball thrown at head, batter advances to next base. This is F3 kickball, not World Kickball Championships. Light throws only please.
3. 1 inning for kids – all kids bat. Go back to cheer on team if called out.
4. 1 inning for Dads is 3 outs
5. Bunting allowed
6. Other normal kickball rules: fly ball caught is an out. No stealing bases or lead offs. Ball is dead once pitcher has it. Foul ball on 3rd strike is an out.

Dad only rules:
1. May not walk or run. Can use crab walk, bear crawl, or throwing standing. Including on base running. Fast lunge walk does not count.
2. May only kick with non dominant leg. This is left left for most.
3. Penalty for breaking rules: ALL dads do 5 burpees.

Kicking team gets an out: 10 LBCs
Hit against your team: 10 mtn climbers
Run scores against your team: 10 SSH
Home run against your team: 10 burpees
Grand slam against your team: 10 Kraken burpees


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“Just the Facts, Ma’am.” pt 2.

It was a glorious 75 degree gloom today, complete with humidity and dew. The air was saturated from the storms overnight. Along the ride there was a Shield & Splinter sighting – running all the way from Regent Park. Animals.

YHC rolled into the AO in a good mood, made even better by the sighting of Dirty Harry waiting in the parking lot. To top it off, Albatross showed up the day after his FNG post. The man’s got gumption.



Disclaimer was disclaimed, then we walked through the 5 core principles. YHC was excited to deliver the pain this morning.



SSH x 34 IC

Merkins x 7 IC

Six Count Burpess x 5 IC

Jump Lunges x 8 Each Side



Quick mosey to adjacent lot.


1 Squat : 4 Squat Pulses up to 10:40. The PAX dropped it like it was hot.

Walk Like an Egyptian

This is a lunge hold Indian run. Take a step in a lunge, hold it, PAX in rear sprints to front. Step forward with other leg, hold while PAX in rear sprints to front. Repeat until you arrive at your destination.

Luckily our destination was only 50 or so yards… but the burn was felt.


1 6-Count Burpee : 4 Bear Crawl Steps up to 10:40. YHC called the cadence throughout to keep the PAX together.

Mosey to field to complete final iteration.


1 Merkin : 4 OH Claps up to 10:40. The shoulders were on fire for the duration of this iteration.

5 Min of Mary

Protractor into Rosalita’s x 10

Flutters x 10

American Hammers x 10

Gas Pumpers x 10 (at the discretion of Dirty Harry)



Today’s workout was pleasant – most would disagree – but the mutual suck endured alongside my brothers quickly became fun for YHC. I wanted to cut the movements short multiple times, but we don’t wake up at 0430 to half ass it.

I’ve been struggling to post as of late, and to be honest I am not happy with myself about it. I ran into Esso on Monday at Publix, and the camaraderie gained from posting quickly translates into the world a sense of community and belonging. He promised he’d come to my Q, and much to my delight, he did as he said. This community we have in F3 is not to be taken for granted, even by a kotter like myself. I am better when I post. Not only because of the 1st F. It’s because of the 2nd F that we all enjoy so much, followed by the 3rd F in putting our community and faith above ourselves. We push each other to be better daily. It starts with showing up.

Who is in your world that would benefit from this?



Bethel Men’s Shelter tonight – and every first Thursday of the month. Hit up Poppins for info.


Prayers & Praises

Larry & Patty Pettus

DH’s Father in Law – Roger

Splinter’s friend getting herniated disc surgery

Albatross’ weekend trip to Chucktown and him focusing on getting his thoughts straight


Poppins – thanks for bringing me out to lead at The Ranch.


Punch List out.

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The Spirit of the AO

Merkins x 10
Donkey Kicks x 10 OYO
SSH x 34

THE THANG: Treehugger WOD – “Crossett Fit Games” honoring our fallen brother from F3 Lehigh Valley.

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 V-sits (ups)
30 Merkins
40 yd Broad Jump Burpees
50 yd Heart Chargers
1/2 Mile Run

Finished out with a few flutters at the end

Q Source Tuesdays – hit up Backdraft
Straight Up is tired of male apathy – and he’s doing something about it. Hit him up about raising strong sons and forming a strong male community around those sons.

Praise for Straight Up’s 2.0, Yoshi, going on his first mission trip
Praise for El Spaniard taking his family to visit extended family in Portugal for a month
Prayers for YHC (and all of us dads) for our abilities to connect with 2.0’s and lead right.

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Independence Day 1776 Challenge

Good morning America! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Soupy muggy morning. We had one FNG EH’d by Beaker, so the full disclaimer was disclaimed and off we went to the NaFo track.

WARMUP: None. Got right into it.

The Main Event: The 1776 Challenge
7 laps of 400m along with 1776 exercises as follows (everything single count unless otherwise noted):
* 50 burpees
* 100 calf raises (50 regular, 50 toes out)
* 100 ski abs (double count)
>> Run 400m
* 100 ‘merkins
* 100 LSS
* 100 LBC
>> Run 400m
* 100 CDD
* 100 jump squat
* 100 American hammer (DC)
>> Run 400m
* 100 OH clap
* 100 mountain climbers (DC)
* 100 hello dolly
>> Run 400m
* 100 wide-arm merkin
* 100 jump lunge (DC)
* 100 flutter kicks (DC)
>> Run 100m
* 100 plank shoulder taps (DC)
* 100 hillbilly walkers
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m crab walk
* 100 SSH
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m bear crawl
>> Run 400m
* 26 burpees
>> Run 400m

It was a total sweat fest this morning, but so worth it. Not much mumblechatter after a while, but A LOT of pain. The fellowship helped alot…..seeing your fellow PAX push through things makes you want to push as well. Thank you everyone for the push!

Capped it all off with a gorgeous sunrise and Pledge of Allegiance at COT, along with some announcements and P&Ps.

Special kudos for Clickbait for opening up his home for anyone who does not have anywhere or anyone to go celebrate the holiday with. #HIM

7-4-1776 was a BIG day in the history of this world. Not only is it the birth of our great nation, but it was a loud exclamation to the world that freedom reigns and is worth fighting for. We exercise our freedoms every day whether we know it or not, from being able to wake up early and go work out with like-minded men, voice our opinions on whatever topic in however means, practice whatever religion or belief system we choose, or choose not to practice any type religion or belief system – all without fear of persecution. There are some people in this country who are challenging these various freedoms, not knowing that they themselves are exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right to challenge the status quo and advocate change. Many countries would severely persecute that type of vocality. Yet we as a nation allow and even foster it, for through adversity, change, and pain comes growth, wisdom, and strength.

During your various Independence Day celebrations please take time out to give thanks for the many things we have (i.e., blessings) as well as our many various freedoms, however you may define them, including – IMO most importantly – the freedom to speak up and make change happen, however large or small the magnitude, scope, and/or scale. That’s what happened on 7-4-1776, on a great scale and magnitude, and has continued since. The United States of America as a whole is never stagnant, it is always evolving. Hopefully for the better. It is by no means perfect either (what made of man is?), but it could most definitely be worse in many many ways. It is up to each one of us, exercising our various freedoms, to ensure we as a nation continue to move forward and get better in some way every day. Change happens through action, not just words. The mission behind F3 is to plant. serve, and grow small workout groups for the purpose of invigorating male community leadership. Keep at it, continue to BE the change you want to see in this world through not just your words but your actions. Give it away, for when you do YOU help facilitate positive change in others.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Happy Birthday America!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Blessed and thankful for every one of you F3 The Fort PAX that are in my life. SYITG.

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Run and Gun Work

THE THANG: Ran to WEP where we ran the loop then ran the loop again stopping at each bench to do 10 merkins and 10 squats…rinse and repeat.
COT: thanks to Jekyl for the opportunity to lead.

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Hot Potato at Ring of Fire 🔥

WARMUP:  Imagineer took on some impromptu VQ action and led our warmup.  
THE THANG: hot potato Q that involved the pax, lots of running, bench work, pull ups, quadzilla, dora, and other fun things
MARY: Kaiser finished with Mary.  Lots of abdominal pain filled fun
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter 7/7
COT: congrats to Shield on 19 years of marriage and Harry Careys 100 post of the year

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Hot Potato at Ring of Fire 🔥

WARMUP:  Imagineer took on some impromptu VQ action and led our warmup.  
THE THANG: hot potato Q that involved the pax, lots of running, bench work, pull ups, quadzilla, dora, and other fun things
MARY: Kaiser finished with Mary. Lots of abdominal pain filled fun
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter 7/7
COT: prayers spoken and unspoken – be a light in the darkness

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