What’s the count?

Big crowd at Clydesdales this morning. The planned route was followed by some and others took their own path. Twister has a new pair of shoes. Apparently, they were out of all the men’s colors.

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Citadel Cendoff

WARMUP: Jackalope soon to be off to Citadel got good practice leading the PAX in COP. Chip off of Bojangles block.

Mostly Merkins squats and LBCs today. Got in 2.5 with some Dora and hill work.

COT: Prayers for our kids and teachers going back to school. And for 2.0 mental health. We also prayed for and blessed StateFarm and Jackalope as well their fathers (and mothers) for strong leadership and embarking not only college but at Citadel. Aye!

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The Forts fastest AO

Tuesday July 12th seabiscuit becomes the Forts newest official AO. Join us in the parking lot of Blues smokehouse @5:15am at the corner of Doby’s bridge rd and the bypass. This is going to be a speed based running AO, geared towards improving overall speed. If you’re not fast, then this is for you. If you are fast, this is also for you. It’s kinda like Disney, there’s something for everyone.

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white(snake)ville park

WARMUP: complaints about heat/humidity then pledge and then a slightly below average description of the workout (sorry backdraft and quack)

THE THANG: run to Whiteville Park neighborhood. snake/zipper through neighborhood starting out going left on Leroy to start. 10 wide arm merkins every left intersection/corner, 10 squats every center crossing (springs), 10 diamond merkins every right intersection/corner.

Then mosey back to CoT

average was about 70 reps of each exercise and 3.5miles

MARY: mostly dysfunctional

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Bday Jekyll

COT: praise to #thefort on bringing home the 2022 hog and coyote trophy

Thanks for the opportunity Jekyll, was an honor to lead the men this morning.

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Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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Shield Lock Brothers Take On 6 Of The Finest Pax At The Fort, 2 Scared Pax Ran Trails

Cheddah led us for the first half

Warm up – cherry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers, mountain climbers

Balls 2 wall/wall sits for 2 rounds

Run to the hill in front of Pike

Jacobs Ladder
Start with 10-Hand release merkins Bear crawl up the hill then 1-big boy sits ups, Crawl bear back down. the mode of transportation changed from bear crawls/crawl bears, lunges/reverse lunges, run/nur

YHC took over after 30min

Run to the wall across from veterans park

10 Muscle up

Catch me if you can Indian run with 2 burpees to each stop

First stop the top of hill by Fortmill church of God

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat

Second stop Hill st and unity st near the cemetery

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC

Third stop WEP at HWY 160

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC


Read your news letter.

Grinder Thanks for the opportunity for us to lead

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Get the Plank outta here

Shoulder stretch each side
Knees to chest 30 yard stretch
Front lunge 30 yard stretch
Reverse lunge 30 yard stretch
Side lunge 30 yard stretch each side

Mosey toward the pull up bars on the south side of campus. Pretty long run for a boot camp, so we stopped to do 20 merkins and 20 LBCs. Cont’d mosey to pull up bars.

At the asphalt roadway in front of the bars, we split group into two groups of 3. All PAX planked while one member of each group bear crawled to the pull up bars, did 5 pull ups, and ran back to the group and returned to plank. PAX held plank and rotated until all pull ups were completed.

The same format with same movement was repeated but the exercises changed to:
20 merkins
5 pull ups
20 LBCs
5 pull ups

Brief message on Concentrica and making the M feel like they are the most important relationship. Do something today to let her know, don’t wait for Mothers Day.

From there we moseyed to Band Lot.
Standing on the Goal Line (thanks for clarifying Yard Sale), sprint to other goal line and hold plank. Recover and sprint back. Recover.

Next, 50 yard sprint with 5 Imperial Squat Walkers, then sprint to opposite goal line and plank. Recover and repeat back to original goal.

Next, 25 yard sprint with 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (25, 50, 25) across the field to opposite goal line. Plank for the 6. Recover. Repeat back to original goal line. Recover.

Legs were heavy and not a lot of sprinting going on.

Yog back to CoT.

Flutters IC

RSVP for Cyclops bourbon and BBQ fundraiser on 5/21. Blood drive is next week on 5/12. Trash pick up on 5/14. Read your newsletter, lots going on.

Follow up on message about Concentrica. Had a recent meeting with my supervisor/professional mentor and experienced an honest conversation of two men on opposite sides of the work/life balance. On one side, personal life going well, but work is tough. On the other side, “excelling” at work but have no time left for family. Through the course of the meeting, the mentor/mentee roles reversed. PAX, be intentional on making the main things the main things. Be present and take care of those closest to you – your Concentrica.

Prayers for those suffering through recent loss, prayers for those with illness, praise for birthdays and celebrating the joys of life.

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