Official Manion WOD

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags) some PAX run it
7 rounds

With about 10 minutes left on the clock @PunchList led us on some much needed broga.

-convergence/invergence tomorrow at WEP
-AMRAP for Autism event tomorrow at Mathew’s Sport Complex

@What did led us on prayer, thank you for your visit brother!

TClap |

Miles, Merkins, and Bear Crawls

Warmup: 55 SSH (IC) (While we had a visit from the boys in blue)

The Thang:

Merkin Mile part 1. Runde to Marina parking lot.

Run .25 miles – 25 Merkins

Run .25 miles-25 HR Merkins

Run .25 miles – 25 Merkins

Run .25 miles – 25 HR Merkins.

We ended up by the Marina Parking Lot for stage 2 of the workout.

10 Minute EMOM

5 Diamond Merkins

10 LBC’s

15 2-ct Flutters

5 Diamond Merkins

I scaled this portion up as we went a long and we ended on

7 Diamond Merkins

15 LBC’s

15 2-ct Flutters

7 Diamond Merkins

To cool down from the EMOM we did 20 SSH (IC) and 10 Michael Phelps.

Merkin Mile Part 2. Marina to Runde Parking lot.

25 Merkins

Run.25 Miles (we bearcrawled a portion of this up “the hill” to keep everyone together)

Run .25 Miles – 25 HR Merkins

Run .25 Miles – 25 Regular Merkins

Run.25 Miles – 25 HR Merkins

All Told we finished 2 miles with 100 regular Merkins, 100 HR Merkins and 100(and change) of Diamond Merkins.

After some LBC’s IC and just about 20 minutes to go in the WO. I asked the PAX to choose between option 1 and option 2.

Of course Option 3 was selected. As a result I called (partially inspired by JWOW’s Q the previous day) to do a Bearcrawl Webb. For this one, and since it’s BAPOPS, I called a burpee bear Crawl Webb.

1Burpee-4 Bear Crawl Steps. We did it all in the Runde parking lot and got all the way up to 10-40.

With just a handful of minutes left we got down to the Basketball court where I planned a “tempo” cool down.

12 Low Slow Squats IC

12 Tempo Merkins IC

12 Big Boy Sit-ups IC

12 American Hammers IC

Then went to

10 Low Slow Squats

And….before I could call the Merkins Uber distracted us all with a Huge Osprey flying overhead. It was effective in that it got the PAX out of the Tempo was in-effective in that since we only had 60 seconds left it gave me the opportunity to call 10 Burpees OYO.

This was a great morning and great time to spend with the men. Thanks to all who posted and Skipper for the Opportunity!

TClap |

Prison Yard Beatdown

10  Pax converged at the rock on a cool Saturday morning 0630 for a full body beatdown led by Sasquatch and YHC.

*pre-pull-ups were completed by Skipper, Maximus, Sasquatch and YHC. All of them.

Sasquatch kicked the sesh off with a brief disclaimer and  a unique and effective warm-up that included:


5+ minute plank with upward dog, downward dog (with multiple variations)

Peter Parker

Parker Peter

Plank jacks


Wide-arm merkins

Now that the upper body and core were fired up we moseyed over to the playground where we completed:

3 sets of 5 pullups

5 toes to bar

10 partner clap pushups

wheelbarrow ~20 yards

2 sets of 5 curb merkins

5 curb burpees

5 curb sit-up-getups

1 set of 5 windmill merkins

YHC took over right at 0700 and brought the PAX back to the parking lot where we split into two groups, first group (A)  runs lap around park, stopping at all park benches to complete a number of exercises, return to parking lot and switch with group (B) who is completing exercises in cadence with good form (AMRAP):

1st lap, Group B- Deep squats (AMRAP), Group A – Runs with 10 dips each bench (20 total)

2nd Lap, Burpees (AMRAP) and Step-ups (20 total)

3rd lap, Monkey Humpers (AMRAP) and Derkins (total)

After much grumbling and some counting methods no better than our last few elections we switched it up and moved to front of parking lot for some more partner work.

First partner sprints to far end of parking lot, 2nd partner holds plank. We did 3 or 4 rounds

Finally we did some Mary for 3 minutes, flutter kicks in cadence and american hammers to get us to 0730 and COT.

Thanks for the opportunity Skipper!




TClap |

Are you running to or running from? And Duck Donuts


Monday, 3/7/2022

11 PAX – @Cubbie, @Vuvuzela, @Maximus, @Skipper, @Pusher, @Trucker, @38Special, @Shady, @FishSticks, @Badlands,@FireMarshallBill

Duck Dounts Workout Plan:

Run over to Brayden

Run 1 donut lap – 0.6 miles each

Complete next exercise

Donut lap is Emory to Helton, Helton to Emory


Lap 1 (Maple Bacon)

Exercise 1 – 20 Merkins

Lap 2 (Cookies and Cream)

Exercise 2 – 30 Dips on the curb

Lap 3 (Peanut Butter Paradise)

Exercise 3 – 50 squats

Lap 4 (Strawberry Shortcake)

Exercise 4 -Mountain Climbers – 50 each leg

Lap 5 (S’Mores)

Exercise 5 – Freddie Mercuries – 50 each leg

Extra Lap (Coconut Island Bliss) (@Vuvuzela, @Maximus, @Badlands, @Fishsticks, others??)

Exercise 6 – 50 Flutter Kicks

Head back for COT

PAX Notes:

Cubbie learned there are 5 rules to F3 not 3. Great start. Cubbie led PAX across 160 and went first while others decided not to become road meat, smart choice. We met at Emory and Helton by Brayden mailbox for workout plan. Trucker and 38Special got a head start, then ran in the reverse direction with Fire Marshall Bill. Cubbie ran with Skipper and helped with the hills. Mumblechatter helped push through. Vuvuzela, Badlands, and FishSticks led. Maximus, Shady, and Pusher followed in pursuit. Those 6 were able to complete Lap 6 / Exercise 6. Vuvu and Badlands stayed behind to catch remaining PAX and almost beat Cubbie back to COT.

4-5 miles ran

Covered plus/deltas for Cubbie VQ. Need more rest, less cardio in between running. Need to not shout at the nice Brayden neighbors during exercise explanation. Good plan with nice visuals and theme. Good workout, everyone seemed like they gave it 100%. There was some complaining about no actual Duck Donuts but the way I see it everyone had at least 5 while others went for half dozen.

Closing message before Announcements, Prayers, Closing Prayer – Are you running to or running from?:

STL is a running style workout. We are running around our communities, running for ourselves, running to be better men. We are running to these things – What are we running from? Is it that:

  • Anger that comes out when we are disciplining our children
  • The need to be in control
  • Joker in your life: Porn, Alcohol, drugs
  • Relationship with your wife that you want to improve that you don’t know how, with your children, with God

I had to start to get right in my mind to what I am running from. After being defeated, exhausted, and spent, I realized I couldn’t outrun my own Joker. By facing it head on, I was able to start that journey. I realized I need to be honest about myself and where I wanted to go. Most important I realized I could not go somewhere I had not gone before by using my same old mindset. I am not perfect and still struggle every day. But I try to be 1% better than the day before.

Start your journey today. Be honest about your struggle, get help professionally, join a Whetstone or Shieldlock, and start to attack your problems head on. And that is where each of us can become a better co-worker, leader, coach, Cub Scout leader, Dad, Husband, Son, and a man.

Honored to lead VQ. Thanks to those who showed and got stronger.

Cubbie out

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Insider baseball

Kaiser took the lead and started us off with the warmup.

We then proceeded to bear crawl together across the field. No one could pass the Q, and we stopped at regular intervals for some pain.

Next up was some Dora. Partnering up, one partner ran down the field and back, while the other worked on Merkins, squats, and LBCs. After LBCs for the 6, Kaiser passed the torch to Battle Bot.

Starting with reps of 10, we hit 10 burpees in the field and worked our way counter clockwise around the path. Pain stations were as follows in the map below

Lap 2 was 15 reps of each.

Some quick Mary, followed by COT, then coffeeteria at Tega Cay Deli

TClap |

Convergence: Love & a passing of the flag

Station 1 (Santini): Traditional Pain Platoon

Just your basic beat the hell out of your legs exercises of lunges, squats, and burpees intermixed with meditation and box breathing exercises. Sprint to the top of the hill, recover, and do more exercises including Moroccan night clubs and Carolina dry docks.

NMM: Anxiety and gratitude are not able to occupy the same space.

Station 2 (Shady / Maximus)

Warmup (Shady) – 21 SSH, 5 burpees, 18 SSH, 5 burpees, 12 SSH, someone whined about burpees so we did 10 diamonds merkins…then did 5 burpees
Group 1
  • partnered up and Dora style started out with 100 pull-ups.  Partner 1 on the pull-up bar, partner 2 did a lap around the playgroud
  • Stayed on playground, stayed with partner, Partner 1 AMRAP merkins while partner 2 ran the length of the playground and back to AMRAP merkins
  • Stayed on the AMRAP theme with flutters, then back to merkins, then back to flutters…then (I think) time was called

Group 2

  • Partnered up and Dora style, but this time 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground (Q modification given time and we aren’t cyborgs)
  • AMRAPs were just 1 round of merkins and flutters (again, I think…may need a lifeline here from Max)
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 American hammers..we did this twice
  • W/ time to spare we ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for 10 V-ups
  • In buzzer beater fashion, we ran to the top again for 10 ranger merkins and ran to the bottom for a partner 1 lay on the ground and grab partner 2s ankles where partner 2 would throw partner 1s feet down 10 times as you straight leg lifted them to his face

Group 3

  • Dora style 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 american hammers..we did this twice
  • Running low on time ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for the ankle grabbing / feet throwing core exercise 10 times
NMM: After each of the groups had done their pull-ups, Maximus and Shady shared their thoughts and experiences on LOVE.
  • Shady – areas of focus were loving your brother and being your brothers keeper.  Sending a text or reaching out to someone to just say “hey, thinking of you” could change their day.  Realizing that the ones you love are watching you, emulating you, picking up on good and bad habits.  Realizing we don’t know it all, especially to the ones we love, is a sign of humility and a factor of growth and development.  For those of us with children, we have never been parents before so we honestly have no idea what we’re doing.  Love starts with servant leadership and personally for YHC, this usually progresses when the mouth is shut and ears are open.
  • Maximus – For my discussion on love, it begins with being intentional as love is a decision. We must make the decision to be intentional with our actions. Whether it be in our faith, marriage, parenting of our kids, with friends and yes, even with work relationships, we must be intentional. Think about how easy it is to get distracted, whether at dinner with your wife or even on a Zoom call for work. We often allow our minds to wander or even start doing something else while the other person is talking, looking for our engagement. Stop. Be the person who is present in the moment. Put the shoe on the other foot. Love that person as your relationship to them allows.

Station 3 (Pusher & Cakeboss): Love Edition

  • SSHs
  • Windmills
  • Squats
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Merkins
  • IWs
Cake Boss spells love “B-U-R-P-E-E”
The Thang
  • Jacobs Ladder with Derkins and Monkey Humpers
  • Plank/Dip sequence
  • Bear crawl to top with burpees
  • Cord of 3 strands cannot be broken. Having God in your marriage is the 3rd string. Adding communication to the marriage strengthens it. – CB
  • Gifts vs Gaps. Focus on the gifts that your wife or significant other bring vs what she is missing. Seeing her this way builds love. – Pusher
  • Much love was on display with all of the mumblechatter and fellowship. The relationships formed through F3 has increased our love internally and is reflected outward to our Ms, 2.0s, PAX and community… #morethanaworkout

Shovel Flag hand off for two leadership positions in the Fort:

Shady handed off the Nantan role to Double D
Esso handed off the Weasel Shaker role to YHC

Awesome work by the PAX today. Hard to put into words how much improved my disposition on life is since moving back to Fort Mill because of F3. Grateful for an opportunity to serve the PAX of The Fort.

NMM: Double D was the site-Q at Block Party when I started posting. If it wasn’t for his steady presence with a commitment to the integrating 2nd F and 3rd F elements into each workout, I doubt I’d have kept posting. Double D is a genuine human, I’m a better dude for knowing him, and I’m excited for his leadership.

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Valentine’s Day Massacre – STL Edition

Vuvuzela reached out about Q’ing a few weeks back. Luckily a top three finish for YHC happened circa Summer 2020 so eligibility had not yet expired. It was a seemingly warm 27 degrees as the PAX rolled out of the vehicles this morning. Hadn’t seen Slap Shot or Skipper in quite some time – so the smiles were a plenty. 0515. Time to work.

Warm Up

Disclaimer disclaimed. Mentioned all the necessary stuffs that one would say before running off into the dark. That feeling of warmth that I mentioned around the cars? That quickly changed as we descended into the depths of Dave Gibson Blvd for our warm up lap. Maximus and YHC started in front and felt the temps drop at least five degrees as we reached the bottom of the hill. We hit the bottom and headed back up to our vehicles for a quick mile to get the blood pumping.

YHC then took the PAX across 160 and down to the bottom of Brayden Pkwy. Pointed out the median breaks on the way to familiarize the PAX with the area. Plank up at the bottom and wait for direction.


Hill suicides (gassers for Band Camps’ sake).

Run to Median Break One, 10 reps of prescribed exercise, run back to bottom.

Run to Median Break Two, 20 reps of prescribed exercise, run back to bottom.

Run to Median Break Three, 30 reps of prescribed exercise, run back to bottom.

Movements for rounds of suicides were:

Suicide 1: Merkins/Flutter Kicks

Suicide 2: Curb Dips/LBC’s

Suicide 3: CDD’s/Hello Dollies

After 3 suicides and 42 flights of stairs climbed later… it was 5 minutes to 0600. So we high tailed it back to Earth Fare and ran a lap around the lot, finishing our work with 10/20/30 Squats/American Hammers along the way.

4.3 miles and 400 feet of elevation gain in 45 minutes. Not bad for a Monday morning.


Maximus high tailed it out of the quickly after we numbered off and did the namearama. His reasoning: cooking breakfast for Valentine’s Day. He’s got four lovely ladies at home and the man knows how to prioritize. That’s something we the PAX tend to neglect in our F3 world from time to time. Along the way Slap Shot and I discussed future events/races and in the midst of the conversation it came up that it’s necessary to be aware that overextending ourselves in our fitness journey tends to leave our M’s feeling a bit neglected from time to time. Be aware of that. While F3 is a good thing – our marriages deserve much more focus.


Prayers/Praises – 

Pray for YHC’s family. A lot going on these past few weeks.

Pray for our minds and our abilities to keep from self isolating when going through hard things as men.


Thanks, Vuvu, for the tap. Enjoyed the lead today.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Celebrities, Cinder Blocks, Disney…a perfect morning at BAOPS

The threat of snow did not intimidate as a total of 14 PAX converged on the Rock, er BAOPS, er Alcatraz. In addition to the Nation representation, we were graced with the dulcet(er) tones of Funny Bonz, er…Hello Kitty. Man, if only we had CSPAN, Repeato, Tommy Boy and Bones in attendance, we would’ve had all the Podcasting staff present. Next time.
Right from the jump, the chatter was strong, exactly how it should be. We had snow jokes, road jokes, hugs, rookie jokes, Q-Source jokes, age jokes and a whole bunch of things not made for print. A morning that will live in infamy, or, maybe not.

With the first half of this morning’s installment brought to you by Maximus (3rd person), I (1st person) did give the disclaimer. You could imagine how that went. Something to note, I did advise the PAX who got there early, they should stretch and warm up as necessary ‘cuz ain’t no side straddle hops, imperial walkers or windmills were to be had.

So, we made our way to the top of the park to the pull up bars. Every member of the PAX had to complete 10 pull ups and while you weren’t pulling yourself up, you were completing your best rendition of the American Hammer. Go until completion.
Next, run to the bottom of “the hill”; don’t worry, I scouted for slick roads ahead of time.
At the bottom of the hill, 10 Burpees and 10 Carolina Dry Docks
Run up for 5 more pull ups
Run back to the bottom for 10 Burpees and 20 Merkins.
NUR back to the top for flutter kicks until the 6 rolled in.

To the parking lot and grab a cindy out of my truck bed (or a KB)
10 Overhead Press
20 Staggered Merkins (10ea side)
30 Curls
40sec count while holding legs out at 6″ and cindy overhead

40 Overhead Press
30 Merkins (15ea side)
20 Curls
10sec count as done above

50 Bent over rows
10 Thrusters

My job is done…time for Italian Job

Short mosey to the field for:
11’s from foul pole to foul pole with the exercises consisting of
Mickey Mouse Merkins (Walt Disney World Merkins) at one end and squats at the other.
No doubt at this point, the PAX had a severely confused puppy dog look on their face because IJ was all like, “Ya know, Disney…WDW, Wide-Arm, Diamond, Wide Arm.”
And all of us were like, “Oh yeah…of course”…eye roll.
This my friends, is a sure-fire way to make a statement. It became very clear that unless your name is Italian Job, Senator Tressel, Trucker, Olaf and perhaps Mainframe, your form was garbage come about Disney Merkin #6.

Carry on

Now, run around the entire field then 25 Calf Raises.
Next up, run another lap then 25 Freddy Mercury’s.
Finally, another lap.

NMM (In the words of Italian Job):
“Always a pleasure to share the gloom with you men. A question for you, What’s holding you back? Is it time, energy, money, expertise – all of these? Excuses only sound good to the person making them. Whatever you desire is on the other side of effort. If it was easy, everyone would do it. If you want it, go get it. Dominate the day!”

And like that, we’re out. Until next time…
Italian Job & Maximus

TClap |

Mind the Queen

13 PAX met in the gloom on a cool Monday morning after the long Christmas weekend. YHC wasn’t sure how many would take the DRP, but was happy to see a strong turnout.

Disclaimer was given and then the plan for the morning was given so that the runners could get after it.

Warm up:
15 Tappy Taps IC

The Thang
Run to the west exit of the parking lot (Dave Gibson) and cross 160 into Brayden at the traffic light. Run down Emory Lane and turn left on Brayden Pkwy. Run to dead end and turn left on Afton Way. Afton Way will take you to the back of Brayden. Some mumblechatter on the longer route, but this route got us 1 mile out of the gate.

At the back of Brayden, there are two “loops.” Afton Way forms a 1/2 mile loop, and Lizzie Lane is a cut through for 1/4 mile loop. The plan was to alternate loops and do exercises between each loop. PAX were encouraged to run the 1/4 mile loop at a faster pace, and run the larger loop at their normal pace.

Between each loop we completed the following:
10 Merkins
10 Big Boys
10 Peter Parkers

At 0550hrs we began the run back to COT and got 3 minutes of Mary in. PAX got between 3.5 and 4.5 miles in for a solid morning in the gloom.

We discussed the importance of the Queen (Q1.3) and that even though we all took the DRP and were taking care of our fitness, we could not outwork our Queen. This time of year can be very challenging, and may take little more discipline and accountability.

Announcements, prayers and praises.

And the PAX eventually reminded me to do Name-O-Rama.

Thanks Vuvuzela for the opportunity to lead, and the new challenge of leading a group of runners.

TClap |

Back and Forth and Back…

I had 13 PAX join me for a total of 14 at Veteran’s Memorial for the launch of Block Party. We had some regulars and even a few Welcome Back’ers. With a number of headlamps and a rendition of the disclaimer, we took off for the parking lot in front of W.E.P.

Brief warm up with SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Squats and a few hamstring stretches…touch your toes.

Run around the WEP path with 5 Burpees and 10 Jump Squats at each swinging bench

Run back to Veterans for 10 SSH

Run to intersection of Monroe White, Academy, Williamson.

Run up Monroe White to 160, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
Run out Academy to Forrest, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
NUR up Williamson to Watson, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.

Run to base of Massey hill. NUR up to the gun shop then back to COT.


Good to be with you.

TClap |