Bomb Splits

Five men started the workout, and the sixth man, Bonsai, came in just as we we launching.
Run down entrance road
All 10X in cadence:  SSH, Windmills, Moroccan N/C, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Peter Parkers

Plank stretches (Downward dog/honeymooners)

Thang 1: BOMBs splits
Partner up
P1 runs to the north end of the entrance road and heads back (distance is 500’ out, then same back, total 1000’). P2 runs to the south end of the entrance road and heads back (same distance as P1),
When the pax meet, wherever that may be, they do the prescribed exercise:
First meet = B = Bobby Hurley = 150 total for the two pax
Then pax run their section of road again, then:
Second meet = Overhead Claps = 150, pax run, then:
Third meet = Merkins = 150, pax run, then:
Fourth meet = Big boy sit ups = 150, pax run, then:
Fifth meet = SSH = 150
Join in with the six to finish out.

Run to benches
Thang 2: Bench work
At the school’s benches:
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises

Thang 3: Burpee Suicides
Three light poles in yard
Run to light pole 1, do two burpees, run back to start [65′]
Run to light pole 2, do two burpees, run back to start [165′]
Run to light pole 3, do two burpees, run back to start [265′]
Rinse repeat, increase to three burpees at each line for round two.

Run to COT area

Five minutes of Mary
Freddies, protractor, hello dollies, V-ups, etc.

Fini, COT

NMM: The BOMBs splits were different because one pax could bear more burden than the other, for either the running or exercise portion.  One partner may be faster than the other, and cover more ground, but then the other partner may get more exercise reps done; think of it as a ying/yang.   In the end we all come out ahead.

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Varsity 12.04.20

Seven men attended the Varsity workout on Friday.  We began with a few warm-up exercises (SSHs, IWs, WMs, MNCs) before the main event.

Next, we made our way over to the pull-up bars.  Earlier in the morning, I wrote the exercise routines on the pavement using chalk.  The problem, it was dark and my writing was a little sloppy.  I spent a couple minutes going over the routine.  One exercise at the pull up bars, run to the stop sign for the next two exercises, up the hill for the next two exercises, and back down to the pull up bars for the next round.

Round 1:  Bar – Jump Grabs ; Stop sign – Lunges, Monkey Humpers; Top – Squats, Calf Raises

Round 2:  Bar – Toe Touches ; Stop sign – LBCs, Flutters; Top – American Hammers, Hello Dollies

Round 3:  Bar – Pull-ups ; Stop sign – Merkins, Shoulder Taps; Top – Dips, Carolina Dry Docks

Rinse and Repeat

Rounds 1 – 3, rep count:  Bar – 5; Stop sign – 10; Top – 10

Rounds 4 – 6, rep count :  Bar – 10; Stop sign – 20; Top – 20

Rounds 7 – 9, rep count:  Bar – 15; Stop sign – 30; Top – 30

Great conversation and encouragement by all.

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Expect the Unexpected

As the first Q to kickoff the Block Party December to Remember, I knew I had a huge shoe to fill seeing the lineup Bobber scheduled. So I figured I had to take a page out of my Yinzer’s Q book and do something that I am not a fan of – burpees. If you have ever posted to one of my Q’s, you know there will be plenty of merkins and pull-ups, but not burpees nor running. Well, expect the unexpected.

I pulled in to the parking lot with some ideas, but no Weinke. When I mentioned this as we were standing around waiting for 05:15 start, you could imagine the mumble chatter!

So the Thang:

Was about to mossy when I called a Switzer and circled up for some stretching, then we mossy to Hobo parking lot for a little bit of COP. Low slooowww squats, merkins, and OH claps. Lines up at dumpster and for 5 rounds: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 merkins, run to Main Street Gazebo and back and rinse and repeat. Tesh was on round 5 when most PAX were on round 3…but his shirt was still on so maybe that slowed him down.

Mossy to “The Hill”. I figured most of the PAX won’t travel west of the Peach Stand on a Saturday to experience #BAOPS, so why not bring it to them! NUR up the hill and perform 1 burpee. Run down the hill, 10 LBCs. NUR up to 2 burpees, run down to 20 LBCs. NUR up to 3 burpees, run down to 30 LBCs. NUR up to 4 burpees, run down to 40 LBCs. NUR up to 5 burpees, run down to 50 LBCs.

Run to the park across from Main Street/160 intersection. 10 merkins, run up the stairs to the Xmas tree for 20 Freddie Mercury’s. Run back. Rinse and repeat by adding 5 additional reps at each end, with running the stairs in between. I realized I still had 8 minutes, so went back down the ladder to 15 merkins then 10 merkins with runnign the stairs in between each set with Freddies at the tree.

There is a snippet of what you  would experience at #BAOPS @ Alcatraz. Fill up your gas tank, get your M’s approval, and get your passport stamp some Saturday at #BAOPS – YOU WON’T REGRET IT

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Prayers go to Splinter’, Bobber, Trucker, and more recently Orange Crush son!


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Post-turkey day accountability

9 PAX converged on The Varsity for a post-Thanksgiving session of brogan with Sasquatch, a boot camp with YHC or a ruck/run option.  Harry Caray was prepared to lead the run but after no runners showed, he joined us for boot camp.  3 ruckers – Cake Boss, Wegmans & Body Wash – departed for the gloom and YHC announced us off with disclaimers, assumption of risk and advice to tread smartly and modify as needed.  Off we moseyed to the stadium.  Here what happened:

One 1/4 mile lap around the field and a left turn into the South end zone for a little COP – we didn’t need as much here due to the broga session that took place prior.  Nonethless, a combination of windmills, SSH’s, burpees, merkins, imperial walkers, etc.  moved us to the main event.  We moseyed to the North end zone and began at the goal line.

The number of exercises corresponded to each yard line and after each exercise was completed, the method of transportation to and from each 10 yard line back to the North Goal Line varied (NUR’s, moseys, 75% run, 100% all out run, etc.).

North 10 yard line – 10 burpees OYO

North 20 yard line – 20 Hand release merkins OYO

North 30 yard line – 30 double count American Hammers in cadence

North 40 yard line – 40 double count shoulder taps in the plank position and in cadence

Mid field – The 50 – 50 double count overheads claps in candence

South 40 yard line – 40 double count side straddle hops in cadence

South 30 yard line – 30 double count mountain climbers in cadence.  We stopped at 15, halfway through to throw in 3 burpees……..just because.

South 20 yard line – 20 single count marking OYO

South 10 yard line – 10 burpees OYO

South end zone – 10 double count LBC’s and 10 double count flutters in cadence

We then moseyed to the parking lot for the four corner light pole 10-20-30 round – we got through 3 of 4 corners before 0559 was upon us

Pole 1 – 10 H/R merkins, 20 lunges, 30 SSH’s

Pole 2 – 10 diamond merkins, 20 double count American Hammers, 30 squats

Pole 3  – 10 kracken burpees (crowd favorite), 20 jump squats, 30 single count LBC’s

A quick mosey to COT left us 45 seconds for a few varying angels of the protractor and then time was called at 0600.

Announcements – Read your newsletter.

Prayers and praises were offered up and YHC reminded the PAX that even on days not labeled Thanksgiving, we should strive to be examples of thankfulness and gratitude each day.

It is always an honor to be called upon to lead the PAX.  My thanks to Splinter for the call to the bullpen and helping keep YHC accountable on a morning where sleeping in would have been a really easy thing to do.

You never know who needs you to show, besides yourself.  Keep posting and being the example to others that our world needs so much.

Until next time…….


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11 men posted at Honey Bader on a cool damp morning.
Disclaimer given and we were off with a mosey run (side shuffles, high knees, toy soldiers included)
Circle up for the WARMUP
SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (12x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (12x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (12x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (12x I/C)
Plank Stretches (12x I/C)

Run to school entrance
Read the account of the 31 US soldiers killed in the Extortion 17 Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan (copied below).

Bench work
Derkins (17)
Step ups (20)
Dips (17)
Butt touch squats (17)
Incline Merkins (20)
Calf raises (17)
Leg lifts, grab post (17)

Run to pull up bars
Pull up routine:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

All pax grab a cinder block go to street
All pax Plank
Read hero story of 1st class Petty Officer John Douangdara, 26, and his Military Working Dog Bart (copied below)
Relay/block routine #1
Run to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats (13+13=26)
Run to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats
Run to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats

Flutter for six, with block

Relay/block routine #2
Crawl Bear to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Flutter w/ block for six,
Return blocks

Pull up routine again:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

To the street, a little mary to collect everyone:
Gas pumpers,
American Hammers

Run suicides to three cones.

Run to shovel flag.
Mary: Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers, LBCs

Fini, COT
TWO FNG’s!  first is “Poppins” (a chimney sweep) EH’d by Refugee, and “Yeti” (2.0 of Sasquatch).

Take Aways: Need lights for the cones to see better in the dark.

Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to support the 75th Ranger regiment that had secured an insurgent compound and were tracking down fleeing enemy militants.

As the chinook approached the landing zone, two enemy fighters ran out of a building and launched rocket propelled grenades. The first round missed the helicopter, but the second struck its rear roto blade. The resulting explosion caused a disastrous imbalance and tore the chinook apart. The helicopter spun out of control and crashed. There were no survivors.
The loss of 31 us military service members was devastating singular loss. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

In past Honey Badger workouts, I have chosen other Extortion 17 members to honor: Snr CPO Kraig Vickers; CPO Stephen M Mills; Specialist Spencer Duncan; Senior Chief Petty Officer Heath Robinson

Today we honor:
Petty Officer 1st Class John Douangdara, and military working dog Bart
John (nick named “Jet Li”) Douangdara was born on December 29, 1984, in Sioux City, Iowa. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on February 15, 2002, and served at posts in the US, Europe and Iraq. In 2008 John became an Assault dog handler and deployed multiple times to Afghanistan to support SEAL team operations; and was the lead dog handler for SEAL team six. John and One of his dogs, toby, saved the lives of six Canadian service members, where unfortunately his dog died of injuries received in the actions. Later, both john and his dog received honors from the Canadian military for their actions.
On Aug 6 2011 1st class PO Douangdara (aged 26)  and his military working dog Bart were killed in the extortion 17 chinook crash from being shot down by enemy fire.
John is survived by his parents and four brothers and sisters.
Today There is a dog park named after John in Sioux City Iowa. John is laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor, and the Purple Heart.

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Are You Committed?

YHC had the honor to share the Q with Dark Helmet in celebration of his six years in F3. The disclaimer was disclaimed and the group split between The Fort and Milkshake. Here’s what we did:

  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 MNCs, Overhead Claps, Raise the Roofs, Little Baby Arm Circles (IC)

Mosey to the back parking lot

  • 20 Burpees
  • Lap
  • 40 Merkins
  • Lap
  • 60 Squats
  • Lap
  • 80 Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Lap
  • 100 Calf Raises
  • Lap
  • 80 LBCs
  • Lap
  • 60 American Hammers
  • Lap
  • 20 Burpees

Transition to Dark Helmet

For DOAH’s half, we ran around downtown to various parking lots for mumblechatter, Burpees, Bear Crawls, Flutters, and a myriad of other “fun” things. At each stop, he spoke to the 5 Core Principles, the Credo, and various other lessons on becoming a better man through F3. He’s an example of how a man can change if he commits.

So, are you committed? Without commitment, nothing happens. Commitment is required for any gains; gains in your fitness, faith, marriage, work, and life. Commitment is not a feeling. It’s a requirement to get through the hard times. We post in the heat, cold, rain, or shine. Why? Because doing the hard thing at the hard times prepares you for the the future. Commitment isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to get you prepared for the next hard thing. You can’t get out of something that you don’t put into.

Six years ago, DOAH made the first commitment to daily investment into his fitness. Because of his efforts, he’s down over 50 pounds and up hundreds of new friends. He’s a better husband, father, and leader. What’s his secret? Commitment to betterment – the daily red pill. You have to commit if you want to see gains. Get after it, fellas. Today’s your day. Take it!


Italian Job

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Venice or Vienna

7 PAX on a perfect South Carolina morning in November.

Disclaimer was given

Mosey to Band Practice lot
Warmup in cadence
Side-straddle Hops
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Shoulder Taps
Some Yoga
Split Squats (L, then R)
Some more Yoga

100 yard runs
1x @ 50% & some exercises for the six to rejoin
2x @ 75% & some exercises for the six to rejoin
1x @ 90% & some yoga for the six to rejoin
4x @ 100% & a walk back

Mosey to the Pull-up Bars for the HIIT portion:

20 seconds on, then 20 seconds rest

Pull ups
Mountain Climbers
Chin ups
3 rounds

Knee Ups
Split Squat Left
Split Squat Right
Monkey Humpers
2.25 rounds

Mosey to COT

How hard would you push if it weren’t for the guys around you?
How important is it for you to show up so other guys are encouraged to push themselves merely by your presence?

Band Camp dismissed

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6 of My Heroes w/ Me @ Honey Badger

Site Q got my verbal confirmation to Q @ The Badger Den even though I’m deathly afraid of what goes on at the AO on Mondays. Wednesday’s and Friday’s…cakewalks. Monday’s…find me at The Armory. I know I need to run with the big boys to become a big boy though. I appreciate the reminder from Shield and Splinter.

Warmup: 20 SSH + 10 Imperial Walkers

The Thang: Each Pax gave me an exercise to add to my “U R My Hero WOD” board of pain.
I started with Kettlebell Swings.
Stang suggested Hand Release Merkins.
Splinter goes all Splinter on us and suggests Burpees.
Harry Carry added Big Boy Sit Ups.
Cheddah wanted Squats.
Refugee suggested Upright Rows (nice!).
Shield added Side Straddle Hops.

We had our weinke. No joke, these guys are my heroes. The chase after getting better and it’s inspirational.

Round 1: Do 50 Reps, then run a lap (400 meters). Swings x50, lap. HRM x50, lap. Etc.
Round 2: Do 25 Reps, run a lap. Swings x25, lap. HRM x25, lap. Etc.
It looked like Harry Carry and Splinter was going to finish Round 2 so I shared that Round 3 would have been 10 reps and a lap.

5:58 finally came so we closed up shop on the track and headed to COT.

NMM: If you choose to do the hard thing, you have a better chance at becoming better. Find somebody a bit stronger than you or a bit faster than you and then do what they do. Push yourself to keep up with that person. You’ll get better, for sure.

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Hero Workout for PFC Jacob Hancher “Hightower”

Monday we sadly added a new Hero to our workout.  PFC Jacob Hancher was known to F3 Grand Strand as “Hightower”

Jacob William Hancher, 23, passed away October 03, 2020 in Myrtle Beach, SC while serving in the line of duty with the Myrtle Beach Police Department.  He was born July 24, 1997 in Silver Spring, MD.

Jacob graduated from Thomas Stone High School in Waldorf, MD in 2015 and attended Horry Georgetown Technical College in Conway, SC.  He began his career with the Myrtle Beach Police Department in 2015 as a Community Service Officer and became a Myrtle Beach Police Officer in January 2020.  Prior to moving to Myrtle Beach, he was a member of the Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Station 3 from 2014 to 2015.  After moving to Myrtle Beach, he became a member of the Horry County Fire Rescue, Station 45.  He was also an Eagle Scout, Troop 417 in Waldorf, MD

Shield and I created this workout in honor of Hightower.  We wanted to incorporate his age, End of Watch date, and his badge number (374).

We did 9 rounds of 10/3/20 run 400 meters. 10 merkins, 3 burpees, 20 big boys.  Checkout with 77 squats and 100-meter sprint.  This gets you 2.3 miles, 10/3/20 EOW, and 374 reps.

Most of us got to the last round and then the heavens let go and we got POURED on.  After 1/2 of us had finished, we ran for shelter up to the front of NaFo to get out of the rain.  From here, those who didn’t finish completed it under the awning and the rest of us took turns calling out exercises for the rest of the hour.

My phone and speaker were out in the rain too long and malfunctioned during Name-O-Rama.  So no video evidence exists.  RIP Hightower.  Thank you for your service!

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Do 1 More

We had 10 for a Do 1 More workout at Bushwood.

The best part of a Do 1 More for the Q is that you don’t tell the PAX that they will have to do 1 more 😉

Mosey from the football parking lot down the road toward the school.  As we ran past each lamp post, PAX saw an exercise written on the pavement, which started some mumble chatter.  After a little warm-up, PAX were instructed to get a piece of chalk and to AMRAP each of the 8 exercises, with good form, of course.

The 8 exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Flutters, CDDs, SSH, Big Boys and Plank Jacks.

There was very little mumble chatter as we were all focused on counting.  Gotta remember music next time 😉

We then ran back down the hill where YHC told them to put their chalk back.  Then we discussed doing 1 more.  Do one more for your M, your 2.0’s, work, and for yourself.  I think Kilbassa said he wanted to have 1 more beer 😉

Then OYO, we completed 1 more rep than we did in round 1 without a timer.  YHC got through the burpees and realized I left my chalk bucket back at the start so I hard to run back to get it and then fell behind.  Stand and Hardwood picked me up as the 6.

Then we did a little Mary where FloppyDisk brought back the overhead claps that he forced us to do at Colesseum.  That was just mean, but made us better.

Great workout gents!  Thanks to Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

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