No pain no gain

WARMUP: 1 mile mosey through the mean streets and rolling hills of downtown Fort Mill, followed by a 1 mile Indian run
THE THANG: 11’s at the Monroe White hill with burpees at the bottom and bomb jacks at the top
MARY: Hello dolly, American hammers, merkins, and flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUP, Blood drive at Forest Hills 7/14
COT: prayers for a friend of Kermit’s that just lost a young child
Prayers for fire marshal Bill as his business struggles through employee turnover during a period of high demand
Prayers for Gekko as he tackles a 100 mile run 💪

TClap |

Treehugger Ruck WOD at Chupacabra

We honored our brother Treehugger with a Ruck version of the WOD.
5 rounds of:
10 sandbag rows
20 flutter kicks with ruck overhead
30 merkins
40 yard sandbag toss
50 yard sandbag farmers carry
1/4 mile run/ruck

It was a sweat fest and the merkins with the ruck on received the most complaints.

We prayed for the people affected by the accident at the beginning of the bear race, prayers for our families and for patience and balance on our minds.

I will suggest to keep a water bottle handy when working out in this heat and humidity, I had to pull mine out of the car 10 minutes into to WOD.

Stay hydrated brothers!!

TClap |

Respect Bday Q

YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.

The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.

Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.

TClap |

Some opted for the norm, some did not

Disclaimer included the option of rucking or running on your own as is sometimes the norm but meet us back at 0600. The other option was to join me in running to the high school track, or so we thought. We made our way to the the stadium and saw that all access points were locked so we utilized the parking lot instead of the track. It wasn’t as good but it worked.
WARMUP: We ran
THE THANG: Cool run around the lot.
Fast run around the lot.
Cool run followed by a fast 2 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 3 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 4 laps.
Switch directions to run a lap then up the hill and down.
Again, run a lap but now, NUR up the hill and down.
Run another lap then up up and down.
Run back to COT. ~4.5mi
MARY: Sprinkled throughout.

TClap |

Miles and Smiles

WARMUP: we put on our rucks, started our Garmins and took off into the gloom.
THE THANG: we walked around for 45 mins and had great conversation

ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash cleanup; Royale’s farewell party Saturday
COT: prayers for teachers in the home stretch

TClap |

Smoking sandbags at Chupacabra

We did a modified Manion type of workout:

15 squats with ruck and sandbag on

15 ruck curls

run one lap (1/4 mile)

partner up and toss sandbag for 100 yards

15 ruck curls

ruck one lap

partner up and toss sandbag for 100 yards

15 ruck curls

run one lap

partner up and toss sandbag for 100 yards

15 ruck curls

ruck one lap

partner up and toss sandbag for 100 yards

15 ruck curls

one of the sandbags couldn’t take it any longer and started smoking after the first 100 yards, filler bag was destroyed!

Crab cakes was voluntold upon arrival to lead us on a great 10 minute broga session and as the HIM he is he accepted with a big smile!!

It was a great combination of  ruck, run, broga plus all the mumblechatter.

Cicada and Badlands are morphing into ruckers.

Great to see Dinghy back in the gloom, we also had a visit from Snooze who drove 45 minutes to join us that morning.

Tinsel OUT

TClap |

Constant Movement at Colosseum

Welcome and Disclaimer
10 start/ 10 finish
Mosey and do a lil warmup (SSH, IWs, Cherry pickers, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, 6 inch hold)
Mosey to the starting lightpole
5 poles- start with 5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats lunge to next light pole repeat exercise than bear crawl to next light pole repeat sequence until you arrive at last pole. When 6 in we mosey down the road to rip rap pile, 3 sets 10 reps of following exercises chest press, curls, overhead press. We than run to top of hill at 80%. and back.
Indian run to school, balls to wall 30 seconds come down 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBCs repeat Xs 3. Mosey to COT 20 flutter kicks and 10 grave diggers each side. COT…
Announcements- Dam 2 Dam relay fundraising.

TClap |

One more beach body workout

This week’s Q was constructed under a very sobering atmosphere. With the news of the passing of ShopVac, YHC tried to find a way to honor him with our actions this morning. However I’d only worked out with him a handful of times and hadn’t been able to attend any of his Qs. So the only way I know how to honor a HIM like that is to sweat it.

The gloom

7 appeared in the gloom at Pantheon, including Scalp, whom I had been trying to recruit to Q for some time. Guess I’ll have to pester him some more


A quick mosey down to the west side of the parking lot and over to the crosswalk for:

10x SSH
10x Cherry Picker
10x Imperial Walker

The thang

Today’s workout is a derivative of Slapshot’s “pendulum” workout, but with a simpler twist. Rather than keeping track of separate counts, just start at 15 each side and only subtract one each round. Less confusing and more painful, really.

PAX started at the crosswalk and ran east to the end of the sidewalk. Down on the six for 15 BBSUs. Back to the crosswalk, pausing for 3 burpees, and then running around the bend to the bike racks for 15 4-count flutters. Back to the crosswalk for another 3 burpees. Do this again with 14 reps, then 13, you get the idea.

With about eight minutes left Senator Tressel was able to get down to 4 reps, having lapped most of us TWICE. (He may be wearing a knee brace, but he doesn’t perform like it). Scalp was on 5 reps, and the rest of us on 6.  At this point I asked the PAX to let me know when we had five minutes left, to which they replied “we have two minutes left”.

“LOL, sure we do, guys. It’s a tough workout <changes watch screens>… oh, crap. Let’s get back to COT!”

Original plan was to use the last five minutes to do Lutefisk’s delightful “vacuum cleaner” routine in ShopVac’s honor. But it just wasn’t meant to be.


Name-o-rama with all PAX opting to say “ShopVac, 56, Sean Kelley”.  YHC asked all present to speak any words they may have about ShopVac, followed by a brief discussion about being seen in the dark (in no way referring to our brother’s circumstances, of which none of us are cognizant). And prayers for the family and all involved…


Use your time well…

TClap |

Birthdays within the Colosseum

Good morning. After the joy (not happiness) of yesterday’s 20yr 9/11 remembrance workout, I recognized the need to have a co-Q for my Q today at The Colosseum. After all, we’re celebrating two birthday’s, DaVinci’s & mine, I was sore and not sure what I had in the tank, but mostly because I want to share the opportunity with a brother. Fortunately, Punch List obliged my request.

Here’s what happened:

Mosey to the back lot (basketball courts).
51 + 1 SSH for DaVinci
41 Mountain Climbers
6 or so Wind Mills
41 LBC’s oyo

Mosey to the lot further in the back with the short wall and line up on the white line.
Run to the wall, 20 Muscle Ups then 10 Over & Backs which is quite literally, jumping over the wall and jumping back over. Do this 10 total times then plank at the white line for the 6.

41 American Hammers (of course) with a stop after 31 to catch a breather and ensure proper form for the final 10 reps.

Hand off to Punch List

Head back to the left side of the basketball court for multiple sets of Suicides.
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Run to the foul line and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Half court and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Opposing foul line and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Opposing base line and back

Repeat the same lines but now, perform 10 Prisoner Squats (w/ a jump).

Then, repeat it with 10 Hand-Release Merkins.

Then, repeat that with 5 Burpees (put the nail in the coffin on this one).

Lastly, for the finisher. Bear crawl suicide with a Merkin at each turn around.

Yeah, that was a great idea, enough of that nonsense…hand it back to Maximus.

For the final minutes, we made our way to the light post at the bottom of the hill going up the back road.
Run to the next light post, perform 4 Spiderman Merkins + 1 Burpee.
Run to the next light post, do the same.
Continue until 0555 then make our way back to COT.

Plank for the final 60 seconds with some intentional thinking for the last 30sec.

Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes but more importantly, your presence.

DaVinci, I love sharing this day with you.

Punch List, thank you again.

Until next time,

TClap |