exercise roulette at currahee

WARMUP: SSH and some merkins
THE THANG: everyone got a coupon. Range from 60ish lb sandbag, 50lb laptop bag, GoRuck pillow, 25lb rucksack,
Lots of cones with exercises written on them. Each PAX toed the line on the field with their coupon. Everyone picked a cone that was facedown and performed the exercise after dragging the coupon some 20 yards via bearcrawls. Perform 10 reps of exercise listed on your cone. Bearcrawl drag coupon back to start line. Grab another cone and rotate to the coupon to the left bc sharing is caring. After everyone got a chance to “experience” the bearcrawls drag of each coupon. We then did some ruck shuffling with each coupon and some more exercises. Big boy burpees and 8 count body bag builders were the crowd favorite

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Pink Mangoes and Root Beers Dum Dum Pops

2 went on a run.
2 brought extra weight to the bootcamp.
Being a moderate, I gave it everything I had to match to intensity of those who showed.

Warm up:
ran to the top of “the” hill and alternated types of exercises: standing, on your 6, standing, plank. Various exercises, 3 times, count about 10-15.
Back down the hill and a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
The main event:
different exercises with a run in between, utilizing the stairs, all the stairs.
Again, a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
One round of Assassin suicides (repeat instructions to Bandcamp as needed).
back near COT for the crowd favorite Mahktar N’Diayes
Finish up with Jack Webb, very near a full JW
Various exercises through out included:
imp walker, hillbilly walker, toy soldier, freddie mercury, gas pumpers, LL Squat, side squat, jump squat, travolta, merkins, SSH, flying squirrels, shoulder taps, crunches, O/H claps, BB sits.
Thanks to DOJO for the nod and all of those who participated at 80% or more.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Pace Yourself

Halo’s x7 each direction
A windmill style warmup. Holding the bell in a snatch position with one hand and stretching with the other hand to the opposite foot. 7 each arm
E.g. Holding the bell up with right hand, use left hand to touch right foot.

11’s – 10 Halos to reverse lunge(each leg) mosey a short distance then 1 halo to lunge.
Repeated to we got to 5. Then called an audible

Opposite side staggered clean to squat (clean with right hand with the bell moving from the left foot). 5 each side with a mosey. Then to 4 cleans to squat, 3,2,1.

One legged bridge with chest press. 7 each leg, followed by slight mosey and back. – 3 rounds

100 KB swings where the penalty for putting the bell down was 2 burpees.

100 overhead presses

Ended with a round of Mary’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletters, but please sign up for the D2DB10k.


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Lucky Seven start off the new year at Armory

WARMUP: mosey around parking lot followed by some warm up including windmills, sides, rattle, hop, low, slow squats, Merkins, downward, dog, mountain climbers.
THE THANG: we carried our kettlebells to the fire pits for 4 rounds of OPRAHS:
Overhead Press
American Hammers

Then partnered up for some Catch Me If You Cans (one PAX suitcase carried weights double time(ish) around the parking lot while other PAX dropped and did 10 merkins then ran to catch up and switch

Then some partner Dora 1-2- and part of 3
100 curls
200 chest presses
300 squats but sadly the clock ran out

MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar: open to everyone, so tell your friends and family
COT: prayers for healing, patience during home repairs and remodel; named an FNG (welcome Pitfall!)

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Chupacabra farewell with ladders 🪜 sandbags and rucks

WARMUP: no warm up
THE THANG: Tabata every 2 minutes, drop and do 10 merkins with ruck on… first one was even before we launched… whining coming from everywhere…

We had a ladder 🪜 loaded with sandbags (4×40 plus 2×60) pick up the ladder, put it on shoulders and start moving around the 1/4 mile loop, every time the timer went off we had to do 10 merkins, do Tabata and pick up ladder again and keep moving… stop about 1/3 of the loop right after the buzzer went off, form two lines and start passing the Sandbags sideways to the pax next in line, return Sandbags to starting point, now pass sandbags overhead to pax next to you, rinse and repeat twice… buzzer went off a couple of times during the sandbags exercise so everyone knew what to do…

Load sandbags back on ladder and keep moving, we didn’t get too far went buzzer went off again.. 10 more!! Advanced to starting point just in time for another buzzer, another 10 merkins; form two lines and start tossing the Sandbags to the other end of parking lot… yes, you guessed it, buzzer went off a few times… rinse and repeat… load up the ladder and keep moving… another 1/3 of the loop and buzzer went off again, 10 more, fork two lines and unload ladder, this time it was over the shoulder toss to pax next/behind you.. rinse and repeat twice and yes, buzzer went off a couple times…

Load up the ladder and keep moving.. another buzzer 2/6 of the loop, drop do merkins and grab ladder and keep moving… we had enough time to go back to COT
MARY: 20 squats with ruck on… buzzer went off one last time, 10 merkins… another round of 20 squats… 6 o’clock

It’s been my pleasure to be the site Q for Chupacabra for the past 16-18 months but it was time to put Chupa to sleep… we’ve had some great events and variety of WODs, and some times miles and smiles…

Thanks for everyone’s support…

Tinsel OUT

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Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Road less traveled

3.2 miles rucked across the street near the water tower to the new neighborhood. Took a connecting road (still under construction) to Hawks Creek. Back to the school.

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52 Pickup

WARMUP: SSH, planks, arm circles, etc
THE THANG: Deck of cards workout
Spades = Thrusters
Clubs = High pull and shrug combo
Diamonds = Curls
Hearts = Tricep extensions
Ace = Mosey
Jokers = Wild (pax that draws it picks the exercise)

Took turns drawing cards, reps equaled face value of the drawn card. Ultimately we did a total of 90 reps of each of the exercises above.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas convergence
COT: we all shared something we are grateful for, Prayers for patience, family going through medical procedures, etc.

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Not on Band Camps “Naughty List”

Mosey to High School Parking Lot
25 EA – SSH
10 EA – Windmills
10 EA – Imperial Walkers
10 EA – Hillbilly Walkers
Four Corners: (4 rounds)
Corner #1 – 3 Burpees – 5 Bompjacks
Corner #2 – 3 Burpees – 10 Jumpsquats
Corner #3 – 3 Burpees – 15 CDD
Corner #4 – 3 Burpees – 20 Mountain Climbers (single count)

100 EA – Merkins
200 EA – Squats
300 EA – LBC’s

MARY: None
COT: Prayers for PAX Health

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About 10.5 Days of Christmas…

WARMUP: Did some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers… Tried to rename a few but Band Camp was having no part in that…

1. Merkin with hand on bell (4 count per arm)
2. LBC (4 count)
3. Lunge (per arm)
4. Man Makers
5. Press (per arm)
6. Bent Row (per arm)
7. Flutters with Press (4 count)
8. Curls (per arm)
9. Squat
10. Swings
11. Snatch (per arm) – Did the snatches but not #10 down
12. Skull Crushers – Didn’t make it here

Ran 2 light poles down the hill and back between each round

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Do your back blasts, it helps with others planning and the tags let them know if someone stops coming out for awhile and we can reach out. (Apparently Band Camp didn’t reach out to me last week because he actually cared…)

COT: Prayers for injured and also everyone over the holidays

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