20 pax made it out to the golden corral for some bootcamp, ruck, and run.  Rad had a good showing for what looked like a heavy ruck.

A proper disclaimer was made (thanks to dark helmet’s Q school) and we mosied around HT for cop.
SSH x 25
Morracan Night Clubs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Low slow squats x 15
Merkins x 15
Peter Parkers x 25
Windmills x 15
The thang
Mosied over to the front of HT and bear crawled/crab walked to the first cone for four cotners, breaking it up with 10 merkins and 20 LBCs.
Four Corners (three rounds)
1st cone with Cindy – OHP x 25/ Bent over rows x 25/ Curls and tricep extrnsions x 25. Nomad got angry and smashed a block.
2nd cone – Burpees x 10/ Burpees x 10/ Kracken Burpees x 10
3rd cone – Squat jumps x 20/ Lunges x 20/ sumo squats x 20
4th cone – Seal jacks x 30/ Plank jacks x 30 / Bomb jacks x 30
Finished with wall sits with everyone doing one more kracken burpee down the line, and a failed attempt at BTTW by YHC who ate pavement, and finally 10 minutes of Mary led by all nine PAX.
As usual, read your newsletter.   Upcoming Icebreaker in York, the Rooster in Rock Hill, and light and heavy rucks.  2nd F at fort mill BBQ at noon.
Prayers and praises.
Thanks Decibel for the opportunity
TClap |


11 PAX gathered on a semi-chilly morning at the Ballroom to attempt to get a little bit better this morning.

The Warm Up:

Mosey to the Football field and circle up.

  • SSH x 20
  • Cherry Pickers x 15
  • MNC x 15
  • Windmills x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • In plank stretching to include a bit of the downward dog, and honeymooners
  • Lastly, arm stretches to preview what was about to come…..

The Thang:

The PAX lined up on the Football Field Goal line in order to all prepare for a little journey on the BLIMP.  The BLIMP consists of a B exercise followed by a 20 yard run, then a L exercise followed by a 20 yard run, etc… until we spell the word BLIMP.  The exercises were as follows:

  • Burpees x 5 (Goal line)
  • Lunges x 10 (20 yd line)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 (40 yd line)
  • Merkins x 20 (40 yd line)
  • Plankjacks x 25 (20 yd line)
  • Squats x 30 (Goal line)

Several 10 counts later, Rinse and repeat going the other way.

Since the mumble chatter was a bit muffled, the decision was made to mosey the long way, (via Indian Run) around the front of the school to the opposite side parking lot, where after a brief setting in via a 10 count or two, the Dirty Mac Deuce. The Deuce morning consisted of 4 sets of 3 exercises with a lap around the parking lot following each set.  Those 4, in cadence 12 count sets consisted of the following:

  • Set 1 – CDD, Monkey Humpers and LBC’s. Take a lap
  • Set 2 – Wide Arm Merkins, Sumo Squats, Flutters. Take a lap
  • Set 3 – Shoulder Taps, Lunges, Hello Dollys. Take a lap
  • Set 4 – Punch Merkins, Squats, Dying Cockroach. Take a lap

Since there was still a bit of time left, Rinse and repeat Set’s 1 and 2 then mosey back to COT for a couple sets of Mary.

We were all reminded to be thankful during this time of year as it can be a joyous time for many but for some, it is a time of struggle, despair, worry and strife.  We are all to think about and pray for those that are struggling, help where we can and live the true spirit of Christmas.  We must always remember that the importance of the season is not in the material gifts we exchange but in the gifts that have been given to us through our blessings, our families, our faith and in remembering that Jesus gave us all the ultimate gift of everlasting life.

This will be my last Q for some time as I am going on the IR next week for knee surgery.  Hope to be back and better than ever in a short 6 or so weeks.

As always, it is a blessing and a privilege to be able to experience the journey with this group of men.

V/R, M*A*S*H

TClap |

Slow Burn – Solid to the Core

So, it was a fairly nice morning, especially when you consider it is December 1st!  I was able to workout in shorts and a t-shirt, so really…who can complain about that?

After reading Popeye’s back blast from down in The Rock region from a couple of days ago, it really got me off my six.  I saw that Trucker was scheduled to Q this week, but he posted that he needed a last minute Q change since he was DR last minute for work.  So I set out to plan a good ole’ core workout.  It went a little something like this…

Disclaimer (one FNG), then mosey down to the parking lot below for warmup.


  • Side Straddle Hop – 25
  • Low Slow Squats – 10
  • Windmill – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – 25
  • Cherry Pickers – 10

Mosey to the other end of the strip and circle up.

Gifts – that is the word of the month for December.  We discussed how, especially this time of year when we hear the work gift we think of things…things we get, things we give, things we buy for ourselves…just stuff.  I challenged the PAX to think of the Spiritual Gifts that we all have.  We talked about how God has given us ALL various gifts, and literally everyone has them!

Another gift, is the gift of this F3 Brotherhood, and the unconditional support we all give to each other!  And lastly, my gift to the PAX was a good solid to the core workout 😉

The Thang:

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25
  • Boat/Canoe in cadence – 10

Recover with 10 count

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25
  • Boat/Canoe in cadence – 7

Mosey to the side of Lowes

  • Line up in 4 lines and have a relay race (all out) for half the length of the parking lot.  Boy can these HIMs move!

Two walking 10 counts to the back of Lowes, with a mosey the rest of the way.

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 25
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups OYO – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey over to the wall.

  • People’s Chair with a 10 count (or more) from each of the 29 PAX

Time for a break.

  • Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Diamond Merkins in cadence – 10

Heard from Gilmore a bit about how he got his name, and what F3 has meant to him.  Great story and inspiration!

Back to the core.

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 25
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups OYO – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey to the other side of lowes (working our way back in the direction of COT) for a couple minutes of Mary.

  • Box Cutters
  • Protractor

Mosey back to COT for name-o-rama.  We had one FNG, who was named Elvis (which is a STRONG name)

So, I wore myself out, and am super proud of all the PAX who pushed through this morning and stood together.  It is an honor and a GIFT to be able to Q!  Stay strong, get better, be willing to drop to your knees and accept help…Have a Blessed Week!



TClap |

Crossroads Discussion: Half In, Half Out

Good discussion this morning on being Half In, Half Out.  Working out with The Fort Nan’tan Monday allowed me an opportunity to benefit from words that while I was feeling them, was not articulating internally.  Plain speak- didn’t know how to put words to what I’ve been feeling lately until Cake Boss did it for me.  He spoke of victory but what resonated was being half in, half out.  Picture having one foot on the boat, one on the dock.

Continuing with that theme we dove into this at Crossroads this morning, a weekly coffee group where any topic that is on the Q’s mind can be batted around for fuller understanding.  If you haven’t been or are an infrequent attendee, consider making it more often.  Really good stuff happening here.

Half In/Half Out

  • What is it, to be all in?  What does it look like?
    • intentional
    • purpose
    • commitment
    • integrity

Focusing in here on the job, task, person here is vital.

  • What are some reasons for it/ why does it happen?
    • overwhelmed
    • Temporary weakness
    • paralyzed- so much to do, don’t know where to start so bail out on task or effort
    • lazy-

It could be men susceptible to this are hurting elsewhere and only committing “halfway” opens door to less accountability.  “If I fail or not as good, I only gave half effort anyway.”  Yet another way is “are these sad clown tendencies preventing me from fully engaging- enjoying life and all its ups and downs?”

  • Solutions
    • being self aware
    • acknowledge small victories and accomplishments
    • recommit- just do it
    • discuss- Spouse/partner, F3 men, Whetstone.
    • going through the process(Tesh)
    • Muscle Memory (Assassin, Twister)

Above are but a handful of opportunities that can lead to reengaging and dropping being half in/half out to be all in!

Couple of quick resources for thoughts associated

  • Lonely
    • Psalm 23
  • Weakness
    • Psalm 18:1-29
  • Direction
    • Psalm 73:21-26
TClap |

Sweatin’ To The Oldies @ #Slowburn

26 HIM came out for a warmer-and-drier-than-the-day-before “moderate” beatdown.  Welcome and disclaimer given and then I turned it over to Clark Kent for a little VQ Warm Up that went a little something like this:

10x Goofball
10x Windmill
10x Cherry Picker
10x Low Slow Squat
10x Side Straddle Hop

10x Merkin

Polaroid took back over and we moseyed to the back of Lowe’s for 2 rounds of:

30x Dips
Bear Crawl to the line
Lunge back to the rail
30x Calf Raises
Mosey to the side of Lowe’s for 1 round of Deck of Pain
Hearts = SSH
Diamonds = Bomb Jacks
Spades = Merkins
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks
Jokers = 10 Burpees – – – – Dangerfield pulled the Joker!Mosey to the front of Lowe’s for a quick ab workout:

10x Flutter
10x LBC

Mosey back to the Warm Up circle for some Sweatin’ To The Oldies with
“I Get Around” by The Beach Boys.

Start in a squat and every time “I get around” is said you go up and down.  It’s 2m8s of squattin’ and hopefully the guys were feeling the Slow Burn.

Most of the PAX gave AYG to the Chick Fil-A hill and a mosey back to COT.  Great job!
-Turkey Day Convergence 11/24 0600 @ The Ranch
-Christmas Party 12/1 1830 @ Regal Manor Clubhouse
-Paradise Turkey Giveaway Bring a FROZEN turkey to an AO on Saturday, November 18th. Why? To bless the Paradise Community with turkeys for Thanksgiving. This turkey giveaway will reduce the financial burden for underprivileged families in this neighborhood as they prepare for the holiday. We will also eat lunch with the community during this event to further build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Read the pre-blast for details regarding this fruitful event. Contact Deacon with questions.

Pinup prayed us out.

It’s always an honor Q’ing.  Thanks, again, Barry Manilow.  Peace.

TClap |

4 Corners at the Ballroom

We had 22 PAX at the Ballroom for some 4 corners work.  We took a short mosey with some toy soldiers and high knees thrown in there and headed toward the back parking.  Before starting out we had a brief intro on the theme of the month Victory. YHC challenged the PAX to think of where you are seeking victory.  The place where we most need victory is in our relationship with Christ.  With that seed planted we started our COP with COP consisted of SSH, windmills, Moroccan knight clubs, Merkins and a few Yoga exercises.

Now on to the meat and potatoes.  Did I say we were doing 4 corners? Yeah, I thought so.  In each corner there was a list of 4 exercises.  Make a lap for each # return to the middle for 5 burpees or bomb-jacks.  The 4 rounds were as follows:

15 Reps. for each exercise:

  1. LBC’s, Flutters, Hello Dolly’s, and American Hammers
  2. Calf Raises, lunges, Sumo Squats, and regular Squats
  3. Peter Parkers, Mtn. Climbers, SSH, Parker Peters
  4. Shoulder Taps, John Travolta’s, CDD’s, and Merkins

Back to the center for some encouragement on victory.

20 Reps for each exercise:

  1. LBC’s, Flutters, Hello Dolly’s, and American Hammers
  2. Peter Parkers, Mtn. Climbers, SSH, Parker Peters

Mossy back to COT.  We ended up doing 10 additional for a “That’s what she said comment” although no one owned up to it.  The ballroom moderate ended up being not so moderate. Didn’t hear any complaints.  Thanks for the opportunity!


TClap |

10 at Varsity for some kettle bell fun and 2 sprints.

Disclosure, No FNGs



SSH, Merkins, Low Slow Squat, and Hillbilly Walker



-1 runs a lap

-1 lifts a kettlebell

-Overhead Press -right arm

-Lawn Mower – right arm

-Overhead Press – left arm

-Lawn Mower – left arm

-Curls – right arm

-Tri Extension

-Curls – left arm

-Tri Extension

-Snatch -right arm

-Dead Lift

-Snatch – left arm

-Dead Lift


Everyone on line.  Lunges with kettle bell pass thru until thighs quiver.  Then drop the kettlebell and sprint to the end of the parking lot.  X 2

Slow Mosey to the Wall.  10 count for each PAX,  wall sits with the bell.  Who had to be the one who says “arms straight out”.

Balls to the Wall, 5 count for each PAX.

Slow Mosey to COT for Mary.

-American Hammer, V Ups with the Bell. LBCs with the bell, Hello Dolly with the bell


Discussion of Victory.  Pursuit of Excellence.

Prayers for our country based on all the recent tragedies, including the latest in Texas.

TClap |

Speak Victory


What an amazing morning in the gloom on this Fall day. Spitz posted early for a pre-run. We had a couple of young Pax present to push us. Twister was wide open and fueled with enough caffeine the town of Fort Mill. #LoveIt


The Thang


Leg Warm-Up: Toy Soldiers, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, Back Pedals, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Power Skips


COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Peter Parkers (10x), Parker Peters (10x), Pepper Grinders (10x), LBCs (15x)




3 on 3 basketball games for intense cardio.



Many people wake up groggy and dreading the day. Starting your day with a negative mind set is a self-defeating choice. You lose the battle before it starts.


Start and end your day on a positive note. What you think and say become reality. Speak victory into the atmosphere to win the battle before it starts. When you are troubled, call on God and His angels to help ensure your victory.


Deuteronomy 20:4 NIV – “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”




TClap |

Camino del Rio – We are better together!

11 Men came to Camino del Rio aka Riverwalk in Rock Hill for a gorgeous Saturday morning pain pill. The gloom with your brothers makes you better and this Saturday morning was no different.

The Thang:

  • Mosey out towards the BMX track with some dynamic warm up involved
    • High knees
    • Butt kickers
    • high knees
    • butt kickers
    • toy soldiers
  • COP
    • Low slow squat
    • merkins
    • moracan night club
    • sumo squats
  • Mosey to side walk
    • Bear Crawl in the grass
    • run the pavement
    • 4 times each
  • Mosey to BMX facility
    • 20 dips
    • 15 derkins
    • 10 step ups
    • run around building
    • 3 rounds each
  • Mosey to wall
    • People’s Chair with shoulder press in cadence
    • BTW for 10 count
    • 3 rounds each
  • Mosey to BMX parking lot
    • Accumulating bomb jacks
    • mosey to each little light house
    • Last one we did all together and found it was easier than when we do them alone….better together
    • Mosey to 9 light houses
    • accumulating LBCs
  • Mosey to lower parking lot
    • Bear Crawl in the grass with derkin at each
    • run the pavement
    • 4 times each
  • mosey back to Hill by parking lot
    • jacobs ladder
    • 1 merkin at top, 6 LBCs at bottom
  • COT
    • Great work by all!
    • Thank you Vuvuzela for the lead
    • Awesome AO
    • Message to men that when we work together we can accomplish great things. Solo, we will struggle. We discussed when something is missing we don’t feel the same or something is not right, but sometimes fill that void with the wrong things. Take Control ad the steps necessary to make the right choices an decisions and fill that void with Good choices.

Cake Boss

TClap |