2024.07 Clydesdales

Up Massey hill
Loop back on Spratt
Up Massey hill
Loop back on McCammon
Up Massey hill
Loop back on Ardrey

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WARMUP: mosey with dynamic stretching. Variety of warmup exercises in 15 reps all in cadence. Pleaded of Allegiance
THE THANG: bear crawl while partner does merkins (standard, diamond, wide) mosey to wall- muscle ups 10/8/6/4/2
Light poles for variety of upper, lower, core exercises. With 15 burpees to finish it up. Indian run back to COT
COT: We all have things going on in our lives, we need to remember to put others first, focus on our changes, and remember to give others some grace.

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Preparedness at Dawn Patrol

Weather was 32 degrees and YHC had cold hands and feet coming off an earlier Q at the Coaches Box but pressed on.

YHC continued the discussion on Jester and Preparedness throughout the workout.


Mosey to Lash parking lot

Lots of exercises here

Mosey to far end of the lot

BLIMPS workout
Burpees x 5
Lunges x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30

Run to end of lot after completion of a round. Rinse and repeat 5 times

Mosey home with Mary along the way.


32 Year Anniversary for DD
Prayers for Old Bay M
Prayers for Sprockets upcoming grandchild

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Run or ruck

THE THANG: run 4 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS:was a lot of fun running this morning. Did learn about OldBay new health monitor to tell him if he has had enough sleep, if h he is in his target heart rate, and a lot of other really cool stuff. He and I might differ on State schools but both like technology. Twister and Cakeboss are really getting after the runs and sprocket likes to double down. Delorean gets his in even if at the wrong location.

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WARMUP: stretch, ssh, merkins, mosey with dynamic movements
THE THANG: 100 merkins, 90 squats, 80 flutters, 70 cdd’s, 60 alternating lunges, 50 American hammers, 40 shoulder taps, 30 Bobby Hurleys, 20 big boys, mosey back to cot 10 burpees.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: don’t get complacent and keep your form was our focus.
COT: DD and an issue at work, Old Bays M.

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Do Great Things Today

After the disclaimer, we began our journey around town. First stop, the pharmacy for some warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Fast Windmills, Merkins, Peter Parker, Parker Peters). Next Stop, the former location known as Hardees. Partner exercises: Elevated merkins, feet on back of partner in plank position. Second set, planking partner elbows on ground.
Next stop, Post Office. Lineman push – partner 1 pushes partner 2, flipflop.
Next stop, Unity Church. Partner wheel barrow to the stairs of the church, each rest break 5 merkins. flipflop. mosey to Footloose parking lot. One partner started the bear crawl to the end of the parking lot. Partner 2 ran to the end and back to take over for partner 1. Both finished at the end of the parking lot. Next , we moseyed to the bottom Williamson St. All you got to the top of the hill. Once all made it up the hill, I took a minute to talk about how I get ready for the day. Take a shower after the workout (good hygiene). I look into the mirror and repeat these word “I am going to do great things today.” Sounds a little silly, but we need men ready to lead in our communities..do great things.
ok, back to the workout..on our way back to COT, we stopped by the Print Shop for a pitcher of pull-ups. Back to COT for a few minutes of Mary.
Great job Guys!

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Setting the Standard at the Ranch

Setting the standard is up to you. Identifying Exemplars who serve as the highest standard and focusing on their behaviors makes you better.

We did Death by with burpees, merkins, jump squats and big boys. It was awesome!

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Setting the Standard at the Ranch

Setting the standard is up to you. Identifying Exemplars who serve as the highest standard and focusing on their behaviors makes you better.

We did Death by with burpees, merkins, jump squats and big boys. It was awesome!

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Slowest WEP lap ever

WARMUP: 10 ssh, 1 burpee, 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees, 5 Abe vigodas, 3 burpees, 10 imperial walkers, 4 burpees
THE THANG: partner up – partner 1 = 5 burpees, 30 lbcs, 15 merkins; partner 2 begins a lap around WEP via lieutenant dans

Upon completion, partner 1 runs to catch up and they switch roles

Continue until lap is completed (we got 3/4 of the way around in the time allotted)
MARY: no
COT: as always

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A borrowed borrowed backblast Q

WARMUP: ran around parking lot then had COP with usual suspect exercises
THE THANG: Do exercise then take a lap
100 merkins
90 squats
80 LBC
70 CDD
60 squat jumps
50 hammers

MARY: LBC, flutter

Was a great morning to be out. Thanks for the opportunity @boogiedown

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