Q School at RoF – Leadership

YHC was honored to lead the Pax at Q School at Ring of Fire. T-claps to Cake Boss for leading this monthly event in an effort to standardize the Q across the region. While well suited for FNGs as part of the onboarding for the Fort, Q School represents an opportunity for all Pax as being the Q represents a leadership opportunity and leadership requires practice.

After reviewing this disclaimer, YHC instructed the Pax on leading as a Q as part of the responsibility to positively influence himself and others. Within this responsibility lies trust that the Pax will follow the Q until the he leads them beyond reason until an unsafe environment or without proper instruction.

Mosey to NaFo band lot for COT and review of cadence counting
SSH x 20
Mtn x 20
IW x 10
CDD x 10
MNC x 10
Merkins x 10

The next discussion focused on preparedness as a Q and focused on the following:
– Reading backblasts
– Simple in design
– Scalable
– Challening effort across all fitness levels

Mosey to end of the lot for “lazier Dora” which included an explanation on Dora from Harry Caray.

Partner Up
100 merkins alternating by 10 while other partner holds plank
Run to flag pole and back
200 Squats alternating by 20 while other partner holds Al Gore
Run to flag pole and back
300 LBCs alternating by 30 while other partner holds protractor aka 6 inches
Run to flag pole and back

Next up a discussion on Vision and Articulation and a reference to Exhortation.

Mosey back while stopping for “Death By” for burpees.
Every minute counts go from 3 to 6 to 9 to 12
Finished with 10 Big Boys
– Wine Dinner
– Bethel Men’s Shelter
– Jaeger
We went around the Pax “CSPAN style” expressing gratitude and prayers across jobs, healing, children being saved and our parents. YHC was blessed by the presence of these men today and hopefully each feels challenged to be the light for the remainder of the day.

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Smiles with Some Miles

WARMUP: SSH, Windmill, Plank position then honeymooner and downward dog a couple of times
THE THANG: Ran a U starting from Earthfare to Gold Hill Middle and back with Exercises being 10 burpees, 10 Squats, and 10 big boys at the starting point, every turn, and finish point. Then did a couple of loops around the Earthfare parking lot.
MARY: American Hammers, Flutters, Hello Dollies, and Heals to Heaven
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Conquer the Hill

Chilling morning with temperature in the teens. Six brave souls made the trek to the heart attack Hill and conquered it.
Side straddle hops
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers

March to the Hill and back close to four miles added to our trekking lifetime miles.

Read your newsletter
Prayers & Praises

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?️Webs and high reps ?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs
Low slow squat
Mountain climbers


High pulls. Curls 1-4…10-40, yes 55 HP and 220 curls

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

American hammers double count, Chest press 1-4…10-40, yes 55 AH and 220 presses

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

MARY: 1 minute downwards dogs and honeymooners

COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT :christmas_tree:

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Med balls, sandbags and sledgehammers

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, low slow merkins. Windmills
THE THANG: mes balls and sandbags were lined up. Pax formed a line and started tossing them over the shoulder, rotate, we had 9 bags of different weights for the rotation.

Bring bags to bottom of parking lot. 4 pax will bear crawl and push/roll the medballs up the hill while rest of pax will toss sandbags forward, rotate as needed between to complete 2 circuits.

We had 3 sledgehammers waiting for us…

Next. 3 pax with hold one sledgehammer each with one hand with arm straight out and hold it while rest of pax mosey around parking lot carrying, sandbags, medballs and rucks. Rotate as needed for 10 minutes alternating between hammers and mosey.

Back to pushing medballs up the hill while bear crawling, 10 pax bear crawled up and down the hill in a rotating form while 3 pax made “halos” with the hammers, rotate again between hammers and med balls. another 10 minutes.

I’ve been wanting to try the bear crawl /med ball push for a while and now it’s one of my favorite modes of transportation.

Shoulders will be smoking tomorrow.

MARY: broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger, Q source happening once a month at Sweetwaters.
COT: fifth core principle.

Tinsel OUT

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Pushing & Pulling The Sink

Disclaimer, Mission, Core Principles, Credo
WARMUP: A little jogging with warm-up exercises thrown in.
THE THANG: Partner up. This was easy due there only being 4 of us. The original plan was for a 2min timer but during the first round, I realized I was failing too soon so I dropped it to 1min for each exercise. After you and your partner completed 1min of each exercise, you each completed a 50yd Partner Push. Then, move to the next set of exercises.
Round 1: Upright Rows (High Pulls) & Overhead Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 2: Bicep Curls & Tricep Extensions (skull crushers)
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 3: Bent Over Rows & Bench Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 4: Squats & Dead Lifts
50yd Partner Push (each)

Grab your sand bag and meet at the main drop-off lane.
100yd sand bag toss followed by a 100yd overhead sand bag toss. You’re throwing the sand bag behind you to end up back where we started.
Run 50yds & NUR 50yds
Laying down, 10 Leg Raises while holding the sand bag overhead
10 Big Boy Sit Ups with the sand bag on your chest
Bear Crawl 25yds then Crawl Bear back.
10 Thrusters on my count
10 Flutters w/ Press I/C
60sec over-the-shoulder sandbag toss

That was it…super easy!

MARY: Added throughout and also not in typical fashion.
COT: Indeed

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Up and Down Get Around

WARMUP: IW and HW with the Rucks on while we waited for Decible to park
THE THANG: head quickly to heart attack hill to do it twice.

Along the way we stopped for:
(rucks off)
21 Ruck Swings
15 Overhead Press
9 Squat Thruster
(rucks back on)
5 Lunges each leg
10 merkins

Did that series 4ish times

MARY: had a plan for that, but alas we returned just at the strike of 0600.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel service date 2/6
Jekyll’s fundraising wine dinner also 2/6
COT: was held

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It’s Merman

THE THANG: 3 cone pain stations .40 mile mode of transport. Rinse and repeat. 1 cone -15 dips 2 cone – 15 merkins 3 cone – 15 squats. Should have logged 3.5 a 4 miles and did enough merkins, dips and squats to feel it.
MARY: none
COT: what’s happens stays

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The Safe Sink

WARMUP: A little of this, a little of that…

We took our rucks and sandbags and traveled to the top of gentle slope of the entrance to the school in the hopes of finding a less icy spot. We were disappointed. It was slick most everywhere. Kind of like the top of <@USBP08L1G>‘s (not present) head.

After letting men know that it was ok to feel their feelings, no matter how big they were (TWSS), we all cuddled for a few minutes and affirmed one another’s masculinity. We decided we were both good enough AND smart enough, and we think that people like us.

Then it was basically taking turns releasing our trauma and making space for each other. We even all took turns going to the crying room that Farmers had installed. It was very affirming.

From there we did 3 very thoughtful and mindful rounds of 7s with our rucks on and with our sandbags.

It was a round of manmakers and squats, one of curls and bag ups, and one of merkins and flutters with a press.

Peta reached a whole new level and had a real breakthrough in accessing his inner child.

MARY: We decided it best to just have men present for this session.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newsletter contains the latest, please avail yourself of this wonderful resource.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Swinging Richards at the Hive

WARMUP: It was cold so we started with a 5 minute mosey to warm up. Mixed in some high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke along the way.
Ended back up at COT. Running portion of the workout was completed. Needed to warm up our bells so we circled up and performed the following: CherryPickersx5inCadence, WindMillsx5inCadence, SSHx12inCadence, Figure8sx12OYO, SSHx10inCadence, 10 KB Swings OYO, SSHx8inCadence, 8 KB Snatches, SSHx6inCadence, 6 DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/ KB.

Now we were ready to swing!

THE THANG: Stayed in the COT area for our first round with
RichardWebb – Exercise #1: 1-10 – DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/KB & Exercise #2: 4-40 – KB Swings

The PAX needed a break from all of the swinging, so we decided to meet up with Dora.

Single Dora #1 – Partner #1 Exercise: Side Lunges w/ KB – 100 reps, MOT for partner #2 = Murder Bunny out, Rifle Carry back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

After our experience with Dora left us wanting more, we decided to pay Richard Webb another visit since he showed us a swinging good time at the beginning of the workout!

Richard Webb #2: Exercise #1: 1-10 – Alt KB Snatches ( count right hand only ) & Exercise #2: 4-40 – BentOverRows

We had to cut our 2nd experience with RW short ( managed to make it to reps 8 – 32 ).due to time. If we had more time we would have paid Dora another visit for the following:

Single Dora #2 – Partner #1 Exercise: Figure8s – 100 reps, Partner #2 MOT = Bear Crawl out, Crawl Bear back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

Alas, we were done, arms were smoked, and legs were saved for D2DB10k tomorrow! Thanks to Richard Webb and Dora for showing us a swinging good time!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D race, D2DB10k race, upcoming Bethel serve, Jaeger CSAUP, etc…


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