It’s Science

Moseyed over to to the other side of the parking lot for a quick warmup, then continued to St. Phillips for 7’s with Merkins and Flutters.

Headed back to campus for a Jack Webb with bear crawl and CDDs.

Ran over to the building for some bench work. 40 Split Squats, 40 Step Ups.

Back to COT for some Mary, announcements., prayers, and praises.

– JWow

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Merlot on a Thursday


Mosey around the backside of the SMS to the bud loop. Stop for some SSH, Merkins, Peter Parker’s, Tappy Taps, Low Slow Squats

Keep moseying around the back access road.
Bear crawls, inch worms, broad jumps.

Mosey on the parking lot switch backs to the playground. Time for the meat and potatoes.

Start w/Al Gore and talk shop on how long everybody has been doing F3. Wide range from two weeks to 11 years. Love this leadership development program disguised as a workout group.


6 movement WOD with descending rep counts. It gets easier with each round.

20-15-10-5-2 Reps

Lunge Walks
Tricep Dips

10-8-6-4-2 Pull Ups Between Rounds

In between rounds we talked about fond memories of F3, favorite experiences, etc. A lot has happened in the gloom that few others have experienced.

8 minutes left, mosey back to COT

WWI Sit-Ups


Announcements: Forgot. Read your newsletter

Double D’s MiL and Husband
Saw Dust’s Aunt
Tang’s Marriage

Thanks for the tap, Mainframe. Always good to be in the gloom with you.

Punch List out.

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Stuff the Bus Convergence

Ran over to parking lot behind football fields
SSH – all exercises were to 20 INC
1 burpee
2 burpees
Cherry Pickers
3 burpees
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 Burpees
Imperial walkers
6 burpees
7 burpees
8 burpees
9 burpees
10 burpees

Throughout the workout we had pax share about different opportunities we have within The Fort to serve our community. We had the following speak (Fogerty – Trash Pickup, Cousin Eddy – Bethel Men’s shelter, Jiffy – FM Care Center, Stuff the Bus)

Partner Up
Round 1 –
Flying Squirrels
Inch worm merkins

Round 2
Big boy sit-ups
Jump Squats
Wide arm merkins

We have an amazing opportunity in The Fort to impact our community. We have pax impacting our community through service. Challenge was raised, if you aren’t actively impacting the community, why not?

It was an honor to be able to lead the workout this morning. This was diffident from most workouts because of the number of times we stopped to talk. However I felt it important to share with the guys what is happening around them. We also were able to congratulate Double D in his hand off of Nantan to Esso. Double D, thank you for you service to the pax. You have always been someone who ask the tough questions that challenge us and I thank you for that and what you did for our Region during your reign as Nantan. Esso, I look forward where you are going to take us and your energy to lead. We have a bright future ahead.

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Being Present

It was an honor to spend this morning with so many leaders in our community. 16 was the count for 4.65 miles. The route was as follows: R on 160 towards downtown, L on Main, Cross over Clebourne to Springs, R on Summersby where Springs ends, R on Unity, R on Tom Hall, Cross over Main to Clebourne, R on 160, L into parking lot.

Today’s COT was a reminder of the value in posting each morning. We have the opportunity to live life with High Impact Men that make us better. We discussed fatherhood, health challenges, stress, and being the leaders our community needs. Keep a lookout for upcoming challenges from The Fort’s SLT. We are needed now more than ever.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Anchorman. And thanks to the PAX for helping me start my day off on the right foot!

Italian Job

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The Recipe at Block Party

15 hard chargers embraced the recipe of pain at Block Party this AM and started the day 1-0.

Run to WEP Amphitheater

SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
Hillbilly x 10
Mtn climber x 20
CDD x 10

Pearls on a string at each swing in WEP
10 Big Boys
20 Hello Dollies

Lazy Dora – Partner up
100 Merkins/Hold Plank
200 LBCs/6 inches
300 Squats/Al Gore

Partner 1 does 25 reps while Partner 2 does other exercise. Flip flop to reach the desired count

2 Minutes of Broga

Run back to COT

2 Minutes of Mary

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Oklahoma at STL

Warmup: None

The Thang:

BLIMP inspired workout
Burpees x 10
Lunges x 10
IWs x 10
Merkins x 10
Plank Jacks x 10

Route looked a lot like the state outline of Oklahoma. Tesla was the King with 4.25 miles. All others had 3+ including a minimum of 5 laps.

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Letting Go of Heavy Things

WARMUP: Disclaimer, brief COP, Sen T rolls up late like he’s the special guest of the day
Mosey to road behind school for 10 burpees at each of 5 light poles with various forms of lunge walks between each pole

mosey to picnic tables for some step ups, dips, derkins

mosey to football field

pax line up side to side and do Al Gore while one pax does weaving run through the line to the far end. continue this fashion for 100+ yards

rinse and repeat above with flutters in place of Al Gores

pick a partner and line up like WR vs DB. DB runs defensive route to keep pace with WR for about 10-20 yds. flapjack. rinse and repeat full length of field

100 yd bear crawl back to starting end zone

mosey back to parking lot for 10 burpees, then sprint home

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 8/4 convergence, 1st F Q transition, trash pickup

COT: It was great to be back with the pax after much travel over past 2+ months.

the past 3 days involved lifting heavy stuff (Cindy at the Bubble and sandbags at Stockade) so today was “no lift day”

besides the heavy weight in the Gloom for two days, I’ve been carrying heavy stuff on the workforce for 2 months. I’ve been missing the pax during this period and all the mental reminders and affirmation just isn’t enough to keep me in a clear headspace without the benefit of a push from the pax in the Gloom.

thanks to Bitcoin for the invite and thanks to the pax for posting and always filling my tank!

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Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

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4th of July Convergence

1776 Workout
50 Burpees
100 SSHs
100 Merkins
Run Lap
100 Squats
100 LBCs
100 Mountain Climbers
Run Lap
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Flutters
Run Lap
100 Seal Jacks
100 Squat Jumps
100 America Hammers
Run Lap
100 Plank Jacks
100 Monkey Humpers
100 Dips
Run Lap
100 Hello Dollies
100 Overhead Claps
100 yard Bear Crawl
Run Lap
26 Burpees
Run Lap

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