Block Party-palooza

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry pickers, windmill, grandpaJacks, moroccan night clubs, merkins
Mosey to the park
THE THANG: 10 Burpees, EMOM 6 mins
Lunge walk 30 yards, sprint 40 yards, Bear crawl 30yd, karaoke 40yd, Rev Karaoke 40yd, bear crawl, Nur
Ladders – 60 SSH, 50 Flutters, 40 Merkins, 30 monkey humpers, 20 BBS, 10 squat jumps, back up the ladder
MARY: Timed it perfectly
COT: Do good

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1st ever Hubert Graham Pwky workout

1. Run 160, Stonecrest, Hubert Graham and back
2. 16 March Madness Merkins at every other light pole on Stonecrest and Hubert Graham
3. When there’s a guardrail, alternate between incline merkins and Derkins
we got in 3.4 miles.
A few did abs, I made it for Hello Dollys at the end.
Heavy stuff today.
Live 3rd. It’s not about you, it about how to serve the ones in your life.
Smothered and Covered shared heavy news. Spectre led us out to give prayers to S&C.

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2025 – SLT Disruption

WARMUP: full crew in cadence
65ish SSH for the 65 dudes that were in the circle
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parker

Split to boot camp and kettlebells
– Buy-in: 20 bomb jacks, 20 donkey kicks.
– Bear crawl the length of parking lot / whistle = 10 merkins
– Lunge walk parking lot / whistle = 10 jump squats
– 20 swings
– 5 merkins
– 5 goblet squats
– count down the merkins and squats keep the 20 swings
– Swing progression
– Squat Swings
– Swings
– American Swings
– Rack bell
– slow step back reverse lunge
– press when returning the back leg
– Clean Progression
– Row
– Clean
– Swing
– Snatch

Unbeknownst to the PAX we switched modalities about halfway through. This was to represent the foundation 1 from Q-Source:

“Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption”

PAX were disrupted from their planned morning workout to make sure both Qs saw all the PAX and to push them outside the complacency zone of their established routines. With the leadership, we should expect disruption and embrace it.

Leaders influence movement towards advantage. Disruption is a solid technique to induce movement.

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading.”

It is not the goal of the new SLT members is not to manage or govern. It should not be the goal of the Site Qs to manage or govern. Let’s lead!

F3 is not an organization with leaders, but an organization OF leaders. Each man is freed to lead. The particulars of Site Qs and the SLT structure is nice, but let us not be afraid to disrupt when we have a vision for advantage.

Kermit handed 2nd F Q off to Liberty Bibberty
Band Camp handed the Weasel Shaker off to Poppins
Esso handed the Nantan Flag off to Band Camp

It is an honor to be considered a leader in the Fort. But be mindful every member of the PAX is A LEADER. Let’s all be about the business of leading.

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Making friends with a sandbag

– SSH / CP / IW / WM
– mosey to traffic light
– traveling PAX with sandbag to light pole, remaining PAX do exercise chosen by traveling PAX
– back to COT
– Jack-Webb with ruck 10-40 Merkin-OHC
– Sally: flutters
– brief Broga
– Thunderstruck: manmakers with SSH
– read newsletter
– was held

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2 in the 20ies on 2/22

– SSH / IW / CP / WM plus some burpees
– mosey to hill
– 3x sprints up hill
– 7’s burpee + BigBoy
– JackWebb Merkins+OHC 10:40
– 3x sprints up hill
– back at COT
– brief broga
– Sally with squads
– round WEP: each bench: 5x BigBoy
– Thunderstruck: burpees + SSH
– read newsletter
– was held, thanks for the good mumblechatter

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We love the hill

– SSH / WM / CP / IW
– 3x sprints up the hill, walk back
– Sevens up the hill: Burpees + Big Boys
– Jack-Webb: 10×40 Merkins + Overhead-Claps
– 3x sprints up the hill, backwards!
– stretching
– Sevens up the hill: Burpees + Big Boys
– pull-ups
– back to COT
– Sally: squats
– Thunderstruck: Burpees + SSH
– read newsletter
– was held.

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Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard

WARMUP: (cake boss): 5 Burpees, SSH, 4 B., Imp.Walk, 3B., HillWalk, 2B, something else, 1B…

Count off 1 & 2; Group 1 w/ Farmers Only, Group 2 w/ Suplex
Switch Q’s at 1/2 mark

Group 1 (Farmers only):

Group 2 (Suplex):
Cocaine Bear Crawls to the 50 (2 merkins at each 5yrd). Al Gore till the 6
Mary #1: 12 Hello Ladies (IC), 24 Plank Jacks (IC), 12 BBSU & 24 Heel-taps (OYO)
Go right into….
Burpee Broad Jumps (3 & 3) to end zone
Plank till the 6

Crane Carries to 50: back to back, 1 runs while other flutter kicks (swap @ 25… mod. to piggyback if needed)
Mary #2: 12 AmHamms (IC), 24 Gas Pumpers (IC), 12 Dying CockRoaches & 24 LBCs (OYO)
Go right into…
Other man in Sparrow Run.
@ end zone: 12 Imp-Squat-walkers (IC) 24 or something else (improv.)

MARY: done w/in Thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletters… Merry Christmas!
COT: held (5th core principle)

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4 corners of pain

– SSH / WM / IW
– 4-corners in band lot: sandbag as timer / cindy for man-maker / squeaky wheel for abs / kettlebell for swings
– got multiple rotations in
– Airborns hips and Sally in closing
– read newsletter
– was held

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Pull thru day

Started with some basic warm-ups then grabbed bags and headed over to baseball field. 2 cone workout. Cone 1 exercises: 10 over the shoulders, 20 pull thru, 10 clean and squats, 20 LBCs w/bag overhead, 10 walk over merkins. Cone 2 exercises: 10 curls, 20 pull thru, 10 diaper changers, 20 bent over rows, 10 squats w/bag. Did all exercises at cone 1 then bear hug carry bag to other cone. Do everything at cone 2 then bear crawl and drag bag back to 1. Do cone 1 again over head carry to c2. Do c2 then front rack carry back to 1.
Split up into 2 teams. Each team gets in plank and has to pass thru 2 sandbags. When you’re done run to end of line in order to move across entire field. Repeat in opposite direction. Next relay is one bag per team. Guy in back has bag and runs serpentine thru tram to front. Then pass bag from front to back. If bag drops whole team does 5 burpees. Next relay is in seated position and team is flipping bag from one end to the other. When done PAX runs to end to keep line going. Last relay was football snap the bag between the legs to next PAX. Run and repeat. Always fun to have some team competition and seeing guys try to figure out how to accomplish things together. Times up, back to COT. Thx for opportunity Farmers!

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