Rally Round NaFo

There’s something special about having 3 people posting together. The group is small enough to keep everyone together and it’s easier to have some meaningful conversation along the way. I really enjoyed my time with these guys this morning. IT was a cold one!
WARMUP: 10 SSH, Imperial Walkers, merkins, Mt. Climbers
THE THANG: A leisurely run around NaFo, We toured the campus while stopping at each feature to various exercises. At each stop we discussed Thankfulness and what our response should be to all that we are thankful for.
MARY: LBC, Flutters, dying cockroaches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter
COT: Prayers for all that we are thankful for!

TClap |

1 minute in the Kitchen

This was the first time Qing at TC Elem. Not the closest sight for me. Started with a mosey around the back with a couple stops for SSH, stretch, IW, HW more mosey. Get to bus drop off area for more warm up MNC, O/H Clap, merkin and Peter Parker. I came by earlier and dropped off sand bags and station cards.

We had 4 stations with 4 rounds. The thang was do each exercise for 1min and then move to the next station. Complete 4 stations = 1 Round. After each round a lap around the bus parking lot.

Round Sta 1. 2. 3. 4
1 – Curls. Merkin. Dips. LBC
2 – O/H Press. WAM. MH. Plank Jacks
3 – Curl/Hold. Diamond. Calf Raise. Plank Tucks
4 – Squat. CDD. SSH. Flutter

Mosey with bags back to front of school for Mary. Closed out with COT.

Thanks Maximus for the opportunity to lead and share the sandbags from an old AO “Normandy”. AO was an original at the complex and had a mix of Indian Land and FM guys. That is where my F3 journey started 10yrs.

Rebel out

TClap |

Old & Grizzled

Instead of giving a long disclaimer, I made the mistake of saying this was an old and grizzled group of vets. It pretty much went downhill from there. But in my defense we did average about 50% brace rate (knees, elbows. ankles, etc).

Anyway, short mosey around the lot then circle up for some warmups. Hillbilly walkers, 4 count squats (crowd favorite), mtn climbers, peter parkers, parker peters, MNCs.

Relocate over to near pull up bars. Partner up for lazy dora. 100 merkins: p1 does 10 while p2 holds plank. Switch back and forth until 100. 200 LBCs: p1 does 20 LBCs while P2 does 6″ leg hold. Switch back and forth until 200. 300 squats: p1 does 30 squats while p2 holds Al Gore. Switch back and forth until 300. 400 SSHs: p1 does 40 SSHs while p2 hangs on the pull up bar. Switch back and forth until 400.

I had more planned at front of school but based on time audibled to stay close to start point. Stay with same partner for partner burpees. P1 does burpee, then P2 does burpee, keep swapping back and forth up to 25 total then run to stop sign and back. 4 rounds (100 total). Finished up with 20 big boys and 20 flutters.

We may be old and grizzled but it was a really fun morning. Lots of mumble-chatter seemed to make time fly by. I appreciate all the old and grizzled as well as newer less grizzled guys we have in this group. Thanks Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead!

TClap |

Wait, it’s Friday the 13th…boo

WARMUP: Mosey to pickup a few cones and headed around the back of the school, with some dynamic warmups (toy soldiers, karaoke) along the way. Stopping stop texting the parking lot in front of the school for some more warmups: SSH, Windmill, Merkins, SSH, Imperial Walkers all 10 count in cadence
THE THANG: Mosey to a corner of the band practice field (parking lot) and provided instruction:
– Burpee Broad Jump 40 yards, sprint to opposite end zone
– Bear crawl from sideline to sideline
– Lunge Walk 49 yards, sprint to opposite end zone
– Bear crawl from sideline to sideline
– Rinse and repeat (reduced burpee broad jumps to 20 yards)
– Rinse and repeat (reduced burpee broad jumps to 10 yards)
– Mosey to first cone for plank waterfall (each PAX completes a 10 count in succession – TapOut is apparently not learning how to count properly in school as his 10 counts last about 48 seconds
– Mosey to the second cone and complete a side plank waterfall (flip in the middle)
– mosey to school entrance looking for cameras to do some monkey humpers – no cameras..no monkey humpers, but we did use the benches for dips, Derkins, step ups and box jumps – all 10 count OYO
– Mosey to side of gym for wall sits and a few 10 counts (yep – TapOut can’t count at a normal speed) and burpees for good measure
-Mosey back to COT (returning the borrowed cones along the way) to run out the clock doing some Mary (flutters, weezie Jefferson’s, and the crowd fav: body destroyers)

MARY: see above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: poker, bourbon (?), and Christmas party (??) – just read the newsletter
COT: travel, world events, good decisions, new opportunities

TClap |

Shovel Flag Handoff

– was done!
– first 30 min by Grinder with focus on legs and abs
– last 30 min by Portal with focus on arms
– was done as well!
– read your newsletter
– was held

TClap |

Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo Dedication

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Broga, and Strawberry Pickers
Cheese Shredder
3 Rounds: (24) Burpees, (24) Squats, (24) Merkins, (24) Lunges, (24) Big Boy Sit Ups, and 1 lap around track
4 Rounds: (1) Carolina dry docks at Goal Line and (5) LBCs at 20 yard line. Counts increased every round by 1 for Carolina Dry Docks and by 5 for LBCs. Mode of Transportation consisted of the following:
Round 1: Bear Crawl, Round 2: Nur, Round 3: Crab Walk, Round 4: Sprint, Round 5: Mosey
MARY: (24) reps of American Hammers, Flutters, Hello Dollies, Box Cutters, and Rosalita
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Stuff the Bus, and Bethel Shelter Food Service
COT: Prayers and Praises

TClap |

Shieldlock of PAIN

Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Low Slow Squats, mosey, Maracan Night Clubs, Shoulder Presses, Hillybilly Walkers

Cake Bass lead: Partner Up
#1 doing big boy situps in endzone, while
#2 bear crawls to numbered yard markers and does that number merkins
When #2 gets worn out, go tag partner to complete the merkins all they way through 50 yardline. mode of transportation back is run, out is bear crawl
Second round was same except exercise was squats and mode of transportation was lungewalk

Hand off to Pusher:
Star course beatdown
Corner 1=Mountain climbers
Center=5 burpees
Corner 2=
Center = 4 burpees
Corner 3=
Center=3 burpees
Corner 4= Merkins
Mosey to bus drop off of campus for Mary
Side straddle hops
Side straddle hops
Side straddle hops
Hello Dolly’s
Side straddle hops

Dixie has lost 20lbs since posting over 3 weeks
Next Friday 8/4 Convergence
Next Saturday 8/5 Stuff the Bus

ECC 4:12
By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Luke 23:34
Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.”

TClap |

Mojo Rising

Portal led the warm up. His first time counting in cadence. He crushed it

We moved around the campus today

Legs at the auditorium entrance:
20 step ups – mosey
20 box jumps – mosey
20 one leg box jumps- mosey

Mosey to the 4 year old parking area
Bear crawl

Mosey to the outdoor lunch area
People’s Chair with leg lifts
Tibialis raise

Mosey to auto shop
Burpees for the 6

Mosey to pull-up bars
1 pull-up
2 chin ups
3 merkins
5 sets
Harry Carey complimented this and I admired I stole it from Skate-or-Die: https://f3thefort.com/2022/07/01/hardest-24-minutes-in-all-of-the-fort/

Mosey to Sugar Creek for some hip mobility
Shin Box Switch
Sumo-Squat, knee tap
Cossack Squat, knee fold
(Crowd pleaser)


Set an alarm to make things around you better today.

TClap |