Making a trip to Blockbuster

Pick up blocks
Walk to band lot

20yard murder bunnies
10 man makers
20 yard bear crawl
10 flying squirrels
20 yard crawl bear
10 bombjacks
Rinse and repeat until murder bunnies into endzone
Round 2
20yard murder bunnies
10 curls
20 yard bear crawl
10 leg lifts
20 yard crawl bear
10 big boys


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Cindy’s Flipboard of Pain

WARMUP: Get 2 blocks. Take to the parking lot and drop one, then carry the other to the far side of the lot. Indian run back to pick up the people who forgot that we started at 0515. Circle up for SSH, Morracan Night Clubs, Windmills and Merkins.
Round 1

10 Merkins
15 Squats w/ Block
20 Overhead Press

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

15 Bentover Rows Each Arm
20 Curls

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

Rinse & Repeat

Round 2

10 WWII Big Boys w/ Block
15 Flutters with Block Overhead
20 Chest Press

Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

10 Thrusters
15 Straight Arm Lifts
20 American Hammers
Sprint to the Other Side of Lot

Rinse & Repeat

Take the blocks back

Since we were running out of time, but too much time to go back and just Mary, we did 6’s at the hill. Sawdust picked burpees and Bluey picked merkins. Burpees at the top of the hill and merkins at the bottom. Then 1 more burpee when everyone was finished at the top and back to COT.
MARY: Ran out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter. Saw Dust planting seeds for a rafting trip down the river and Daisy (or Daffodil) walk through a gorge.
COT: Prayers and praises that stay in COT.

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Do Great Things Today

After the disclaimer, we began our journey around town. First stop, the pharmacy for some warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Fast Windmills, Merkins, Peter Parker, Parker Peters). Next Stop, the former location known as Hardees. Partner exercises: Elevated merkins, feet on back of partner in plank position. Second set, planking partner elbows on ground.
Next stop, Post Office. Lineman push – partner 1 pushes partner 2, flipflop.
Next stop, Unity Church. Partner wheel barrow to the stairs of the church, each rest break 5 merkins. flipflop. mosey to Footloose parking lot. One partner started the bear crawl to the end of the parking lot. Partner 2 ran to the end and back to take over for partner 1. Both finished at the end of the parking lot. Next , we moseyed to the bottom Williamson St. All you got to the top of the hill. Once all made it up the hill, I took a minute to talk about how I get ready for the day. Take a shower after the workout (good hygiene). I look into the mirror and repeat these word “I am going to do great things today.” Sounds a little silly, but we need men ready to lead in our great things.
ok, back to the workout..on our way back to COT, we stopped by the Print Shop for a pitcher of pull-ups. Back to COT for a few minutes of Mary.
Great job Guys!

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Get things done. Zero snark.

WARMUP: big loop around parking lot, SSH, windmills, cherry picker, low slow squat, slow merkins.
THE THANG: ran to the elementary school parking lot on the left. Ran from one side of the parking lot to the other 4x. At each side of the parking lot, we did: 25 merkins, 25 squats, 25 four count flutters – so a total of 100 plus running back and forth.

Round 2 was on the other side of the school on the basketball court running back and forth on the court.

25 CDD, 25 lunges (single count), 25 Freddy mercury (double count) – all times 4 for 100.

Round 3 top of the hill by the pull up bars. Just 2 sets. Merkins were 8 each of diamonds, ranger, wide arm; then calf raises 8 each of in, regular, and out. Last was 24 LBCs. Run to cinder blocks but do 1 pull up at each bar on the way there, then do merkins, calf raises, LBCs again. Then pull ups at each bar again.
MARY: a few rounds of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: short and sweet
COT: completed

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On the X

WARMUP: Side straddle hops in cadence to 20, Imperial Walker in cadence to 20, Abe Vigota (slow old man windmill in cadence to 20.
THE THANG: On the X :

Each line 12,3,6,9 o’clock gets 5 hand release merkins at the end of each rotation you go all the way around on hands to next quadrant line once you are there get on your feet and jog in place until all PAX done

Q1: Shoulders : All exercises to 15 in cadence
Baby arm circles front
Baby arm circles back
Moracan night club
Overhead arm clap
Carolina dry docks 15 OYO then do Merkin circle 12, 3,6, 9 o’clock position hand walking to each jog in place when done.

Lap around the parking lot Indian Run last the whole way
Q2: Legs : All exercises to 15 in cadence

Alternating side squats
Blart: riding your motorcycle hands on handle bars sway forward left right then back
Cracker jacks= side straddle hops in squat position
Single leg RDL 15 per leg
Bolt 45’s half way down from standing, all the way down from halfway then 15 full squats

Q3: Abs
Plank 30 seconds
Side plank 30 seconds
Knalp 30 seconds
American Hammer 15  4 count
Box cutter 15
Gas pumper 15 OYO

Mosey back to COT

MARY:Two minutes all the way up 30 seconds halfway 30 seconds all the way without touching ground 10 then all the way up 10 repeat until time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D final push, Mint Hill CSAUP @Goose will post details
COT: Shout out to all the Men of F3 who have kept coming out into the gloom and have not only kept this thing up for over a decade but have grown F3 through there witnessing in there spheres of influence. It has been more than a blessing to so many!!

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Y’all ever met Tinker Toy?

20x SSH IC
10x Windmills IC

Didn’t know what to do this morning but DID know I didn’t want to stay cold, so I busted out a routine from one of Rock Region’s finest.

Moseyed to breezeway around the corner with benches on both sides.
Between each of the following rounds, run down and around the roundabout and back.

Round 1:
10 Merkin Jacks
20 Jump Squats
20 Derkins
20 Jump Squats

Round 2:
10 Merkin Jacks
20 Jump Squats
20 Derkins
20 Jump Squats
20 Diamond Merkins
20 Jump Squats

Round 3:
10 Merkin Jacks
20 Jump Squats
20 Derkins
20 Jump Squats
20 Diamond Merkins
20 Jump Squats
20 Mike Tysons
20 Jump Squats

Round 4:
10 Merkin Jacks
20 Jump Squats
20 Derkins
20 Jump Squats
20 Diamond Merkins
20 Jump Squats
20 Mike Tysons
20 Jump Squats
20 Clap Merkins
20 Jump Squats

Simple and highly effective

Abs were feeling left behind.
30x Flutters IC
1m Plank
5x J-Lo’s IC
15x Big Boys OYO
20x Explosive somethin-or-others IC… Dying cockroaches, but with form and energy
20x LBC’s

CSAUP Tomorrow
Rock Region 10-Year Anniversary Extravaganza coming up

Prayers for healing and jobs and marriages lifted

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At the Gym not In the Gym

Did some warm ups
3 sets of exercises
3 rounds each set
Last move to failure 😨

Leg lifts
Ankle touches

Read Newsletter
Work hard Play Hard

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Blast from the Past

WARMUP: We welcomed two pax from years past and far off locales, Chino Grande and Uncle Sam! Then we got after it.
THE THANG: Based on a late night call from the bullpen by Cake Boss, the plan all along was to include the pax. We did some warmup moseying, then found our way to the far West side of the school and proceeded to follow a pearls-on-a-string path driven by each pax in Fartlek style. Each pax picked a destination, a form of transit and an exercise for the group once we reached the destination. Then he passed the baton to another pax. In each case, the pax shared how long he’s been posting and a bit about what brought him out to F3 and kept him posting. All learned, and all sweated. A good morning with welcome friends! Thanks for the Q stick CB!
COT: Yes! it’s one of the 5 core principles!

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Varsity HIITs

Varsity HIIT routine
Thang 1: HIIT routine
Chapter 1: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
monkey humpers
Pickle pointers
Bobby Hurley’s
Chapter 2: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers
Peter Parkers
Chapter 3: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat jumps
step ups
Repeated the three chapters
Did bear crawls between chapters.
Finished with Airbornes.

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