46 Years on the Big Ball

WARMUP: Mosey to bottom of Kingsley hill. (a few things to get loose)
THE THANG: Run the “big loop” through neighborhood and return to bottom of hill.
Run to first road….back down. Run to second road….back down. Run to top…..back to swimming pool. Run to COT. We did do exercises at each stop including Burpees. ( In truth, was my birthday so didn’t write the backblast until 3/1…so forgot)

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Tabata and Talk

WARMUP: Various Calisthenics
THE THANG: 6 rounds of Tabata (5-1min exercises) targeting upper body, core, Lower Body, and Total Body with
MARY: Various Ab Exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens Shelter and Kenya Charity Drive (see Poppins for Details)
COT: Prayer Request for Kaisers Friends who were displaced by Home Fire 🔥.

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What’s the fun in tapering

WARMUP: pledge and then ran to WEP. The run is your warmup.
THE THANG: Partner up and run opposite directions around WEP. We started out with when you meet you partner, you drop and do 10 merkins slapping hands as you come up from the merkin. With the resounding “that’s it” after initial instructions, we took off in our opposite directions.

After meeting our partners for the second time, and essentially completing 1 full lap around the park, additional exercises were included. On top of the merkins, 10 LBCs were added.

1 more full lap, 1 additional exercise…now added in 10 squats. As my partner, old bay, was responsible for telling people he passed about the new exercises, he may have told some teams the new exercises were burpees. It happens.

Last lap added in 10 flutters.
MARY: no, made it back with no time remaining.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger on 3/11, dam to dam coming up
COT: How many times do you allow ego to get in the way of potentially “good ideas”? Or how do you let ego drive decisions just because people make comments that trigger competitive tendencies? Or how do you walk into a situation thinking one thing, and then realize someone changed something you didn’t expect (every time you passed them in a big WEP circle)?

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The Slog at JWEP

It was a wet/sloppy day in The Fort, but fear not, the firey mumble chatter warmed our souls.

Side Straddle Hops
Cherry Pickers
Windmills (Trucker Approved)
The Polish Mating Dance🕺
Dying Cockroaches

The Thang:
Grab you backpack and mosey down yonder to the Church for some Dora.
Partner 1: Figure 8 running pattern on the stairs.
Partner 2: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters

Head back towards JWEP for some more pain. Mode of transportation was a Jack Webb – 4 Bearcrawls and 1 Carolina Dry Doc until you get to 40-10.

At the top of the Hill next to JWEP we did crazy 8’s. The top of the hill 7 burpees, the bottom of the hill 1 Merkin. You know the drill…Finish at 1 Burpee and 7 Merkins.

We Moseyed over to the JWEP pavilion for two rounds of Webb Jacks.
1. 4 Overhead Claps and 1 Merkins until you get to 40-10.
2. 4 Squats and 1 Monkey Humper until you get to 40-10.

COT commenced at the JWEP Pavilion for announcements/prayers/praises.


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Litter pick up – Community Svc

March 18th is tentatively set as our first pick-up for the US21 adopt-a-Highway litter pickup! We will have 4 opportunities in 2023. Once a quarter is the plan.  All supplies provided ( bags, gloves, safety vests, pick up sticks, eye-wear, and fellowship) All that remains is YOU.
Plan for about 1 hour and 30 mins – 2 hours maximum. We will meet at the Harris street park around 7:45am.
We will walk up the hill to US21 and split up into 2 groups.  One group will head north to the Peachstand and back and the other group will head south to Sutton Rd and back.  (1 mile each direction)

We could use 10-12 guys to keep this an efficient and timely process. 2.0s and Ms are welcome as well as anyone who would like to participate in our community svc event.

Thank you to all who participated in 2022. Looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the HIM who assisted last year.

US 21 from the Peachstand south to Sutton Rd ( Circle K – gas station) is the road that we adopted!!

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45 min miles

Yes, we did that. Solid mosey for a while. Plank/yoga for the 6. Then the “Cha Ching” warmup, 5 minutes with 35 SSH and 8 burpees each minute. Followed by, IW, HW, Squats

mosey to picnic tables
11 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 9 merkins, 8 diamond merkins, 7 merkins, 6 diamond merkins, 5 merkins (then YHC had to tap out….if you can’t do it, don’t Q it. Attempting the remaining 10 merkins could have resulted in a face plant)
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Low Slow Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Jump Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Alternating Lunges 10 (each leg)
Pistol Squats (just 2)

Jack Webb w/ 4 count bear crawl and 1 burpee, 8/2, etc.
When we got to 7 burpees we did them in cadence.
When we got to 10 burpees we modified to an 8-count burpee with a plank jack before the merkin.

Flutters in cadence to 35
QL stretch
Seated forward bend
Pigeon Lunge
Wide angle forward bend

ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Jaeger is coming 3/11

All told we only covered a mile in distance today. YHC hopes the PAX still got their money’s worth of out this free workout, open to all men, held outdoors, peer led with no assumption of expertise, that ended in a COT.

Shot for the Prayer of St. Francis, but didn’t quite have the thing memorized. Memorize is my word of the year, I’m working on it.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

An honor to lead such a solid crew.

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Site Q 601 Q-School

First edition of Site-Q … Q-School began on a surprisingly moist Tuesday morning. After a quick disclaimer we moseyed to the pavilion near the football field to share some reminders and just a few burpees.

Theme of the day : Stewardship. How as site Q’s are we stewards of F3’s Mission, our individual sites, and our fellow Pax? While this message was geared towards Site Q’s it’s one I think should resonate with all Pax.

Part 1: The Mission.

After getting to the pavilion we circled up and planked up. I asked the PAX what are F3’s 5 core principles. Which thankfully everyone got. Then a question on our credo. (Leave no man behind…leave no man where we found him). Did a quick 10 merkins IC.

Then I asked the assembled PAX what is F3’s mission? Most Pax Struggled with this question. Thankfully, Maximas was there to rescue his fellow PAX. With the reminder that F3’s core mission is to Plant, Grow, and Serve small workout groups for the invigoration of Male Community Leadership.

As Site Q’s we play an integral part in ensuring that our Mission as a group is carried out and that we act as a steward of that mission.

Other topics hit during this portion : Scheduling Q’s, culture building at your site, and general safety reminders,


It was still a workout after all so we did 10 burpees on the minute every minute for 5 minutes then took a recovery lap around the track.

Came back and planked it up for Part 2

Part 2: The Operation

This section was focused on the nuts and bolts of being a Steward of your site. We discussed on how to work with the Q you schedule prior to the workout to ensure safety, and preparedness. We talked about how to market the site, and some best practices around timing and creativity. We also touched on safety, ensuring someone (especially the site q) has a phone with them and ensuring that the workout Q is aware of potential risks to the PAX and of the site. (I.E. traffic, footing,). Also, it’s important for the Site Q to act as a “sweeper” during a workout. Again, going back to our credo, we do not let anyone behind.

This is also where the Site Q must act as a steward of the site they oversee. We are guests at these locations. As a result, be mindful that we shouldn’t jump fences, drag cinder blocks, or damage property in any way.


6-minute Emom 5 burpees 10 squats

Recovery Lap.

Part 3: COT

I wanted to separate COT out as a separate Category because of how much it differentiates us from other workout groups. Different PAX here shared what COT is to them and it shows why it’s so important conceptually. With that I imparted on the Site Q’s how important it is to embrace your role at COT by facilitating a positive experience for FNG’s. that means (during the workout) sticking with them, encouraging them, and ensuring that you capture their information.


5 Minute EMOM

5 Squats 15 HR Merkins

With time running short, we had one last exchange about how to think about succession planning. Who else is willing to step up, who can we identify as the next guy to embrace the mission and steward it on to fellow PAX throughout the region. As site Q’s go this is something that should be top of mind early in your tenure. A key part of being a good steward is to leave something better than you have found it and in good hands.

Run to COT.

Final Thoughts:

We are really blessed with the men we have leading AO’s here in the Fort. Today was a great example of that as we had a great interactive session with some key reminders of why it is we do this each morning. For those looking for more detailed information on the points covered I’d encourage you to check out the Site Q handbook located within the Site-Q channel. More importantly, I’d ask all men of the Fort to remind themselves and familiarize yourselves with our mission. Remind yourself WHY it is we do what we do.

We, all of us, are fulfilling a need in our communities and are very lucky we can lean on each other and build from one another.

Thanks to all who showed!

Honored to Lead!

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2023.08 Kitchen Sink

2 rounds (3 laps each round) of 4 corners around the soccer field (~1/3 mile)

1st Rd: 20yd Bear Crawl, Squats, Merkins, Flutters
2nd Rd: 20yd Burpee Broad Jumps, Bob Hurleys, Carolina Dry Dox, American Hammers

2+ miles, some exercises, and fun had by all.

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February fun w/VQ and bear crawls

THE THANG: 11s merkins, big boy sits. wall sits while partner does 10 of any excercise Line up along the fence line of field #1
Round 1: Bear crawl to end of field. Stop at light posts for 5, 10, and 15 merkins, run back to the start.
Round 2: Lunge walk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 squats, run back.
Round 3: Crabwalk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 dips, run back.
Round 4: Run to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 burpees, run back.

Mosey to the playground, split up into the 3 groups
Group 1: 10 pullups
Group 2: Reverse step ups until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 3
Group 3: Freddie Mercury’s until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 1
Rinse and repeat two more times, with group 2 changing to big boy sit ups and hello dolly
Mosey back to field #1 for mini-Mary:
Box cutters x 20
LBC’s x 20
End with the Body Destroyer.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check news letter, prayes for D2D pax
COT: we did it

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