Warm and Sunny Progressive Ladders or String of Pearls

‘‘Twas a tad moist, so we jogged over to the FMHS front entrance overhang.

15 count all
Cherry Picker
Peter Parker’s
Imperial Walkers
Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: Progressive Ladders or String of Pearls

Bear crawl down, lunge walk back
15x count at each pillar
1. Dips
2. Merkins
3. Big boy sit-ups
4. Calf raises
5. Hello Dolly’s
6. Burpees
7. Flutters
8. Shoulder taps (with an out of time so we dropped to 10x count and did 8,9,10 in a row)
9. American Hammers
10. V-ups

discussed 8-blocks, why, how to, improvement, acceleration. Do it for Q1 2023 AND listen to the CSPAN 2021 43 Foot podcast on the topic ( I did 3x)

Yardsale’s girls have been in and out of the hospital for sickness.

Discussed reaching to those who might be lonely on the holidays.

Dress warm for the Convergence, cover any patch of skin you can.

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Repeat the 400

18 pax posted at Clydesdales this morning for a chilly mid week jaunt over to FMHS and some interval training. Weather was 35 but felt like 31


Mosey to FMHS – 0.7 miles
400 m at 10k pace followed by 400 m walk/jog
Rinse and repeat for 6-8 times
Mosey back to COT – 0.7 miles

– Clave Boss 5k/10 at 6:30 on 12/24 at Pantheon (bootcamp after)
– 8 Blocker at Q Source on 12/27 at Panera
– 1/28 Dam to Dam Bar run

– DQ closes early (9 PM) provided by Sugar Daddy

– Walker 61st birthday
– Middle school kid lost his father (Patel)
– Lost loved ones from 2022
– Andy Burkholder has AML

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Choose Your Own Adventure

We had a great crew if vets and rookies out at Alacatraz.  This was a choose your own adventure work out.

We started with a mosey around the park with a stop every 1/3 of the lap for warm up exercises.

1st 1/3:  15 Windmill and 15 CDD  2nd 1/3:  15 Low slow squats and 15 Cherry Pickers Final 1/3:  IW x 15 and LBC x 20

Choose you own Adventure:

Start at Playground:

4 Laps Around Park, 150 Merkins, 150 Abs, 150 Dips and 50 Pull Ups

Choose your reps and your order.

The men crushed it today and we had time for some wall time.

Mosey to the Wall:   Wall Sits while each man bear crawls 15 yards and back, Balls to the Wall with 7 Count Each Man, Rinse and repeat both.

Mosey to playground for some shirtless Broga with Change Order leading the way,

I appreciate each man that came out and gave it their all.


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Running with Burpees…Do you have a problem with that Mr Lawrence?

WARMUP: Mosey to Patricia Ln.
THE THANG: Alternate between 2 pain stations…one at circle at the end of Patricia Ln and the second at the farthest parking lot in front of GHMS. The pain stations are exactly 1/2 mi apart. At Patricia Ln the PAX completed a round of 10 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. At GHMS, 10 merkins and 25 sumo squats. Rinse and repeat. PAX logged between 3.5 – 4.5 mi.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party and convergence. Read your newsletter.

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Pretty Good Workout with Lots of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, and Calf Raises
Pain at Lights:
Reps 5, 10, 15, and 20; Round 1 – Burpees, Transportation = Bear Crawls; Round 2 – Plank Jacks, Transportation = Crab Walks; Round 3 – Big Boy Sit Ups, Transportation = Lunges; Round 4 – Carolina Dry Docks, Transportation = Nur
Four Painful Corners:
Corner 1 – Seal Jacks & Squats, Corner 2 – Monkey Humpers & Mountain Climbers, Corner 3 – Shoulder Taps & LBCS, Corner 4 – Merkins & Peter Parkers; Round 1 – 5 Reps, Transportation = Run/ Mosey; Round 2 – 10 Reps, Transportation = Run/ Mosey
MARY: American Hammers, Hello Dollies, and Box Cutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Working to 38 (or 19) at Pantheon

WARMUP: We ran around the big loop with the occasional plank at the corners to bring the group back together. After the lap, as a group, 38 SSH I/C, Merkins 19 I/C, Flutters 38 I/C, Squats 19 I/C.
Then, run the loop again.
THE THANG: With cones set up 76yds apart and cones at the mid-point (38yds), grab a partner. As a rehash of J-WOW’s expertise from the Thanksgiving Convergence, we did the Partner Push from one end to the mid-point (38yds). Then your partner would push on the return. Complete this 5 times.
Now, get on the opposite end from your partner, 76yds apart. Bear crawl to the middle, 5 partner merkins, run back to your end, 19 Mountain Climbers I/C. Then repeat.
Now, get into 2 lines, facing your partner.
19 Carolina Dry Docks I/C
19 Diamond Merkins I/C
19 American Hammers I/C
19 Squats I/C
19 Calf Raises I/C
On the curb, 19 Mike Tysons I/C
38 American Hammers I/C
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: After nearly 3 years as our Pantheon Site Q, 38 Special has graced me with the Shovel Flag of this special site. To say I am excited is an understatement and there are more good things in store for this AO on the West side of our mill town. I’ll be recruiting past Site Q’s to join me in taking a flag; it’s time.
Read your newsletter
COT: You had to be there but I will say this, be emotionally present, not just physically present.
Until next time,

TClap |

A Tribute to

WARMUP: A quick run up the hill to pay tribute…to the hill.  Then we paid tribute to Cha-Ching with an inspired OYO 11 burpees followed by 33 SSH.  Ran down the hill and to the big parking lot for another inspired 11 and 33.  Then ran to the band parking lot for another 11 and 33.  The meaning behind 11 and 33, don’t remember but Cha-Ching may!
THE THANG: Ran over to the front of the school by the benches and broke out the “alternative” music in tribute to Slash who’s recovering from knee surgery.  (Alternative music wasn’t very alternative so fail on YHC part).  We did the exercises below and then ran a lap around the parking lot after each set.
– 10 burpees, ~30 seconds Al Gore
– 15 diamonds, 30 monkey humpers
– 20 hand release, 50 calf raises
– 25 wide arm, 50 flutters
– 30 reg merkins, 40 step ups
– 35 rangers, 25 incline merkins
– 40 CDD, 30 hammers

Ran back to COT.
MARY: got through 3 min worth
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Xmas party, shanking with Stang
COT: CSPAN around the horn!

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Clyde in the dales

WARMUP: nope, just counted off. Then I promptly forgot how many we had. Luckily Anchorman remembered we had Repeat and that he peeled off early. Q-fail. Will learn from that.
THE THANG: ran – https://strava.app.link/KeQquGKGmvb
MARY: nope, just a pigeon lunge
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: had to be there, it was more meaningful

First time to Q at Clydesdales or any running AO. Not my forte, but we made it work. Not too many actually made the route I drew up work, but everyone was generous about not letting me know.

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Things I stole from Tesh

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Merkin (slow)

THE THANG: https://f3thefort.com/2019/10/24/2019-43-minnow-pond/ Stole this one from Tesh. Thanks for writing the backblast buddy! We made it 4 rounds

MARY: called some yoga at COT, approximately 70 seconds worth

ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter is there to be read in your email inbox

COT: practice gratitude like you work on your fitness, CONSISTENTLY

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Merkin 200 at the Yard

Short mosey to start
Warm-up: SSH (I/C 20x), Windmills (I/C 8x), Imperial Walker (I/C 15x), Moroccan N/C (I/C 15x), Mountain climbers (I/C 15x)
Six count burpees (5x)
Short mosey run
Routine #1: Prison Yard Merkins: at a half basketball court do 10 merkins at one corner, bearcrawl to next corner and do nine merkins, keep going around until finish with one merkin (from 10, the total merkins here is 55).
Short mosey run
At the benches:
Step ups (10 each leg, OYO)
Derkins (15, single count)
Butt Touch Squats (15x)
Incline merkins (15, single count)
Calf raises (I/C 20x)
Dips (I/C 15x)

Short mosey run to fire access road
We ran a short bit and then stopped and did a push up exercise, rinse/repeat.  Some ten counts in between.  The push ups were:
HAND RELEASE (15 single count)

Short mosey again, stopped and did:
Toy soldiers, stopped and did monkey humpers
Lunge walk, stopped and did bobby hurleys

Short mosey run
Another push-up exercise bit:
HAND RELEASE (10 single count)

Short mosey to last push-up-related bit:
Six count burpees (5x)

Mary: Freddies, LBC
Fini, COT
Thanks to all for joining me on the day I hit 200 F3 posts in 2022.

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