Bit Down Monday

WARMUP: Mosey, Smurf Jacks, Imperial squat walkers, Windmill, Angle Grinder
Step one:
2 rounds of:
30 Flutter Kicks
30 American Hummer
30 LBC
30 Freddie Mercury
2 rounds of:
20 Dips
20 – Mike Tyson‘s
20 – CDD
20 – Angle Grinder
3 rounds of:
30 step up – (SL)
30 – Squats
30 – Smurf Jacks
30 – lunges
MARY: none

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Snatch jokes for days

Lots of jokes. small ball jokes. snatch jokes. runner jokes.

WARMUP: carry the bells to the top of the steep hill near entrance. SSH, Windmills, Produce Pickers all in cadence

3 sets of a 9 round tabata (40 seconds on 20 seconds off) with an active recovery between each set

9 rounds:
Bent Over Rows
American Hammers
Chest Press
OH Tricep extension
Goblet Squat

(third round I swapped a few exercises out so ended up with some deadlifts, curls, skull crushers, LBCs mixed in).

Active recovery included mosey up and down steep hill a couple times between sets 1 and 2, bear crawling down steep hill between sets 2 and 3, and an all you got sprint up the steep hill after set 3.

MARY: carry bells back to COT and in cadence flutter press, box cutters, more flutter press, and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: bourbon fundraiser tonight, Christmas party signups, Thanksgiving convergence, etc = read newsletter

COT: yup – No OYO – a lot of good dudes that can help each other through hard times here so be vulnerable with each other.

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Vests off

WARMUP: yea a bit
Run around
Did a sequence to get Esso to lose the vest:
12 Mike Tyson
Bear crawl
12 Curb Albert
Crawl bear
10 Mike Tyson
Bear Crawl
10 Curb Albert
Crawl bear

YHC was willing to go down to zero, but Esso (thankfully) shed the vest.

String of Pearls
10 merkins
20 squats
30 flutters

Solid distance and quite a few stops
MARY: toss the sand bag I brought, bear crawl to it.
COT: saw a college picture of an old friend and he looked more than young. He looked energetic, optimistic, and full of the belief that he could make a difference. I want to recapture that in all I do

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Accumulating ladder

WARMUP: mountains climbers, Moroccan nightclubs, mozy to the base of the hill and back
THE THANG: Accumulating ladder with 15 exercises. Complete one rep of the first exercise, then two of the second plus one of the first, followed by three of the third, two of the second, etc. Reps added up with 15 total rounds. Exercises from 1-15 were halos, lunges, side bends, cleans, curls, triceps, kb merkins, figure 8s, deadlifts, goblet squats, rows, cleans with a press, snatches, swings, flutters with a press.
MARY: included
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon tasting
COT: Family, friends and coworkers

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By way of instruction… The Ranch. Halloween.

How do you know you’re just getting started? Well, <@UGU3XR5RP> tells you that you are taking too long with the disclaimer and such. But there was an FNG and I wanted to be a good example. I have no idea what possessed me to do so, as I typically (according to everyone) am NOT one, but alas… here we are. With a mustache that originated in 18th Century Europe and eventually made its way to the Western US roughly 100 years later, this FNG sported a handlebar that was worthy of a Wyatt Earp or William Howard Taft, duly elected 27th President of the US (that was for you, Camp). After a short warm-up lap there were, presumably somewhere in here, a few slow <@USBP08L1G> style windmills, some SSHs, and other activities to get the blood circulating. The FNG didn’t quite look afraid, only perhaps marginally confused, so we continued…

We headed down the hill toward the entrance to the school(s) from Springfield pkwy, with a brief stop to pick up some rocks and lift them. Because we are men. Why else you would you do such a thing?

We also spent a moment or two of instruction along the way regarding the Mission, Credo, and 5 Core Principles. I am proud to state that the guys there actually did a really good job of getting them correct and I think the only penalty burpees that got leveled were my fault because I got ahead of myself and opened F3 to all men before first making it free.

Then we proceeded to complete a 1-mile circuit around both schools, with 9 or so stops along the way to perform 20 reps of everything as we went. First round was all together in cadence, including the burpees (in memory of Band Camp), the next round was on your own.

Exercises included:
– Side Straddle Hops
– Merkins
– Muscle-ups
– Flutters
– Burpees
– Curb Alperts
– Squat Jumps
– Double Leg Lifts; and
– Dips

Naturally, somewhere in there, Change Order (<@U012K8DDK7V>) managed to pull a Matthew McConaughey and get his shirt off. (see Matt Damon’s impression on David Letterman from like 20 years ago: .

As we returned back to COT, it was time to name the FNG. There is no moleskine section, so I will put this here. The FNGs name was Matt Mahood. Plenty to work with there… then there was the Taft-stache… plenty there as well… then he rips out that he loved cocaine and alcohol back in the day… he was a veritable fountain of interesting things… nothing was quite sticking and so I asked him about his family. In his deoxygenated stupor, he had to think for half a second before gently huffing out “wife, 2 kids”… then with no prompt “Amanda”… I said, “you named both your kids Amanda?” He looked a little befuddled and that was just long enough of a hesitation for the swirling snakes in my brain to land on “well, your name is now Hug&Kiss, as in Amanda Hugandkiss). And that was that. Welcome, brother… and way to take the name like a champ.

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Too many merkins

Run to Hill
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Downward Dog

The Thang
100 CDD
200 Squats
300 Merkins
400 LBC
One does exercise, one runs up the hill
Bear Crawl up the hill
Return to COT

Bourbon BBQ
Trash pickup
Beers for Beetus
Men’s Shelter

Prayers for health and the country

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Recycling my VQ

I found my old VQ backblast and brought a little back.

It wasn’t as hard as I remember. Solid work was done by all. We had a string of pearls to get to the spot

3 cones in a line

5 HR merkins
5 burpees in the middle
5 jump squats
4 burpees in the middle
5 HR merkins
3 burpees in the middle
5 jump squats
2 burpees in the middle
5 HR merkins
1 burpee in the middle
5 jump squats

I modified it down a bit from my VQ. Probably made it too easy. I’ll fix that next time

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Tour and More

Mosey to back lot –> WM, CP, HBW, yoga-esque stretch -> Mosey to islands
Appetizer –> 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 Sumo Squats –> Lunge Walk to next island –> Repeat x 3

Mosey to top of hill via the yellow brick road

Palate Cleanser –> 5 Iron Mikes, 10 LSS, 15 American Hammers –> run to next island –> Repeat x 2

Entree –> partner up for 100 Dips, 200 Flutters, 300 Overhead Claps, 200 Step-ups, 100 Derkins while partner runs the track around Bball courts

Dessert — mumblechatter, flatulence, Cossack Squats

MARY: Negative
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter, swing those clubs today gents!
COT: prayers/praises. Challenge –> invite one person to post this week!

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Figure it out

WARMUP: gathered up, ran to the top of the hill and into the parking lot. Quick round of SSH, 5 burpees, more SSH and 4 burpees. Low slow squat and some hillbilly walkers. Ran down the hill and to WEP playground.
THE THANG: Partner up for some Dora.
– 100 pull ups (realized there weren’t any pull up bars so you figured it out)
– 200 merkins
– 300 squats
– Timer was partner running around the playground

Ran to engineering parking lot in the front and found the wall. Did a wall sit where the pax held the sit while we went down line and did 5 press ups on the wall, 2x.

Wrapped by going to the big hill and did this 3x up and down.

MARY: we did this for about 2 min.
COT: of course

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