“The Seven” workout is back

Thank you Jekyll for the opportunity to lead.

We started our great morning with a mosey around the drop off lane followed by some warm up exercises, windmills, moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, merkins and lunges, we run another lap around the drop off lane for some high knees, butt kickers and toy soldiers followed by a short mosey to the back of the school where I had previously setup the pain stations.

The sevens is a workout that consists of 7 exercises with 7 reps each, these are the exercises:

7 Carolina Dry Docks

7 dumbbell swings

7 sledgehammer swing each side

7 worst merkin ever

7 squat jumps

7 biceps curls each arm

7 tire flips

after completing one circuit we took a lap around the parking lot, rinse and repeat; after the second time we took a break for some captain thor (1 big boy sit up and 4 american hammers; 2 big boy sit ups and 8 american hammers, all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) we had to take another brake after the 8th time to stretch our backs with some superman exercises, then back to finish up captain thor. Lots of mumble chatter about tail bones and glutes but we went back to our sevens.

One more circuit and we finished strong with some additional LBC’s, more mumblu chatting about tail bones and glutes at this point. Thank you everyone for helping to load the props in my truck.

Everyone did a great job, this is the first time that my timing with the props doesn’t work for everyone, we had to do some planks and SSH while waiting to flip the tire; I’m definitely fixing that for my next Q.

We went back to COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

We talked about F3 dads camp and lifted prayers for our families and our fellow PAX Brainiac in Lexington SC who’s having a knee surgery this week.

Tinsel OUT!



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Iron PAX Challenge – Week 1

First week of the Iron PAX Challenge.  Bolt and I arrived early to carefully measure out the 400 meter run and scope out the best place to perform the other exercises.    As the others arrived, we reviewed the menu of events for the morning.  Lots of mumble chatter about Dark Helmet making an appearance, maybe he was busy styling his hair.

Straight Up led the warm-up session with some much needed stretching.  Bolt read the description for each exercise, emphasizing the need for proper form over speed.  Once complete, we were on to the challenge:

  • 50 Air Squats
  • 40 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • 30 Merkins
  • 20 Bonnie Blairs (each leg)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 400 M run
  • Repeat 4 times

Great effort and encouragement by all.

Here are the times for the HIMs:

Straight-up  29:45

CSPAN  33:45

Trucker  33:35

Bolt  33:14

Dirty Harry  35:50  (Impressive, second workout this week!)

Gypsy  31:03 (First time visitor to Pantheon)

Half Shell  35:00

Fishsticks  27:46



2.0s, Parents, and Teachers preparing to go back to school

New employment opportunities

2.0s dealing with disappointments


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Beyond with Tinsel’s Utensils at the Ranch

Today I had the opportunity to lead a Beyond Workout, I’ve been to many of them and decided to share some of my personal stories. I was welcomed by all the PAX that decided to get better and a new name for my toys/props, Tinsel’s Utensils, great name Mainframe!!

We started the warm up with a short run around the parking lot with high knees and butt kickers and then circled up for a few warm up exercises:  Windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats followed by story sharing while on different variations of planks (regular, elbows, right/left leg up while on elbows, right/left arm up while on regular, back to regular), downward dog-honeymooner; with 9 minutes into the WO we split in 4 groups and each group went to a different station.

Station 1:

-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 15 wide arm merkins

-> 20 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 plank jacks

-> 50 Shoulder taps

Station 2:

-> 15 boat and canoe

-> 20 Rosalitas

-> 30 Sledgehammer swings (15 each side)

-> 40 Heel Touches SC

-> 40 Dying Roach

Station 3:

-> 15 overhead press

-> 15 biceps curls

-> 25 dumbbell swing

-> 30 SSH

-> 50 Carolina drydocks

Station 4:

-> 10  Tire flips

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 30 reverse lunges

-> 30 squat pops

-> 50 calf raises

After each group completed a station we met at the center for a brake and to continue my story sharing, on first brake we had a visit from Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up and 4 american hammers, 2 BBSU and 8 AH, 3 BBSU and 12 AH and so on) the plan calls for 10 BBSU and 40 AH but it’s looks easier on paper so we stopped at 8 BBSU and 32 AH. Back to the next station.

Time for brake number 2 and more story sharing, we did one of my favorite exercises the famous Worst Merkin ever, start with wide arm, down to regular and finish with a diamond merkin, that counts as one, we did 10 total. Back to the next station.

Brake number 3 came up and more of the story of my life was shared and since we were running out of time we went back to finish our 4th station.

I guess I didn’t take all the talking that I was going to do into consideration and we stopped at about 49 minutes, circled back into COT for a final chatter about my personal story.

We finished up with prayers, praises and announcements.

Thank you Straight up for lifting us up for the final prayer.

I think the best part of the WO was at the end when some of the PAX decided to skip the fist bump and switched it for a hug!!

Big props to Maximus for this great idea to go Beyond!

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Burping Arrows at Colosseum

What do you do when you spend all of your mental energy preparing for a Q involving a hard workout and a solid message, you do that workout, and then get asked to Q the next day?


For YHC, you put little effort into preparing a message, think back to what others have done at that AO, and do something hateful.


Jekyll reached out late in the day Monday, asking me to take the Q at Colosseum on Tuesday morning, and it’s really hard to say “no” when the request is made. Announcement was made on the Twitter machine, which usually results in poor turnout, so I was quite surprised to see 17 PAX show up to join me in my admittedly bad idea workout. 0515 rolled around, disclaimer was made, and off we went on a comfortable mosey around one of the drop off circles, complete with side shuffles, knees-to-chest, toy soldiers, and other light stretching. We wrapped around to the small parking lot at the entrance for some additional warm-ups.


20 SSH in cadence

20 Moroccan night clubs in cadence

10 Hillbilly imperial hillbilly walkers in cadence (yep, you read that right, and it’s just like it sounds)

10 Windmills in cadence

10 Merkins in cadence


Tiny mosey to the start of the looooooong entry road with all the arrows for…


The Thang


Ginsu did an awful workout over the winter involving the arrows on the road, so today’s workout was modeled after that bad idea. But I couldn’t remember what we did that time, so we did burpees.


Round 1:

15 burpee buy in, then jog to the first arrow, one burpee, jog to the next arrow, one burpee, etc., all the way down to the stop sign past the Gold Hill Middle School sign (17 arrows in total). 

Jog back to starting point and wait for the 6. 


Truth be told, we only did all 17 arrows this time so I could gauge how long the road was and how long future rounds would take. Based on that information, we shortened it to the first 10 arrows for the remainder of the workout.


Round 2:

15 breakdancer burpee buy in, then bear crawl to an arrow, 10 LBCs, bear crawl, 10 LBCs, etc. Jog back.


Round 3:

15 Walmart burpee buy in, sneaky gorilla to arrow, 10 merkins, sneaky gorilla, 10 merkins, etc.

Jog back.


Round 4:

10 Jackass burpee buy in, crab walk to arrow, 10 squats, crab walk, 10 squats, etc.

Jog back to COT, because we ran out of time.


Rounds planned but not completed:

15 Bodybuilder burpee buy in, broad jump to arrow, 10 V sits, broad jump, V sit, etc.

20 One-leg burpee (10 per leg) buy in, monkey crawl left to arrow, 10 diamond merkins, monkey crawl left, 10 diamond merkins, etc.

10 One-arm burpee (5 per arm, aka, Apollo Creed) buy in, monkey crawl right to arrow, 10 jumping lunges (single count), monkey crawl, 10 jumping lunges, etc.


There were very few announcements. Read your newsletter.


Very few prayer requests. Some PAX admitted just needing oxygen.


This was my first Q at Colosseum. Jekyll said to make it hard. I tried. We only ended up doing 72 burpees in all, so it wasn’t that bad. I’ll branch out and assume I won’t be asked back, and if I am, it will be a poor turnout.


As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead. Thank you, Jekyll, for the push.



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Block Party/Colosseum Colombia Team Send off!

28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matt 20:28

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

61 PAX and YHC came to Block Party this day to show support to those that have felt a call to serve. As we are commanded to serve locally, nationally and globally this group of men are going global to get uncomfortable and grow closer to SkyQ. The support, prayers and encouragement from our brothers in the PAX is overwhelming and powerful. Anyone that has not realized it yet, F3 is more than a workout!

The Thang:

  • Ruckers when their separate way with Cobra Kai at the helm
  • Runners went looking for golf balls at FMGC with Pusher at the point
  • The rest of us followed YHC for a boot-camp with 40 or so of our brothers
    • Mosey down path, across the field out towards 160 for COP
      • All exercises were to 11 count for the 11 heading to Colombia
      • Plank
      • SSHs
      • Squat
      • Merkins
      • MOracan Night Clubs
      • Sumo Squat
      • Wide Arm Merkins
      • LBCs
      • Peter Parkers
      • Rosalitas
      • Imperial Walkers
    • Mosey to playground
      • Ladder work
      • Do exercise with designated reps, take a lap, add next exercise, take a lap…..
        1 Merkin Bonsai 11
        2 LBC Bubba 20
        3 Squat Cake Boss 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        4 Burpee Crawdaddy 32
        5 Inch Worm Merkins Elvis 35
        6 Sumo Squat Fire Marshal Bill 36
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        7 Bombjacks Flat Tire 35
        8 Overhead Clap Italian Job 32
        9 Leg Raises Mr Bill 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        10 Lunge Hops Sir Topham Hat 20
        11 Donkey Kicks Trucker 11
    • Right up against time we finished
  • COT
    • We had 3 FNGs, Love Handles, Arrowhead and Homer
    • CSPAN prayed us out  an prayed over the whole team

YHC can thank you all for being a stable rock in my life. I can’t say enough about what F3 and each of my Brothers means to me and how it has changed my life. More importantly it has allowed me to reach men for SkyQ’s kingdom and that is the best achievement ever.

Peace Men

Cake Boss out!


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Beyond- Freedom has never been easy.

Always an Honor to Q. To be able to push men Beyond their comfort zone. To teach and be tought.  America has given me freedoms that most of the world can not even fathom. Freedom has been given to us all by the selfless acts of men and women willing to give themselves up so that we can live like other country.

We started with a disclaimer. Let all know who I was and checked to see if we had any FNGs. None present so made amentsl mental note to self that I need to work harder on bringingthis gift to other men in my reach. We took off with slow mosey that led into some dynamic movements Stopped for Pledge of Allegiance and then circled up. We warmed up to the acronym FREEDOM (Flutter kicks, Rosalita, empty wheelbarrow, Everests, donkey kicks, outlaws, and Mtn. Climbers) we than did 17 Merkins in cadence followed by 76 SSHs in cadence.
We moseydto drop off in front of school did the next 5 exercises followed by sprint Squat jumps, merkins, bomb jacks, CDDs, burppees 10 of each.
Mosey to small car circle. Get into discussion on true freedom and that is through Jesy=us CHrist. Q had found verses in bible that talked about freedom through him and matched it up with some good exercises. Fastest each round would get to read next verse. Here they are if you want to li=ook them up.Romans *:16- 10 jumpsquats. john 8:32 burpees- 1 peter 2:16-17- 10 grave diggers each side, 1 cort. 6:12 10 jumping lunges, 1 cort. 9:19 10 tony hawk burpees, Acts 13:39 10 bomb jacks, 2 cort. 3:17 15 squats, Psalm 119:45 20 CDDs, romans 6:6-7 20 merkins, gal. 5:1 10 hand release merkins, Gal. 5:13 20 Monkey Humpers, Psalm 118:5 20 flutter kicks. COT. Prayers, and Praises.
Thank You was an Honor.

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And then there were 2 . . .

I didn’t have high expectations based on the number of fireworks I saw and heard the night before. I picked up Jiffy’s Q and as always had a blast at F3, even if there were only 2 of us . . .

A special thanks is listed at the very bottom.

And this was just the WARM-UP . . .


Jog, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers,, Lateral Shuffles , Lateral Lunges, Squats,

Alternating Forward Lunges, Tempo Merkins,

Single Leg Toe touches with other leg going back, Peter Pointers, Table Twists

The Thang:

Nasty 7s: 7 chin-ups from a deep position, 7 pull-ups from a half position with opposite grip, 7 full range pull-ups.

Daft Punk: 2 rounds

Dancing Bear with 2 Merkins


Empty Wheelbarrow

Laney Lu, Plank and Merkin

LBFCs: Little Baby Flutter Crunches

Low Country Crab

Iron Mikes

Inch Worm until exhausted


Good morning Abbey: lay flat, move feet in and sit upright, then get up without touching the ground, then lower self back without using arms again (12 X)

Global Warming with extra tempo merkins, flutters, plank, Carolina Dry Docks, and others in-between

Hurpees: hand release burpees; increase # of hand releases up to 10;

Hydraulic Squat: Squat low, then right knee down to touch ground, then left now, then go back up in same direction as you came; do 10;

The Donatello

Tempo Merkin

*We will leave it to your imagination how many reps you think Sasquatch and I did of each of these exercises. (Can we say constant 45 minutes of moment?)*

8 minutes of Mary (0 rest):

Seated Ab Circles – 30 secs each direction; no rest between each

Twisting Pistons – 30 secs

Alligator Walks  60 secs;

Recliner Elbow to Knee Tucks – 30 secs

Slow LBC and Twist – 60 secs

Peter Parkers – 60 secs

Sprinter Peter Parkers – 60 secs

Elbow Planks with right arm/left arm high – 30 secs each

Regular Plank to the end – 30 secs

COT: Announcements; Prayer Requests

**A special thanks to Wegman’s for fartsacking today. 

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Truck full of concrete at Colosseum

If you’ve posted at the Colosseum, you know Jekyll guarantees it’ll be worth your time. So for all the future Q’s of this AO, the nation looks forward to you keeping the streak alive. Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to post with our brothers in Huntersville/Lake Norman and got absolutely smoked on a Wednesday morning as we spent much of the 45mins pushing cinder blocks around while bear-crawling the parking lot. It was way too painful to keep to myself. After all, we’re supposed to give it away, right?

With a little pre-hype on the machine yesterday, 21 brave souls joined me at The Colosseum and after a donation from Bonsai, I was able to ensure we had enough coupons. Little did I know that you can’t give some of these guys nice things because their way out of doing the workout is to break my blocks.

Once all were accounted for, we moseyed to the bus parking lot for an abbreviated wind mill and stretch session. This was purely at Santini’s request but wasn’t frowned upon by anyone. After all, when you get a request from the guy that EH’d you into F3, do you really have a choice? After that 2mins, we took off for the back entrance road which just so happened to be the launch point of Jekyll’s horribles last week. Some assurance was necessary as people got a little anxious while we stood there. I guess the memory was still fresh from the previous week.

At each light post, 10 SSH and 10 Freddy Mercury’s. Once you hit every light post, bring it back to the start where you get your form called out by none other than CSPAN…hmmm, seems ironic!! We love him anyways.

Now that we got that out of the way, mosey back to my truck where we begin the next chapter. Like a jewelry dealer opening their trench coat to show his watches, I opened the tail gate to reveal 25 cinder blocks. Oh, it’s on now. Grab a block and line up in a straight line with the basketball hoop. I also learned that for those speedy folks out there (that’s you, Tesh), I need to be very specific with my instructions.

Round 1:

10 Burpees

20 Carolina Dry Docks

30 Squats holding the block

Bear Crawl pushing the cinder block to the line at the other basketball hoop.

Round 2:

10 Bomb Jacks

20 Flutter Kicks with a Press

30 Bicep Curls

Bear Crawl pushing the block back to the start

Round 3:

10 Diamond Merkins

20: Deadlifts

30: LBC’s (with or without the block but seriously, is there really an option?)

Bear Crawl pushing the block to the other hoop.

Round 4:

10 Toe Touches (with or without the block)

20 Lunges (20 each leg)

30 Shoulder Press

Bear Crawl pushing it the block back to the start

Circle Up:

Staggered Merkins (6ea side)

Flutter Kicks w/ the press again

Ended with more bicep curls

As a Q, it is great to hear all the chatter but to then have that followed by the moaning and then…silence as the PAX are trying to stay focused, that’s affirmation. Great job to the guys and special T-claps to the next level’ers (Dark Helmet, Trucker and Bonsai) for throwing the ruck on during this. The original workout had a ruck or weight vest involved so I respect you for going that rout. I will join you with the ruck next time. The bear crawls pushing that block while wearing a ruck…that’s memorable.


Upcoming graduations, appreciation to the PAX for checking in on us and holding us accountable, Badger.

Jekyll…I thank you.

Until next time.


TClap |

A Truckload of pain at Honeybadger

Great way to start a week, we had 14 PAX (2 ruckers, Cha Ching and Jedi) that decided to get better and honor “the seven” a group of 5 CIA officers and 2 Security contractors killed when al-Balawi detonated a bomb sewn into a vest he was wearing. Six other American CIA officers were wounded. The bombing was the most lethal attack against the CIA in more than 25 years.

Al-Balawi was a Jordanian doctor and jihadist website writer who was detained and interrogated over three days by the Jordanian intelligence service, the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), in January 2009. The GID and the CIA thought they had turned al-Balawi to penetrate al-Qaeda in the Pakistani tribal areas to provide intelligence for high-level targets. Instead, al-Balawi used this trust to gain access to the CIA base in Afghanistan unsearched and perpetrate the attack. The Pakistani Talibanand al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, saying they helped al-Balawi with the attack.

The names of our honored heroes are listed below:


-Harold Brown Jr, 37, Bolton MA

-Elizabeth Hanson, 30, Rockford IL

-Darren Labonte, 35, Brookfield CT

-Jennifer Matthews, 45, Cedarville OH

-Scott Roberson, 39, Tolland CT


-Dane Paresi, 46, Portland, OR

-Jeremy Wise, 35, Tigard, OR

After a quick disclaimer on the go we moseyed around the parking lot with some high knees and butt kickers, our warm up consisted of the following exercises with different reps each to total about 9 minutes into the WO :

Side straddle hops


Moroccan night clubs


Arm circles





I followed the book as much as I could but had to include a tire exercise (otherwise it wouldn’t be a Tinsel workout) and also replaced a couple of exercises from the book to focus on upper body strength. The main idea of “the seven workout” is to complete 7  rounds of 7 exercises with 7 reps each, each round took about 7 minutes to complete, after round # 3 we run down and up the hill to give our upper body a break and then continued with 4 more rounds, these are the 7 exercises:


7 handstand push-ups

7 thrusters with log

7 sledgehammer swing each side

7 worst merkin ever

7 burpees

7 log swings

7 pull-ups

Everything was planned to be completed under one hour and I’m glad everyone pushed hard to reach our time window. With a couple of minutes to spare at the end, straight up took over for some Broga and stretching exercises, much needed after the beatdown, thanks for your help!!

We ended up our WO with announcements, prayers and praises.


Tinsel out…


TClap |

Old School WEP.

As cars rolled in one after another I was greeted by faces of men I knew and a few of some I didn’t. It is always great to be back Qing at the home where The Fort took shape. It was even better sharing this Q with my friend Mainframe. We got started with Mainframe giving the tasteful disclaimer. We then took off and the rest went something like this.

normal warm up stuff, mosey over to short wall for 15 derkins, 15 dips, 20 step-ups, mosey down to small lot in front of springs, 15 donkey kicks then bear crawl to other side, 1 merkin, crawl bear back, 10 DKs then bear crawl to other side, 1 merkin, crawl bear back, and then 5 DKs then bear crawl to other side, 1 merkin, crawl bear back

Mosey up the hill to upper lot and divide up into 3 groups. 2 groups working, 1 group resting for 2 rounds (1&2, 2&3, 1&3, 1&2, 2&3, 1&3). First was 10 burpees per set so total of 40 burpees per PAX. Run down hill and back to top. Second was 16 jump lunges (64 total per PAX). Run down hill, then run backwards up hill. Third was 15 monkey humpers (60 total per PAX). Run down hill, then run backwards up hill. Times up and over to you.

Was glad that was over. Wasn’t sure my portion would hold up to what we just did.

Start with Merkins 10 normal, 10 diamond, 10 wide arm.

Move over to light pole.  20 shoulder presses, 20 flutter kicks, bear crawl to other light pole 15 CDDs 10 big boy sit ups. crab walk back to light pole 15 Moroccan night clubs 15 hello dolly’s in cadence, bear crawl back to light pole 15 shoulder pressed 10 grave diggers each side.

Circle up for Jack webs 1-5, 4-20

stay in circle for plank hold while we run around the clock hurdling the other PAX.

Mosey down hill to veteran memorial Pledge and moment of silence for Fallen Local Firefighter Richard Sheltra.

Mosey over to wall. take a seat while pax do broad jumps and both leg single jumps.

Mosey to short walls do 10 derkins, 10 box jumps and 10 dips on wall X2.

Mosey to yet another wall. BTW but while up in cadence 5 presses and 10 Peter Parkers.

Mosey back to COT.

announcements- Cannoli run, reading in Paradise, and Strawberry Festival.

Prayers- Sheltra family, Badger and Family








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