Covid Vaccine for the Soul Coming in September… Join In

Has Covid frozen your faith Journey as Churches have closed their doors?  Or maybe Covid has you asking bigger question of God and you would like to be in a community of Men to discover the answers.  Are you interested in growing in your faith walk? Discovering a path toward an Intimate, Abiding relationship with Christ through a small group study.

Maybe you have been in the church for your entire life, the last 10 years or you are just now opening your mind to this idea of a higher power… a “Sky Q”.  Regardless of where you are in your faith walk we all have room to grow and mature in our relationship with Christ.

We are all on a faith journey and some of us are more or less equipped to take our faith deeper.  If you have a gap in any of these areas then I have a challenge for you.

  1. Do you feel that you have created a solid foundation of knowing who God is and his desire to be a part of your life?
  2. Are you in a group that is consistently seeking to grow in a relationship with God?
  3. Do you feel that you have an adequate tool kit to help you grow deeper in your faith?

In September, we will be launching into a Journey to build from the ground up a knowledge of who God is and to start to learn how to have an intimate, abiding relationship with him.  Please reach out to any of the Journey alumni to learn more and to get connected.


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Death by Nur and a visit by Dora, Jack Webb & Dan Taylor

Thank you to the 16 other PAX who showed up to Alcatraz on this beautiful gloom to share in some great fellowship and a little fitness. It was an awesome time and if you miss it, well, you missed out. Thank you to Trucker for allowing Longshanks and YHC to lead this morning.


We began the morning led by Longshanks with the 10-Bombjacks because Dark Helmet said something that was on the verge of crossing the line, although it was before the workout. Then we took a short mosey down to Anchorage Lane.


Once we arrived at the bottom of the hill of Anchorage Lane Longshanks told us the plan. We were going to Partner up. Partner 1 was to Nur up the hill and run back down while Partner 2 performed exercises in a modified Dora. Then flapjack. The exercises at the bottom of the hill were: 100-Dbl. Count Lunges, 200-Squats, 250=-Calf Raises, 200-Monkey Humpers, and 100-Burpees.

This took us to a little after 0700 and Longshanks handed it off to YHC.

Since Longshanks had mentioned to YHC he was going heavy on legs and burpees, I figured I would add in a little upper body and . . . legs & Burpees. We took a short mosey to the baseball field. YHC asked the PAX to line up in 4 columns and we commenced to begin a combination of Jack Webbs and Dan Taylors (alternating between the two) from a ratio of 1:4 to 10:40.

Then we lined up at the edge of the field. We then did 7’s with Burpees and Bombjacks to finish off the 30 minutes.

Once we arrived at the COT Gears led in a quick session of Dying Cockroaches to complete the hour. This morning was full of mumblechatter and fun. What you want to have at any F3 Workout.


Our Nation and world have been rocked recently with multiple crises. Coronavirus took over in late March and we are still dealing with the effects. We have seen cities, towns and communities torn apart as racial tensions have risen. Our public figures are constantly attacking each other for their ‘inabilities’ just to either gain or keep power. It seems as if we are coming apart at the seams. All of these and many more can cause stress in everyone’s lives and we are all affected.

The question and challenge I have for you today is who or where do you turn to for peace. Not a peace like the end of war peace or happiness. This term is thrown around way too much to where people just don’t understand the true meaning of it. This peace can be easily lost.

I am talking about the inner belief that you are truly at peace with yourself, the world around you, and SkyQ. For me this is a peace that you can only achieve through the blood of Jesus Christ. With this peace you are able to face the world that seems to be crumbling around us and not be shaken. Because this peace is given to us by God through his son and strengthened each day through the Holy Spirit. Seek this peace and if you don’t have it, feel free to discuss it with YHC and I will share with you.

I challenge all PAX to seek that peace, whatever it may mean to you so when tribulation comes, as it has, you will not be shaken. Seek a peach that can overcome the evil of this world and keep your keel straight.

John 16:33 ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’



Reach out to a Site Q to Q a Workout.

Sign up to serve at Bethel Men’s Shelter.

The Sweati – Sat., Aug. 15 at 0600 – Start at Colosseum

Meals on Wheels – Contact Change Order

FM Care Center Lawn Care

Read your Newsletter.


The PAX shared their prayers and praises and Longshanks lifted them up.

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Back to back Respectables at Colosseum

I had some big shoes to fill coming off last weeks Q by Rebel.  He brought the pain with some solid 3 minute interval exercises.  The 16 PAX this morning gave it their best as we started out after the brief disclaimer and broga stretching.  Mosey to the back parking lot for the warm up.

We started out with  Mtn. Climbers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, SSH, Moroccan night clubs, overhead claps, and imperial walkers.  Mosey to the end of the parking lot for the meat and potatoes.

4 sheets with 3 exercises on each sheet.  2 at each end of the lot.  Do first page Merkins 10, LBC’s 15 and Monkey humpers 20.  Run to the other end of lot do first sheet wide arm merkins 10, hello dolly 15 and squats 20.  Run back to other end of lot do first sheet and then the 2nd sheet Dips 10, bombjax 15 and flutters 20.  Run back to the other end of lot do first sheet then 2nd sheet Side straddle hops 10, american hammers 15 and 20 calf raises.  Back to start point for a brief story on disruption and shieldlocks.

Next round was sheet 1 run a lap around the lot.  Do 5 burpees then do sheet 1 and 2. Run the lot and do 5 burpees then do sheet 1,2 and 3.  Run the lot and you guessed it 5 burpees and do sheets 1-4.

We finished with a few minutes of broga before some of the PAX ran off to the bubble.

Thanks Hardwood for the opportunity.

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Lead, Then Get Out of the Way

A month ago Lutefisk reached out for me to Q today and I said yes.  Thinking to myself, that will give me plenty of time to get my sorry butt somewhat back in shape.  Well, that didn’t happen so had to figure out how to lead, without leading.   Thus U vs U was my only option.
FNG Alex (Soft Tail)
Mosey to Domino’s
    Mtn Climbers (10), Carolina Dry Docks (10), Hello Dollies (10), Lunges (10)
Mosey to Dogtopia
    Side Straddle Hops (54 of course), Merkins (10), LBC’s (10), Squats (10)
Mosey to back of Dollar Tree
    Peter Parkers (10), Plank Punches (10), Freddie Mercuries (10), Monkey Humpers (10)
Mosey to Express Lube wall
    Parker Peters (10), Dips (10), Box Cutters (10), Step-Ups (10-each leg)
Mosey to Walgreen’s Drive Through – Now the U vs U part
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Merkins
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Merkins, 10- Carolina Dry Docks
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Merkins, 10- Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Merkins, 10- Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Merkins, 10- Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, 10 Hand Release Merkins
    Some folks did an extra lap (because they can)
Round Two
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Bomb Jacks
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Bomb Jacks, 10- Side Straddle Hops
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Bomb Jacks, 10- Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees
    Run Lap around Building(s) –  10 Bomb Jacks, 10- Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Mountain Climbers ( I think this is as far as anyone got)
    Was an option to substitute Ab exercises but in true F3 fashion peer pressure prevented any of that non-sense.
Always honored and humbled to Q.  Was great to see a lot of faces, haven’t seen in while.  Appreciate the Lake Wylie boys getting up soooo early to make the trek across the pond, but stop your moaning already (Witch Hunt).
Pax: Bones, Witch Hunt, O’Reilly, Royal, Wild Thing, Slap shot, Oscar the grouch, Tesla, Long Duck, Olaf, Shop Vac, Nature boy, Cha Ching, Change Order, Fish Sticks, Duck Dynasty, Stang, Grass Knoll, Lutefisk, White Lightening, Half Shell, Cyclopes, Trucker, Zoo-lander, FNG (Soft Tail), Cake Boss
Cornhole Out
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Running Focus

9 men showed up for the workout at the Colosseum.  I decided to slow it down a bit and focus on form mostly due to getting my butt handed to me at the Honey Badger 24 hours earlier.

We began with a short mosey to the Middle School playground for some warm-up exercises.

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

Windmills x 15

Next, we ran to the front of the school.  I explained five things that I learned to improve my running.  We practiced each technique by running to the school sign and back.

  1. Breath using both your nose and mouth.  It takes alot of practice, but over time it becomes easier to do.
  2. Good posture, head high and back straight.  Keeps airway open and helps avoid injuries
  3. All body parts should move in the direction your body is running.  Sounds obvious, but watch your arm and shoulder movements while you run.
  4. Cadence or the number of steps per minute.  This can vary by runner, but typically you should aim for 160-180 steps per minute.  A few years ago, I had a bad case of plantar fasciitis.  I was told by an experienced runner to slow my pace down and focus on increasing my cadence.  Within two weeks time, my feet were back to normal.
  5. Mentally prepare yourself. If you are running a race or setting a goal, you’ve got to believe you can accomplish it.  Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage and support you.

Next, we ran to the top of the hill to the bank parking lot.  We performed plank squares with each arm and leg.  We ran back down the hill to the school sign for some ab exercises.

Back to COT



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Lt Michael Murphy “The Murph”

Today we Honored Lt Michael Murphy. We had 12 Pax do the Murph. For those of you living under a rock the Murph is :

Run 1 mile




Run 1 mile

It was hot and humid but all powered through to complete and honor one of our Nations Hero’s.

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True Americans

It’s hot outside, guys. 74 and humid at 0615 as YHC rolled up.


I saw a few PAX conversing and heard there were pull ups being done. How did I know that Trucker would be there talking about how many pull ups he could do? Maybe just a hunch. It was good to see a few guys starting off with a little bit of acceleration prior to the Weinke. The clock struck 0630 and YHC took the reins for the first half of the morning.

NO warmup/COP.

Short Mosey down Windward, right at Anchorage Community

Quadzilla in Anchorage Neighborhood

Down the hill to the white brick mailbox and back to the entrance x 5

Mosey back to Runde


Squatzilla – Parking Lot

3 space lunge walk, 10 squats. Mosey back.

6 space lunge walk, 20 squats. Mosey back.

9 space lunge walk, 30 squats. Mosey back.

12 space lunge walk, 40 squats. Mosey back.

15 space lunge walk, 50 squats. Mosey back.


Ass Webbs

1:4 Squats/Squat Pulses, 2:8, 3:12 and so forth to 7:28 before YHC’s 30 minute portion was up. You guys got lucky. 


Italian Job Takes the Helm

Mosey over to baseball field – it was at this point IJ decided to do what YHC didn’t do – bring a message. Today we were honoring Sunshine – as it was his last post prior to reporting to Parris Island by way of the Four Seasons… we as Americans are able to choose what we want to do, we can choose to sit back and mail it in, or we can bring it and push hard for this workout. Likewise, in our life we are able to sit back and coast (typically leading to much deceleration), or move forward and push ourselves to better our families and communities. So the next iteration was to honor America and Sunshine’s call to serve.


All American Elevens – foul pole to foul pole

True Americans / American Hammers. This one took quite some time, and was rather difficult. Thanks for the push, IJ.


Mosey back to parking lot

Ab Lab – 

(15 IC) Boxcutters, Flutters, Pretzel Crunch

Last two minutes: 10 Eskimo Merkins to close it out


What a workout! It was great being able to talk to Kaiser during most of the second half. That dude is a #HIM and always has a great insight into the Word and the world. The mumble chatter was also very pleasing today.


Announcements: YHC can’t remember!


Cash – he is self sufficient right now but it could be soon that hospice care begins. Pray for the Lord to heal him.

Sunshine is reporting for duty to the USMC next week. Pray for him as he leads through bootcamp with the principles he has picked up at F3. Pray for Funhouse and his family as they part ways – that the void not be seen as a loss but as an opportunity for Funhouse’s arrow from his quiver go out into the world and change it.

Families – that our concentrica truly knows our heart is with them. We as dads tend to be a little hard shelled in that our kids may not know how we rely on the Lord and have faith. If we can soften our hearts and allow our children in to see how much we love the Lord, it will ultimately help them in their faith.

Pray for strength for YHC, for I am but a weak man.

Unspoken prayers.


Trucker, thanks for the privilege to lead such a fine group of men alongside the #HIM that is Italian Job.


Punch List out.

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All about Stang

It’s always a pleasure to Q Laces In especially when Slapshot (fellow Yinzer) markets that YHC will bring pull-up pains. 11 PAX got better this morning. Shout out to Greenwave for finally posting after months of hibernating.

COP started in the parking lot with 13 windmills (surprised??), 5 burpees since Cornhole was late, then 13 very slow squats. Mossy to main school parking lot, 26 IW, 13 mountain climbers, 26 SSH, and 5 burpees. PAX line up in a line facing baseball field, toy soldiers half way down then NUR to end of lot. Mumble chatter started up and was wondering when PAX would be mossy to pull-up bars. Not yet…..

PAX broke up into 3 groups. Each group lined up within the parking lot lanes near the football practice field. Run from the curb line to the first parking stall. Each stall has a assigned parking number for the students. The first number = burpees, second number = squats, third number = merkins. For example: parking stall number is 287 = 2 burpees, 8 squats, 7 merkins. Run back to curb and back up the lane to the next parking stall. Rinse and repeat until we got about half way down the parking lot.

Mossy towards pull-up bars….whoops….hard right turn and mossy to the hill next to the football stadium. PAX were soooo concerned about heading to the pull-up bars…the intention was to run more this morning. PAX were surprised and glad we mossy away from the bars.

At hill we did 22’s (11’s on steroids). 2 merkins at bottom of hill, run up hill to last light pole – 22 squats. Run back down hill. Increase/decrease by 2 reps. Mumble chatter mostly by Stang….shocking! 5 burpees to complete the WO.

Thanks for opportunity to lead, everyone was gassed and sweaty!


Prayers to Cash, Bonsai, FMSD (teachers, leaders, admin, students, and parents) during this time.



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The Buble’

The temps were steamy. The Bubble was bubbling. The disclaimer was disclaimed. Eighteen HIM decided to get better.

Warm Up

  • 15 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Low Slow Squats
  • 10 Flutters
  • 10 Dying Cockroaches
  • 10 Big Boy Sit ups
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • Down/Up Dog
  • Static Stretch

Round 1

Indian Run around the block as the caboose did 2 burpess and sprinted to the front.

As the PAX gathered after the run I spoke on the importance of serving. The Bible tells us so.

Luke 22: 27 – 28

Jesus “For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you the one who serves.”

There is so much opportunity to serve the community. If the Son of God can serve us, we can certainly find ways to serve each other. Don’t be the guy that reclines at the table. Be the guys that serves.

Round 2

Indian Plank while the PAX in the back bear crawls to the front. We continued out of the parking lot down the alley and back. This was a crowd pleaser.

Round 3

Indian Peoples Chair while the PAX in the back lunge walked to the front. We continued out of the parking lot down the alley and back.

Time flies when you are in pain (or something like that). We circled up for COT.



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Simple inconveniences

18 PAX gathered in for The Bubble amidst humid conditions outside a mushroom pool.

SSH x51
1 Burpee
Windmill x10
2 Burpees
Merkin x10
3 Burpees
Some yoga
4 Burpees

The Thang:
Run 1 mile to Alison Park
Al Gore to Monkey Humpers facing Sutton Rd multiple times to keep together-ish

6 Exercises for 12-reps (all in cadence):
Low Slow Squat
Alternating Lunge
Mountain Climber
Peter Parker

Rinse and repeat total of 144 (a gross) of reps

Run 1 mile back.
Stopping for some monkey humpers along the way to keep the group together-ish.


There’s a lot of turmoil going on in the world. Americans (in general) have largely been spared inconveniences since WWII (maybe gas shortages in the 1970s?). In many cities, we’re being asked or required to wear masks to quell the rampant spread of COVID-19. For almost all of us, this is an inconvenience. But luckily it is only an inconvenience.

Today’s workout was certainly not convenient, with the exception of the location for some PAX. We recognize how simple workouts in the humidity makes us better. YHC is officially exhorting us to be leaders and do the inconvenient things like wearing a mask for our community’s health.

Side note:

As an FM local, I remember when Baxter was a cow pasture. Traffic is worse in town, but so much about Fort Mill is better because of the folks who moved here. I appreciate what y’all bring to our town. It is great to post with PAX from all over who are working to make themselves and our shared community better. T-Claps to y’all.

What I learned:

At The Bubble, 10 PAX doubled down posting twice today. YHC tried to keep the warm-up close for those PAX arriving late. My advice to future Qs is: DO NOT plank up in the parking lot until 6:20 or so. Unless you want to raise your heart rate from fear rather than mountain climbers as a vehicle whips into the parking lot you’re lying down in…. My mistake. Won’t happen again.



Band Camp dismissed

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