BackBlast for The Coop 9-13-17

The weather just does not get any better than on September mornings in the South. 13 men took advantage of the conditions to get better.

Mosey to the black top football field

The Warm-up 

  • 30 4-count side straddle hops 
  • 10 4-count windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkens
  • 20 4-count mountain climbers
  • 20 4-count Moroccan night club

The Thang

Mosey to the goal line to start a workout focused on arms

  • Run 20 yards
  • 15 Carolina dry docks
  • Rinse & repeat 4x until the other goal line

Mosey to the benches at the front entrance

  • Partner up
  • Partner 1 does 30 dips
  • Partner 2 does lateral pulls (under the bench)Note: plan was to flip flop a few times, but the lat pulls under the bench (as well intentioned as they were) did not work. AUDIBLE!

Mosey to back to the black top football field

  • Run 20 yards
  • 15 Carolina dry docks
  • Rinse & repeat 4x until the other goal line

Mosey to the bottom of the hill past the pull up bars

  • Back to partners
  • Partner 1 runs to pull up bars, does 5 toes to bar & 5 pull ups
  • Partner 2 does curb dips
  • Flip Flop
  • Rinse & repeat substitute diamond merkins for Partner 2
  • Rinse & repeat substitute dips for Partner 2

Mosey to the top of the hill by the pull up bars

  • Back to partners
  • Partner 1 does 10 pull ups
  • Partner 2 does 5 burpees and planks until P1 done
  • Flip flop
  • Rinse & repeat substitute 10 chin ups for P1
  • Rinse & repeat substitute 8 pull ups for P1
  • Rinse & repeat substitute 8 chin up for P1

To sidewalk and on your six for Mary

  • 20 LBCs
  • 20 Flutter
  • Protractor
  • 10 Boats & Canoes
  • Captain Thors to 3×12

Mosey to COT


  • Colombia Mission Trip Audible & New Mission to Florida
  • Invergence on Sept 29th
  • Convergence on Sept 30th

Prayer Requests

  • Trucker friend dealing with home issues
  • Snap Hook’s wife dealing with health issues
  • Mission Trip to Florida
  • Dark Helmet’s friend with health issues

Namarama: COT 9-13-17


They say “the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. Some of our PAX saw that first hand over the last week. As we all now know, the 12 Fort Pax set to serve in Colombia had their plans changed by Hurricane Irma. However, you won’t find them complaining and feeling sorry for themselves about the time and money they poured into this trip over the last 18 months. Rather, you’ll see a confident and faithful group of men that know that no matter what plans they make, God is in control and will put them right where he wants them to be. We all deal with disappointments and setbacks every day because of things that are out of our control. Let’s work to make sure that our attitudes are similar to what we’ve seen this week from these men. Remember Who is in charge. Keep the faith & keep moving. 


TClap |

Colombia Mission Trip Sendoff @ The Ranch 9-7-17

On a cool morning in early September, the men of The Fort gathered together to support the group of 12 men that answered the call to serve those in need in Colombia.

Mosey to the soccer field

The Warm-up (VQ led by Skinny Jeans)

  • 20 4-count side straddle hops 
  • 15 4-count windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkens
  • 15 4-count mountain climbers
  • 20 low slow squats
  • 8 burpees OYO

Mosey to the football field

The Thang

Markers set up every 25 yards on the football field from endzone to endzone. PAX will start from one endzone and run from marker to marker and do the following exercises (below) at each. They will then run on the track back to the starting point.

  • 10 merkins, 2 burpees
  • back to start – LBCs for six
  • 10 Carolina DD, 2 burpees
  • back to start – flutter for six
  • 10 squats, 2 burpees
  • back to start – American Hammer for six
  • 10 bomb jacks, 2 burpees
  • back to start – freddy mercury for six
  • 10 dips, 2 burpees
  • back to start – heels to heaven for six
  • 10 lunges (5 per leg), 2 burpees
  • back to start -diamond LBCs for six
  • 2 burpees per marker

Mosey to COT

Today we focused on the 12 men that are leaving tomorrow to serve in Colombia. We had the privilege of hearing the reasons why each of them have been called to serve during todays workout and then pray over them at the close. We are all lucky to have these men as our brothers and will continue to pray for them as they make their way abroad.

As mentioned in COT, each of us were blessed with passion for certain causes and influence to impact them. Find your passion and your calling and answer that call, whatever it may be.


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80’s/90’s Themed High School Sports

SSH 15
Mtn Climbers 15
Squats 15
windmill 15
Moroccan night club 25
The Thang:  (football style)
Monkey rolls for 30 secs
butt rolls 30 secs
chop and drop 30 secs
squat thrust 10
Discussed discipline and what that means to the Pax
Turned over to Bonsai for basketball style workout
Moseyed over to First Baptist Church back parking lot
Ran suicide with a twist up the hill
(Start running backward to first line)
– first line 10 merkins
– second line 20 squats
– third line 30 LBCs
– fourth line 40 toe taps
(After completing each exercise return back to start running forward)
10 merkins in cadence
Single leg hop to next row of parking spaces and back
Switch and repeat
Next split up in two groups
Group 1 – work their way through the cones setup with the defensive slide
Group 2 – merkins until the 6 completes the defensive slide
Rinse and Repeat
Group 2 – Bobby Hurley’s until 6 gets back
Move over to the wall for 20 jump wall taps
Mosey back to COT
Anchorman I appreciate the opportunity to lead and it was a great idea to
incorporate High School sports.
In case you can’t figure it out Destiny was the one in high school in the 80’s.  Just saying – All most respectable.
TClap |

5 Year Convergence + FNG Challenge PreBlast

On September 26th, The Fort celebrates 5 years of invigorating male leadership in the Fort Mill community. To commemorate this occasion, we are pulling together the PAX of Fort Mill to a 1st F Convergence on Saturday, September 30th at 0700 at Nations Ford HS.

Join us on September 30th as we come together to celebrate this HUGE milestone. There will be 5 different workout options to accommodate PAX and every level. You have no excuses.

Also, with the time of year (weather + vacations are over), weekend date, late start time, workout options, and away Clemson & USC games, this is the PERFECT STORM for EH’ing FNGs. Add in the general excitement that a convergence generates and the conditions could not be more perfect. That said, we’re setting a goal of 20 FNGs. That’s roughly 1 FNG for every 20 PAX…we can do this…easily.

Here’s the Plan:

WHAT: Ruck

  • Q: Trucker
  • Time: 0700

WHAT: Bootcamp

  • Q: Royale
  • Time: 0700


  • Q: Birdcage
  • Time: 0700

WHAT: Black Diamond Bootcamp

  • Q: Backdraft
  • Time: 0700

WHAT: Moderate Bootcamp

  • Q: Short Sale
  • Time: 0700

Let’s celebrate the last 5 years of impacting this community and many more years to come!


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SlowBurn_The New Moderate

It is Slow Burn and it would be expected that 30+ show up. It has been debated on the “Moderate” workouts, why are they so popular?? I truly believe that its because we long for fellowship. We enjoy, especially on Friday, the idea of working out….yea maybe, but more importantly conversing and chatting it up with our brethren.
Regardless, moderate does not mean easy. I believe it is modified as needed. Qs do not need to make a workout that kills people, but on the other hand, if we are up at 4:30am to workout…..we should get a workout.
I told the PAX to expect the unexpected. We should not be shocked when sickenss, chaos and things hit us from the side since Life is always full of surprises. Instead, we should have the discipline and character to step up to the challenges before us… a workout or in Life!
The Thang:
Quick 20 SSHs in parking lot
Mosey across to Holiday Inn Express for some Mountain Climbers
Mosey to behind Burger King for some COP
  • Plank
  • Squats
  • Parker Peters
  • Flutters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sumo Squats

Saturday night is one of the most hyped fights since the Tyson era. In that spirit, the PAX and I went a couple of rounds in the office parking lot

Each station for 3 minutes doing the 2 exercises marked on the ground. One time is up, move to next station and next 3 mins. Pain was had by all!!

20-moracan night club
20-squat jabs
10-Peter Parkers
10-broad jumps
10-leg raises
10-ski hops
15-Apollo Ono
Partner Plank
10  1 leg balance toe touch
5 donkey kicks
Mosey back to COT
Talked to the men about expecting the unexpected. I shared about my 52 yr old sister with cancer and facing death. My brother after 25 years of marriage calling it quits. Unexpected life changing events for me and my family. How we deal with this is critical to how we face life daily. Emotions are high, but we should not wait until we are facing these situations to then say….how do I deal with it. Start today to be the man Sky Q intended you to be. Don’t wait till its too late to make yourself better and deal with the things that will come. Get stronger physically, emotionally, spiritually to be able to walk through things and with others!
Welcome FNGs Bearcat and Clark Kent!!!
Colombia Team send off at The Ranch 9/7
Invergence 9/29 Greenway
5yr Convergence 9/30
Prayers for Families, kids, schools and teachers! All spoken and unspoken prayers!
Cake Boss Out!
TClap |

This Just In: Injured PAX deliver Epic Beatdown (at The Fort)

It’s exciting!  Something about Qing The Fort is just exciting. It was YHC’s (Zima) first post almost 4 years ago. It was my first VQ warmup (w/ CSPAN and pressure). And it’s the perfect location to bring guys from all sides of town sweat…to sharpen…to get better.

Disclaimer: Sasquatch has been on the IR with an achilles injury. Zima has been on the IR with a rotator cuff injury. Chances are you might not get your money’s worth. If you wanted to get a good beatdown go to Alcatraz. If you wanted to play soccer go to the Deep.

However, Sasquatch and YHC don’t let something like this get in the way. We embrace it and work around it. We conspired to deliver a beatdown that ensured afternoon naps.


Sasquatch on Q

Mosey to Anchorman’s Cones (Thanks Anchorman)

Dynamic Warmup (from one side of cones to the other)

  • Knees to chest
  • Heel to Waist
  • Heels to Butt
  • Inch-worm
  • Side Shuffle (fwd and back)
  • Low side shuffle (fwd and back)

Circle Up for COP

  • SSH IC X15
  • Moroccan Night Club in static lunge IC X10 (each leg)
  • Plank Series
    • Peter Parkers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Parker Peters IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Mtn Climbers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Ski Jumps IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Plank, Left High, Right High

Mosey to Playground

  • Sasquatch THANG (Groups of 3) – Rotate when Position 1 completes – 4 Rounds
    • Position 1 – Toes to Bar (or knees to chest) X8
    • Position 2 – Freddy Mercury’s
    • Position 3 – Merkins

Zima on Q

Mosey to the base of the cones for some Dora 3-2-1 (Reverse Dora). Partner Up! One partner runs (50 yds out and back) while the other completes the exercise.

  • 300 Flutters (2-Count)
  • 200 Mtn Climbers (2-Count)
  • 100 Bombjacks (say what?)

Mosey to statue hill for Quadzilla (see: Quadraphilia in the #lexicon). YHC sets timer for 4 (actually 5) minutes and PAX run uphill backwards and downhill forwards until time called. It’s a quad killer.

Mosey back to the cones for…

Suicides; however you need to do the following exercise at the beginning and then every time you reach the “baseline”.

  • Series 1 – 5 Flying Squirrels
  • Series 2 – 5 Tuck Jumps
  • Series 3 – 10 Monkey Humpers

With just a few minutes left we finished with SSH IC X25 and then American Hammers IC X20 or 25 (Can’t remember). Clean up the cones and mosey to the parking lot for COT.


It’s frustrating having an injury. We should do well to lift up the many PAX dealing with injuries, because it can drive a #HIM crazy.  Fortunately for Sasquatch and YHC, we can modify and work around what ails us. For others it might not be as easy or the injury may be too severe. All this to say if you know a PAX in this predicament, shoot them an uplifting text, give them a call or meet them for lunch.

Tclaps to all the PAX who put in the work this AM. There was a lot of meat in today’s workout and we tried to keep things moving at all times (see: move with a purpose). It seemed we needed to push a little harder this AM to let the other (Paid) workout folks (about 20 of them) at WEP know this wasn’t your ordinary workout. These were guys getting after it and leaving it all out on the field. That and it’s always fun to chase Longshanks. One day man…one day.  Here are the rest of my notes.

  • Thanks to Anchorman for the cones
  • It’s amazing that Crabcakes can pull an Elvis without anyone knowing #promove
  • Tclaps to Spiderman for running 8 miles and then joining the workout
  • It’s always fun to workout with Longshanks and Dark Helmet. Uncomfortable, but fun!
  • Wegmans really needs to share his shaving technique with his brother (Sasquatch), nah we probably wouldn’t recognize him then.
  • Great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones. I need to get over here more often.
  • Quadzilla is still a favorite of mine and the PAX still hate it. Yay!
  • Thanks for putting up with us and allowing us to lead

Prayers and Praises

  • Lots of prayers for injured PAX
  • Prayers for families experiencing strife
  • Praise and prayers for several 2.0s on the way
  • Prayers and for teachers
  • Praise and Prayers for 2.0s and families back to school


  • Lot of marketing for Qs next week
  • Nun Run – get it on the calendar (see newsletter) and run with SPEED FOR NEED
  • Read your newsletter

Always an Honor!

Zima & Sasquatch


TClap |

Overflow of Pax at Slow Burn

28 men battled the humidity this morning and welcomed FNG “Ace” to the Pax who was head locked by Wheels!  Nice job by all moderating up or down depending on your need.



  • We all have struggles with disciplining ourselves.  Maybe for you it is the harsh  words spoken, diet, gossip, eyes wandering, pornography, envy, serving in your marriage, serving and teaching your kids or serving the least of those in our community.  Whatever it is there  is Hope!
  • Bottom line – you can’t do it by yourself.  I find that my discipline gets better when I move closer to the Word and further from the world.  Find a guy to lock shields with to walk in life together
  • Warm up by Wheels – Wheels got his tires warmed up again after being a cotter for too many months.  In promptu Q by Wheels with some SSH, Squats, Merkins, Windmills… nice job stepping up to lead. 


  • Running warm up – Various running, side shuffle, karaoke and sprint varities
  • 3 minutes of Mary
  • Partner up/ Pair off – Joust (lunge walk, bear crawl) 3 rounds
  • Pentagon of Pain (split into five groups) – do each exercise on the cone (10x). Run to middle 5 merkins, clock wise go the next cone and back to the middle with 5 merkins.  Until each exercise is done 1x.  Rinse and Repeat

It is always and honor and privilege to lead the pax in a work out.  Thank you to Barry Manilo on having the opportunity to serve the men of The Fort Pax.


TClap |

Little bit of Shoulders at Colosseum

It was a dark and stormy night, but that didn’t deter 14 pax from giving the face palm to the #fartsack.  No FNGs were presesnt and a less than flawless disclaimer delivered.

The Thang:

Mosey to lot past the dumsters for COP – SSHx25, IWx15, Low Slow Squatsx15, Merkins x 10, Windmillsx10,

Divide pax into two circles:  First round – Wave Merkins 1-5 count.  Second round – Wave Squats (Crowd Pleaser) 10-8 count.

Mosey to playground and remember your group from the circles.  3 sets of 10 pullups, 3sets of 20 swing crunches.  Flap jacking between the two

Quick mosey to Brick Wall – 3 sets of 10 muscle ups, with Morrochain Night Clubsx15 in between.

Mosey to front of middle school –  10 Burpees, 10 Step Ups (each leg), 10 CDDs – run a lap of the dropoff loop.  Repeat the 3 exercises but drop a rep each round.  Several speed demons made it to 7 reps (4 rounds).  Most made it to 8 reps (3 rounds)

3MOM – LBCs, 6″, Slow Freddie Mercuries, ‘Merican Hammers

NMM: After an eventful night where thunderstorms tripped my smoke alarms, woke up my 2.1 a couple of times, and a canine with GI issues, I was worried I would sleep through my alarm.  Most pax can relate to nights like this but knowing I was the Q and had other pax needing a lift, I was ready to roll at 4:45.  I love the accountability of this group.  Everyone pushed themselves this morning.  Great work Men!

Lots of announcements so read your newsletters.

Get after it today!


TClap |

The Armory – Do kettle bells rust?

A slight delay in posting due to technical difficulties ie I forgot my password.  It was a little damp at the Armory on Monday, but that didn’t stop the 11 pax coming out for a wet beatdown.  We started off with the usual disclaimer and went into a brief warmup of SSH, WM, LSQ and Mtn Climbers.  At that point it started to rain so we moseyed over to the little porch are of the church.  There was talk about going down to the funeral home awning, but I didn’t want to.  No I’m not scared.

On to the Thang:

I tried to keep things simple so we did sets of 50.  Bad idea.  We did a 1/2 parking lot lap in between exercises.  Another bad idea.

Curls, triceps extensions, Goblet squats, overhead press, calf raises.  Did I mention that we did LBC after each lap.

The rain let up a little so we moseyed down to the short wall and did step ups, lawnmower pulls did some lunge walks and finished up with chest presses.

We had some discussion about discipline.  I shared about a video series I’ve been watching by Andy Stanley on Guardrails.  Guardrails are those things that might cause us to have a little damage but prevent us from going into serious danger.  These guardrails can keep us away from falling into some bad situations or help us stay on track to meet our goals.  Twister shared an example of a guardrail that he has been using in his life.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Getting Out of Your Rut-Ruck WO

5 other PAX decided to join YHC on this humid morning to Ruck a little and spend some quality time together. Thank you all for coming out and for working so hard this morning.


We began by Rucking 2×2 from the flag around the parking lot to the auto maintenance shop, back to Fort Mill BBQ, and then back to the maintenance shop. At each stop we circled up and performed the following exercises.

10 Merkins, 10 CDDs, 10 Lunges (Each Leg), 15 Ruck Curls, 15 Tricep Extensions, 10 Ruck Thrusts, 10 Ruck Swings, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Flutters, 20 Ruck Presses with legs at 6″, 10 American Hammers, 10 Step Ups (Each Leg), 5 Man Makers, & 20 Squats.

During the Rucking we had time for some good conversation and catching up.


At the end, I circled the PAX up and asked one question. ‘How many times did it take each one to know the routine of the exercises at each stop?’ Most said somewhat after 2-times, but definitely after the third. I then stated that it doesn’t take us long as humans to get into a routine in life, whether it be exercise, emotional, or spiritual.

The only way to get out of the rut is to change something. Reach out to someone, first God, to ask for help getting out of the rut and then change something. Talk to a Whetstone partner, another F3 brother, your Pastor, a trusted friend, and yes, your wife. Humble yourself and ask for the help. You will be a better man in the long run if you do.

Announcements & Prayers with Bootcampers

TClap |