I pulled up to Snake Pit at about 0455 to see a man running his way down the entrance hill. Much to my surprise it was our newest PAX, Refugee. Just a HIM doing HIM things… running 2.3 miles one way to an AO for his third post. NBD. Shout out to Stang for EH’ing him on the trails at Ann Springs.

I set up the board, the juke box, and the stage. Then headed to the shovel flag.

The PAX appeared and the disclaimer was spoken. Also… Shatner rolled up for his 8th post in as many days since he was an FNG!!

I started with a quick verse.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17


Mosey around the block

Dynamic movements (Karaoke, Toy Soldiers, Butt kickers)

Low Slow Romanian Deadlifts x 10 each side

Merkins on Bell x 10

Mosey to the location YHC laid it all out.



YHC asked the PAX to partner up with someone of similar athleticism/fitness.

Pax vs Pax BOP

DORA style except each PAX keeps his number of reps a secret. Both PAX do the exercise for one set while the other does the out + back. After both go through one set, the PAX reveal to each other how many reps were completed.

Loser between the two partners makes up the difference with an additional exercise while the winner does a less intense exercise. It causes you to push yourself because you know your partner is also
gunning to win each round. #ISI.

Round 1 – Quadzilla Up Hill to Bypass while partner does movement with KB.


Goblet Squat/American Hammers

Skull Crushers/American Hammers

Alternating Lunges/American Hammers

Round 2 – Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back


KB Swings/Flutter with Press

Curls/Flutter with Press

Halos/Flutter with Press

Round 3 – Hill Runs to 460


Turkish Get UPS/Manmakers

Burpees Snatch/Manmakers

1 Arm Clean and Press/Manmakers

Time. I was sad that we couldn’t squeeze in round four, but I am happy that the work was put in and most of us were pretty gassed. YHC would never have banged out 6 Turkish get ups that quickly if it were a normal DORA. Just sayin…

As we ran back, “We Are The Champions” began playing on the speakers. It felt right. We got back to COT right at 0600.


Nice work by all. From what I heard, most PAX stayed within 2-5 reps of each other each round. Strong. The message was again repeated:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

In this case with the PvP BOP, the way we sharpened each other today was not by coming alongside one another while we were weak. It was sharpening by exhortation; a push that one gave themselves knowing that the other was gunning for the win. It was a nice change of pace.




New boot camp AO coming to a Snake Pit near you



New Blood!

Airborne’s 2.0 – deployment is over in two weeks

Maximus’ 2.0’s in Wilmington in the path of the hurricane.


Thanks, 3D. YHC was privileged to lead today.

Punch List out.

TClap |

RPG-Varsity July Combo

Twenty three PAX converged at NaFo for the RPG-Varsity Combo (July 2020 edition).  Meteorological note: there was actually an occasional breeze blowing!

Started promptly at 0515 with Sasquatch leading the Broga portion.

Sasquatch leading us in some Broga

The peaceful warrior  pose was shattered by the breaking of wind by some Pax.

Next, the pax had their choice of what to do from 0530 to COT/0600:

Boot camp: Kaiser on Q

Pax did:  Stage 1 = bench workouts including derkins, dips, incline merkins.
Stage 2 = bear crawl around circle.
Stage 3 = broad jumps across parking lot mixed in with burpees.
Stage 4 = cinderblock curls and step ups on bench
Stage 5 = flutters/ab workout to wait for the six
Stage 6 = 10 pull ups 10 chin ups 10 reverse grip pull ups 3 burpees pull ups with wall sit between intervals
Stage 7 = short Mary with Freddie mercuries and hello dolly.

Run: Harry Carry on Q
Four pax ran a 3 mile loop at about a 8:10 pace.

run route

Ruck: Cake Boss on Q
Seven pax for the ruck, covering about 1.5 miles.  Topic: Matthew chapter 24 “Be ready”.

Fini, COT

Kaiser noted James 1:19; “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”   It can be a struggle to those in the right order.

Prayers for Cash.

TClap |

Q-School at The Hive

13 in the gloom for a KB edition of Q school. We split the Q four ways with all #TheHive Site-Qs.

there was dynamic stretching… And there was a playlist


Core: Instruction on how to perform a more effective Peter Parker that stretches your hips and taxes your core.

Your core muscles are exercised to a greater extent when combined in a muscle chain with whole body movements or statics. Asymmetric lifts require you to maintain a solid core in order to maintain control through the movement. PSA, don’t do targeted ab exercises then full body movements. If your abs are tired, your body will recruit other muscles to compensate, and injuries are much more likely to happen.

Next is Jack Webbs but with 1 Snatch x 2 Overhead Squats (per arm) up to 5.

Break after sets 2 and 4:
1st break: Plank exercises, southern gentlemen (single arm merkin if you got it), northern aggressor (single arm merkin). Typewriter merkins.
2nd break: Hammer toe – In plank with feet shoulder width apart, draw a box with your right foot, tapping each corner (up, out, down, back) 4count x10 each leg

Last is the single leg deadlift. Remember, left leg is more balanced to hold the weight in your left hand.

Include some balance exercises in a workout to improve the performance of your central nervous system. It will also help you recruit more muscle cells when you want to go heavy…

Band Camp
Advisory about Kettlebell workouts.
Guys choose to show up to a KB AO for lots of reasons. Be mindful of these reasons when planning a workout. Often PAX wanting less mileage (injury, heavy running that week, etc.) will choose a KB AO. If you integrate running, choose a lap or area that is easy to modify. If you do a lap, it’s simple enough for PAX modify by cutting the lap short or altering the route.

We did a lap around the parking lot stopping in on the 3rd turn.

Suggestion about planning a message into the way you structure the workout. Being ready for the unexpected, like thinking there will be a continued plank exercise but the Q says follow me and gets up running backward the loop you started.

Some talk of counting in cadence and the procedure

  • Next exercise is:
  • Exercise positions–>MOVE
  • In cadence
  • 1, 2, 3, __

Scalp has never Qed (the man is super-fit…Site Qs get this guy on the schedule!). He came in and called some merkins.

Some manmakers to finish out

Discussion of Qing with an FNG present and how the naming works. Sometimes naming is a huge part of what helps a guy come back or prevents him from ever posting again. It isn’t often about the name itself, but the process. Be willing to lean on the guy who EHed a FNG before COT about name ideas.


Slapshot got his Laces In shovel flag back in a burpee race with Tesh, himself, and YHC.
Tesh uses a modified wide-leg burpee which may cause the Louisville PAX some grief, but he is undeniable in speed and determination. Shady-level “fun” was had!

Thanks to Esso for stringing this Q-school together.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

DIY DORA + Hill Repeats

This was YHC’s second Q at MP – and what a joy it was. I scanned through all *cough* ten *cough* of the back blasts to ensure the weinke was worth the price of admission.

As the HIM rolled in, the clock struck 0513 and we headed to the flag to say the pledge of allegiance. 

0514: Disclaimer, quick run down of the warm up lap and a hint at the plan for the day. 

And we’re off.

.55 mile loop at a 6:45 pace up Main St, left on Clebourne, left on 160, back to the gravel lot for a quick few movements.


Dynamic Warm Up

Karaoke in Gravel Lot, facing 160 out and back

Side Shuffle in Gravel Lot, facing 160 out and back

Butt Kickers

Circled up for Wind Mills in the paved lot.

It was at this moment that the bat flippers thought I wouldn’t get the required mileage due to the stop for the wind mills. I enjoyed their words and snickered on the inside as we prepped to head out.



The weinke was to be simple, but effective; a DIY DORA, if you will.

Start at the base of Massey St and mosey up to the end of the Sisk Memorial Church Parking Lot

Upon arriving at the end of the lot each PAX was to do the following:

10 Merkins

20 Squats

30 LBCs

Mosey back down the hill, rinse and repeat ten times to total 100-200-300.

After that first lap, it got awfully quiet. As we passed each other, like ships in the night, each PAX put in the work necessary to conquer “Hill One.” Esso did give me a good laugh. At one point he and I passed and he whispered “I hate you right now.” 100% worth it.

Fish Sticks, Long Duck, Maximus, and Gears led the pack as the rest of us hobbled behind. I am sad to say that nobody completed the full 10 rounds, though a few hard hitters made it 9. 

As quickly as it started, it ended, and we ran back to COT across 160. 3.9 miles total.


Naked Man Moleskine

This weinke, again, was simple yet effective. YHC has been attending Sweep The Leg and the hills have been my downfall. My goal today was to target a weakness and attack it, in the hopes to become better. That is the life we as leaders must live, or else we will become stagnant and fail. 

We should have this perspective with our faith as well. I think of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27.

26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

This is the way we must live out our faith. For if we run aimlessly and without plan, the enemy will overtake us. Take some time today to focus on your current path and what trajectory you are on – intentional or unintentional. 


Thanks, Shanks, for the fun times today.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Simple inconveniences

18 PAX gathered in for The Bubble amidst humid conditions outside a mushroom pool.

SSH x51
1 Burpee
Windmill x10
2 Burpees
Merkin x10
3 Burpees
Some yoga
4 Burpees

The Thang:
Run 1 mile to Alison Park
Al Gore to Monkey Humpers facing Sutton Rd multiple times to keep together-ish

6 Exercises for 12-reps (all in cadence):
Low Slow Squat
Alternating Lunge
Mountain Climber
Peter Parker

Rinse and repeat total of 144 (a gross) of reps

Run 1 mile back.
Stopping for some monkey humpers along the way to keep the group together-ish.


There’s a lot of turmoil going on in the world. Americans (in general) have largely been spared inconveniences since WWII (maybe gas shortages in the 1970s?). In many cities, we’re being asked or required to wear masks to quell the rampant spread of COVID-19. For almost all of us, this is an inconvenience. But luckily it is only an inconvenience.

Today’s workout was certainly not convenient, with the exception of the location for some PAX. We recognize how simple workouts in the humidity makes us better. YHC is officially exhorting us to be leaders and do the inconvenient things like wearing a mask for our community’s health.

Side note:

As an FM local, I remember when Baxter was a cow pasture. Traffic is worse in town, but so much about Fort Mill is better because of the folks who moved here. I appreciate what y’all bring to our town. It is great to post with PAX from all over who are working to make themselves and our shared community better. T-Claps to y’all.

What I learned:

At The Bubble, 10 PAX doubled down posting twice today. YHC tried to keep the warm-up close for those PAX arriving late. My advice to future Qs is: DO NOT plank up in the parking lot until 6:20 or so. Unless you want to raise your heart rate from fear rather than mountain climbers as a vehicle whips into the parking lot you’re lying down in…. My mistake. Won’t happen again.



Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

More Bear Crawling than necessary

The Ranch

Mosey got out of the gate.
Plank up wait for 6
Mosey some more

Some Yoga
Mountain Climbers
Peter Parker’s
Shoulder Tap

More Yoga
Sasquatch joined in

Mosey some more
Was thinking of sprints, but it was too wet for safety on that….so we did the Thighmaster (split squats)

Mosey back toward COT
Bearpees up to 10 burpees and 40 single count bear crawls
(1 burpee, 4 count bear crawl; 2:8, etc.)

Mosey back to the lap
Some balancing scales
Thighmaster again
One lap around the elementary school drop off area and back to COT

Howling Monkeys till 6am

Been thinking about what followers learn when they see a leader fail and how that leader responds to failure. Does that response show a follower more about a leader’s abilities and dedication than success?


TClap |

Bell Danglers

Fourteen/Fifteen bell slingers decided to make the hard decision and accelerate their Wednesday morning. A disclaimer was made and we were off. We slowseyed over to the front of the school with the bells for a traveling warm up.

  •  10 side straddle hops than a mosey
  • 10 windmills than a mosey
  • 10 merkins than a mosey
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Karaokes

The Thang:

Dora is her name. Pain is her game.

Partner #1 – 100 KB Swing, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Merkins

Partner #2 – Run up to the top of the hill by the high school entrance sign and do 5 burpees.

When partner #2 gets back switch assignments.

After the pain was fully unleashed, we slowseyed back down the hill near COT for thang part 2.

The Thang 2:

Bear crawl with bell two parking spots and do 3 man makers. Went halfway across the parking lot and there was a half time performance.

Half Time: 10 snatches sprint across the parking lot and back. 10 KB swings sprint across the parking lot and back to your bell.

Half time was over and back to the rest of the scheduled program. Continue to bear crawl across the rest of the parking lot while doing 3 man makers every two parking spaces.

Back to COT for 30 seconds of LBC’s at Santini’s request.

Announcements, prayers & praises.

Thanks for the opportunity 3D.


TClap |

Taking off the Training Wheels at The Snake Pit

14 HIMs showed up for what was promising to be a great morning.  Prior to this morning HIC had not posted in 3 weeks.  While not fartsacking, I certainly was not pushing myself.  Being know for not wanting to do much cadence there was a plan hatched the night before that was sure to be easy to lead yet keep everyone on their toes and with any hope, a bit sore the next day.


After a good bit of razzing from the group about an FNG on Q (Yeah I get it, it’s been a while) we start off.

Warmup:  Mosey around the lot. SSH (x20) MNC (x20) Tappy Tap (20x)

Grab your bells

Slight move of location for The Main Event.  Keeping with the theme of I don’t want to count we’ll use a run timer for the remainder of the morning.  One person runs out to the gate and back, the rest of us do exercises for that time.

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.


BREAK:  Move to the wall.  Peoples chair.  Everyone does 5 burpees down the line.


Second verse same as the first:

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.

Back to the wall:  Bear crawls to the end.


5 min of Mary.



Convergence at WEP on 7-11

My thanks to 3D for the call out and opportunity to Q.  It was much needed to get out of my covid funk.  It takes a village, and I’m thankful for all of you.

TClap |

Heart Change to Make Change

Thank you to the 11 PAX, including YHC, who showed up at Minnow Pond on this ­­­­­­­moist humid gloom to sharpen iron and push each other. It was a blessing to be back at this AO with my brothers and facing the gloom together and not alone.


We began this workout by sharing the F3 Core Principles and the F3 Disclaimer. Then at 0514 Longshanks led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The warmup included the following in 5-Merkins in Cadence, 20 Jump Lunges OYO (10 Each Leg), 10 Flutters in Cadence. YHC then gave the route and plan to all and we began.


After this everyone was pretty much warm, we began the thing. The Prelude was to head up Main St. to the corner of Academy St. and turn Rt. The route was down Academy St., Left of Withers St., Left of Tom Hall St., Left of Main St., and Left on Academy St. until we were complete with time.

YHC asked the PAX to stop at the four corners (Fort Mill Church of God, Fort Mill Town Administration, Fort Mill Animal Hospital, and Fort Mill Police Dept. parking lots) and perform the following exercises at each location:

10 Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges (10 Each Leg), 20 Flutters (Dbl. Count), and 10 Burpees.

Then we headed back to the COT where YHC shared from the heart a little.

All men did an awesome job this morning. Great work was displayed by all. Thank you again for joining YHC and Longshanks this morning.


This past Saturday there was a discussion in the Region about the current situation we are experiencing in our country. The unfortunate thing is that this current situation is not current. It is ongoing and has been since the beginning. People are different, but the issue is the same. I am not talking about the beginning of the founding of our country. I am speaking of the day Adam & Eve decided to eat of the fruit. Since that day, man has been dead, and his heart has not been right.

Ephesians 2:4-10  ‘But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.’

Paul was speaking to the church of Ephesus and to us in the beginning of this passage concerning their state prior to salvation, and then explained their state after Christ. This passage has been resonating with YHC over the past few weeks. God has shown us mercy and given us grace through Him. And because of that we have been ‘raised up’ from the dead and seated us along with Christ at His own right hand.

What we are experiencing in our world is a display of the state of man without Christ. Without change in the heart, no change in the world can happen. Policies may be changed; reforms may occur; the world may feel different; but will it be different without the changing hearts of man? The things of this world will rust and fade away, but the things of Heaven will last forever.

My challenge to you today is to look first at your heart. Not what is around you, but what is inside you. If you are not spiritually alive, then things may appear to be changing, but they technically are not. Once you have made that heart change, you can be a part of the real change that must occur in this world. A change in the direction of where we should be heading and need to be heading. The direction of Christ.

Once you know your heart is right, then I challenge you to go out and love others as you love yourself. If you love others in this manner, you will want to serve them, and by serving them they will respect you. Show love and be blessed.

If you do not know how to make this Heart Change for yourself, please let YHC know and we can discuss further.



Reach out to a Site Q to Q a Workout.

Hog & Coyote this weekend in Rock Hill. See YHC or Honeypot for info.

F3 The Fort Convergence – July 11 – Location TBD.

Cutting Grass at FM Care Center – Speak with Corruption for details.

Read your Newsletter.


The PAX shared their prayers and praises and YHC lifted them up.

TClap |

Bringing Perspective back to The Beyond

The Thang:
Started things off with the merkin mile (10 lap 1, 8 lap 2, 6 lap 3, 4 lap 4) at each corner of the lap (112 merkins total)
Next we moved over to the side of the school were we did the following:
NUR (run backwards) up the hill
lung walk back down
NUR back up and lung walk down
Apollo Ono up hill

Then moseyed over to another part of the school to discuss perspective. During the conversation I challenged the Pax to be willing to listen and understand others view point.
Listen first and react last. While all pax were lined up on the wall facing me I wrote a W on the ground and asked the Pax what this what. As expected the Pax answered M because from where they were standing it was an M. However from what I wrote was a W. It is all about perspective and how you see things.

Next exercise was Balls to the Wall and wall sits (30 seconds each) – 2 rounds

To wrap up the workout we tackled a jack webb with Burpees and monkey humpers
Completed rounds 1-3 then moseyed back close to COT to knock out 4-7. Ran out of time to finish the rest.

Today’s workout was more about reminding us to remind us that its not just about you. Think about how what you say or do may affect others. Be willing to change your point of view to see how someone else may be seeing something. It may open your eyes to a whole new perspective.

TClap |