Running amongst the AOs

THE THANG: ran through Baxter to front st, out to 160, through the earthfare lot to the turnaround at Gold Hill Middle – 4.5 mile round trip

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Tortoise and Hare pre-yog

Accepted this Q invite before I realized it was same day as the Tortoise and Hare CSAUP. No worries – all bad decisions can be compounded with other bad decisions so decided to let her rip.

A few PAX were out running already when we started. For normal start time PAX, 2 went trails and 5 hit the streets.

Trail – enter kingsley and immediate right – continue to dogwood and stay right on dogwood all the way to Cantrell ave where you will get on Muscadine. Stay course until you get to Azalea where you will find your way back to the spillway. you will hop on Haigler and go around lake and get to timberline and bring you back to Kingsley and back to CoT.

Road – get on 160 and dodge traffic over I77. Left on sutton rd then right on front st into baxter. Continue onto settlers height/Stratford run/harvest point until you reach the end. Turn around and come back

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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Happy Birthday Fogerty

Moseyed toward back lot. Stopped for warm-up
– IW
– Hillbilly Walker
– SSH – 53 for Fogerty BD
– Merkin

Moseyed to Cindy stack. 3 rounds 5 exercises Repa start with 10 and increase 5 each round.
– OH lift
– Tricep ext
– Curls
– Squat
– Merkin

After 3 rounds moseyed to FB field. Sprints
Sprint to 30 jog back. Repeat to 50, far 30, goal line. 10 merkins after each sprint

Cross bridge head to wall. 20 Dips, 20 Bulgarian split squat 10 EL. 2 rounds.

Mosey back for 5 mins of Mary

Announcements and COT.

Thanks Bass for opportunity to lead.

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Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

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Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

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Bubble of Hot Air

YHC was honored to Q at Minnow Pond and thankful to start the day with my brothers in F3. After reviewing previous backblasts, I noticed one from Spider-Man in 2023 which introduced a loop around town that I liked. I decided to modify it slightly and focus on ab work today


Mosey to Improper Pig
5 burpees
10 Big Boys
15 Freddy x 2
20 Flutters x 2

Mosey to Vet Clinic
Rinse and repeat exercises

Mosey to Town of Fort Mill office
Rinse and repeat exercises

Mosey to FM Baptist parking lot
Rinse and repeat exercises

Mosey to Improper Pig
Rinse and repeat exercises minus flutters

3 or 4 loops were completed depending upon speed


Read the newsletter

Pusher out :v:

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Pax to run loops around Veteran’s Park (N. White to FMRX, around Clebourne to Main, Down Main back to Veteran’s Park).
4 stops along the way. First stop is 2 reps. Second is 4, then 6, then 8. Each loop is a different exercise:

LBCs (4 count)
Imperial Walkers (4 count)
Merkins (4 count)
PlankJacks (4 count)
SSH (4 count)

Speedsters, rinse and repeat.

Flutters and Freddies until the 6 came in.

Great work by all pax. Some did their own thing, but all were sweating it out this humid morning that teased us with a breeze every once in a while.

Thanks FunHouse for the opportunity to lead.

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Hills on repeat

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run down munn, left on Harris, cross 21 and down to bottom of hill. Run back up to the light, repeat.

Or run wherever you feel like
COT: yup

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Sweating to the River District

WARMUP: walking from car to shovel flag
River District with twist
Down 160 to Sutton
Left on Sutton to Mills
Right on Mills to Stafford
Left on Stafford to Harvest
To bottom of street and back to COT

3, 4, 4.5 depending on pace

MARY: counting off

Jeager is happening
Cut lawns
Christmas party
Bourbon tasting

Praying for men to be men

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