Pike Campus Pain Loop

Mosey the DTFM warmup loop
Stopped at the Pharmacy
10 SSH
10 Windmill
10 LSS
Mosey to pain stations
Station 1: Lower Small Pike Parking Lot
5 Lt. Dan Magic Legs
Station 2: Upper Big Pike Parking Lot
10 Burpees
Station 3: Covered Pike Parking Lot
15 Carolina Dry Docks

Rinse and repeat

Flutters, Hello Dollies, American Hammers
Christmas Party
Bourbon and BBQ
Thanksgiving Convergence
I love you guys.

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Ranch hands

Three dudes at The Ranch started with a run.
Then warmup:
SSH (15x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Thang 1 Fish Tacks:
Pax do the transportation and stop when directed to, then do the exercise called, we did:
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins, repeat

Mosey run.

Thang 2 Bench work, in front of middle school:
Derkins (I/C 15x)
Step ups (10 each leg)
Butt touch squats (I/C 15x)
Run the loop, return to benches
Inclines (12x)
Dips (I/C 15x)
Calf raises (normal, toes out, toes in)

Thang 3: burpee relays; three light poles, L1=2 burpees, L2=4 burpees, L3=8 burpees.
Repeat above with mountain climbers.

Thang4: at the playground/monkley bars:
Dead hangs. Pax counted to 10. Then 5 pullups, then dead hand round again.
Thang 5: Bball drills: shuffle to left/right as directed and then do the exercise called. We did: bobby hurleys, monkey humpers, squats. Got to the quads on this one.

Thang 6: slam ball toss: 15lb slam ball, sit and toss it to each other.



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Never Too Early For Christmas

WARMUP: So I’ve lost 47# so far and we did 47 low slow squats.

Haven’t Q’d 12 Days of Christmas in a while so I pulled out the old Q along with some rocking tunes.

12 days of Christmas is just like the song. Repeat each day every round.

2- Wide Arm Merkins
3-Jump squats
5-Diamond merkins
6-Imperial walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (10 each leg)
12-Burpees (sadly we didn’t get to them)

MARY: Some broga was had.
Christmas party : see <@U19FA0Q8Z> :evergreen_tree:

Tomorrow is BBQ and Bourbon fundraiser :tumbler_glass: See <@UGND8G4TD>.

Thanksgiving convergence at The Ranch in 3 weeks!! :turkey:

COT: We talked about one item of growth we could celebrate for 2024. If you can’t say one for yourself, you still have time to accelerate in 2024.

With that The Thrill is gone…

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Vests off

WARMUP: yea a bit
Run around
Did a sequence to get Esso to lose the vest:
12 Mike Tyson
Bear crawl
12 Curb Albert
Crawl bear
10 Mike Tyson
Bear Crawl
10 Curb Albert
Crawl bear

YHC was willing to go down to zero, but Esso (thankfully) shed the vest.

String of Pearls
10 merkins
20 squats
30 flutters

Solid distance and quite a few stops
MARY: toss the sand bag I brought, bear crawl to it.
COT: saw a college picture of an old friend and he looked more than young. He looked energetic, optimistic, and full of the belief that he could make a difference. I want to recapture that in all I do

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From the Ballroom Archives

The rain was coming down at the Ballroom. Mosey to the cover at the front of the school. <@UGND8G4TD> informed me the rain would stop at 5:30, he was correct, as usual.
Puller from the archives, this workout was also executed 7-10-2018.
with counts of 10-15 (depending on my wandering mind)
imperial walker, windmill, morrocan NC, LBC, hillbilly walker, weed puller, OH clap, dying cockroach, stationary toy soldier, richard simmons, LS squat
<@U5KHMNAG4> decided to show up, welcome
hello dolly, travolta, scorpion DD
to cheat death, and/or pulled muscles, etc, we mosey to a slick parking lot and do some crossing drills
karaoke L, karaoke R, high knees, power skip, butt kickers, squat walkers, bear crawl, 50%, 75%, 100%
next we mosey, and find a string of lights, we might have stopped at every light, maybe every other (once again, wandering mind)
We did 3 different rounds of: exercise 1, mosey, exercise 1&2, mosey, exercise 1,2&3, mosey, exercise 1,2,3&4.
1. OH clap, donkey kicks, squat jumps, HR merkins
2. morrocan NC, plank jacks, monkey humpers, Mahktar N’Diayes
3. arm circles, flying squirrel, stationary lunge, Kneetar N’Diayes
MARY: I had a girlfriend named Mary in my first year of college
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, primary focus on the BBQ/Bourbon event Friday
COT: of course

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Lifting @ the Country Club

WARMUP: SSHinCadencex30, IWsinCadencex15, SSHinCadencex20, HWsinCadencex15, SSHinCadencex10, MCsinCadencex15, MerkinsinCadencex10

THE THANG: Set-up our lifting toys on the sidewalk at the front of the stadium. PAX partnered up. 1st partner runs from the sidewalk to the end of the parking lot, perform 3 burpees, then runs back to his partner. Partner #2 performs the noted exercise with equipment until Partner #1 returns. There were 7 toys, PAX played with each toy twice.

35lb Dumbbell = 1 hand alternating Snatches
Heavy Rope = Arm Swings
Cindy = CurltoCleantoPress
60lb Sandbag = Bent Over Rows
40lb Ruck = KB Swings
AB Roller = Rolling of ABs
30lb Slam Ball = Slamming the Ball

Next, we moseyed to first island in the parking lot where there were 2 – 45lb plates. 1 PAX farmer carried both plates to the next island and back while all other PAX performed an ab exercise of their choice. Had time for each PAX to make one trip.

MARY: See above

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Bourbon & BBQ, Thanksgiving Convergence, read your newsletter or talk to Time Machine as he mentioned several other events. Dude knows what is going on in The Fort.


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Suicides with Hill repeats and Sandbags

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Mt Climbers
THE THANG: walk to the top of the hill at Hubert Graham way/Good Hill Rd (Walmart Hill). Wait a few seconds while farmer only picked the FNG that arrived late.
10 poles down the hill have an exercise that needed to be executed with tue sand bag. Everytime an exercise was completed, run back to the top of the hill without the sandbag and do a burpee, add an extra burpee everytme that you go back to the too of the hill. Here are the 10 exercises, most of the PAX completed at least 5 of them, some got to the 6th station.
1. 30 half moon snatch
2. 30 cleans
3. 30 good morning
4. 30 over head press
5. 30 shoulder press
6. 30 rotational lunge
7. 30 chess press
8. 30 triceps
9. 30 chest press
10. 30 over head squats
MARY: she was not there
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas patty, Bourbon, Bethel, etc.
COT: welcome to FNG, prayers, Do not let politics to dictate what is best for your future, only god and your own effort can dictate your future.

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A tropical misty hill of a good time at #ao-clydesdales

WARMUP: tried to do SSH, but the Pax just wanted the route
THE THANG: south Munn Loop,
South on Munn, East on Harris, north on Jackson, west on 160
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FREE 4.01k Run https://criout.regfox.com/cri-401k-charity-fun-run

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Ruckin Around

Day started in the dark and finished in the light. Dawn!
WARMUP: none
THE THANG: 2.2 miles downtown. A few stops for squats
MARY: none
COT: prayers and praises for jobs, families, marriages, and the nation as today is voting day.

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