Men In Tights

Texted Barkley last week and told him to put me in for Q sometime at Coliseum. He responded and said I need someone for next week. I gladly accepted before looking at that weeks weather forecast. Rookie mistake but we ain’t no sissies.

On drive in truck thermometer said 15 degrees. Perfect workout weather. Even had to go purchase a pair of leggings from Spank.


15 Hill Billy Walkers

15 Imperial Walkers

15 Windmills

20 Moroccan Nightclubs


Moseyed to bottom of hill coming into school and exercises where layed out. 5 hand release merkins at bottom then run to top of hill towards school and do 5 Scorpion Dry Docks. Run back to bottom and a different exercise going the other direction which was 5 Monkey Humpers. Mosey to entrance of Tega Cay Coffee up hill and do 5 Big Boy Sit Ups. Repeat this sequence and every time you pass in the bottom the reps go up 5. We made it to 20 before I called it for some mobility and stretching.
Moseyed back towards COT and had pax get on 6 and we did some hip mobility work and some stretching for the last 10 minutes.

Thanks for the Q Barkley. Hope I Did Well.

Love, Stang

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For those who chose to fartsack, shame on you. For those who posted elsewhere this morning smart choice. We ran to back parking lot for a quick COP then went right into the pain. At bottom of entrance to GHMS we would run to the first light pole: 5 squats and 10 merkins; run back to starting point. Then run to next light pole and do same exercises.  Run back to starting point. Run to the next light pole, and so forth till you ran to each light pole up to Dam Road. I call is Lights to Heaven.

It sure felt like I was going to heaven with the loss of oxygen.

thanks Shower Curtain for opportunity.

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The Best You can Do is All That’s Asked of You

YHC got a last minute request to lead at the Colosseum.  Of course, the privilege was accepted and off we went.  11 PAX assembled, were disclaimed and we moseyed off for some “fun”

COP – various exercises in cadence, a few burpees sprinkled in and we moseyed from there to the flag for a Pledge of Allegiance, afterwards – we were off to the bottom of light pole hill.

PAX were given the advice – “The best you can do is all that asked of you”.  The instructions were to do a series of the following at each light pole:

7 – burpees, 23 – squats, 19 – merkins, 48 side straddle hops.  More on the significance of the numbers later.

Upon completing each light pole, PAX returned down the hill and attempted the same at every other light pole.

At 0555 – YHC called a return to COT and PAX obliged.

NMM – This was YHC’s first Q since my father’s passing.  When considering the best way to honor him, it seemed fitting to use the date of his birth (7-23-1948) as the numbers of reps for the exercises we completed.    It also seemed appropriate to pass on the very advice he was given by his mother, YHC’s grandmother – hence the title of this back blast.  The advice is simple, yet entirely fitting for anything we take on in life as leaders – whatever the calling may be.

Shower Curtain, YHC thanks you for the opportunity to Q and to share, in the process, some timeless and relevant advice that serves as a good reminder to us all.

The best you can do is all that’s asked of you.

Grandma & Dad, thank you.



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“Twos”day Torture

9 PAX gathered on a beautiful February morning – a preview of spring that is right around the corner.

Disclaimer and we started to mosey down road towards the entrance when Olaf came trotting out of the woods making it 10 PAX.  Turned around at entrance and did some dynamic warmup on return to parking lot (Toy Soldiers, High Knees, Karaoke).

Maybe it was the weather or maybe it was just Olaf, but the mumblechatter was strong this morning.


The first Thang:

10 Minute hardCORE HIIT – 10 Exercises 45 Sec On 15 sec off


Freddie Mercuries

Standing High Knee Taps

American Hammers

Mountain Climbers

Laying Leg Raises

Plank In and Outs (think flying squirrel – plank jacks)

Plank side to sides (think elbow plank where you alternate rotating and touching each hip to the ground)

Star Crunches (essentially a Dying Cockroach)

Running High Knees

Before the circuit started, I proclaimed this was a core HIIT.  So thank you Bandcamp for letting us know halfway through that we were doing a lot of ab work – very enlightening 😉


The next Thang:

“Twos”day Torture – in honor of it being 2-22-22 on a Tuesday

2 stations separated by .2 miles – Station 1 at parking lot where we park, Station 2 at parking lot at entrance

Perform following exercises at Station 1:

2 Mickey Mouse Merkins

22 MNCs while in squat position

22 Lunges (11 each leg)

Run to Station 2 (Plank for the 6)

Perform following exercises at Station 2:

2 Kraken Burpees

22 overhead claps

22 calf raises

Run Back to Station 1 (Plank for the 6)

Rinse/Repeat – we made it through 4 rounds


Moseyed back and finished back at COT right on time


NMM:  As usual, an honor to lead the Pax.  Naturally, the runs back and forth between stations today evolved into long sprint races and competitions of who could get their heart rate highest.  Not sure there was a clear winner but we all got better together and fought the urge to slow down or cut it short.  Maximus would have agreed that we earned our 1% today –  great work from all the PAX.  Thanks for the opportunity Shower Curtain!





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When in Rome

It was a somewhat cool morning but 4 Pax gathered at The Coliseum for some exercise. Right when Long Duck said so the lights came on and I was a bit relieved we had something to work with. Started with the disclaimer and we went for a mosey and then rounded up  for a quick warm-up with the following reps:

Windmills, SSH, Plan Position, Downward Dog, Honeymooners, and Calf stretching

Moseyed a bit more down the property and ended up at the very entrance of the Roman Wonder where we started off with a 4 Min Tabata, cycled through those exercises and 8 second rest breaks until we were through all the exercises.

Knee ups, LBCs, Arm Circles, MTN Climbers, Flutters, Split Lunges and Planking

Moseyed down further on the property line and found another small parking lot area where we did a second Tabata which included Burpees and a bunch of exercises.

Merkins, SSH, Skaters (Side Lunges), Squats, Flutter Kicks and a couple more…

Meanwhile this whole time Long Duck and Shower Curtain are just warming up the mumble chatter.

Next we moseyed to the track area and started the next portion of the workout, WEB’s with laps in-between.

Did 4 sets of each exercise, 1 of the first exercise and 10 of the second. Every round goes up with a ratio of 1:10 2, 20, 3 30 so on.

We did 4 laps including many reps of merkins, squats and plank jacks. It was rad. Especially Merkins. I knew that was Shower Curtains favorite so I didn’t want to disappoint him! A bit of payback from the recent Q of his at ROF, lost count of merkins that day.

At this point it was getting a little quieter but not much and we were slowing down a bit, well atleast I was…

On to the next portion, moseyed back to COT and removed the 4 Cindys out of my truck and the buyout was 100 overhead presses and 100 curls.

Finally we did some Mary and wrapped up with a COT and I shared a bit of what’s been on my heart with the flesh vs the spirit decisions we make on a daily basis and the daily challenge to abide in Him.

Straight Up shared his word of the year “joy” shared how we are to be the guardians of joy in the family and I couldn’t think of one good reason to argue with him on that so I’m going to try that out in my home.

Good way to start a Tuesday!


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Slippery day at the Schoolhouse

Finally back to normal after the snow and ice storm this weekend.  The drive to The Colosseum was a little slick.  I arrived a little early to check out the track in the back lot.  Part of it was covered with ice so we would need to modify the running portion.

After the arrival of the Pax, we carefully moseyed to back of the school for the typical warm-ups.

SSHs x 20

Imperial Walkers x 16

Windmills x 10

Next, we walked over to the benches where I had stacked 15 cards with exercise written on each.   I explained the benefit of writing Backblast.  You have a library of past workouts to assist with your Q.  Today’s workout was similar to one I had Q’d five years ago.  Complete the exercise written on the card and run a lap.

Here are the exercises:

100 Merkins

80 Moroccan Nightclubs

100 LBCs

100 Carolina Dry Docks

100 Squats

80 Plank Jacks

100 Flutter Kicks

50 Lunges

20 Burpees

80 Side Straddle Hops

60 American Hammers

80 Plank Punches

100 Calf Raises

80 Freddie Mercury

80 Mountain Climbers

We got through all but the last three exercises (take home assignment).  We had a great time discussing marriage, 2.0s, Alabama, and work.

Thanks for the opportunity, Shower Curtain.


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F3 The Fort – Adopt a Highway (#2)

****March 5th 2022- 7:45am – 8:00am****


We have officially signed up for the Adopt-A-Highway Litter pick-up program.  Our adopted Highway is US21 from Peachstand south to Sutton Rd. (2 miles). We will have a sign installed to promote this section of the highway.  We are encouraged to complete 4 pick-ups a year (once a quarter).  All supplies will be provided.  All we need to do is show up.  The SC DOT will come out and pick up our bags along the route after completion.

**Our NEXT Clean-up date is tentatively scheduled for March 5th. (start time )  7:45 am – 8:00am**. There is no time expectation for participation.  Stay as long as needed or head out early.  Modify as needed. Plan for 2 hours if you complete the 1-mile loop.  We split up into two groups last time and met at the halfway point.

We will begin at the Peachstand (rear of the building) and coordinate.  I have 30 vests and all supplies.

Fogerty will be the main contact for this event over the next two years.

Here are some of the logistics:

• Make sure your group knows that in case of bad weather the cleanup will be postponed. Litter collection should never be done in the dark or in bad weather.
• Notify local news media who may have an interest in publicizing your group’s activities. • Remind your group of the appropriate clothing. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes help avoid scratches and irritation from poisonous plants. Light or brightly colored clothing will make them easily visible to passing traffic.
• Be sure you have all the materials and supplies you’ll need beforehand, including first aid kits.
• Check with members of your group to be aware of any allergies that might be important (such as bee-stings, etc).
• Work out a plan for what you will do in the event of an emergency. Find out what the quickest route to the hospital is.
• Park vehicles at both ends of the adopted section.

• Volunteers must be at least 13 years old to participate in Adopt-A-Highway cleanups. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on all Adopt-A-Highway cleanups.

The state does provide adopt-a-highway orange and blue bags.  Orange bags are for trash and blue bags are for recyclables if you want to recycle.  Your group is also provided with orange safety vests.   We do require four pickups every year, usually once every quarter.  All that is needed to be done after trash is picked up is to call or email me and I will send one of our crews to pick up the bags.

It is volunteers like you who are going to make a difference by speaking up and doing what they can to help their community.  Please let me know If you have any questions, I will be glad to assist you.

Thank you,

Sherry J. Johnson
Administrative Specialist/
Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator
SC Department of Transportation
803-327-6186 O I 803-327-6184 F

District Four Maintenance
338 Robertson Road West
Rock Hill, SC 29730

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1st Annual The Fort Weight Loss Challenge

The weight-loss challenge for 2022 has been established to create some focus on the Queen.  The goal is fellowship, accountability, support, discipline, and a little motivation.  Pax will depart on a 90-day journey beginning January 3rd, 2022, and ending on approximately April 2nd or 3rd.

There will be a buy-in and payouts to the top 3 places – determined by “percentage of weight loss”.   Uhaul has agreed to be the holder of the buy-in with a tracking spreadsheet created for each pax to help monitor their progress.  Good Luck Pax!

T-Claps to Uhaul for assisting with this endeavor!

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Constant Movement at Colosseum

Welcome and Disclaimer
10 start/ 10 finish
Mosey and do a lil warmup (SSH, IWs, Cherry pickers, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, 6 inch hold)
Mosey to the starting lightpole
5 poles- start with 5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats lunge to next light pole repeat exercise than bear crawl to next light pole repeat sequence until you arrive at last pole. When 6 in we mosey down the road to rip rap pile, 3 sets 10 reps of following exercises chest press, curls, overhead press. We than run to top of hill at 80%. and back.
Indian run to school, balls to wall 30 seconds come down 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBCs repeat Xs 3. Mosey to COT 20 flutter kicks and 10 grave diggers each side. COT…
Announcements- Dam 2 Dam relay fundraising.

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Prayers Against Our Ego

Mosey behind school > Warm Up

Line Up on BBall Court baseline > Suicide sprints and plank/mountain climbers, 25 in cadence; total of 3 sets

God, make me strong to overcome the desire to be wise and to be thought of as wise by others that are as ignorant as myself. I turn from my wisdom as well as from my folly and follow You, the wisdom of God and the power of God.

Mosey to Parking Lot in front of school > Burpees up downs (football practice style…chop them feet, drop when I say to), plank jacks & seal jacks; 20 in cadence; total of 3 sets

Divine Father, I pray that You protect me from the subtle traps of the ego,
Guard me against temptations of self importance,
Cultivate humility within me,
Give me the strength to battle my ego,
Bless me with the ability to love,
Give me the courage to live in constant surrender to your will
Love me, guard me, guide me and protect me always.

Mosey to BBall Court behind school > Bomb jacks x 20, and Merkins, Diamonds & Wides 5 to 10 in cadence; total of 3 sets

LUKE 18 – The Pharisee and the Tax Collector 9 [Jesus] also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but l beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, [the tax collector] went down to his house justified, rather than the [Pharisee]. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

5. Mary

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