Ramp up at the Varsity

It was a great day in the gloom as the temperatures were perfect (low 40s) and the company was great!  There is something special about leading a pax of 20 or more but I most savor the opportunity to lead just a few guys and start to learn what is going on in their lives and to engage throughout the work out.  It was a privilege to lead the group today especially since my 2.0 was within the pax.

The message had to do with looking back on the year and to look at the opportunities for the areas of life where you can focus on improving in 2018.  For me I’ve had a few lessons.

  • 2 years ago I found a Whetstone partner and he is an amazing support for me through my life.  Every man needs a man to help sharpen them.
  • The root of many of my issues in my marriage and parenting is often my own selfishness and lack of presence.  I need to be more present with my family when I’m with them.
  • I need more than I used to to in order to be nourished in the Bible.  I need a group to hold me accountable

The Thang!

First a round of stretching

Warm up – exercise and run around the circle (SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Emperial Walkers,  Merkins,  plank, mountain climbers)

Mosey to the High school wall

– Wall sits 1 min wall sit

– 15/10/5mule kicks/ planks 10 count down the line

– Peter Parker’s on the Wall

–  5/3/2 hand stands/ plank

3 min of Mary

Band parking lot

– suicides

–  20 yard plate push relay / 50+ yards

–  Leap frog/ elbow plank

–  Bear crawl, crab walk, lunge walk alternate every 10 yards

Aye!  Merry Christmas to all!


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In just under a month, we will have an opportunity to run one of the best races of the year which has become our Signature Fort Race, The Joe Davis Run for Recovery.

This year is going to be particularly special in that we will also be adding the opportunity to push race chariots for SPEED FOR NEED.

Here’s how you get involved, if you know of someone who has a child with a disability, someone who has a child whose home has been affected by addiction, or a child in some other kind of need, then DM Dark Helmet on Twitter and let him know. If you would like to help push, let him know.

We have a chance to have as many as 6 chairs there (several are already spoken for, but some are empty). That’s the most of any race yet…

So man up! Register, find a “Track Commander” to push, and let’s get after it!

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Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


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Friday JamFest at Varsity

5 PAX braved the driving rain and blistering temps to post this morning at the Varsity. Actually, the weather was perfect. Because it’s Friday, we played some music to celebrate the week coming to a close.


  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • 32 4 count side straddle hops
  • 12 4 count merkins
  • 15 4 count windmills
  • 20 Moroccan night clubs
  • 10 4 count forward arm circles
  • 10 4 count backward arm circles

The Thing

  • Mosey to the pull up bars
  • wall sit
  • 5 pull ups, 5 toes to bar
  • wall sit
  • 5 pull ups, 5 toes to bar
  • wall sit
  • 5 chin ups, 5 toes to bar
  • wall sit
  • 5 chin ups, 5 toes to bar
  • wall sit
  • 5 pull ups, 5 toes to bar
  • wall sit


Mosey to the awning next to school

  • 20 steps each leg
  • 20 LBCs

Here’s the (not so) fun part….

Played the song “Roxanne” by The Police

  • Side straddle hops the entire song…
  • 1 burpee every time the word “Roxanne” or “red light” is said (this is a lot of burpees)

Played the song “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC (thanks to DixieChicken for the inspiration on this one)

  • Plank the entire song…
  • 1 merkin every time the word “Thunder” is said (this is a lot of merkins)

Next comes a potpourri of various excercises

  • 20 flutters
  • bear crawl up the side walk
  • 20 Carolina DDs
  • bear crawl backwards back to start
  • 20 squats
  • 20 LBCs
  • 20 V-ups
  • bear crawl up the side walk
  • 20 Carolina DDs
  • bear crawl backwards back to start
  • 20 squats
  • 20 flutters
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • Captain Thors to 5×20

Mosey back to COT


  • Christmas Convergence
  • Joe Davis Run


  • praise for PAX posting in the rain
  • prayers for Crawdaddy’s family
  • prayers for Vuvuzela’s dad

Thanks for the opportunity, Kielbasa!

– Ginsu

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No running

We had fun this past Friday at The Varsity focusing on some burst training, different style pull-ups and burpees, a little mania, and talking about thoughts on Victory. After another day of illness, I hung in there and appreciated the grace from my fellow PAX who joined me. Everyone gave excellent effort for a different style F3 workout.

Disclosure mentioned, No FNGs.

Topic of the Month: Victory; Reminder to read and study the wonderful PDF from your newsletter!


A wee bit of running, bunny hops, figure 8s (can’t ever remember the F3 name for this), 1 sprint

20 each person’s name straddle hops 

12 Ab Vigodas

10 Merkins

15 Arm circles each way (large and small)

15 Parker Peters

15 Low slow squats

4 Rolling Crucifix

The Thang:

Burst Training:

60 secs each of:

High Knees

Crossover jumps

Targeted 15 sec rest

30 secs each of:

Single leg hops (left) over a small cone

Single leg hops (right) over a small cone

2 Side to side hop overs over a small cone then into a big X-cross

Targeted 15 sec rest

60 secs each of:

2 foot front to back hops

Fast! and “clean” SSHs

Jump high burpees

Targeted 30 sec rest

60 secs each of:

Suicides for all the cones on ground for each PAX

3 Turkish getups; on fourth one sprint to the last cone and do 7 Peter Parkers each side and jog back to first cone

Back to Front Hops (over a line)

Targeted 15 secs rest

30 secs of:

High Jump squats

Squat jacks

Shuffle Burpees

1 minute rest

Mosey to Pull-up Bar area:

Pullups and Burpees:

A few randomly picked PAX got to pick a number between 1-15 and then a number between 1-7.  So, yes, if you did not come to this workout, then you will experience some of the others in the future from me! Ones selected without knowing ahead of time were:

(All were Max OYO)

Round 1: L sit bicep holds (and pull-up if you can), then One-arm burped

Round 2: Switch grip pull-ups, then Squat thrust burpees

Round 3: Headbanger pull-ups, then Donkey kick burpees

Mosey to COT area:

5 Minutes of Straight Up’s version of “Hysteria”:

30 secs  of Mountain Climbers

20 secs of Side Kick-thru

10 seconds of Squats kicks

10 seconds of rest

20 secs of Mountain Climbers

30 secs Side Kick-thru

20 secs of Squats kicks

20 secs rest

10 secs of Mountain Climbers

10 secs Side Kick-thru

30 secs of Squat kicks

30 secs rest

Then 20 secs of each:

Mountain Climbers

Side Kick-thru

Squat Kicks


Victory comments


Prayers: especially for the young boys/girls in Ft Mill dealing with bullying, stereotypes, and other stressors.

Kielbasa: Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to lead these fine men!  Until next time!

– Straight Up out

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AMRAP time at Varsity

7 HIM’s got to Varsity on time to get this Bad boy started. Disclaimer given at 0515 at off we went.

The Thang

Mosey towards the Band football field, circle back to pick up Sugar Daddy.

Mosey back towards that lot. Stop for a little Warmup:

SSH X 10,
Polish Mating Dance (aka Goofballs) x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Windmills x 10
IW x 10

Head to the goal line:
walking hamstring stretch for 20 yards, butt kicks for 20 yards, jog the rest to the other goal line.
high knee pull for 20 yards, high knees for 20 yards, jog the rest
Karaoke 30 yards each direction
Side shuffle 30 yards each direction

Mosey over towards the ROTC building for 30 Minute AMRAP
5 pullups, 5 Toes to Bar (modify to knee ups if cant do toes to bar)
run down the hill
10 Bombjacks, 10 Merkins (your choice – plyo, hand clap, hand release, or regular)
run up the hill
15 LBC’s, 15 Flutters
Repeat for 30 minutes

Mosey back to flag
10 Burpees OYO
Dying Cockroach x 10
Rosalitas x 10
Peter Pointer x 10


Announcements – Deep 2.0 Halloween tomorrow, Fastest 5k, read your newsletter

Prayers/Praise – Praise for Straight ups child doing well in school, prayers for Squeaky and family issue with brother,

1. Thanks Kielbasa for the opportunity to lead this morning.
2. Really fun wearing a #beatNafo shirt to a workout at Nafo on the day of the #MilltownShowdown
3. WE are…….Fort Mill!!! Wooo!!
4. Straight up Straight up killed the AMRAP leading the way with 9 laps complete. #likeaBoss

Shanks out

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We played with blocks at Varsity. You know, like men do…

I was super proud of myself for figuring out how to make my bluetooth speaker work. Then I didn’t realize the stupid timer app won’t let you stream music while it’s on. The music has to be downloaded to your phone. So, sadly, Pax had to endure my a capella renditions of 80’s hits while we worked out. Next time, Karaoke for sure…
It’s a HIIT workout. So I decided we would do a 60-40-20 workout. 60 seconds of work (AMRAP), 10 second rest, 40 seconds of work, 10 second rest… and so on. The same exercise is performed for each set of 60-40-20. In between sets, we ran down the hill to the Elementary School and back. Which is to say, we all watched Straight Up run way ahead of us while we thought, “how do we get faster…? Oh yeah, chase that guy… but his name is Straight Up… does that mean there is no Chaser? Hey, where IS Chaser? I haven’t seen him in a while… I wonder… oh… I’m at the top of the hill, I better get to work…”

Round 1: Curls
Round 2: Overhead Press
Round 3: Squats
Round 4: Flutter with Press
Round 5: Swings
Round 6: Lunges
Round 7: Standing Straight Out Chest Press
After the last set/round, we ran to the bottom of the hill and AYGed it to the top.

I feel like there was another round in there, but it was dark, so I couldn’t see…

Helmet, out.

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A #MALTZ without Lightning


Conditions clear and 55 degree



Event Info:     A memorial workout event/salute to those who have been KIA

Because @F3TheFort our common belief is that all US KIA deserve our gratitude and tribute.

2016 Heroes:    MSGT Michael Meltz USAF – KIA 3/23/03 (Long Island, NY)

Cpl. Christopher Ebert USMC – KIA 9/17/07 (Mooresboro, NC)

Lance Cpl. Travis A. Fox – KIA 10/30/04 (Cowpens, SC)


Friday 10/6/2017 Friday 0515 Maltz Challenge


1400 A O Jones Blvd

Fort Mill, SC 29715


@F3theFort Maltz exercises are (self timed):

  1.        400 meter run (1 lap around track)
  2.        50 pull-ups (consecutive = don’t leave station until complete)
  3.        Partner carry football field
  4.        50 dips
  5.        100 push-ups
  6.        50 knees to elbows
  7.        100 Sit-ups
  8.        400 meter run (1 lap around track)

Encourage your brothers as they finish…

COT & BOM / Prayer or Praise

More info at www.maltzchallenge.com

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Varsity – Feel the Interval

Varsity: 7 HIIT and 4 Ruckers

What sometimes starts out as easy or smooth sometimes gets tough. Like today’s beatdown….you may think its going smooth, until things get harder and you get worn out…..and we need to push through and get tough. Finish Strong PAX!!

Mosey to Gym entrance:

·         20 dips

·         10 derkins

·         20 SSHs

Mosey to front entrance:

·         20 dips

·         10 derkins

·         20 Step Ups

Mosey to Bank Lot

·         Ladder Program or 12 days of Christmas…..

o   Do# of Reps and add exercise each round with 100 yard run in-between

1.       Merkins

2.       Squats

3.       Leg Lifts

4.       Carolina Dry Docks

5.       Burpees

6.       Diamond Merkins

7.       Hello Dollys

8.       Box Jumps

9.       Plank Jacks

10.   Lunges

11.   Donkey Kicks

12.   Bomb Jacks

·         LBC’s

·         Planks Punches

·         Flutters

Mosey to COT

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3 Brave Souls

It was a fine start of the day to see two other PAX gathered at The Varsity.  While it was a light crowd, there was no short supply of intensity.  Conditions were perfect, PAX were eager, and we were off.

Warm Up

Mosey around the parking lot with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up.

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Squats x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Windmills x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 each, no rest in between

Mosey to the hill for the main course stopping to grab a block along the way.

AMRAP 3 rounds of 9 minutes with 90 seconds rest in between.  Nirvana channel on Amazan was played….great songs and brought us all back the 90s and reminisced.

Round #1 – 10 Bomjacks at the bottom, bear crawl to the seond tree, run up, 10 block merkins each arm on the top

Round # 2 – 15 curls at the top, carry block, 15 presses at the middle, 15 dips at the bottom

Round # 3 – 10 Burpees and the bottom, run backwards up, 15 block swings at the top

COT – Prayers to those affected by the hurricane, families, addiction, and unspoken.

CAH work day on 9/30 at 10:30AM until complete.  Lunch will be provided.


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