Cool runnings

THE THANG: some of us ran on the road – route was Munn Rd to Kingsley Park to 160. Roughly 1 mile loops. Encouraged PAX to go in opposite directions to encourage each other as we passed.
Most ran trails though.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: remember to do name-o-Rama next time…

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One road – One route

WARMUP: nope
THE THANG: Kee it simple – Run Market St. to its end and back to Starbucks. Add on should time permit prior to 0600.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: were voiced
COT: 5th core principle

A great way to start 1-0 on the week. Thanks for the call, Assassin. :eye:

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A tropical misty hill of a good time at #ao-clydesdales

WARMUP: tried to do SSH, but the Pax just wanted the route
THE THANG: south Munn Loop,
South on Munn, East on Harris, north on Jackson, west on 160
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FREE 4.01k Run

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Walmart Run

Trail Route
Road Route was a round-trip run to Walmart not for a honey do list which was around 4.5+ miles, shorter route was a little past the post office
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Volunteers to help out in WNC.
COT: Prayers for people impacted by storms

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THE THANG: Pre-run optional then 6 hit Trails, 14 hit pavement
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Cold Weather Drive for WNC, & Read your newsletter
COT: Ball of Man-Closing Prayer

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We ran….at the running AO

WARMUP: counted off. Goal was to go just “one more” which may mean pushing up the hill or going 1 second faster than your normal pace.
THE THANG: Ran all the way to the end of market. All the way.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, golf charity, bourbon fundraiser
COT: hurricane victims, health

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