Bring Your Wife to F3 Day

Shady led the Pax out of Runde Park to the circle at the end of Windward Drive for windmills, cherry pickers, yoga type back stretches,Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. The Pax then ran back to Runde and met up at the parking lot.
Shady gave each man a tennis ball and instructed us to write our wives’ first initial on the ball. That ball would stay with us for the rest of the workout.

Dora with your wife as your partner. From the playground, we did the following exercises and ran to the back of the basketball court and back between each set.
50 pullups (set of 10)
100 decline merkins (set of 20)
150 step ups were planned, but we ran out of time.

Hand off to Senator
Circle up on the right ball field

Lt Dan (1 knee tar jai, 4 squats) to 10 (crowd pleaser)
Line up along the concession stand wall for people’s chair. While the rest of the Pax sat, 2 ran to the outfield fence, hopped over, ran up the hill, did 3 burpees, and ran back
Balls to the wall hold for 20 secs, move to 1/2 way down for 20 secs

Return to the circle for the <@UJGS2BBQD> killer hip flexor routine

LBC x 20, Hello Dolly x 20, Boat and Canoe x 3
Finish up with the Body Destroyer

Trash pick up today on route 21 (thank you <@U0617222M3M> for your continued commitment to this). Jaeger next week, various other (READ YOUR NEWSLETTER)

Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> in the loss of his mom. Another Pax in the loss of his father. We prayed for several family members and friends of the Pax with cancer and other serious ailments. Prayers for safe travels for <@UN6PTD007> and his family to WI.

<@UGRNYPPUM> always brings something unique to his Qs, and his idea of having a tennis ball with our wives’ initials was a good reminder of how lucky we are to have our spouses. YHC and Shady picked up the Q spot as last minute subs for our friend <@UN3JKG18C> who will be handing off site Q duties in two weeks. Thank you for your leadership, my friend. It was a beautiful morning at Runde and always a pleasure to lead the Pax on Saturday mornings. We are truly lucky Men of the Fort!

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Back last! Rucking VQ with GAME!

WARMUP: SSH and the Kasbah #2s
THE THANG: 12 was the rep count for all work to honor LEOs including my nephew. Ruck over to railing facing the lake and some hopping merkins until we got to the stairs. Up the stairs and over to the Marriott where we talked about Gratitude and Attitude then did some Russian Tap Dancers and LSS. Rucked to Sunbelt and talked about Maintaining focus and Energy. Rucked the perimeter of the parking lot and up to the roundabout. There, we did some calls raisers and slightly inclined merkins. Rucked back up the hill toward Panera passing around <@U02JMD0EKS8>’s 60 pounder. Rucked through the quiet zone again then back for some Mary. It felt quite contrary but we did some BB Crunches, Protractors and finally some body destroyers. The PAX were very gracious and kind.
MARY: Not Wild Eyed Crazy but yes, she popped on.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: <@U02JMD0EKS8> Bon Voyage March 1st, <#C040E2ZA943> March 8th, Convergence at <#C02P7E6JT55> on March 14th and the <#C03J56KFVAA> #Jaeger March 15th.
COT: Prayers for health and for strength. Prayers for the families of those who lost loved ones. Praises for Gratitude including the PAX and new jobs.

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Clyde Glides

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence(s), Bot send-off, Clydesdales is moving! New locatio: FMHS by football stadium
COT: Prayers & praise circle, group prayer over Basso’s Mission Trip to Guatemala :pray:

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Twister will be Q @6@6 every week

The Twister claims 26 is a record. The site Q confirmed.

Also confirmed, a handful of guys showed to begin training for D2D

WARMUP: Probably a lot of hugging
THE THANG: running, with fly-bys at The Fort
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: eat your Wheaties
COT: pre

Good luck to all at D2D

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15 minutes of a good time

Walk done waiting for a delinquent Q

Band Parking Lot ladders
MOT: Lunge and Bear Crawl

Run to 50 yard line in between

None was done


Being more open and authentic to others

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The Gauntlet: Strength & Stride

15-Moroccan night clubs
15-Overhead Claps
15-Imperial walker
10-Wind mills


Slosey to the entrance
15 KB curls
15 KB overhead presses
10 KB rows each arm

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
For 10 count we all discussed something that is impacting our life that no one knows about.
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
Run to the 4th cone: 20 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Mosey to COT and with Just enough time we did KB American Hammers

3/1/2025: Battle Bot’s send-off
3/14/2025: Convergence
3/15/2025: Jaegar and Fundraising efforts check give away

Cspan Style, Everyone provided a prayer and a word of encouragement.

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Singing in the Rain ?️

WARMUP: Get out of our cars as it was freezing rain and lightning out.
THE THANG: Ruck up and hit Kingsley loops for 2.71mi with about 6 stops for squats and lunges
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yeager and Christmas Party :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
COT: prayers and praises

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Rucking with…….thoughts, a Socratic and a few exercises (but just a few)

WARMUP: Nope – off at 0500

THE THANG: Ruck and insert exercises at different points along the 3 mile route.
Merkins with ruck on
Calf raises
Peter Parker’s
Parker Peter’s
Incline merkins with Ruck on
Lunge walks around circles
More merkins with rucks on

Lessons and questions shared from a recent reading YHC absorbed:
Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself
Control what you can control
Raise your children well
Contribute to your community
We are all vessels of something – what are you a vessel of?

All PAX got 3 miles plus exercises – 60 minutes of solid work put in by all. And great to see some newer and less familiar faces returning to the gloom. In the words of DD – Just Keep Posting.

MARY: nope – open to all men


COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Sofrito – always honored to lead. :eye:

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