Why run at Clydesdale’s?

No no no.  It was a Y run loop at Clydesdale’s.  Run to the YMCA take the trail, turn left at road, turn right at the fountain and up the hill to Sutton and run down the hill.  Right at QT and back to Starbucks.  Rinse and repeat until you are tired.  We had 12 in total with a sighting of Dungaree doing 13mi. for a training run.  Why I ask?

COT and outta there.

TClap |

Honoring 5 heroes from 9/11 at the Honey Badger

16 PAX joined me to honor our fallen heroes, this time I went off the book and decided to do my own version and honor some of the heroes from the tragedy of 9/11.

-During the September 11 of 2001 attacks, 2,977 people were killed (excluding the 19 hijackers) and more than 6,000 others injured

-The immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon

-Of those who perished during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, 23 were New York City police officers and 37 were officers at the Port Authority.

We had hundreds of heroes that day but I decided to honor 5 that made a great impact, they are not in any specific order but here are their names:

  1. NYPD Officer Moira Smith was the first officer to report the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 when she saw the first plane strike the first tower of the World Trade Center. Smith, a 13-year veteran, ran into the towers and began assisting in the evacuation. Officer Smith is credited with saving hundreds of lives that day, giving her own in the process. She was the only female NYPD officer to die on 9/11.
    She was survived by her 2-year-old daughter and her husband.
  1. Welles Crowther was an investment banker working on the 104th floor of 2 World Trade Center (the south tower). When United Airlines Flight 175 struck the south tower, Crowther remained calm. Just minutes after the plane hit, Crowther called his mother to let her know he was okay. He then began assisting others in evacuating, at one point carrying a woman down 17 flights of stairs, only to return to the 78th floor to continue helping others.
    Crowther had made it out of the building and was running back into it with a “Jaws of Life” tool when the tower collapsed. He was 24 years old.
  1. Mark Bingham ark owned a public relations firm, the Bingham Group. He was a passenger on board United Airlines Flight 93. Bingham was among the passengers who, along with Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett and Jeremy Glick, formed the plan to retake the plane from the hijackers, and led the effort that resulted in the crash of the plane into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, thwarting the hijackers’ plan to crash the plane into a building in Washington, D.C., most likely either the U.S. Capitol Building or the White House. Before their final mission, Mark called his mother and told her that he loved her very much. His mother, Alice Hoagland, is a former flight attendant. Since Mark’s death, she has become a world-renowned expert on airline safety as well as an activist for LGBTQ issues in memory of her heroic son.
  2. Ronald Paul Bucca was a Fire Marshal with 23 years on the job with FDNY. An Army Special Forces reservist, Bucca was known as “The Flying Fireman” after a spectacular fall from a tenement fire escape. Bucca, a marathon runner, died responding to the 78th floor of the south tower moments before it collapsed.
    He was the only FDNY Fire Marshal to be killed on 9/11.
  1. Retired United States Army Officer Rick Rescorla was working as the head of security at Morgan Stanley on the 44th floor when tragedy struck. Rick was there during the bombing at the Trade Center in 1993 and believe that the Towers were still a target for terrorists. He even predicted that a plane might be flown into them one day. He implemented security procedures for Morgan Stanley, including having practice evacuations every three months.
    On 9/11, Rick systematically helped the firm’s 1,000 employees out by ordering them through the stairways. He sang a Cornish battle song to boost morale, as he had done for his troops in Vietnam. After someone told him that he also needed to evacuate Rick said, “As soon as I make sure everyone else is out”. He was last seen heading up the tenth floor when the Tower collapsed.


We started with a slow mossey around the parking lot with some toy soldiers in between runs.

Back to COP for warm up exercises:


Moroccan night clubs

Low Slow Squats (crowd favorites)

Cherry pickers


Mosseyed to the pull up bars area were some utensils had been setup for the following 9-11 format WO, 9 exercises with 11 reps each and then RUN down the hill to the stop sign and NUR back up, RINSE AND REPEAT, the plan was to do this 5 times, one for each hero but due to time restriction we completed 4 circuits with just enough time to run back to COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

11 pull ups BAR

11 big boy situps

11 toes to BAR

11 sledgehammer swing

11 knee raises BAR

11 merkins

11 slam ball to ground

11 Carolina dry docks

11 tire flips

It was a tough workout but it’s totally worth it when honoring our heroes; everyone pushed themselves through it with lots of mumble chatter but at the end we left better men!!

I was honored to Q the Honey Badger this week, thank you Dirty Harry for the opportunity to lead. #NeverForget


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Light on mileage, Heavy on the push

While the research may vary, the average ant can lift/carry 10-50 times its own body weight. Luck for us at the Fire Ant AO today, we were only carrying ourselves and our Rucks, which varied from 30lb-45lb. So, to that I say, you’re welcome.

We had a small yet might group of Ruckers this morning as 4 others joined YHC. Once disclaimed, we Rucked to the playground for:

50 Pull-Ups (slick)

50 Push-Ups (with Ruck)

Ruck to the soccer fields for bit of a 4-corners covering half the entire field. Once we figured out the appropriate sides of the field for transportation between corners, it would be Bear Crawls (with Ruck) on two sides f the field and walk (with Rucks overhead) for the other two sides. In the corners:

Corner 1: 25 Ruck Curls

Corner 2: 25 Bent over Rows

Corner 3: 15 Hand-Release Merkins

Corner 4: 25 Upright Rows

We completed the circuit twice then made our way over to the flag pole:

15 Flutters w/o the press

15 Freddy Mercury’s with Rucks up

10 Flutters w/ the press

Ruck back to COT to hold the Al Gore position while each PAX recounted where they were when they learned of the events of 9/11.

Remember. Never Forget. Be Present


TClap |

Iron Paradise

Since becoming the Site Q at The Coop YHC has been missing The Tomahawk. Luckily, 3D was gracious enough to swap AO’s for a day. Needless to say I was pretty excited.

10 PAX showed up 10 minutes early so we had some good mumble chatter in the darkness that is The Tomahawk parking lot. A few PAX snuck in as the clock struck 0515 and the disclaimer was disclaimed.

Mosey 400M without gear.

SSH x 42 at different tempos
Tappy Taps x 10
Low slow squat x 15
Al gores hold 30 seconds

While holding Al Gore discussed isolation and how it is terrible for men like us. Explained the shield lock and how being surrounded by like minded men who want to accelerate will hold you to a higher standard.

Merkins x 15
Downward dog
Honey mooner
Side plank left arm/leg high
Flap jack
Low six inch hold

Discussed isolation further in depth and explained how when we are alone we are more prone to attacks from the enemy.

Mosey to back side of school to discover a beautiful piece of 1×12 with fresh weinke written all over it.


Partner BOP w Light Pole Suicides

Partners will work toward the below exercises together. While one pumps the iron the other runs out and back to one of the five light poles down the backside of DBES. Partner one hits pole 1, swap, partner 2 hits pole 2, and so forth out to the farthest pole and back. Repeat until completing the BOP.

100 curls each arm
200 Swings
200 Tri Extensions
200 Goblet Squats
200 American Hammers
200 LBC’s

(This BOP may or may not have come from a prior workout at The Tomahawk).

We made it to the American Hammers as a group… then had to head back to COT. YHC had a BONUS on the backside of the board. That will have to happen another day. Maybe at The Armory on September 9… maybe…

In all, we got about 2.5 miles of running in. Not bad for a gear workout!

Got back to COT and had one minute to knock out some flutters with press x 16 (4 count).

Name a Rama


Shovel flag hand off at Footloose tomorrow.
Invergence is 9/6 at Rush Pavilion @ 1800. Sign up to bring some deliciousness.
Convergence is 9/7 at WEP @ 0630.
Bobber on VQ at WEP this Saturday @ 0630.

PAX in isolation, either on IR or in a dark place. Reach out to them.
Cancer. It’s seemingly everywhere.
New ventures for Training Wheels.
Family members with mental illness, and those who care so much about them.

Thanks 3D for the creative opportunity to lead at a different AO than my own site. Had a blast meeting some of the newer PAX.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Fountain Or Drain

What a glorious morning! The weather was perfect. We were blessed with a few respectables and plenty of #HIMs. The fellowship was amazing and the mumble chatter was high-quality. 

The Thang:

Mosey to the next parking lot near 9 Rounds. 

COP: SSH (30x), Merkins (15x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), Box Cutters(15x), Dying Cockroaches(15x)

Mosey to the parking lot at Grace Presbyterian Church. 

Partner up for a round of Dora with Merkins (100x), Squats (200x) and LBCs (300x).

Mosey to the parking lot at O’Reilly’s

Two rounds of Irkins(15X), Dips (15X) and LBCs (15X)

Two rounds of Derkins(15X), Box Jumps (15X) and Heels To Heaven (15X)

Mosey to the next parking lot at Harris Teeter for suicides with burpees.

COP: LBCs (15x), Heels To Heaven (15x) and Dying Cockroaches (15x)



Given our country’s divisive climate, it is important that we remain positive. Too many people are talking and thinking negative. Negativity is a huge energy drain. Reject negativity. Be a fountain of positive energy, not a drain.

TClap |

Burning Down The Colosseum

Gladly accepted the Q request from Jekyll a month ago for an AO i had never posted to.  He told me the Qs really bring the pain. Visited the week prior to get the lay of the land and he was not joking. With that I couldn’t slack off. 26 PAX 3 FNG got after it in the Gloom this morning. Really dig these MONSTER number  Workouts.

Here’s how it went down.

Mosey up to second Left turn to Parking spaces.

Bone the Fish.

3 Shuffle Right 3 Shuffle Left 3 Karaoke 1-1-1–Really crazy to do this with these numbers.


SSHx15 MNCx15  Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walkersx15 Dips x 15

The Thang

9 exercise stations 20 reps per. Except #1. Thanks Pothole! Mode of travel listed at each station for return to middle. All returns to middle do 5 burpees- Mosey to next station

Station 1- Abs 30 American Hammers Ct 1 side- Sprint to light pole/cone 5 Low Slow Sprint to next station

Station 2- Legs 20 Block Squats – Bear Crawl to Center

Station 3- Arms 20 Wide Arm Merkins– Bear Crawl to Center

Station 4- Abs 20 10 Peter Parkers/ 10 Parker Peters- Bear Crawl to Center

Station 5-Combo Al Gore w/bricks  10 Lateral Raise 10 Lateral Row = 20 reps Sprint to cone – 5 merkins Sprint to next station

Station 6- Arms 20 GTOs Ground to Overhead- Crawl Bear to center—–Really how does a Pax break a cinderblock in half????

Station 7-Abs 20 War Hammers combo WWII sit-up 1x American hammer- Crawl Bear to Center

Station 8- Legs 20 Monkey Humpers  Wheel Barrow to center and switch after burpees to station 9

Station 9- Pass the Ruck- Stand Back to back and pass back and forth in circular motion 20x  Mosey to center.

Rinse and Repeat

All PAX completed roughly 1.5 rounds. From the mumble chatter throughout the #Beatdown it appeared to be successful.

Return to COT to name the FNGs and hand off the Shovel flag.

Thanks Again for the Opportunity to lead.

Good Luck Hardwood and Great work Jekyll. Will see me more regularly at the Colosseum.

Duck Out!

TClap |

Don’t poke the Q

Cars pulling in right up to the starting time.
Disclaimer and intro.
Mosey with dynamic stretching along the way.
Circle up for some warmup and a small sample of Broga.
Back to kettle bells
Did the following exercises 3 sets of each 10-15 reps each set followed by an ab exercise.
Every three exercises we would mosey and do 10 burpees ( this quieted down most poking of the Q.)
Goblet squats, figure 8s, KB Swings, single arm rows, shoulder presses, single arm curls, clean and jerk, and reverse lunges.
announcements- invergence and convergence
Prayers- Airborne son leaving for US Army boot camp. God Love the USA.
Trucker- learning everyday lessons on raising kids and being a good father.
All the kids going back to school today.

Also had a good reminder and to just love your kids and not worry about always if their the top or best at something. Just show them you love them.

Backdraft out.

TClap |


We had 15 Pax post at the Colosseum today for an intense workout. Italian Job crossed the river from Rock Hill to bless us with his presence. We had FNG L-Train post in full presentation of the Windy City. Two Pax did a pre-ruck and chose hard work over sleep. T-Claps to all for pushing themselves beyond their limits.

The Thang

Mosey to the back parking lot

COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), Merkins (20x), MCs (15x), WMs (15x), LBCs (20x)

Mosey to the basketball courts and partner up.

Dora (100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats).

Mosey to the front of the school. 

Partner Wheel Barrels to each side of the parking lot (2x), Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x), Partners Push Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds)     

Mosey to the bus loop for catch me if you can for 2 laps and 2 burpees at each exchange.

Mosey to the next parking lot.


We discussed God’s grace today. Each #HIM had a meaningful definition for grace. Long Shanks mentioned that grace is when we receive “God’s blessings, at Jesus’ expense.” 

Shame is the opposite of His grace. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and flaws. Don’t strive for perfection. Instead, commit to making a perfect effort. That’s all anyone can ask of you.

Forgive others. Giving grace to others gives ensure your freedom. Freedom comes from not holding on to grudges. Live free.



TClap |

Do a few things, but do them well.

Jekyll asked me to Q at Colosseum like a month and a half ago. I had reservations, as the Colosseum is outside my radius of comfort for a weekday post and it’s not like the Q can leave early. Throwing caution to the wind I said sure, I’ll just make it an extra short shower before work…

Let’s roll!

-Quick mosey to the first light- SSH
-Quick mosey to the next wide spot for slow count merkins and Imperial walkers.
-Quick mosey to the parking lot for some more COP.
Count off by 3 and line up behind one of 3 KB, 30# 40# and 50#
-All pax take turns for 20 KB swings, while the Q leads everyone else in squats, merkins and calf raises.
Main Course
4 cones that delineate 4 lines in the parking lot. Everyone lines up at one end line.
Lunge walk to the next line, bear crawl to the next line, then run the the end line.
25 merkins, then lunge walk walk, bear crawl, and run back to the original line.
Plank for the six.
Exercise- IC
This will be the pattern for the next 30 minutes or so.
Exercise 1: Flutter kicks 25 x
Exercise 2: Squats 25 x
Exercise 3: WW1 Sit-ups 15 x
Exercise 4: 6 in LBC’s 15 x then Monkey Humpers 20 x

Cool-out  with a pyramid of Suicide sprints.


Hopefully that wasn’t too hard or too easy for most of the PAX. I had planned on about 6 PAX posting, what with Tater at Ballroom, Mile High at Golden Corral and Shanks at Block Party there were so many other options that it seemed inconceivable that more than 10 people would post to Colosseum. When I looked around and there were 22 other guys looking for a good push this AM, I really had a hard time believing it. Not saying everyone came just ’cause it was me, but I really did appreciate that everyone came to hang out with me in the Gloom. As always, it was my pleasure leading the PAX, pushing everyone a little bit, practicing my cadence, and maybe practicing my DI voice a little bit too.
Your Welcome!


TClap |


18 Pax posted at the Coop in full representation of 3 solid regions today (Richmond, Fort Mill and Ballantyne). The temperature dropped and it felt like spring again. Wegmans, Skate or Die, Sasquatch and Cici did a pre-run for extra credit. Double Mint put up a strong post as his downpainment before spending the day at Carowinds.  T-Claps to all 18 high impact men that challenged themselves both mentally and physically today. 

The Thang:

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary’s Bus Loop

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), HillBilly Walkers (15x), WM (15x), Moroccan Night Clubs (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), Peter Parkers (15x)

Mosey to the pull up bars: Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the bottom, pull ups at the top 8x

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary’s Parking Lot: Windsprints (2x)

Mosey to the wall: Wall Merkins 3x, People’s Chair 3x


We are constantly feeling good and bad vibes during our journey of life. Life is filled with valleys and peaks. Like a train on parallel tracks, we continually find ourselves between the good track and the bad track. When things go well in life, we are soon challenged with a tragedy or a loss. Remain steadfast. Be aware of when you become unbalanced between pride and humility, right and wrong, etc. Remain steadfast and in balance.

TClap |