Quads of Fire

Quick Disclaimer on ignorance of site and the need for direction we moseyed around the immediate parking lot.
Slow Low Squat
Moroccan Night Clubs
Peter Parker
Freddie Mercury
Seal Jacks
“Spotted” a hill so we decided to use it
11’s (Merkins & Squats)
Merkin on bottom…..Backward Run (NUR) up the hill….Squat
*After Quads were burning we made another trip up the hill to the benches at front of school.
Dips (25 count)
Step ups (10 in Cadence….10 each leg)
Urkins (10)
Moseyed to Parking Lot for “Lazy Dora”
100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters
Merkins: Partner 1 did 10 Merkins while Partner 2 held plank: Repeat until 100
Squats: Partner 1 did 20 Squats while Partner 2 held Al Gore: Repeat until 200
Flutters: Partner 1 did 30 Flutters while Partner 2 held 6 inches: Repeat until 300
Calf Raises (25) OYO
Used lines on Parking lot as markers:
Advance 2 lines with lunges and then 3 Flying Squirrels
Return to start: Butt Kickers
High Knees
Karaoke (x2)

Hello Dolly
Shoes for Kenya
Bethel Men’s
Prayers for students and teachers, healing, doctor’s discernment. Praises for Triple Lindy’s wife’s first wedding officiating.

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Deadly DORA

WARMUP: SHH, Imperial Walkers, windmills, cherry pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs, arm circles
5 Manmakers just to get the mind right!
Kettle Bell DORA with a partner. 100 KB Swings (combined count) partner is running 150 yards. Flip flop the running until the total rep count is 100. 200 Chest Presses; repeat the running and the combined rep counts. 300 KB Squats; repeat running.
DORA round 2: repeats DORA above but reduce the rep count and running distance by 50% but increase speed of completion.

Get in Groups of 3: 1 person Farmer Carries 2 bells total distance of 40 yards. 2nd person does Seal Jacks. 3rd person does curls. Rotate through each exercise one time each.
Round 2: Farmer Carry; Plank Jacks; Overhead Press
MARY: LBCs for the final 30 seconds

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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Turkish Bapstismal Getup


yes….SSH for the stragglers to start, then a few of the standards: IW, Burpees, Shoulder Tap, Yoga, Slingshot, Halos, slight moseys, windmills with the bell low and high (not a crowd pleaser)
Dan John’s Humane Burppee – look it up. It’s good stuff
Series of 5 reps with some moseys occasionally
– Cleans
– Racked Reverse Lunge
– Single Leg Deadlift
– Racked Bulgarian Split Squat
– Single Arm overhead press

The fun bit was a table of Dixie water cups set up. We did Turkish Getups with the water cups in our hands. Then Turkish Getups with the water cup resting on our knuckles. Good times. A few guys got wet; all of us were challenged

Finished with burpee snatches and pigeon lunge

Virtual Sweet Tooth run tomorrow 5am
10 year convergence tomorrow 6:30am
10 year hang at the Print Shop tomorrow at 5pm

Prayers for Grout’s sister and her four children on the loss of her husband

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Honor of Cash

Today, we honored Cash, hospital name Jay Griggs, who passed away in Sept 2020 of cancer. He was given the name “Cash” as in Johnny Cash due to his all black outfit he worn at his first workout along with his hometown of Nashville, TN. The Coop was renamed “Ring of Fire” in honor of Cash. Double D shared stories through the workout. Cash was a genuine person who was always ready to help out a friend.
Jekyll provided me with a backblast from 2015 where Cash was in attendance. I decided to copy it on a piece of paper and unfortunately dropped it in the gloom so it did not match the exact workout.
We first moseyed to the front entrance of the school for COP (SSHs, IWs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank Stretches, and Mountain Climbers)
Next, we moseyed to the gym wall for People’s Chair with each pax running out to the parking lot for 5 merkins. One round of Balls to the Wall.
The lights came on making it easier to navigate, mosey to the ROTC building.
Dirty McDeuce (3 exercises, 12 reps) Run to the top of the hill, 5 burpees and back down to starting point.
R1: Merkins, LBCs, Lunges
R2: Wide Arm Merkins, Hello Dollies, Squats
R3: CDD, Flutters, Jump Squats
R4: Stagger Merkins, X/Os, Calf Raises

Back to the top of the hill near the school
Three rounds of toe touches, Dips, Derkins (12 reps)

Back to COT
Closed with Cash’s prayer

Search me Lord. Lead me to you. Help me to be a good man, a good father, a good husband and a good employee. Help me to forgive and release from resentment those that I feel have offended me. Let me see the good in others and draw that goodness out of them.

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4 Season of a Man’s Life

Run to the hill by the football stadium. Stopped at each light pole for 8 HR Merkins. Once at the top we planked for the 6. 40 merkins total.

Continued to mosey past the church and armory. Entered back into the high school by the gym where we circled up.

With an impending birthday I have been reflecting a lot on where I am during my life. One such message that resonated with me is the idea that a man’s life is divided up into seasons. As a result the theme for today was the 4 seasons of a man’s life. I tried to mirror the workout with the nature of each season.

Season 1. : Spring Age 0-20. Theme is Identity.

This stage of a man’s life a man determines who he is, what skills he has, and what are his limitations.

SSH IC x10
Seal Jacks ICx10
Plan Jacks IC x10
Mountain Climber x10.

Did 2 rounds at 10 reps IC then 1 round of 20 IC to get to 40 IC reps in total for each exercise.

Ran to the next corner of the big parking lot for Summer

Season 2 : Summer Age 20-40 Theme is Learning and Growing

This stage of mans life is perfecting your skill set, and distinguishing your expertise for the good of society. How do you prioritize the things in your life (work v life balance). How do you establish family and your role in the community.

10 HR Merkins IC
10 Squats
10 Merkins IC
10 Lunges OYO

Repeated this 4 times to get to 40 reps of each exercise.

Run to the next corner of the parking lot for Fall

Season 3 : Fall Age 40-60 Theme is Influence

Key questions for this stage Have I achieved what I wanted to, can my mistakes be redeemed, and how to avoid having a mid-life crisis. Another key thing is to think about how you can influence the next generation. Particularly your family and close friends.

For this round of exercises I did a Tabata format

40 seconds on 20 seconds off.

Catalina Wine Mixers
HR Merkins

With time running out we ran to COT for the last season.

Season 4: Winter Theme is Investment.

At this stage you should have composure maturity and insight. You don’t see others as competition but as an opportunity to mentor and invest in the next generation. The greatest danger at this stage is for a man to believe he can no longer contribute. Of course in F3 we know this to be a lie. We have HIM’s all throughout the Fort as examples of what it is to be mentors, champions and examples.

The exercises at this stage were:

40 BBS
40 LBC’s IC
40 4-ct Flutter Kicks IC
40 American Hammers IC

With 8 seconds left I ended the workout…….with 5 more burpees OYO.

Honored to spend this day and this morning with the men of F3, members of my shieldlock and at Laces IN one of my favorite AO”s.

Until next time…..

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Jack Webs from Hell

SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parker x 10
All IC

Part 1
Using the field in 10 yard increments
Starting at the end zone run to the 10 yard line do 1 burpee and at the push-up position do 4 merkins. Run back to the end zone.
Run to 20 yard line, 2 burpees with 4 merkins each time you go down (8 total merkins). Run back to end zone.
30 yd, 3 burpee 12 merkins. Run back.
Continue until the other end zone is reached which would be 10 burpees and 40 merkins.

Part 2
Similar to above,
Instead, nur to 10yd and do 4 squats. Run bank to end zone
Nur to 20yd line, 8 squats, run back to start.
Continue until finished.

11’s – Mountain climbers to dying cockroach.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check the newsletter. 10 year started today. Post as often as you can.

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KB Mashup

7 showed up this morning at the Hive to the sound of Garth Brooks. Uhaul knows how much I dislike it so he made sure it was playing loud. We debated on what music to play for a bit and settled on 90’s Alternative.
Warm-ups consisted of several dynamic arm and leg stretches along with a plank routine to stretch out the back and hips.
The Mash-Up:
Each routine consisted of three exercises in each set with the fourth combining all three exercises. Here are the five routines:




• COMBO (Most difficult, from squat transition to ground and back up to your feet after LBC)

First round 10 reps, second round 5 reps with some running in between rounds. Lots of discussion about Ben and JLO and their movie careers.
Great job everyone!

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Christmas In August? How Thrilling!

THE THANG: 12 days of Christmas was the thang:

2- Deconstructed Burpee’s
3-Jump squats
5-Diamond merkins
6-Imperial walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (10 each leg)

We got through Day 10 in our festive workout. I know everyone was sad we didn’t get to Day 12.

Thanks Triple Lindy for one year as Site Q at Ballroom!

COT: Triple Lindy’s wife and her first wedding she is officiating. Prayers for Cybil for healing and wisdom for her doctors.

This September check in on someone you haven’t seen in the Gloom in a while.

The Thrill is gone..

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Mooning the International Space Station?

Run a lap
Low slow squat
hold bottom of squat
Plank up
10 slide overs in cadence
10 high pulls in cadence
20 flutters with press in cadence

Segment 1
mode of transport: walk with bell overhead

Segment 2
Mode of transport: Carry the steel beams with the snake cut into them out and back

Chest press
Calf raises

We did 2 full rotations through the PAX
Brief pause to watch the International Space Station cruise by. We don’t know if they were looking for the moon, but we made sure one was visible from Snake Pit

0550 Segment 3
10 minute AMRAP 21-15-9
21 flutters (L+R=1)
15 squats
9 skull crushers

Stand around and wait for Bushwood to finally show up

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