- QIC: Punch List
- When: 08/05/2020
- Pax: 3D, Airborne, Bird Cage, Cheddah, Geronimo, Maximus, Punch List, Refugee, Shatner, Slash, Spider Man, Spitz, Uhaul, Wegmans
- Posted In: The Snake Pit
I pulled up to Snake Pit at about 0455 to see a man running his way down the entrance hill. Much to my surprise it was our newest PAX, Refugee. Just a HIM doing HIM things… running 2.3 miles one way to an AO for his third post. NBD. Shout out to Stang for EH’ing him on the trails at Ann Springs.
I set up the board, the juke box, and the stage. Then headed to the shovel flag.
The PAX appeared and the disclaimer was spoken. Also… Shatner rolled up for his 8th post in as many days since he was an FNG!!
I started with a quick verse.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17
Mosey around the block
Dynamic movements (Karaoke, Toy Soldiers, Butt kickers)
Low Slow Romanian Deadlifts x 10 each side
Merkins on Bell x 10
Mosey to the location YHC laid it all out.
YHC asked the PAX to partner up with someone of similar athleticism/fitness.
Pax vs Pax BOP
DORA style except each PAX keeps his number of reps a secret. Both PAX do the exercise for one set while the other does the out + back. After both go through one set, the PAX reveal to each other how many reps were completed.
Loser between the two partners makes up the difference with an additional exercise while the winner does a less intense exercise. It causes you to push yourself because you know your partner is also
gunning to win each round. #ISI.
Round 1 – Quadzilla Up Hill to Bypass while partner does movement with KB.
Goblet Squat/American Hammers
Skull Crushers/American Hammers
Alternating Lunges/American Hammers
Round 2 – Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back
KB Swings/Flutter with Press
Curls/Flutter with Press
Halos/Flutter with Press
Round 3 – Hill Runs to 460
Turkish Get UPS/Manmakers
Burpees Snatch/Manmakers
1 Arm Clean and Press/Manmakers
Time. I was sad that we couldn’t squeeze in round four, but I am happy that the work was put in and most of us were pretty gassed. YHC would never have banged out 6 Turkish get ups that quickly if it were a normal DORA. Just sayin…
As we ran back, “We Are The Champions” began playing on the speakers. It felt right. We got back to COT right at 0600.
Nice work by all. From what I heard, most PAX stayed within 2-5 reps of each other each round. Strong. The message was again repeated:
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
In this case with the PvP BOP, the way we sharpened each other today was not by coming alongside one another while we were weak. It was sharpening by exhortation; a push that one gave themselves knowing that the other was gunning for the win. It was a nice change of pace.

New boot camp AO coming to a Snake Pit near you
New Blood!
Airborne’s 2.0 – deployment is over in two weeks
Maximus’ 2.0’s in Wilmington in the path of the hurricane.
Thanks, 3D. YHC was privileged to lead today.
Punch List out.