One time at Bandcamp….RPG Style

Band Camp came to RPG with one objective, prepare the Pax for the Sweati on Saturday morning.  Objective achieved!  

BROGA prepared the Pax for the SWEATI -CSAUP and offered a subtle reminder of the importance to add in some flexibility training during the week!

Bandcamp directed the Pax thru 30 mins of BROGA, then turned over the RUN/RUCK option to Bass-o-Matic (RUN Q) & CakeBoss (RUCK Q).

15 mins remained,  for a 1-mile tempo RUN with Bass-O-Matic or the all-important 3rd F Ruck with Cake Boss!

What are you doing to Get Right, Live Right, and Lead RIght?  POST somewhere to get better!

TClap |

Honoring Schmalstieg at The Fire Ant

Taking a page out of the Honey Badger book by using a page out of the Hero Workout book. This day at the Fire Ant, we’d honor Gunnery Sergeant Justin Schmalstieg (December 15, 2010).

First, disclaimer.
Second, minor warmup.
Third, drop to the plank and listen:

Justin grew up in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, and graduated high school in 2000. He spent a semester at Penn State before enlisting in the Marine Corps, where he initially trained as a bulk fuel specialist. After serving overseas in Kuwait, Justin was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and was accepted into the Explosive Ordnance Disposal program. He finished the demanding training required to become an EOD technician and completed two deployments in the Middle East.

In 2008, Justin received orders to Camp Pendleton in California to serve with the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group. He deployed twice more, first to Iraq in February 2009 and then to the Helmand province of Afghanistan in September 2010. During a night mission, Justin’s unit was in danger of being ambushed – it was his job to clear the way back to base. Staff Sergeant Justin Schmalstieg, 28, gave his life on December 15 while working to render safe an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his widow, Ann Schneider; his parents, John and Deborah Gilkey; and his brother, John Gilkey Jr. For his service and sacrifice, Justin was posthumously decorated with the Purple Heart and promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.

The EOD WArrior Foundation is dedicated to supporting EOD service members and their families through a number of assistance programs. Please consider making a donation in Justin’s name at

So, the WOD would be slightly modified for our Ruck AO to the following:

For Time:
Run 800M Slick (without Ruck)

2 rounds of the following:
50 Burpees (slick)
40 Pull-Ups would be substituted with 80 Upright Rows
30 One-Legged Pistol Squats
20 Ruck Swings
10 Hand Stand Push Ups would be substituted with 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 10 Merkins

Run another 800M Slick (without Ruck)

Once we completed this, we did a few core exercises.

Until next time, SYITG.

TClap |

The Full MALTZ at The Honey Badger

DEA Maltz Challenge — CrossFit Amplify

Today, we would be honoring Master Sergeant Michael H. Maltz (19 September 1960 – 23 March 2003).

Week 2 of Hard-Charging August consisted of the Full MALTZ. In total, 22 of us made the decision to start the week at The Honey Badger with cinder blocks, rucks and kettle bells in tow.  There wasn’t a warm up which according to the disclaimer, is a risk every man takes on themselves.

I had to slightly modify the WOD to fit the AO and current social guidelines so it looked like this:

Run 400M which is from the JROTC building steps to the stop sign at AO Jones Rd & back.
50 Pull-Ups
100M Farmer’s Carry which is from the JROTC building steps to the cross walk in in front of the stadium. PAX could use 2 cinder blocks, 2 rucks or 1 of each.
50 Dips and some chose to do this with added weight on their legs
100 Push-Ups: Most did it slick (no added weight) but once a few of us saw Ruby Slippers doing his with weight, he unintentionally pressured a few us to complete the remaining push-ups with weight. The is the good kind of peer pressure.
50 Knees-to-Elbows on the bars
100 Sit-ups with your feet anchored to the ground
Run 400M

To read more about this HERO, click on the link below taking you to the MALTZ Challenge web site.


With Honey Badger being 60min, this took us to 0535 so we had time to take advantage of. That said:

Grab a coupon, hoist it overhead and walk to the bottom of the hill. Set your coupon off to the side and bear crawl around one of the islands (follow Dark Helmet).
We did some Mary, a little more Mary and then just a little bit more Mary.
Next, NUR up the hill, run down then repeat.
Next, overhead carry your coupon to the JROTC steps then on to COT.

Announcements & Prayers/Praises

It was awesome to have 22 PAX out there at 0500 on a Monday, just think about that for a second. How many other places in the world would men volunteer to do a hard workout, outside by honoring one of our Service members? Thank you F3 Nation. A reminder for all of us, it’s not about us.


TClap |


I pulled up to Snake Pit at about 0455 to see a man running his way down the entrance hill. Much to my surprise it was our newest PAX, Refugee. Just a HIM doing HIM things… running 2.3 miles one way to an AO for his third post. NBD. Shout out to Stang for EH’ing him on the trails at Ann Springs.

I set up the board, the juke box, and the stage. Then headed to the shovel flag.

The PAX appeared and the disclaimer was spoken. Also… Shatner rolled up for his 8th post in as many days since he was an FNG!!

I started with a quick verse.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17


Mosey around the block

Dynamic movements (Karaoke, Toy Soldiers, Butt kickers)

Low Slow Romanian Deadlifts x 10 each side

Merkins on Bell x 10

Mosey to the location YHC laid it all out.



YHC asked the PAX to partner up with someone of similar athleticism/fitness.

Pax vs Pax BOP

DORA style except each PAX keeps his number of reps a secret. Both PAX do the exercise for one set while the other does the out + back. After both go through one set, the PAX reveal to each other how many reps were completed.

Loser between the two partners makes up the difference with an additional exercise while the winner does a less intense exercise. It causes you to push yourself because you know your partner is also
gunning to win each round. #ISI.

Round 1 – Quadzilla Up Hill to Bypass while partner does movement with KB.


Goblet Squat/American Hammers

Skull Crushers/American Hammers

Alternating Lunges/American Hammers

Round 2 – Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back


KB Swings/Flutter with Press

Curls/Flutter with Press

Halos/Flutter with Press

Round 3 – Hill Runs to 460


Turkish Get UPS/Manmakers

Burpees Snatch/Manmakers

1 Arm Clean and Press/Manmakers

Time. I was sad that we couldn’t squeeze in round four, but I am happy that the work was put in and most of us were pretty gassed. YHC would never have banged out 6 Turkish get ups that quickly if it were a normal DORA. Just sayin…

As we ran back, “We Are The Champions” began playing on the speakers. It felt right. We got back to COT right at 0600.


Nice work by all. From what I heard, most PAX stayed within 2-5 reps of each other each round. Strong. The message was again repeated:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

In this case with the PvP BOP, the way we sharpened each other today was not by coming alongside one another while we were weak. It was sharpening by exhortation; a push that one gave themselves knowing that the other was gunning for the win. It was a nice change of pace.




New boot camp AO coming to a Snake Pit near you



New Blood!

Airborne’s 2.0 – deployment is over in two weeks

Maximus’ 2.0’s in Wilmington in the path of the hurricane.


Thanks, 3D. YHC was privileged to lead today.

Punch List out.

TClap |

THE MURPH at The Honey Badger


You see these images and immediately, something or some things come to your mind. SEAL, Serviceman, Patriot, Fighter, Hero, Integrity, son, brother, fiancee, to name a few. Or, one word, a nickname actually, comes to mind.


Well, for the 3rd week in a row at The Honey Badger, we completed the MURPH and in doing so, attempted to bring a little awareness by honoring Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, KIA June 28, 2005. Coming out of the book we reference at this AO, “THE HERO WORKOUTS,” here is the write-up on Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy:

Michael was raised on Long Island, and graduated from Pennsylvania State University with degrees in political science and psychology. He commissioned through the Navy’s Officer Candidate School in 2000 and entered Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training the following year. Michael then reported to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He would go on to serve overseas in Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, and Djibouti, and left for a deployment in Afghanistan in 2005.

On the night of June 27, Michael led a four-man reconnaissance team through the mountains of Afghanistan on a mission dubbed Operation Red Wings. Their position was compromised the next morning and a battle with Taliban fighters ensued. Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, knowingly exposed himself to enemy fire in order to transmit a call to the Quick Reaction Force at Bagram Air Base; in risking his life for those of his teammates, Michael was shot and killed.

Michael is survived by his mother, Maureen; his father, Daniel; his brother, John; and his fiancee, Heather Duggan. In 2007, President Bush presented Michael’s parents with his Medal of Honor; he was the first recipient of the medal for heroism in Afghanistan, and the first Navy recipient since the Vietnam War.

Michael’s family now maintains the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation; the foundation is funded through donations and the annual Murph Challenge. To make a contribution or to sign up, please visit and

Here is the workout to be completed after a brief warm up taking us near the track:


For time, with optional 20-lb vest; partition pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed:
Run (1 mile)
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run (1 mile)

It was great to see a variety of PAX out there, some we haven’t seen for quite some time. Additionally, it was also great to see the physical acceleration in the PAX from 2 weeks ago to now.

Now, will you have what it takes to post every Monday in August because I promise you, it will be hard?

Thank You.

TClap |

Covid Vaccine for the Soul Coming in September… Join In

Has Covid frozen your faith Journey as Churches have closed their doors?  Or maybe Covid has you asking bigger question of God and you would like to be in a community of Men to discover the answers.  Are you interested in growing in your faith walk? Discovering a path toward an Intimate, Abiding relationship with Christ through a small group study.

Maybe you have been in the church for your entire life, the last 10 years or you are just now opening your mind to this idea of a higher power… a “Sky Q”.  Regardless of where you are in your faith walk we all have room to grow and mature in our relationship with Christ.

We are all on a faith journey and some of us are more or less equipped to take our faith deeper.  If you have a gap in any of these areas then I have a challenge for you.

  1. Do you feel that you have created a solid foundation of knowing who God is and his desire to be a part of your life?
  2. Are you in a group that is consistently seeking to grow in a relationship with God?
  3. Do you feel that you have an adequate tool kit to help you grow deeper in your faith?

In September, we will be launching into a Journey to build from the ground up a knowledge of who God is and to start to learn how to have an intimate, abiding relationship with him.  Please reach out to any of the Journey alumni to learn more and to get connected.


TClap |

The Barry Loop at RPG

Sasquatch and BodyWash delivered at RPG.  Sasquatch started two minutes early and finished one min late, with Body Wash picking up the Pax with a strong “Barry Loop” path for the Cardio portion of RPG. (not to mention no sun and 20 degrees cooler.)  The humidity levels remained above normal and turned the fellowship run into a strong outing.

Nice work by all!!


TClap |

Obscure Parking Lots

8 PAX gathered in the grass outside the construction fence at Walter Elijah Park in the gloom.

Mosey to Springs Corporate parking lot.
Karaoke down one side
Butt Kickers up
Karaoke down the other side
Toy Soldiers back down

Pick up the shirt-less Sasquatch for a total of 9 PAX

Mosey to Springs Corporate lower parking lot
Plank for 6

Mosey to Pike Electric Parking Lot for some yoga. Or as Sasquatch calls it, “A commercial for RPG on Fridays.” Mostly we stuck to DownDog–>UpDog with some one-legged planks involved.

Mosey on to FBC Parking Lot

31 SSHs
21 Squats
11 Imperial Walkers
11 Hillbilly Walkers
21 Merkins
16 CDDs

Mosey up and down the stairs at FBC
Mosey to St. John’s and wall sit on a column
11 Moroccan Night Clubs in the wall sit
Plank with feet on the wall, 6-inches, back to regular plank

Mosey to the backside of FBC
Squats for 6
Bear Crawl half the parking lot
Plank – JLos
Bear Crawl back

Mosey across Tom Hall to Bank of America
Squats for 6
Mosey to Subway/N5 parking lot
Handstand walk the wall down the parking lot
Found a board of pain
10 Bomb Jacks
20 Lunges in cadence
15 Squats in cadence
40 Calf Raises OYO
15 Squats OYO
Flipped the board over

Mosey to Founders parking lot
Squats for 6

Mosey to Springs Corporate lower lot
Plank for 6
Some yoga

Mosey to COT
11 Mountain Climbers
11 Peter Parkers
11 Parker Peters
Some more yoga (Lizard Pose)


With all that’s going on in the world, it can be difficult to stay present in the moment. That’s one thing I love about the workout. All you have to focus on is the work in front of you. We can only live NOW, there is not other moment in which to exist. Getting through the tough moments reminds me of a moment from the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt where she gets through things 10 seconds at a time. She believes “I can do anything for 10 seconds.” So she just counts down from 10 to 1, and then repeats the process.

A bit nonsensical to mix Eckhart Tolle with Kimmy Schmidt. Yet here we are.

Blood Drive on 7/28 – see Rebel’s note in the newsletter
Sweati 8/15

Prayers for those suffering

Great to lead and be pushed by the PAX present.

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Lt Michael Murphy “The Murph”

Today we Honored Lt Michael Murphy. We had 12 Pax do the Murph. For those of you living under a rock the Murph is :

Run 1 mile




Run 1 mile

It was hot and humid but all powered through to complete and honor one of our Nations Hero’s.

TClap |

True Americans

It’s hot outside, guys. 74 and humid at 0615 as YHC rolled up.


I saw a few PAX conversing and heard there were pull ups being done. How did I know that Trucker would be there talking about how many pull ups he could do? Maybe just a hunch. It was good to see a few guys starting off with a little bit of acceleration prior to the Weinke. The clock struck 0630 and YHC took the reins for the first half of the morning.

NO warmup/COP.

Short Mosey down Windward, right at Anchorage Community

Quadzilla in Anchorage Neighborhood

Down the hill to the white brick mailbox and back to the entrance x 5

Mosey back to Runde


Squatzilla – Parking Lot

3 space lunge walk, 10 squats. Mosey back.

6 space lunge walk, 20 squats. Mosey back.

9 space lunge walk, 30 squats. Mosey back.

12 space lunge walk, 40 squats. Mosey back.

15 space lunge walk, 50 squats. Mosey back.


Ass Webbs

1:4 Squats/Squat Pulses, 2:8, 3:12 and so forth to 7:28 before YHC’s 30 minute portion was up. You guys got lucky. 


Italian Job Takes the Helm

Mosey over to baseball field – it was at this point IJ decided to do what YHC didn’t do – bring a message. Today we were honoring Sunshine – as it was his last post prior to reporting to Parris Island by way of the Four Seasons… we as Americans are able to choose what we want to do, we can choose to sit back and mail it in, or we can bring it and push hard for this workout. Likewise, in our life we are able to sit back and coast (typically leading to much deceleration), or move forward and push ourselves to better our families and communities. So the next iteration was to honor America and Sunshine’s call to serve.


All American Elevens – foul pole to foul pole

True Americans / American Hammers. This one took quite some time, and was rather difficult. Thanks for the push, IJ.


Mosey back to parking lot

Ab Lab – 

(15 IC) Boxcutters, Flutters, Pretzel Crunch

Last two minutes: 10 Eskimo Merkins to close it out


What a workout! It was great being able to talk to Kaiser during most of the second half. That dude is a #HIM and always has a great insight into the Word and the world. The mumble chatter was also very pleasing today.


Announcements: YHC can’t remember!


Cash – he is self sufficient right now but it could be soon that hospice care begins. Pray for the Lord to heal him.

Sunshine is reporting for duty to the USMC next week. Pray for him as he leads through bootcamp with the principles he has picked up at F3. Pray for Funhouse and his family as they part ways – that the void not be seen as a loss but as an opportunity for Funhouse’s arrow from his quiver go out into the world and change it.

Families – that our concentrica truly knows our heart is with them. We as dads tend to be a little hard shelled in that our kids may not know how we rely on the Lord and have faith. If we can soften our hearts and allow our children in to see how much we love the Lord, it will ultimately help them in their faith.

Pray for strength for YHC, for I am but a weak man.

Unspoken prayers.


Trucker, thanks for the privilege to lead such a fine group of men alongside the #HIM that is Italian Job.


Punch List out.

TClap |