Different Q to prevent 0-59. Turns out it was just a #GDTBATH

Temps of 20F, 15 PAX were early and ready to go. Mumblechatter of running vs standing around was way better.
Mosey through Pickup Lanes x2
  • Regular
  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
COP at Basketball Court
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Peter Parker –> Jekyll was quick to call YHC’s exercise as Mountain Climbers, so Jekyll gave a demo of a real Peter Parker (legs wide) and everyone was enlightened
  • Parker Peter
YHC is a Clemson fan, and the goal was to do something different today so that Clemson did not go 0-59 (Spoiler Alert) when playing basketball at UNC. So we did some basketball themed work
  • Baseline
    • Side shuffles “Defense” (reverse, back up)
  • Circle up
    • Wojo – slap ground, clap – 4count x15
    • Plank + Merkin Wave 2count – x2
    • Squat – basketball ball hot potato in circle
  • Curb
    • Toe-taps – 4count x30
    • Dips x30 OYO –> The name “Herb Sendek” was mentioned to Maximus by YHC during this exercise. We kept that between us.
  • Baseline
    • Ball roll backwards (pretend 1 hand on ball, 1 hand in air) in a defensive position – 4-counts to switch position
    • Suicide
  • Knock-out
    • PAX wearing gloves shooting on 10ft goals wasn’t awesome. But we Played knock-out for about 5min and PAX did SSH-like exercises while they waited, or if they were knocked out
  • 4-Corners – showing respect to Dean Smith, totally 58
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Merkins
    • 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 18 LBCs
Over the wall
  • Burpee from 1 up to 5 count
    • Over-the-Wall
  • Donkey Kicks, 1 each time
Mary – people’s choice
  • Nomad – American Hammers
  • Flattire, Jekyll, MacGyver, Maximus – I forgot what they called 🙁
  • Cooter – LBCs
  • Router – Boxcutters
  • Fishsticks – Superman + Parachute
  • Prayers
    • Nomad – Father’s, to be better ones, for youth group that doesn’t have them, and to make sure we are following our heavenly one
    • Maximus – Fathering daughter’s
    • Router – teaching son how to be a man, and girls for the type of man they should find
    • Maxims – In Memory, Gremlin in Mint Hill
    • Jekyll – for us to be able to receive love.
It was a fun Q. It didn’t end Clemson basketball streak of losing at UNC, but it still has me sore as I finish this backlist within 48hr of completing the Q, so thats good?
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If in Tega Cay you utilize hills and RUN

YHC took the message from Maxims at Tuesday’s Beyond WO to heart. We all find reasons to not push through difficult times; if thats a workout, raising kids, marriage, we tend to find a reason to give up or divert what really needs to be done. Your mind will convince you to stop or divert, but your body can go beyond what you think you can’t do. This resonated with me as I feel that I have been finding excuses for not being a better man, father and husband. What better way to start changing my mentality by locking shields with my F3 brothers and as the TV show Survivor states “expect the unexpected”. This starts with something that YHC needs to do more of to get better – RUNNING (and yes no Pull-ups today – shocker)

The Thang:

Nice mossy warm up run around the entire TCES

COP at front doors for 15 Windmills, squats, Moroccan nightclubs, IW, LBCs, merkins.

Line up at crosswalk for suicides:

Round 1: to first drop off sign then to second drop off sign (didn’t realize how long a run that was) then 5 merkins at end

Round 2: to end of sidewalk, to first drop off sign, to fire hydrant, then 10 merkins

Round 3 rinse and repeat round 2 but run backwards out and then forward back in, then 10 merkins

Round 4: rinse and repeat round 2 but run backwards both directions, then 10 merkins

Round 5: rinse and repeat round 1

Mossy to intersection near baseball field and circle up for:

Flutters, Bridge (raising each leg for 5 seconds each), LBCs

Mossy to intersection of Tega Cay Drive and Hubert Graham Way

Run to bottom of hill (about 0.25 miles down) and do 10 squats, run back up to intersection and 5 merkins – Rinse and Repeat for 3 times

Mossy back to school intersection at baseball field and circle up for another round of bridges and hammy stretches

Suicides for 2 rounds to fire hydrant and first drop off sign

3 minutes of Mary called out by each PAX


Now, can we all fight through difficulties and go Beyond what we think we can’t do? I sure hope that I can embrace Maximus words everyday and push beyond my boundaries in all aspects of life. Funny, as I write this backblast I recall something I said when I co-hosted the the Fort invergence this past fall I challenged each PAX to do something new and different….here it is and what a great challenge! Go Beyond my mental abilities.

Prayers to our good pal Mr. Clean as he and his family go through the loss of a loved one and allow them to see love, faith, and the LORD. Prayers to YHC friend Sherry who is in ICU recovering from intestinal surgery. Always a honor to Q, thanks Fishsticks!


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A Visit to the Memorial Gardens

Five men showed up for a post holiday beatdown on a chilly Wednesday morning.  After a brief disclaimer, we headed over to the side of the school for the following warm-up exercises:

SSH x 20

Windmill x15

Imperial Walker x 20

Moroccan Night Club x20

Next, we moseyed to the Tega Cay Memorial Garden for a quick dedication ceremony.  Several months ago, I ordered a brick to honor my grandfather’s service in the Navy.  He had a very big impact on my life when I was young.  He taught me how to be respectful and how to work hard for the things you value and the ones you love. He was physically active and a competitor at every sport he played.   He was a man of faith and always cared about helping others.  He passed away  when he was 99 year old so it was only right to honor him with 99 merkins.

We then ran over to the bottom of the outside theater for a burpee ladder.  At each level, we did burpees (5, 10, 15) and ran down the bottom for bomb jacks.  After a ten count rest, we made our way to the front of the school for leg lunges and squats between the columns.

Next, we ventured to mini track for alternating run/plank and ab exercises.  One person ran around the track while the others planked until the last person completed their run.  The next round was a run/LBC combination.

We finished off with balls to the wall along the columns in front of the school.

Great job by all!


Joe Davis 5/10k

Rooster Relay


Mr. Clean and his family

Family and friend who are battling illnesses



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2017 Clave Boss 5k/10k & Christmas Convergence

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more——Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!!

The largest turn out by far for the Clave Boss 5k/10k was a success. We started on time and as far as I know nobody died. Thank you to all the PAX that ran and had a fun time and fellowship.

For the 5k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. MacGyver
  2. Harry Carry

For the 10k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Sir Topham Hat
  2. mix of PAX coming from all directions—no idea

For the Ruck, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Dark Helmet for 11min pace 5k ruck…..nice work!

Honorable Mention for Anchorman completing the 5k and Barry Manilow being his wingman!

The Convergence kicked off on time and we had Gecko open us up in prayer. We split the groups up and away we went with COT at 0750. Click on links to see the pain that was delivered…..Merry Christmas!

Black Diamond – Longshanks Q – https://t.co/odVJHWCBPS

Bootcamp – Cha Ching Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/christmas-convergence-boot-camp-mixed-w-some-bd/

Noderate – Barry Manilow Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/your-moderate-option-at-the-convergence/

COT came together and we had 83 men attend this year.

Welcome FNG – Lake Effect, who is 41 not the 50 that he just shouted out. Classic!

Many announcements:

  • Thank you Site Qs for all your work, dedication and leadership!
  • Serve Saturdays ….reach out to Deacon, Bolt, NASA for info…..HIMs!!
  • Joe Davis Run Jan 6
  • Friday Convergence with 3rdF post beat down Jan 12
  • Rooster CSAUP Jan 20
  • Yeti – February
  • P200 – March

More than a workout!!


  • Dark Helmet shared his sister is in need of prayer. Please remember DH and his family each day in prayer
  • Family visiting is fun and sometimes no so fun. BE HIMs!!
  • Prayers for all the PAX traveling and for peace this week!


I spoke to the PAX about how 2000 years ago Sky Q sent his son into the world in the form of a baby. When looking for a place to come in from the cold there WAS NO ROOM AT THE INN. I believe we all fall into this trap and put so much busy into our lives that we don’t have ROOM AT THE INN for Sky Q in our lives. We fill our hearts and minds with so much and when it come to his word and being in relationship, we DON”T HAVE ROOM AT THE INN (in our hearts).

I challenge myself and the PAX to make room for SKY Q and see how it changes your life in 2018 and beyond.

Honored to lead this PAX. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

Cake Boss


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Pantheon: 45min Plank…..can you do it?

It was forecast to be 100% rain at 5am and when I let the K-9 out at 4:40, it was not raining. Thank you Sky Q!! It drizzled on and off but no downpour. I was glad to see 7 PAX arrive so that me and Fish Stix did not push each other to the point of Merlot splash. Was nice to have even number of 8 because I’m a little OCD and like even numbers.

Away we went after the disclaimer and other chatter….

Mosey to back of school and form the letter “L” under the over hang to stay dry…..one time its drizzling

  • 20 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 Squats
  • 10 merkins

Mosey to swings

  • 20 swing crunches
  • 10 Inch Worm Merkins
  • 2 rounds

Mosey to road behind school (rain stopped)

  1. Run 100 yards, do 100 SSHs, Run back and plank for 6
  2. Run 75 yards, do 75 Mtn Climbers, Run back and plank for 6
  3. Run 50 yards, do 50 LBCs, Run back and plank for 6
  4. Run 25 yards, do 25 Merkins, Run back and plank for 6
  5. Run 10 yards, do 10 Burpees, Run back and plank for 6

Mosey to far side of school and form “L” again drizzling again

  • Lazy Dora 1,2,3
    • 100 Merkins – Partner 1 Planks, Partner 2 does 10 reps and switch back and forth
    • 200 LBCs – Partner 1 Planks, Partner 2 does 20 reps and switch back and forth
    • 300 squats – Partner 1 Squat Hold, Partner 2 does 10 reps and switch back and forth

Mosey to front of school find grassy spot

Jack Webb Plank Jacks

  • 1 merkin, 1 plank jack: 4 overhead claps
  • 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks: 8over head claps
  • 3 merkins, 3 plank jacks: 12over head claps
  • 4 merkins, 4 plank jacks: 16over head claps
  • 5 merkins, 5 plank jacks: 20over head claps


We talked about some of out favorite things about Christmas. Some of them were Cards, giving gifts, smiles on kids faces, being with family and my own was the peace and quiet on Christmas Eve was always my favorite…..away from the chaos of life.

We live in scary times; loss of jobs, marriages are tough, kids are angry or depressed, war, terror, fires, hunger, division and illnesses. No different than 2000 years ago in Bethlehem when the king was killing people at will and the roman soldiers were occupying the land and it was intimidating and scary. However they whole point of Jesus coming on Christmas was to remove fear. Believe in him and know the peace he brings and be confident that he has your back and you wipe fear from your future.

Humbled and honored to lead. Thank you Fish Stix!

Cake Boss

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Hey lets Play on the Hill

Warm up AROUND Car lane High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Shuffles, Toy Soldiers
COP – Windmills, MNC’s, Mountain Climbers, SSH’s (51), maybe some others.

Mosey to the Hill
Stopped for 10 Derkins and 20 Dips on Guard rails

    • Btm – 10 burpees
    • Backward run 1/3 way – 20 Derkins
    • Backward Lunges 1/3 way -20 Decline Carolina Dry Docks
    • Run to top – 20 Dips
    • Jog down – Repeat

Round 2

      • Backward run 1/3 way – 20 Squats
      • Backward Lunges 1/3 way – 20 Monkey Humpers
      • Run to top – 20 bomb jacks
      • Jog down – Repeat

    Jog to bottom, backwards run to topMosey back to School
    Stopped for 10 Derkins and 20 Dips on Guard rails
    Stopped for Squats, Merkins
    Mosey to Pillars – Wall sits with 10 counts
    Abs – LBC’s, Freddy’s, Hello Dollies, Rosalita’s, Protractor

All in all it was a quite morning.  But I’m always humbled by the ability of these men.

Honored for the opportunity.


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Visitors at the Prison

Alcatraz was full of the normal Saturday chatter with the expected return of F3 Aquaman.  In addition, F3 Prosciutto was visiting from Chattanooga, TN with an FNG in tow.  His name, Heater, given based on his pre-workout  ritual.  On the Rocks led with the disclaimer and a lap around the field.  Next, we ran several rounds on sprints and circled up for the following warm-up exercises:


Imperial Walker




Next, we ran over to the baseball field and split into two groups.  The first group bear crawled to second base while the second group performed wall sits.  We switched up after the completion of the exercises.  Next, the first group ran to the outfield fence while the other group performed balls to the wall (switched when complete).

We then circled up for a merkin wave up to ten, followed by a crowd favorite, the grave digger.  On the Rocks finished with the merkin caterpillar.

Next, we headed to the hill to reduce some of the chatter from the regulars.  We ran to the bottom of the hill and waited for all to reach the bottom.  The group was instructed to sprint to the top of the hill.  After a quick ten count, we split into teams of two.  The first person ran to the bottom of the hill and back to the top while the other person performed an exercise (merkins, squats, LBCs).  Once complete, they switched.

After a couple ten counts, we moseyed to the landscape timbers for derkins, step-ups, and more LBCs.  We finished up in the parking lot with some paver exercises (overhead presses, curls, burpees, and LBCs).

Great job by all.  I mentioned during the workout that this time of year is very difficult for some people due to events in their lives, issues with depression, struggles with substance abuse.  I challenged each person reach out to these family members or friends and tell them you love and care about them.  These simple words go a long way.

TClap |

A Return Home to the Colosseum

This morning was the ideal morning to make a return to the Colosseum to fulfill my opportunity to Q. What made it ideal? I woke up, the temps were cold, I wrote a Weinkie, I had a message to deliver and a few Pax showed up to see where they should direct soreness-induced comments come Wednesday morning. That’s what made it ideal. See, we are blessed with this opportunity to join other men as we get broken down physically. And the byproduct of that beat-down is the chance to learn more about the man to our left and right and reach out a hand to see how you can go beyond yourself.

So 18 other men decided that the Colosseum was where they wanted to spend 45mins this Tuesday morning and for that, I’m humbled. 18 other men brought their gloves (most of them anyways) and wanted to see what I had in store. While only 1 man asked to see the deck of cards, it became evident that 18 men were ready to put in some work. But before we did that, I had to say a few words that were intended to be a disclaimer and brief run down of how what we were about to do was slightly different than the norm yet more of what is to come.

We jogged through the drop-off lanes of both schools and found our way to the line of cones in the back bus lot.  We lined up at the cones for a series of 3-tier suicides to the other end of the lot but only at 50%. Now that we’re a little warmed up, we circled up for some stretching:  Hammies, Hip Flexors, Back, SSH, High Knees and Wind Mills

Now we stepped it up a little:

Clock Merkins 1-12 and let the chatter begin

10 Burpees with an extra squat for good measure (I still have to pay up on my 69 Burpees…GO PACK)

Wave Merkins around the circle (5 rounds)

10 Donkey Kicks with 2 Carolina Dry Docks after each

Single Count Diamond Merkins x 10

10 Burpees with a Jump Tuck on each

Back on the line with your partner.

Partner 1: Bear Crawl the length of the parking lot to Shady’s car and sprint back

Partner 2: American Hammers until #1 returns.

Partner 1: Bear Crawl the length of the parking lot to Shady’s car and sprint back

Partner 2: Toe-Touch V-ups or some modification thereof

On The Playground which turned out to be way more complicated than imagined

Partner 1: 20 Swing Crunches or modify to a bench where necessary

Partner 2: 20 Grave Diggers on the left side

Partner 1: 20 Swing Crunches or modify to a bench where necessary

Partner 2: 20 Grave Diggers on the right side

Mosey to the back entrance road. With your same partner, run to the light post and do 2 merkins. Run to the next post and do 2 merkins. Continue this for 6 light posts and rest at the end.

Once we all completed this series, I took advantage of the captive audience to explain what my next venture is. Beginning in January, I’ll be launching a new Black Diamond-inspired AO named, BEYOND. While we typically think physically or geographically when we hear the word, Beyond, I challenge you to think differently. Think Beyond your normal conversations with your family, Beyond your sports-themed conversations with your friends, Beyond your show up and get your job done tasks with work, Beyond your bedtime prayers with kids-type of spiritual relationship and yes, Beyond your typical physical breaking point. Like muscles; our minds, faith, relationships, abilities and comfort zones only improve when stretched BEYOND what they’re used to doing. We grow as men when we’re beaten physically and I’ll use BEYOND as a platform to do just that. Many more details to come but would you consider joining me for a week or more to try it out? This is not to replace any existing AO, purely complimentary

So here’s the walking away assignment. Remember that partner you had? He is now your partner through Friday, December 1. I challenge you to send a text/tweet or call him daily to check in on him. Not simply to say hey or, “Man, I can’t wait to see the Tigers sport their own version of the Turnover Chain” but ask a real question and get ready for a real answer. Don’t ask how he’s doing and expect, “good, you?”.

19 of us responded, “AYE” when I asked if they were willing to do that for their partner.

We then mosey’d back to COT to put a ribbon on this edition of THE COLOSSEUM.

Announcements: Bring the following to Friday’s Christmas Party: a toy, small umbrella, 36″ Duffel Bag and/or alarm clock for CAH and Operation Sweet Tooth. Longshanks can also accept gift cards for OST.

Prayer Requests: New positions at work, improved communication at home, Patience, Sandlot’s wife, making time for our M’s and ensuring they’re not the last one in the house to get the time they deserve. Look for ways to help your M’s this season, to include preparing things and taking care of some of the Christmas shopping.



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Veterans day at Alcatraz

7 of the finest men in the TC Peninsula got after it on a darn chilly morning.  T’was great to see everyone out of the fartsack considering today was the payoff day for those training for Charlotte Marathon and the men of at The Fort had something good cooked up with our northern brother, Olive and Operation Sweet tooth. Aye!  Inspiration!

Got the call late Friday that I would/could take the Q.  Proudly disclaimed and reviewed our 5 core principles and off for a lap around the fields.

COP; SSH, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks, Parker Peters each intertwined with a trio of burpees.  Delightful.  Add in a few full field sprints 75%, 85%, 100% and we were warm.


Jungle Gym for Pull ups, Merkins and dips.  3 rounds of 10, 15, 20 here.

Over the to wall.  4 or 5 sets of Bearcrawl/lunge walk to second base then fun to fence and back.  Those waiting were treated to Wall sits and Balls to the wall

Next exercise.  1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and back.  3 burpees, 6 burpees, 9 burpees, 6 burpees, 3 burpees.  Your mode of transportation could be any combo of bear crawl, lunge walk or crab walk.

Next exercises Pain platoon- connected merkins- caterpillar style- ask Mainframe.  Tunnel of love, seal team sit ups.

Closed out with some around the horn Mary.

Naked Man Moleskin

Delta- you are progressing along nicely.  Very proud you kept your Smirnoff Ice consumption from the previous nights escapades with in you.  Keep charging brother.  Yat Yas was an inspiration for the day as he was our #veteran in the group.  Always pushing and not quitting.  Let it be known that if we are to line up in merkin formation with someone’s feet on your shoulders and do merkins in cadence- Mainframe is not in favor.  I don’t necessarily oppose his opinion.  #wheninRome.  Conversly- it seems On the Rocks is up for anything… go figure.

Minute Man added speed while we were all thankful Change Order kept his shirt on… today.

We shared stories of veterans we knew and our thankfulness for them giving way to our own veteran in the group, Yat Yas.  Thank you for serving brother!



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Let’s make it 3

Warm up

Needed a fast warmup given the temp was dropping so headed for a quick mosey around the school. Circled up for some poor counting by the Q that included: SSH x25, Imperial Walker x10, Windmill x10, Merkin x10, Low Slow Squat x15, Moroccan night club x25, Mountain climber x20.

Headed over to in front of the school to get this thing started.  Started in front of the main entrance with 10 lunges / leg, then a quick run down to the end of the pillars for 10 hand release merkins.  Did this set 3x!

Then we found a pillar each for a wall sit.  While everyone did a wall sit, first person did 10 Carolina Dry docks, then the next PAX and so on down the line.  Next we did some Al Gore with 1 PAX doing 10 LBC, then the next PAX, etc. while everyone else held the Al Gore.  Then we went back to the wall sit and baked in 10 Flying squirrel for PAX 1, then on down the line.  So 3 sets here in total!

Last we headed over by the softball field where we did some Jacob’s Ladder up the tiered hills.  Set one (adding up to 7) included burpees and bombjacks to the top tiered hill.  Set two was seal jacks and knee to chest  jumps.  Set 3 was plank jacks and diamonds.  So another set of 3!

Last we headed over to COT for a 5 min cool down and some abs and core.  All in, 8 PAX stayed warm, not much time for mumble chatter, and we managed to stay dry for the most part!  Great time as usual.

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