Consistency and Contentment at Lazarus


Run to the movie theater parking lot

With lots of mumblechatter in the background…
SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Mtn Climbers x 20
Low slow x 15

Dirty McDeuce
WAM x 12
Lunges x 12
Big Boy x 12
Run a lap

8 Count burpees x 12
Squats x 12
LBCs x 12

Discussion on contentment – see Q Source reference

Handoff to Maximus

Wall Work
Wall Sits
Split leg lunges

Run to parking lot
Bear crawl to each of 7 islands with 5 Mike Tysons in between

Discussion on Consistency – see Q Source for details

Run back to start

Nur to 3 islands

Back to COT



See Newsletter – pour into something


You had to be there!

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No Run Broga

Kick things off with a brief story thanks to Destiny‘s text message. We only had one rule today no running anyone who ran would have to do a Burpee. Flounder was the only taker the bury that is
We did a brief broga warm-up A few SSHs, mtn climbers, Peter, Parker, Parker, Peter, and a couple of walkers.
We did a brisk walk over to the rail next to Lowe’s for some additional broga and some dips, derkins, and irkins.
Another brisk walk down to the end of the building. It’s a little story time about a friend of mine I lost this past week and how we need to leave a legacy for those behind us.
we did a Dora with Merkins, squats, and LBC. Another brisk walk over to another area with a few more exercises and then back to COT for some. PAX ab lab.

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THE THANG: Pre-run optional then 6 hit Trails, 14 hit pavement
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Cold Weather Drive for WNC, & Read your newsletter
COT: Ball of Man-Closing Prayer

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Misery loves company

YHC was pleased to be asked to Q at Dawn Patrol for a variety of reasons. DP is a disruption to the status quo that is the Fort. While simple in its disruption, it is no less impactful for the Pax. It’s also a call to leadership by DD and Jekyll, two men who have contributed mightily to the legacy of our region. Today was one of the first real crisp Fall mornings in our area which is always one of my favorite times of the year. And finally, this served as an opportunity to connect with someone that I consider a friend, fellow Gamecock fan and mentor.


Assassin and I rucked the Scarecrow Loop. During the ruck, we discussed the ups and downs of being a Gamecock fan, being a husband and a father. We discussed the blessing of becoming a grandfather and continuous learning.

Today was a good day!


Congrats to DD on becoming a granddad!

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St Paul’s Yoga club

WARMUP: mosey to veterinarian parking lot… SSH, MNC, ISQW, CP
THE THANG: mosey to intersection of Spring Street and W-Leroy, sprint W Leroy to Pine Street.
Heading up Pine Street, at each intersection (5 total), add 5 reps to the following:
Merkins, LBC, squats, flutter-kicks
Once at SPEChurch, Yoga for ~15 min… mosey back to COT

MARY: no time for the ladies this AM

ANNOUNCEMENTS: beers for ‘Betes, CRI volunteers needed, other WNC relief

COT: held/prayers lifted

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Funhouse sendoff at the Pond

WARMUP: ran to Hardee’s, did SSH, planked, ran more. Ran down to city hall building.
THE THANG: 2 exercises at the city hall building, ran down to 4 way stop for 1 burpee (added 1 burpee each time we passed it, then up the hill to the parking lot for the same 2 exercises.

10 pushups (change pushups each time between diamonds, ranger, regular) and 10 double count flutters.

Last added part was to try and push your way up the hills just so you weren’t dialing it in.
MARY: got some hammers in, bicycles, more hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSPAN style positive vibes to Funhouse!
COT: like all of us when we’re in the flux, we go up and down just like the hills we ran today. Sometimes easier going down the hill, but that push and pull from another guy, and that guy to lean on and talk to when you need it, that’s the goal of leaving no man behind!

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Can’t Walk Away From Ego

WARMUP: The walk from the car to launch point
THE THANG: Wandering ruck around FM discussing ego, our response when it’s triggered by others, and who/what is helping us through current period of flux.

Grateful to have F3/The Fort and my Shield Lock brothers, Cake Boss and Pusher. Don’t travel this road solo!

COT: Yes, fifth core principle

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4 Corners at the Sink

Fall weather is upon us with morning temps around 57 degrees and ready to work. YHC was excited for my VQ at the Kitchen Sink thanks to Farmers Only. I have a tendency to get stuck in a rut attending the same workouts each week and this call out introduced me to a new opportunity.

I prepped by reviewing previous backblasts and Q Source. I wanted to incorporate a leadership lesson into the Q and settled on the 4 corners of the school which matched the 4 Quadrants of Q Source.


20 SSH
10 IW
20 Mtn Climbers


Round 1
Starting at the corner of the school
5 Man Makers
10 Rows
15 Curls
20 Flutter IC
Shuffle to next corner then rinse and repeat

Round 2
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Lunges
15 Squats
20 LBCs IC

At each corner, we discussed a Quadrant from Q Source

Get Right
– A man cannot Get Right by himself
– You are maintaining your fitness for reasons outside of yourself

Live Right
– A HIM influences through word and deed
– A habit can be positive, negative or neutral

Lead Right
– Leadership is influencing movement towards advantage
– Candor is graciously telling the hard truth and demanding it from others

Leave Right
– Legacy is constructed through the HIMs ability to develop Virtuous Leaders
– Failure is a wonderful teacher but only if you can take the pain from it


Continued prayers for victims of Helene
Prayers for residents of Florida in the path of Milton

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4 corner for Pushers Bday

Pledge Allegiance

Run up Massey stop at Harris 15 Merkins 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run to Ardrey stop 15 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats
Run To White stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 squats.
Run to bottom of Harris stop 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Squats

Rinse and Repeat two more time for 3+ miles.

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