Convergence: Love & a passing of the flag

Station 1 (Santini): Traditional Pain Platoon

Just your basic beat the hell out of your legs exercises of lunges, squats, and burpees intermixed with meditation and box breathing exercises. Sprint to the top of the hill, recover, and do more exercises including Moroccan night clubs and Carolina dry docks.

NMM: Anxiety and gratitude are not able to occupy the same space.

Station 2 (Shady / Maximus)

Warmup (Shady) – 21 SSH, 5 burpees, 18 SSH, 5 burpees, 12 SSH, someone whined about burpees so we did 10 diamonds merkins…then did 5 burpees
Group 1
  • partnered up and Dora style started out with 100 pull-ups.  Partner 1 on the pull-up bar, partner 2 did a lap around the playgroud
  • Stayed on playground, stayed with partner, Partner 1 AMRAP merkins while partner 2 ran the length of the playground and back to AMRAP merkins
  • Stayed on the AMRAP theme with flutters, then back to merkins, then back to flutters…then (I think) time was called

Group 2

  • Partnered up and Dora style, but this time 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground (Q modification given time and we aren’t cyborgs)
  • AMRAPs were just 1 round of merkins and flutters (again, I think…may need a lifeline here from Max)
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 American hammers..we did this twice
  • W/ time to spare we ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for 10 V-ups
  • In buzzer beater fashion, we ran to the top again for 10 ranger merkins and ran to the bottom for a partner 1 lay on the ground and grab partner 2s ankles where partner 2 would throw partner 1s feet down 10 times as you straight leg lifted them to his face

Group 3

  • Dora style 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 american hammers..we did this twice
  • Running low on time ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for the ankle grabbing / feet throwing core exercise 10 times
NMM: After each of the groups had done their pull-ups, Maximus and Shady shared their thoughts and experiences on LOVE.
  • Shady – areas of focus were loving your brother and being your brothers keeper.  Sending a text or reaching out to someone to just say “hey, thinking of you” could change their day.  Realizing that the ones you love are watching you, emulating you, picking up on good and bad habits.  Realizing we don’t know it all, especially to the ones we love, is a sign of humility and a factor of growth and development.  For those of us with children, we have never been parents before so we honestly have no idea what we’re doing.  Love starts with servant leadership and personally for YHC, this usually progresses when the mouth is shut and ears are open.
  • Maximus – For my discussion on love, it begins with being intentional as love is a decision. We must make the decision to be intentional with our actions. Whether it be in our faith, marriage, parenting of our kids, with friends and yes, even with work relationships, we must be intentional. Think about how easy it is to get distracted, whether at dinner with your wife or even on a Zoom call for work. We often allow our minds to wander or even start doing something else while the other person is talking, looking for our engagement. Stop. Be the person who is present in the moment. Put the shoe on the other foot. Love that person as your relationship to them allows.

Station 3 (Pusher & Cakeboss): Love Edition

  • SSHs
  • Windmills
  • Squats
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Merkins
  • IWs
Cake Boss spells love “B-U-R-P-E-E”
The Thang
  • Jacobs Ladder with Derkins and Monkey Humpers
  • Plank/Dip sequence
  • Bear crawl to top with burpees
  • Cord of 3 strands cannot be broken. Having God in your marriage is the 3rd string. Adding communication to the marriage strengthens it. – CB
  • Gifts vs Gaps. Focus on the gifts that your wife or significant other bring vs what she is missing. Seeing her this way builds love. – Pusher
  • Much love was on display with all of the mumblechatter and fellowship. The relationships formed through F3 has increased our love internally and is reflected outward to our Ms, 2.0s, PAX and community… #morethanaworkout

Shovel Flag hand off for two leadership positions in the Fort:

Shady handed off the Nantan role to Double D
Esso handed off the Weasel Shaker role to YHC

Awesome work by the PAX today. Hard to put into words how much improved my disposition on life is since moving back to Fort Mill because of F3. Grateful for an opportunity to serve the PAX of The Fort.

NMM: Double D was the site-Q at Block Party when I started posting. If it wasn’t for his steady presence with a commitment to the integrating 2nd F and 3rd F elements into each workout, I doubt I’d have kept posting. Double D is a genuine human, I’m a better dude for knowing him, and I’m excited for his leadership.

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Sometimes you got it

…and sometimes you don’t.

Two guys pulled into WEP’s lot.  I checked the “find a workout” tab on and saw WEP’s address (but I did not check the “schedule” tab, which said Veteran’s Park).  My mistake.

We launched, did a warm up lap and then: SSH (12x IC); Windmills (10x IC); Imperial Walkers (10x IC)

Then into the main event:
Seven of Diamonds:  Four cones making a loop with a total length of about 1200 feet.  At each cone you do the exercise/count noted then run to next cone and do same exercise/count, repeat until back at the first cone, then transition to the next exercise.

7 burpees
14 Merkins  <<at this point, the crew from Veteran’s Park came running into WEP.  We converged for a total of eleven pax and continued.
21 SSH
28 squats
21 Bobby Hurleys
14 Carolina Dry Docks
Began to run out of time, so whole group ran to Veteran’s Park for COT.

Got in just over 2.5 miles.

So got the location wrong, got a cadence count wrong, said the D2DB10K was on a Friday, and forgot myself in Name-o-rama.  What a comedy of errors.  Oh well, even Babe Ruth struck out 1300 times.

TClap |

The Swamp: reps, laps, and a forgotten message

7 PAX – 1 FNG
Full disclaimer was read (at least the high points)

Little Mosey
Some dynamic warmups
Some in-cadence warmups
Little Mosey
Some more dynamic warmups

Thang w/ Laps around Target
25 burpees – in cadence
50 merkins – stopped at 25 to let the PAX gather their resolve
75 lunges
100 monkey humpers – in cadence
75 lunges
“lap” – modified with a mosey back towards COT
50 merkins – no stopping
mosey back towards COT
– Airwolf wanted to sprint it back in. YHC obliged
25 burpees – 10 EMOM for 2.5 minutes
40 seconds of flutters in cadence to hit 0600


Workout stolen from a Hello Kitty tweet. As the Russian master, Igor Stravinsky said: “good composers borrow, great composers steal.”

I blame Badlands and Tesla for pushing the pace. So much push that I forgot the message I’d planned on how Jesus called Peter to be a “fisher of men,” but told another follower to “go home.” (Luke 8) It’s alright we don’t all get the same callings.

Guess I’ll save it for another Q!

Welcome FNG: Spector

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Back and Forth and Back…

I had 13 PAX join me for a total of 14 at Veteran’s Memorial for the launch of Block Party. We had some regulars and even a few Welcome Back’ers. With a number of headlamps and a rendition of the disclaimer, we took off for the parking lot in front of W.E.P.

Brief warm up with SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Squats and a few hamstring stretches…touch your toes.

Run around the WEP path with 5 Burpees and 10 Jump Squats at each swinging bench

Run back to Veterans for 10 SSH

Run to intersection of Monroe White, Academy, Williamson.

Run up Monroe White to 160, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
Run out Academy to Forrest, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
NUR up Williamson to Watson, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.

Run to base of Massey hill. NUR up to the gun shop then back to COT.


Good to be with you.

TClap |

Armory – Super Sets

11 PAX for 0.0 miles and what I felt was a hard workout…Tesh may argue differently.

Did a little warmup
Round the World
Good Mornings
Some Yoga

Super Sets done for a set time with some rest between.
Set 1:
KB Cleans (30 seconds)
Single Leg Dead Lift (30 seconds)
Repeat 6 times (3 right, 3 left)


Set 2:
KB Swings (60 seconds)
Merkins (30 seconds)
rest (30 seconds)
Repeat 5 times


Set 3:
Snatch (30 seconds)
Goblet Squat (30 seconds)
rest (30 seconds)
Repeat 6 times


Set 4:
Manmakers (30 seconds)
Renegade Rows w/ pass through (30 seconds)
rest (30 seconds)
go till 6…I think we did 4ish?


What is paired up as difficult in your life and what are you putting in between to mitigate?

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Run, do this. Run, do this…

It’s Sweep The Leg, the start to a new week, it’s supposed to be a challenge and the headlights kept on coming. Man, what a great day in The Fort. As my Q slots continued over this past week, I’ve been reminded of several things, mostly encouraging. One of those is that if you’re willing to make the workout/route/plan more challenging, guys will show up.
Let’s be honest, it’s humbling yet exciting to see guys show up to your Q so why not make it worth it. That was the aim this morning.

Simple? Yes
Effective? I hope so
Worth it? For sure

We had 29 total.
Redwoods and guys who just hit the 2wk mark.
7min/mile guys and 12min/mile guys.
14yo – 50+yo

The Thang:
Disclaimer and just a few warm up things
Run to the teacher lot at the entrance to GHES
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Velux on the corner of 160
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Horizon Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Model A
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back up to Famous Toastery
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to South State Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back to the Earth Fare lot for 4 Corners:
Corners 1 & 3: 10 Alternating V-Ups
Corners 2 & $: 20 X’s & O’s

All in all, everyone got 3.2mi+ and some got closer to 4mi.

How will you follow that up this week? After all, you’re up 1-0 now go live life as a servant leader.


TClap |

Sweep The Leg: Called in off the Bench to Close this one out!

Respect the Claves as started a few days early! Vuvu called me up to fill in and I happily accepted.

The Thang:

19 PAX emerged from the gloom at Sweep the Leg for a Monday morning kick in the teeth.

  • Mosey to the Baxter mushroom pool and do lunch walks until 6 arrives
    • Take a .5mi lap and then complete the reverse board of pain, dropping one exercise each round
    • 10 Dips x1
    • 10 Merkins x2
    • 10 Squats x3
    • 10 Big Boys x4
    • 10 Burpees x5
  • Back to COT with anywhere between 3-4mi and potentially 50 burpees

Cyclops got the Bundt cake prize

River Rat had the actual birthday

Shortstop prayed us out and it was surely a gift for sure!!


TClap |

Taste of Fort Mill

This past weekend Fort Mill hosted an annual event called The Taste of Fort Mill.  It is an awesome event where restaurants from all over Fort Mill bring tasting samples of some of their most popular dishes.  In honor of that event, we held the Taste of Fort Mill prepared the way F3 men prefer it.

Quick warm up with SSH, Merkins, Peter Parkers and Parker Peters.  Then a short Mosey to Armor Artis where my truck was parked and loaded down with the “hell pavers.”

7 stations for 7 places of greatness at or near Main St, Fort Mill:

  1. Armor Artis Brewery:  Curls “21’s” (7 halfway down, 7 all the way down and half way up, 7 full)
  2. The Improper Pig:  Overhead Press X21
  3. Hobos:  Bentover Row X21 (Run up Main Street to Pucker Butt.)
  4. Pucker Butt:  “Heartburn” Hand Release Merkins (5 wide, 5 regular, 5 diamond)  (Run down Main Street to Local Dish)
  5. Local Dish:  Jump Squats X10 & 15 Big Boy Situps  (Run to Z Bakery)
  6. Z Bakery: Burpees X10  (Run back towards Main St and through the back parking lot to the hill next to FM Animal Hospital)
  7. Towne Tavern:  Bear Crawl down the hill and Bear Crawl back up

Everyone pushed themselves with Maximus and Band Camp were WAY out front!


  • Prayers for the Page family
  • Prayers for a speedy recovery for Chris Weidman

Thank you very much Bobber for the opportunity to Q a great AO.  It was a lot of fun!

TClap |

Block Party 4.6.2021

Catch up BB 4/5

Warm up

Arm/Leg ballistic stretching

SSH/Burpee Pyramid


Topic: Accelerating Fitness

Why are we here?

Why do we “take it easy” when it comes to fitness some times? We have the opportunity to be in the gloom. That’s right – an opportunity to be here. We aren’t forced here. It isn’t something that a judge or authority figures ordered us to do. We choose to do this. We get to do this. 

So why, then, is the temptation to “mail it in” so great, even when we go through the trouble to wake up at zero dark thirty? In the famous words of Youts: “We don’t wake up early to half-ass it.”

Mosey down Confederate Street to Withers, turn right to 4 way stop signs


Partner up and challenge each other. DORA style but keep your reps secret from each other. After both PAX do a round of the movement, reveal the number of reps completed. Loser does the difference in a harder exercise while the winner gets a less difficult movement.

Legs – Run up Withers to Meachem & Back

Loser – Bomb Jacks

Winner – Squats

Bonnie Blairs

Monkey Humpers

Apollo Ono’s


Abs – Run down Academy to Forrest & Back

Loser – In & Outs

Winner – LBCs

Big Boys

American Hammers



Arms – Nur up Withers to Confederate; run back

Loser – Diamonds

Winner – Wide Arms





Putting somebody into your corner. 

The use of a brother (or several brothers) to motivate and push you. We are only as strong as we tell ourselves we are. And… spoiler… when we’re in the the thick of it – we’ll try to convince our own bodies to quit. Why?

Maximus quote: “I would have never completed, much less attempted, the GORUCK HTL without these men by my side. They knew the headspace I was in. Physically, I knew I could do it, but mentally, that is where I lacked confidence. These men saw to it that I wouldn’t train alone and each of them had their own motivation.”

There’s power in surrounding yourselves with like minded individuals. 

Mosey back toward Veteran’s Park for COT.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Three the Hard Way

Three men showed up on a windy morning at Minnow pond.  After the Pledge, we started up the hill on Massey toward the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene.  We stopped for a few exercises (Merkins, Squats, and LBCs – 10 of each).  Next, we headed down Harris to Harris street park for a brief stop and completed the same exercises as above.

We then ran up to Fort Mill High School to converge with Laces In.  Trucker was on Q so we met at his favorite place, the pull-up bars.  We split into teams and did a Dora mash-up with various exercises:  Pull-ups, merkins, LBCs, V-ups, and more running.  Once we finished up, we headed back on the road.  We took Jackson Street back to Walter Elisha to tour the changes.  Back to COT.


Great job everyone..thanks for the opportunity.


TClap |