Back Breaker

WARMUP: helmet kept making fun of my warmup exercises so we stopped warming up since he poked the bear…So the pain started early
THE THANG: elevens with block swings and Bobby Hurleys, a couple of rounds of pull ups, dips, merkins, chest press with block, and upper row exercise with block (new name the “Kaiser”)
MARY: yeah we did a lot of painful ab stuff
ANNOUNCEMENTS: highway cleanup this weekend
COT: 1 Peter 5:7 cast your cares on him
Carry each other’s burdens and don’t be afraid to share yours with other men

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The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

TClap |

Pole Dancing At The Yard

WARMUP: Mosey Pax to back parking lot. We did 10 Seal Jacks, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, Moraccian Nightclubs, Over head claps, and 7 Merkins.
THE THANG: After the warmup I told the Pax to meet me at the road leading out to Springfield Pkwy. This was the start of the pole work we put in. Along the road there are 14 lights that I put exercises at each one. You start at the first light pole then you proceed to next pole after doing your reps at each. To continue down the road you have to start back at the beginning and work through all the previous poles before continuing to the next one. Here’s the list of the exercises and order they where in at the light posts:
Hand Release Merkins
Big Boy Sit Ups
Sumo Squats
Diamond Merkins
X’s and O’s
Carolina Dry Docks
Monkey Humpers
Wide Arm Merkins
American Hammer
Lt. Dans
Regular Merkins
Freddy Mercury
Jump Squats
Everyone’s favorite Kraken Burpees
10 Reps for all stations

It was a tough workout that Uhaul complained about the whole time saying it wasn’t original. Harry Carey, Tesh and Peabody where kings. All Pax got at least 2 miles in.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 The Fort 10 year anniversary this week and the next.
COT: Prayers for Tater’s daughter. Thanks Fogerty and Bitcoin for the Q. Sorry I’m terrible at writing Backblasts.

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Jack Webs from Hell

SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parker x 10
All IC

Part 1
Using the field in 10 yard increments
Starting at the end zone run to the 10 yard line do 1 burpee and at the push-up position do 4 merkins. Run back to the end zone.
Run to 20 yard line, 2 burpees with 4 merkins each time you go down (8 total merkins). Run back to end zone.
30 yd, 3 burpee 12 merkins. Run back.
Continue until the other end zone is reached which would be 10 burpees and 40 merkins.

Part 2
Similar to above,
Instead, nur to 10yd and do 4 squats. Run bank to end zone
Nur to 20yd line, 8 squats, run back to start.
Continue until finished.

11’s – Mountain climbers to dying cockroach.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check the newsletter. 10 year started today. Post as often as you can.

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Mercy and Grace

Lead with disclaimer, five core principles.

10 Merkins IC
Southern Gentleman, Northern Aggressor
Side Planks
Upward/Downward Dog

Mosey to pull up bars

5 Rounds Chelsea to kick off –
5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
Mosey down to stop sign and back in between rounds

Run up backside of NaFo, stop at cafeteria tables
Partner DORA 1-2-3
50 Derkins, 100 Dips, 150 Step Ups

Keep moving around school to traffic circle

Football Season. Circle Up Downs.
Run Counterclockwise – drop, burpee, jump, clap. Change direction. 10 Rounds.

Mosey back to COT

LBCs, Gas Pumpers, Body Destroyers

Lately, I’ve been reading this book called the exemplary husband. The definitions of mercy and grace were given. Though the words are similar in meaning, they are very different.

Mercy means not getting what you deserve. Grace means getting what you don’t deserve.

If God gives us what we don’t deserve freely, and withholds from us what we truly deserve, how should we live our lives? What do we deserve? I can tell you, it’s not very good. Yet God lavishes his grace on us. Think about that as you carry yourself in your concentrica.

F3 10 Year + The Final Countdown coming
Shower Curtain Meal Train is up and running.
Get you in a shield lock!!

Our developing children and the phases they face. Let us be intentional fathers who want to love on our children to help them thrive through what they are facing.

Felt good to be back to the old stomping grounds. Thanks Kaiser for letting YHC jump in on short notice.

Punch List out.

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Week 0 Iron PAX challenge


15 Michael Phelps IC (DH gave us an abridged Michael Phelps bio during this exercise)
5 Windmills IC
15 Mountain Climbers IC


The COE Sandwich.

5 rounds
20 Thrusters with Coupon
20 Standard Merkins

3 Rounds
100ft Bear Crawl
100FT Burpee Bear Crawl back (3 burpees for every 5 broad jumps)

5 more Rounds of Coe.

Modified version offered Goblet Squats and Incline or Decline Merkins for Coe and a 100 FT mosey/Lungewalk for Brenton with 10 HR merkins at the halfway point

We decided to make it harder than the recommended 3 merkins.

Please remember to submit those times.

As always it was a tough workout but we all better for it. Today’s workout was a combination of 2 hero WOD’s I encourage you all to take the time and read up on it at F3 greenwood.

Until Next time………

Announcements…. Read the newsletter!

TClap |

Looking behind curtain number 3

WARMUP: Brief mosey around the fake track by the gym followed by COP with various classics

THE THANG: The Main Event started with a brief stop at the only real grass at The Yard for some Knee Tar N’Diayes and Mahktar N’Diayes. Then we moseyed to the gym wall for three rounds of the following:

Donkey Kicks x10
Monkey Humpers x20
Merkins x30
Squats x40
Flutters x50

After each round we recovered with either Lunge Walks, Bear Crawls or Backward Lunge Walks

Mosey back to main parking lot for tunes by UHaul plus some more exercises

MARY: Bitcoin took the baton and led the pax through some Mary, capped by a plankorama triggered by UHaul.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many good things going on in The Fort. Read your newsletter and join in along the way.

COT: Welcome to FNG Stinger! he posted after hearing the Order of Man podcast with DOAH. Thankfully he chose to post despite what he heard. He will be back and will fit right in like he’s been here forever.

Bitcoin took the Shovel Flag today! Great to have this Accelerating pax step into a leadership role. Put The Yard on your Sat itinerary — he’ll keep this AO soaring!

The pax pushed through the Main Event with perseverance. Some mumblechatter from Crab Cakes and UHaul plus some Form Police from Peabody kept spirits light enough. Apparently Fogertys guidance that The Yard is a 45 min boot camp (and not a Moderate boot camp) hasnt made its way to all the pax. It’s clear everyone can handle it from today’s work, including our FNG Stinger who wasn’t far behind our King, Runy Slippers. Also near the front was Old Bay, who is clearly accelerating following his return to the Gloom.

Thanks to Fogerty for resurrecting The Yard. We have a trio of good options on Sat now — nice work!

Always an honor to lead the pax. SYITG!

TClap |

Cadence Burpees were a HIT!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills Merkins Squats Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 4 Corners- Starfish w cadence Burpees, 100 yd Merkins and Jump squats every 10 yds. Finish on 50 yd line w flutters.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Community Svc events Mens Bethel Dinner / trash pick up and the CSAUP.

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Chatter, Krakens, Fellowship more chatter and more Krakens

WARMUP: mosey to playground parking lot – burpees, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, more burpees, squats, holding people’s chair for Moroccan night clubs and air presses while mumblechatter escalated quickly. Pusher enjoyed the view of YHC’s good side at this point of the workout.  Planks ensued along with a few Broga poses, Peter Parker’s and merkins.  From there we moseyed to the bus loop for the main event.

THE THANG: partners took turns alternating running between ab stations and 4 exercise stations. The stations were comprised of 8 burpees or 8 kraken burpees (which Dark Helmet loved), 18 of another exercise and 22 of another – Carolina dry docks, derkins, squats, lunges, merkins and side straddle hops (because YHC did not include them in the warm up) specifically. PAX did all of them and got 1% better.

After 8 rounds were completed between partners, we moseyed around the school, recited the pledge to honor those serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Then moseyed past three more light poles were 3 burpees were done at each one.  Just because.  

MARY: Sasquatch led 2 minutes of Broga which brought us to 0600.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We’re exclaimed
COT: Prayers were offered.  And we welcomed FNG Sweat Shop.

YHC is grateful for the culture and fellowship we are so fortunate to have in the Fort. Showing up in the gloom each morning for the man next to us truly enables acceleration beyond just the workout.  

Thanks to Poppins for the call to Q.  It’s always an honor to lead.


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