Once a year Q

WARMUP: 6 Windmills
THE THANG: After Funhouse led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, we ran to the bottom of Main ST where the gaggle performed 1 burpee then ran to the 2nd light pole (16 on the Hobo’s sIde) perform a burpee then run back to start. at this point the “A” group began to separate themselves from us mortals. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Continue performing 1 burpee at ever other light pole and running back to the start until you reach the end of the street. Run back to the start, perform your burpee then choose your own adventure loop. Big loop, over the bridge and around the block. Lil loop, take the alley behind hobos and head back to the start. Rd 2 was 5 merkins, Rd 3 was 5 CDD. Some Pax got more miles than others, looking at you #Badlands and #MacGyver.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph options, other things I don’t remember
COT:Prayers for marriages and sick family members. God answers your prayers, keep praying and they will be answered. Sometimes blessings come from ppl and places you didn’t expect.

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From the Archives

WARMUP: Disclaimer and Pledge were pronounced. Nothing else is allowed at MP if there’s no FNG.

THE THANG: pax ran to WEP and mustered at the far end along path near 160 and Sidney Johnson St (who is that guy?).

3 rounds of running and pain as follows:

round 1: Run (not a mosey!) across park to hill, bear crawl to top, 20 squats, bear crawl down, run back to start, 20 shoulder taps, plank for the six.

round 2: repeat, adding 20 monkey humpers after squats

round 3: repeat adding 20 side lunges after humpers

mosey to WEP parking lot

AMRAP session (AKA Free MacGyver)

run to top of stairway to heaven 10 merkins, run to parking lot at entrance from Ardrey St, 10 Freddy’s

repeat sequence adding 10 to each exercise on each end until time is called

mosey home

COT: solid work by all pax today — 100% veteran HIMs, good push, average mumble chatter, solid reminders of GetTo, no plateaus, no finish lines. stay close to your brothers and keep posting.

veteran pray out by 3rd F Q Emeritus Short Sale.

Thanks for the invite Funhouse and for keeping the Pond spicy!

appreciate the much needed recharge from you men! long live The Fort!

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Gas station route of pain

WARMUP: massey uphill to utility parking lot
I. Partner DORA – 100 Merks, 200 squats, 300 LBC with run up and down hill.
II. 1 mile loop with pain stations at each gas’s station. Same exercises as DORA but rep was 15 each.

Touch workout with the hills!

MARY: no time

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All I heard was run and push-ups

THE THANG: start from COT and run to school, up the hill with light posts, turn around at stop sign, and run back to COT.

Start out at 10k pace for first 1/4 mile, 1k pace for next 1/4 mile, then 25 merkins (so 25 merkins every .5 miles.

Rinse and repeat.

Looking at 3-5 miles for 150-300 merkins.

You’re welcome.

MARY: quick 30 seconds at the end.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter worthy
COT: Luka, family health, Grassy’s wife for some quick recovery!

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Competitive Loops


63 SSH (IC)
21 Merkins (IC)


Corner of Railroad and Academy 5 Burpees
Run to Print Shop
20 HR Merkins
20 Squats

Run Watson Street to Williamson down to the corner of Williamson and Academy
20 Flutters
20 LBC’s

Run up Academy to the Corner again for 5 more burpees.

Split up into two teams going opposite directions.

First team to complete 4 loops “wins”
This was modified down to 3 loops due to time constraints.

Got back to COT in time for 4 minute EMOM. First three minutes were 10 Burpees on the minute every minute. Last Minute was just a cool down Plank.

Thanks to Kermit for the call!

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Warming up the Canollis


Run to kingsley. do one mile loop as many times as you can before time runs out. every half mile increase speed to 5k pace for about 60 seconds.

read newsletter for important announcements.

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No one reads these…

WARMUP: We did, in fact, warm up.

Round 1:
– Get a partner – size ALWAYS matters. That’s what she said.
– Mile loop with stops. At each stop, 10-10-10, Merkins, Squat Jumps, Flutters (4ct)
Loop =
1. Run up Massey to the parking lot on Right
2. Run from Parking lot to far end of Sisk Parking Lot on left
3. Run to Valero
4. Slight left onto Spratt – stop at intersection of Leonidas
5. Run to other end of Leonidas – intersection at Kanawha
6. Left on Kanawha – left onto White St – stop at FM Rescue Squad
7. Run to Amoco on Corner of White and Spratt
8. Run back to bottom of Massey…

Round 2:
– Same loop. 10-10-10 is CDDs,
– Slight variation is bear crawl up Massey to top and Partner Carry down Leonidas

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter…

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Dark and Light

WARMUP: buy in: running the short parking lot with a burpee at every light (16ish)

THE THANG: carry coupons down through the dark path to Harris Street Park. Squats along the way for the 6. It was dark, but not as dark in our souls as the return trip….

Found the parking lot, but nobody saw the pre-set lights on the basketball court. 30 tricep extensions, 30 curls, finally some mumblechatter of “we could have just done this in the original parking lot”

Moved over to the basketball court. 2 Bells (one heavy, one light) set at half court. Bear crawl to half-court and switch bells (either with the one already there or another PAX), then keep bear crawling. Return trip was lunge walks with the same principle. Did squats at one end, merkins at the other, and swings the third time.

The trip to COT was illuminated up Harris street; trading bells as needed and carrying all the gear.

MARY: she weighed 200lbs and came out of Clickbait’s truck with her twin sister. We had to get them back in.

Cannoli Run – 5/20.
Bethel Men’s Shelter service tomorrow (5/4)

COT: Continued prayers for Luka

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Clemson in the parking lot?

WARMUP: Bandcamp took the warmup as YHC wrote in chalk in parking spaces. Shieldlocks do this for each other.
THE THANG: 5 min buy in. Carry a weight (ruck, kb, ruck plate) from the parking lot and up the hill over your head. Get to the top, 10 burpees, back down the hill with your toy over your head.

One we returned to parking lot, parking spaces were marked with 2 exercises and had weight in each space at varying sizes. Instructions were, do one exercise in the space and run to the top of the hill where you’d do another exercise written down starting at the top. Finish that 1 exercise and go back to the bottom spaces and grab a new space and perform exercise, then back up the hill for the 2nd exercise on the paper…and down and up, down and up.

Exercises in the spaces:
– 45 lbs (or 50+): 1. 30 shrugs 2. 100 calf raises
– 40 lb sandbag: 1. 20 man makers 2. 25 shoulder presses
– 35 lb: 1. 40 swings 2. 30 curls
– 30 lb: 1. 40 squats 2. 30 lunges
– 25 lb: 1. 25 tri extension 2. 30 rows
– 30 lb ruck: 1. 25 merkins 2. 30 chest press

Top of hill:
1. 10 burpees
2. 15 diamonds
3. 20 hand release
4. 25 wide arm
5. 30 merkins
6. 35 Rangers
7. 40 CDD
8. 45 plank jacks (this is as far as we got)

Some of us, BC, wore a weight vest because that’s what we do.

MARY: 1 min of American hammers
COT: luka and Vuvu, specter’s recent move

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