2023.04 The Ranch

Emphasis on hamstrings and shoulders

Mosey to 4square courts:
Burpee broad jumps in clockwise direction from square to square inside a 4square court (2 pax per court) with sets of 4, 6, 8, and 10. Core exercise between sets.
After first round: people’s chair with shoulder mobility exercises then calf raises while sitting, balls2wall with shoulder taps.
For second round of burpee broadjump set going counterclockwise.

Mosey to parking lot behind school for sprints. 2 teams of 4, 40yd dash relay. Finish when each PAX has 3 sprints complete.

Mosey to picnic tables for step ups.

For those of us that pray before a meal, what do you pray for?
Do you pray in thanksgiving asking your consumption be blessed with nourishment? Did you do your best to provide yourself and others you feed with nourishment? Is the meal a source of comfort and that’s what you are hoping the meal be blessed with? Be intentional.

Thought two: Pick something that you do every day that you can take for granted. Pray before you do it, like you would for a meal. Be thankful and use the resources presented to you with intention.

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It’s Still a Keeper


5 Rounds. Each Round has it’s mode of transportation. There are 5 exercises that were repeated each round. Do the 1st exercise, then do the transportation, do 2nd exercise, etc. When done with all 5 exercises. Repeat with the 2nd transportation. Added some * options to modify harder if needed.


Sprint – 2 aisles

Side shuffle – 2 aisles *add bell

Lunges – 1 aisle *pass thru with bell

Bear Crawls – 1 aisle *Crawl Bear back

NUR – 2 aisles


Curls – 10 ea arm or 20 both

Squats – 10 *20

Overhead Press – 10 ea arm

Tricep Ext – 10 *20

Swings – 10 *20


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Door Dash Monday

WARMUP: Run behind Earth Fare out past bank into Brayden around back to parking lot by the pool and muster.

THE THANG: 10 Hand release merkins OYO + 10 Shouldwr taps IC

Then we sprinted up to Inizios and onto several other establishments along 160, stopping each time for 10 merkins of varying flavors and some abs. last sprint was to HT lot. pax moseyed back home with some extra running and Mary to wrap up. Great push by all!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB slated for Sat and will have outstanding 2nd F so be there!
COT: Words on Whetstone from Olaf + prayers.

Life is full of sprints, some long and some short and some of unknown duration or finish lines. We do this crazy stuff in the Gloom to prepare ourselves. Now you know you’re prepared when the next sprint arrives in your life.

Thanks to Badlands for the invite!

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The Hive is Alive at Five

Warm-ups : SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Wind Mills, Plank Stretches

Mosey to the big parking lot for some partner exercises. Partner 1 carried both bells while Partner 2 performed 5 perfect merkins. Flapjack and continued until we arrived at the second light post. Next, we dropped the bells for partner pushes between the light posts. We continued this pattern until we arrived at the front of the school.
Next, we grabbed some wall with the bell for a wall sit press and extension. Two rounds and then proceeded back to the stadium carrying the bell over our head. At each light pole, we stopped for an exercises. First light pole, man-makers, set of 5. Since half the group elected to modify, we did 5 more. KB Swings, Flutters, and LBCs were completed by the time we arrived at the stadium.
Back to partner exercises, Partner 1 carried bells up the hill while partner 2 ran to the top. Flapjack and continue until mumble chatter subsided.
Return to the flag for a few minutes of bells around the circle. Lots of laughter due to either having to handle Tesh’s 100# bell or the colorful deceivingly light bells.
Great job men!
Prayers for family members and friends suffering from cancer.

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Bushwood Zipper

WARMUP: Short mosey around the south end of the parking lot then circle up for the following:
10 ea
* WM
* IW
* Strawberry pickers
Then on to the main event
Bushwood zipper. No field trip anywhere. Start right where we finished warmups. Borrowed a theme from Minnow Pond – the zipper. Do a set of exercises, then run down the entire length of a parking aisle to the end, then repeat set of exercises, then run down the entire length of the next parking aisle. Repeat until we covered the entire parking lot.
5 burpees
10 box cutters
15 merkins
20 mountain climbers (2ct)
Overall about a mile running and 50 burpees, 100 box cutters, 150 merkins, 200 mountain climbers (2ct)

Next, partner up for a Dora of
100 LBCs
200 squats
300 flutters (2ct)
Runner did a loop that was approx 200-300m.
We all finished everything, so we did an Indian Run back to COT just in time to meet up with the gear guys from Snake Pit.

MARY: 3D led about a minute or so of ab-lab.

– A LOT going on, read the newsletter and get involved!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead East of the Peach Stand! Well worth the drive. Great AO.

God bless and SYITG,

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That hill was too close not to use….

WARMUP: Run to lot, SSH, squats, etc. good 10 minutes.
THE THANG: Run up hill AMRAP Merkins, run to top of other hill to parking lot for 20 flying squirrels. Do that until told otherwise.
MARY: 18 of us decided to do the difficult thing today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D info. Lots of good stuff.
COT: Prayers for marriages, friends suffering from depression, praise for time spent with kids.

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Only 6 years?

WARMUP: Standing around talking. Very little stretching.
THE THANG: Brayden Hills
MARY: Last site Q morning for Boehiem. After 6ish years, he handed the shovel to Assassin. Thanks for your steadfast leadership Boehiem!!
COT: Prayers for healing for health and addictions.

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Working Hard at the Yard

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and we started to mosey. Goal of warm up was to cover 1 mile with various exercises along the way. Exercises while moseying – karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers. First stop during warm up was by the front of the school. Low slow squats x10 in cadence and mountain climbers x12 in cadence. Then we partnered up, cumulative rep count of 100 with each partner doing alternating sets of 10 reps. While partner A was performing 10 step ups partner B was holding a wall sit. Keep switching until you hit 100 reps total. Moseyed to the next area for similar routine to warm up upper body. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, this time while partner A is performing 10 merkins partner B held 6 inches. Moseyed to a 3rd area for a similar routine for core. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, partner A performed 10 sit-ups while partner B performed flutters. Goal was met as we covered 1 mile.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the track layout in the bus parking lot. Created 2 routines to be completed in alternating fashion.

Mini MP, running with push ups around the track.
10 – Diamond Merkins, run 2 laps
15 – Derkins (feet on curb), run 2 laps
20 – Merkins, run 2 laps
25 – WideArm Merkins, run 2 laps

Routine on the inside of track layout:
Bear Crawl from the inside of the track layout to the middle of the oval (to the basketball hoops). Complete the listed exercise and the bear crawl back to the track layout. Exercises were:
10 – Split Lunge Jumps
15 – Jump Squats
20 – Squats
25 – SSH in cadence

Alternated by completing the first phase of the mini MP routine and then move right into the 1st phase of the bear crawl routine. Keep alternating until all 4 phases are complete. Ended right at 45 min, maybe went a few seconds over.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Mental Health Awareness WOD, read your news letter.
COT: Love is a choice. What kind of choices are you making?

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Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

TClap |

Climbing the Matterhorn

Climbing the hills of The Matterhorn

It was a nice January morning when the Matterhorn made its debut with 7 pax joining for the beat down.

Disclaimer was given

Warm up:

15 SSH
15 Wind Mills

Mosey to back hill

Every other light post to Dam Rd

Return after each

1. 5 Merkins
2. 10 LBC
3. 15 Squats
4. 20 American Hammers (Double Ct)
5. 25 Moroccan Night Clubs
6. 30 MtN Climbers (2Ct)

After going up the ladder, we did sets as we made our way back to COT 3.2 miles was the total

Prayers for UHauls family and healing

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