A Morning Walk Through Town

Five men gathered at Veteran’s Park and spent an hour together.  Here is what they did:

After the Pax were disclaimed,  I took a few minutes to ask each person what their ailment was so I had an idea of what we could do today.   For the record:  Maximus (foot), Twister (detached retina healing), Flat Tire (bruised abdomen/ribs -thanks for showing us too), Crab Cakes (groin pull) and Senator Tressel (knee pain and torn calf muscle).    With that, we were ready to get started and since we were standing next to the Veteran’s Memorial, it seemed fitting to recite the pledge of allegiance.  Then the walk began:

Head west on North White Street.  Along the way, we passed the morning crowd at The Fort who were running circuits and doing something that looked kind of painful. ( Yeah, we weren’t going to do much to that today).

Stop at the small lot next to the Springs building and stretch from head to toe.   Continue on to the playground at WEP.

At the playground do 3 sets of pullups (10 reps/set)  Leave the playground and walk to the entrance in front of the Springs Building.

Plank hold/6″ hold for a bit.  Find the grass and do some abwork (pretzel crunch and something else)  Follow the path to the side parking lot of Springs.

On the low roofline of the building, do wall pull-ups (10 reps).  From there we bear crawled across the lot and held a dip position on the curb.  Bear crawl back to the building and do a wall sit (I think).

Walk back to Veteran’s Park.


Naked Man Moleskin

That doesn’t look like much.    Was that all we did?  Oh no!  What isn’t shown is all the conversation that happened during the walk and in between the exercises.  I have known these fine gentlemen for several years and decided that today would be a great opportunity to get to know them better.  We shared a lot of things from when we were growing up, through college and our first jobs, how we met our wives and proposed to them, and how we all ended up in Fort Mill.  Here are just a few of the findings from our hour together:

  1.  Charlie comes from a family of engineers and his dad taught at Lousiana Tech
  2. Andrew has known his wife since middle school and lived in Portland for a couple of years.
  3. Dave turned down Notre Dame University for Villanova and Salomon Bros for Pepsi (or another company).
  4. Tyson was a semi-professional rugby player and proposed to his wife in Ireland (in less than ideal conditions).
  5.  Frank became a Naval officer after college, but left after only 18 months on active duty.

Today was all about the 2nd F, and it was one of those times when people together and there is a certain chemistry within the group.    From the start of the hour to the end,  everyone got into the spirit of sharing, and all the guys were more than willing to talk about their lives.  We learned a lot about each other, poked fun at the things we did when we were younger, and enjoyed a walk together on a beautiful autumn morning.  I have Q’d many, many times over the years and can honestly say that today’s Q was one of my favorites.  Thank you, Charlie, Andrew, Dave, and Tyson for making today’s F3 workout memorable, and one that I will remember for a long time.

Announcements/Prayers and Praises

  1.  Funhouse’s son (Offspring) in Alaska with an infection and low O2 level.  Funhouse traveled to Alaska.
  2. Injured Pax and friends with illnesses


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VQ at the Millstone with a Guillermo 1-2-3 Routine and the Presidential Wall of NoN-sEnSe

The hype was huge, the turnout was moderate for Boss Hogg’s VQ at the Millstone. All 8 PAX in attendance got to enjoy the first day of cooler temperatures. 3 PAX went for a walk…2 with rucksacks and 1 with his arm in a sling. Huge T-Claps to Smithers for showing up while on the IR. The remaining 4 PAX followed the most Boss of all Hoggs on his VQ journey.

The Thang:

Mosey’d from Veteran’s Park to the parking lot across from Puckerbutt Pepper Company
• Stretched arms and legs
• 15 – Gas Pumpers (for my buddy Twister…Respect!)

Mosey’d to the St. John’s United Methodist Church parking lot
• Toy Soldiers across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• High Knees across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Lunge Walks across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Butt Kickers across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Carioca across the parking lot and back in the opposite direction
• Shuffled across the parking lot and back in the opposite direction

Mosey’d to First Baptist Church of FM parking lot (home of Footloose!)
Circled up…
• 15 SSH
• 15 Windmills
• 15 Cherry Pickers
• 15 Imperial Walkers
• 15 Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey’d to FM Church of God parking lot
Next up was a Guillermo 1-2-3 routine. For those of you know don’t know (and I would be shocked if any of you didn’t already know this), Guillermo is Dora’s infant brother who does not fully grasp the concept of pairing PAX in 2’s and progressively moving from chest, to core, to legs. Guillermo likes to divide the entire population into two groups. The goal being that the exercising group works out together with focus on form, not speed. In concept, this was a great idea. Given that there were only 5 PAX participating in the Guillermo 1-2-3, one group included 3 PAX and the other included 2 PAX. The routine included:
• 100 Squats
• 200 LBCs
• 300 Overhead Claps
The group not performing exercises got to snake the stairs across the street.

Next up, was the Presidential Wall of Non-Sense! Don’t worry, there is nothing political behind this. The non-sense had to do with the exercise itself. PAX formed a line to begin the border wall. PAX were instructed to hold a tree via the Al Gore or by planking to form the wall. The HIM at beginning of the wall was instructed to run to the imaginary forest to gather more trees for the wall. Trees were knocked down via 1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks, or 3 Bobby Hurleys. Once the HIM obtained another tree from the imaginary forest, he returned to the end of the wall and held it in place via the Al Gore or by planking. The exercise continued until the wall crossed the parking lot.

Finally, with time running out, the PAX mall walked back to COT. The leader of the group dropped out of line to perform 1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks, or 3 Bobby Hurleys. Once completed, they rejoined the group at the back of the line. The process was repeated until COT was reached.

At the end of the workout, Boss Hogg was asked about his VQ experience.  He responded in the words of the great scholar Borat Sagdiyev, “Great Success!”.

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Two Ferns in a Swamp

YHC was asked to Q at the Swamp by a HIM named Cha Ching (whom was DR and on IR) and I jumped at the request.

We started with a basic Traveling COP with a few stops along the way some SSH, Diamond Merkins, Seal Jax, Ranger (Regular) Merkins, Smurf Jax and Werkin’s. Nobody liked the amount I decided to do but oh well. Those are the reps that I like and I was my Q. We eventually made our way to where I had a speaker and a BOP set up with some side walk chalk.

The Thang was basically 8 exercises each for 1 minute and write down your reps in your parking space. Pretty basic but I love this workout and 4-8 is murders row to the legs.

1. Scorpion Dry Docks
2. Big Boys
3. Ranger Merkins
4. Jump 180 Squats
5. Donkey Kicks
6. Jump Lunges
7. Plank knee tucks
8. Burpees

Then take a run (timed) to the far fire Hydrant by the Home Depot which was shown to the Pax during the COP.

Return winded and then rinse and repeat the 8 exercises but with more reps! Goal was we didn’t have to run the Last lap if 50% or more of the PAX beat their Burpee count. They were successful or lied to me. Most were glad not to run the last lap.

This is a basic bootcamp I know but it will test u and blow u up!

Got to meet a few new PAX and that is why I always like Qing and different AO’s.

Finished up with a COT (announcements, a few prayers and praises and all thankful for another day).

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Cha Ching

I am enjoying this ride I am on and am not sure where it is taking me but all we can do is prepare and train.


TClap |

Lead where you are – 2 years have flown by @ THE Ballroom

What a beautiful, steamy fall morning as the gloom saw 19 of The Fort’s finest show for our Shovel flag Hand-off at THE Ballroom. Can’t believe that it was over 2 years ago when Cake Boss asked YHC to take over Site Q duties for this awesome AO. #Honored and Humbled. Numerous FNGs and VQs later, it is time to hand over the reins to my guy, Manziel. Tclaps my friend.

Mosey to other side of the school


  • Seal Jacks * 20
  • 5 Burpees
  • Merkins * 10
  • 4 Burpees
  • Squats * 15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Gas Pumpers * 15
  • 2 Burpees
  • SSH * 20
  • 1 Burpees

MOSEY to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAIRS- LADDER 10s- 1st set-LBCs at bottom, SSHs at top, Bear Crawl up, Stairs down, 2nd Set-Merkins at bottom, squats at top

At this point, I shared some:

 Thoughts on Leadership – F3 has been called a “Leadership Machine”, this is a great environment to hone your leadership skills. As it says in Q Source – “Man is by nature a Group-forming animal. In My Experience – I grow as a leader when I am pushed OUTSIDE MY COMFORT ZONE. AYE? As Maximus & Royale both related at the Invergence – people saw leadership potential in them before they realized it themselves. LOOK WHERE THEY ARE NOW. When Cake Boss asked me to be Site Q for THE Ballroom about 2 years ago – I was honored. And grateful for Manziel taking the reins now. STEP UP WHEN CALLED UPON-YOU WON”T REGRET IT.  

Mosey to Elem School Playground – 3 EXERCISES- Shoulder Taps (single count), SQUAT JUMPS, FLUTTERS- START WITH 5 OF EACH, RUN TO OTHER END OF CIRCLE, ADD 5 ON EACH LAP. Only made it to 15s. had to save time for one of my faves . . .

SO MOSEY TO Front of PK Middle School for– JACK WEBB

Name-o-Rama, Announcements: Fort Mill Care Ctr mowing, new Millstone AO, Crossroads. Prayers for marriages, families, injured Pax. Then YHC expressed my gratitude to Manziel for taking over and thanked all the Pax for being there that morning and over the last 2 years. Took us out in prayer.

So, get out there and lead gents. Push outside of your comfort zone-you won’t regret it.

Short Sale, out.

TClap |

The Ballroom Gets Its Boogie On

25 PAX  turned out to the Ballroom and boogied down, not in the Boogie Down Bronx,  BUT in Da Gloom:


Warm Up at the B’ball court:

Lots of mumble chatter…….

SSH , Leg Extensions, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Mnt. Climbers, Merkins & a little bit of BROGA!

Next we “boogied down’ to the walk bridge & sat on the People’s Chair for several sets of overhead claps, calf raises, arm dips & topped it off with burpees.

The Thang:

On the football field-25yd sprints in between bomb jacks & merkins 10x each. RINSE & REPEAT. Next CCD & Bobby Hurleys, 10x each in between 25yd sprints. RINSE & REPEAT. Gas pumps & grave yard diggers 5x each was added in because we were getting down to a such a nice boogie rhythm.

Back to COT was announced. PAX protest-We still have 10 more minutes to boogie!! AB LAB was announced back at COT. LOTS of mumble chatter……….

Indian run back to COT, column of 2s.

AB LAB-circle up. each PAX took the initiative & announced a series of box cutters, Freddy Mercury, Flutter kicks & some big boy sit ups to round it out by Little John.

Was so amped to Q I realized no cell phone on hand. Short Sale came thorough with his. Thanks!

Announcements. Prayers & Praises

Want to thank those that turned out to support & allowing me to leadl!  AYE!!


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Speed kills at slow burn

I think we had 16 PAX at slowburn at least that’s what Twister said in the video although I only counted 13.  We always round up.  With cooler temps and a lack of sleep it was a littler harder getting up and moving.  However I didn’t lack any energy based on some of the chatter from the PAX.

Had a brief disclaimer and intro and off we went on a full sprint mosey to the bottom parking lot.  Kicked things off with a little Broga to loosen up the joints.  It’s always a PAX pleaser to do some stretching before jumping into the mix.  We did a few cobra’s, upward/downward dogs and a my favorite pigeon stretch which is good for the buttox and hips.  We moved into a few warmups with SSH, windmills, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, Rinse repeat a few times.

On for another mosey to the back of Lowes where we started with dirkens, dips and squats with a nice bear crawl to follow.  Then I had the PAX pick 3 numbers between 1-20 for some self directed pain.  Merkins, shoulder taps, squats, and calf raises.  A few rounds of that with lunges and toy soldiers mixed in.

Off on another lightening speed mosey for a final wrap of four corners.  1.  Merkins, LBC’s, Squats 2.  CDD, calf raises, flutters 3. SSH Shoulder Taps LBC 4.  Mtn. Climbers, rosalitas and Freddie Mercurys.

Final jail break to wrap in COT.

Thanks for the opportunity Hootie!

TClap |

THE YARD does the STAR



Early Saturday AM Spitz headed to the barfatorium and wasn’t coming back so the word went out for a Q.  We hope that he is on the mend!!


After a 5K pre-run (1 attendee) the PAX gathered for a pre-work disclaimer that included the idea that THE YARD  is moderate mostly because it is :50 long, but that moderation is also something that should be performed by each of the PAX, up or down depending upon a variety of mitigating factors.

The Warm Up:   Soccer Leg Sretches, Jog in Place with High Knees, Sun Salutation and Planks

Mosey to gate to gain access to football field

The PAX the committed to two rounds of a four corner star:

5 Burpees in the middle after each corner

Corner #1 High Knees in place, Merkins and LBC

Corner #2 LSS, Diamond Merkins and Flutters

Corner #3 Squats, CDD and Gas Pumpers

Corner #4 Imperial Walkers, WAM and Grave Diggers

Round #1:  15 reps, Round #2 10 reps

Mosey back to COT for :05 of mary.



Got to know Shield and Boss Hog much better!!


THE YARD will move to 6:30 this coming Saturday.  In line with that, Q Source will be merging with the Q Source that follows WEP.



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Donkeys, Monkeys and Scorpions

15 fit dudes and on the other end of the spectrum … YHC on Q

This will hurt me more than it hurts you …

Mosey and circle up
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
LBC x 15 IC
Side SH x 15 IC
Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
HB Walker x 15 IC
Dying Cockroach x 15 IC
Overhead Claps x 30 or so IC
Travolta x 15 IC
Low SS x 15
Freddie x 15 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
HR Merkins x 10

Mosey to the grass
Makhtar N Diayes x 10 IC
Kneetar N Diayes x 10 IC

Mosey back to the big lot for suicides
Donkey K x 10
Donkey K x 10, Monkey H x 10
Donkey K x 10, Monkey H x 10, Scorpion DD x 10
Hand Touch Squats x 10
Hand Touch Squats x 10, HR Merkins x 10
Hand Touch Squats x 10, HR Merkins x 10, OH Claps x 10 IC

Line up on the end of the lot, exercise across the lot, stationary exercise, across and back
Squat Walkers, Carolina DD x 10 IC
Windmill Walkers, OH Claps x 20 or so IC
Karaoke L, Scorpion DD x 10 IC
Karaoke R, Morrocan NC x 15 or so IC
Toy Soldier, Shoulder Tap x 10 IC
Soccer Knees Out, OH Claps x 20 IC
Power Skip, Travolta x 10 IC
Bear Crawl, Morroccan NC x 15 or so IC

This again … suicides
Donkey K x 10
Donkey K x 10, Monkey H x 10
Donkey K x 10, Monkey H x 10, 10 x Scorpion DD

Calf Raises, 15 forward, 15 toes in, 15 toes out

To the grass for Jack Webb to 7 x 28

Back to COT

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1



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Big B, little b, what begins with B?

Buddies, Burpees, Bearcrawls, Bodybuilders, Booyah! Merkins and B.O.M.B.S. all start with that letter B, that’s what.

18 attended the Swamp today, half rucked, the other have joined YHC for a little schooling on the letter B.

I decided a couple weeks ago that I was going to work my way through the Exicon one letter at a time.  This was my 2nd Q since making that decision so the 8 unlucky PAX that got stuck with me and B today were thoroughly beat-down.

I gave the quick usual disclaimer an off we went.  I immediately heard grumbling about the speed so I slowed it down a bit and we did some karaoke’s and toy soldiers before circling up for a quick warm-up, which consisted of 9 Windmills and 15 Merkins (IC) followed by a couple 10 counts holding a 6″ plank.  A quick stretch and off to the 1st routine.

Routine 1:

Burpee, Bearcrawl, Booyah! Merkin…Chase

Buddy up and partner 1 does 5 burpees and then chases down his partner who is bearcrawling around the 2 roundabouts (about .25 miles).  Tags his partner and then they each do 5 Booyah! Merkins and switch/repeat until getting back to the starting point.  A real shoulder burner!

Routine 2:

For routine 2 we moseyed to the parking lot next to the fountain and did some B.O.M.B.S.  This is basically a DORA with more exercises and the suggestion to pick an exercise that matches each letter in BOMBS.

  • 50 Bodybuilders
  • 100 Overhead presses (with cinderblocks)
  • 150 Monkey Humpers
  • 200 Big-Boy sit-ups
  • 250 Smurf Jacks (suuuuuucked)

In typical DORA fashion, 1 partner does the exercise while the other (in this case) sprints to the 2nd island, bear crawls around the island, and then sprints back and picks up where his partner left off while his partner does the sprinting.

I think only  Cha-Ching, Duck Dynasty, and I finished, but that was probably because we were the odd group and we took the higher of the 2 reps.  I’m not sure if we would have made it otherwise since it came down to the last few seconds before heading back to CoP.

Everyone did awesome and pushed for the entire 45 minutes.

We made it back to CoP at exactly 6:00AM with the Ruckers about a minute behind.

Maximus announced a couple of new AO’s coming to Fort Mill, including a “Bruisers” workout for injured PAX, what a great idea.  As well as a bootcamp AO with a mandatory pre-run, sounds harsh!  In any case, not a lot of PAX spoke up with Prayers except for Maximus again so we prayed for family and everything that was on our hearts.

Thank you for the Q Cha-Ching it was a pleasure to lead these men today.  Nice work everyone!

Until next time,



TClap |