1st dance at the ballroom

Started with broga did a little mosey. Dips and derkins at tables. Did some more running to loosen up. At basketball court Warmup SSH, overhead claps, Moroccan knight clubs then some running again on the court. Slow mosey to football field. Did 10,20,30,40 exercises for BASS big boys, American hammers, sSH and seal jacks. Mosey to Cindy for curls squats and overhead press. Then we did some light poles burpees, overhead claps, hello dolly’s , dips, plank jax, amer hammers, squat jumps, seal jax, flutters, lunges, CDD, mtn climbers, and LBCs. Yes it took 45 minutes.

Announcements shovel flag transfer and prayers.

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3 Lessons of Marcus Aurelius

WARMUP: off to Kimbrell’s after being disclaimed. PAX did LSS, Windmills (approved by Trucker), imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and 50 side straddle hops – with a declining number of burpees (not approved by Trucker) in between exercises. From there – Mosey to Unity Presbyterian

THE THANG: lesson 1 – The happiness of your life correlated to the quality of your thoughts.
10 burpees followed by 7’s – Diamond merkins at the top of the driveway and squats at the bottom. Plank for the 6 or go get them.

Mosey to First Baptist for lesson 2

Lesson 2 – If you’re distressed by anything external, it is not due to the thing itself, but your estimate of it. And this you possess: the power to revoke it at any moment.

More 7’s – diamond Merkins at one end, run to the opposite end of the lot for squats and repeat until the sequence is complete.

Mosey to downtown Fort Mill on Main Street to find benches – 10 Bulgarian split squats each leg (for a notably absent Band Camp) and provide lesson 3

Lesson 3 – The best revenge is to be unlike the one who performed the injury.

Mosey to COT for a few AB exercises – but just a few – then 0600 was upon us.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks to Soup To Nuts for the call. Always grateful to post in the gloom with group of HIMs.

Cyclops :eye:

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Dawn Patrol

WARMUP: Mosey around the pond and back to the amphitheater for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial, and hillbilly walkers.
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap, increasing count and changing exercise for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks at each station then 21 squats at each station and then 28 LBCs at each station. Mosey down the hill and alternate lunges and bear crawls between light poles back up the hill. A few dips, step ups, and inclined merkins at the amphitheater to finish up.
COT: Prayers for families, marriages, and health.

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Clydesdales Sutton Rd Loop

THE THANG: 4.5 mi loop…North on 160, left on Sutton, left into the Sutton Place neighborhood at the New Grey Rock Rd light, right turns at each cross street (3 total) got us to Sam Smith Rd, left on Sam Smith, left on Harris, left on Munn, right on 160 and back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FM Care Center yard work.
COT: Prayers for healing and safe travels.

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5 were at The Yard for a tour of the back entrance light posts as we had pain in chalk at each pole. Each pole at a letter of THE YARD, but not in order, so that led to some light yogging to find the next letter in the correct order. Everyone enjoyed immensely.

Prayers for Bonsai’s wife and Old Bay’s wife, Twister’s mom, thankful for safe travels for Tater and his M, and for DT’s upcoming trip.

Signups available for yard work at the Care Center.

Thanks to JCruise for the opportunity!

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Moderately Done @ Slowly Burnin

WARMUP: Um – YES. SSH, Merk, Nightclubs, Squats, LBC, Mtn Climber.
THE THANG: Mosey, 7s (Merks, Bomb Jax), DORA ( Derkins, Dips, Squats), Ladder work w DK, DiaMerks, squats, BobHurl, BBs.
MARY: Yes – 4 mins with Pax taking turns leading the group.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes. CSAUP, Fort Mill Care Center, Christmas Party, Fathers Day
COT: Solid discussion

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Moderate sandbag workout

WARMUP: moroccan night clubs, windmills, hill billi walkers, low slow squats, lap around the parking lot alternating toy soldiers and high knees
THE THANG: find a partner and grab a sandbag, toss the bag to the curb alternating with your partner, back to start, repeat bag tossing to the curb and back, take a lap with the bag on shoulders, pass bag to partner and take another lap.
Rinse and repeat 4 times, last bag tossing we switched to lateral toss.
MARY: broga and stretching, LBC’s for the last 2 minutes.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: hog and coyote
COT: stays in COT

Tinsel OUT…:christmas_tree:

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Yard Work

WARMUP: Yes – stretching, gas pumpahs, SSH, Windmills, Squats, Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers.
THE THANG: DORA ( Derks, Squats and Dips) Hill work with some Bomb Jax and Sumo-Squats followed up with 4 corners (Merkins in cadence and Flying Squirrels (oyo).
MARY: Yes – 4 mins of Mary saved us from 20 Flying Squirrels….
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cSAuP coming, FtMill Care Center signups, Christmas party, etc etc
COT: Yes

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What a turnout

Word for the day was “consistency”. Anyone can do it in bursts or for a short while but a consistent performance will take you further. When you are tired or disinterested, that consistency will help you to focus.
WARMUP: Seal Jacks, IW, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, MNC and, of course, SSHs
THE THANG: mosey to back of Lowe’s. Partner up for Dora: 100 Merks, 200 Gas Pumpers (just for Twister) & 300 Sumo Squats.
10 partner hand slap Merkins, 10 partner Derkins (real crowd pleaser) and 5 Partner Giddy-ups per side.
Mosey to Persis wall, pax jumps out to do 5 bombjacks then 3 flying Squirrels. Ended with Jack Webb and the Q was gassed.
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Summer of CSAUPs, FM Care Center lawn care
COT: Prayers for Destiny’s Father in law and a friend of Assassin’s wife with a brain tumor.
What a glorious humid day to be amongst the Pax. Honored and humbled by the great turnout.

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“Rain or Shine: Conquer the Workout Grind!”

Pulled up and it was raining, but that didn’t deter the PAX from posting!

– Chain Breakers
– Imperial Walkers
– Windmills

Mosey: Under the breezeway to keep the PAX nice and dry.

The Thing:

1st Round:
1. 10 Dips
2. 10 Irkens (Incline Merkins)
3. 10 Derkins (Decline Merkins)
– Mosey to the breezeway: 5 Kraken Burpees at the cone.
– Mosey to the farthest cone to the right:
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Big Boys
– 10 Squats on your tiptoes
– On the way back: 5 Kraken Burpees at the middle cone.

2nd Round:
1. Bulgarian Squats (10 each leg)
2. 3 Body Builders (Burpee with a plank jack)
3. 10 Fox Holes (WW2 sit-ups, straight leg roll over, and do a Merkin)
– Mosey to the breezeway: 5 Kraken Burpees at the cone.
– Mosey straight to the middle cone:
– Bear crawl to the cone on the track and back.
– 15 Narrow Squats (feet together)
– 20 Dying Cockroaches
– On the way back: 5 Kraken Burpees at the middle cone.

3rd Round:
1. 10 Dips at the bench
2. 10 Irkens (Incline Merkins)
3. 10 Derkins (Decline Merkins)
– Mosey to the breezeway: 5 Kraken Burpees at the cone.
– Mosey to the cone to the left:
– Run to the dock: 5 Muscle Ups (knee destroyer)
– 15 Carolina Dry Docks
– 10 Lt. Dan’s
– On the way back: 5 Kraken Burpees at the middle cone.

Made these pax get out and get on there six in the parking lot to get wet we did LBC’s and Superman to pull the ripcord. So much for staying dry.

4th Round:
1. Bulgarian Squats (10 each leg)
2. 3 Body Builders (Burpee with a plank jack)
3. 10 Fox Holes (WW2 sit-ups, straight leg roll over, and do a Merkin)
– Mosey to the breezeway: 5 Kraken Burpees at the cone.
– Mosey to the farthest cone to the right:
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Big Boys
– 10 Squats on your tiptoes

Time was up, so we ran back to COT.

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

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