9/7 Labor Day Convergence for Maximus’ 40th

  • QIC: Spider-Man and Dark Helmet
  • When: 09/07/2020
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast


Our recently retired Nantan, Maximus, is joining the ranks of the 40+ on 9/7, which just happens to be Labor Day.  Maximus always brings 100% to everything he does and truly embodies all three F’s in a very deliberate way.

First F:  His WODs always draw crowds because PAX get out of bed to do something difficult and he always delivers.  He will call you out for bad form, never from the mindset of bringing you down, but ONLY with the intention of making you better.

Second F:  You would have to look hard to find a PAX in The Fort and surrounding regions that do not know him.  He is always there for guys when they need them.  Some of us have been on the receiving end of that support and I am sure that list, only known to Maximus, is long.

Third F:  His marriages is built on a bedrock of faith and he teaches his girls the power and love of God.  He spreads the Word through various avenues in form of mission trips, invitations to join he and his family at church, praying with PAX when they need prayers and he recently signed on to lead a Journey group.

So, what do you do when a guy like this turns 40?  You hold a convergence with a WOD worthy of a HIM like Maximus.

The Details:

  • When:  9/17, 0600-0730
  • Where:  NAFO
  • What you need:  Ruck (event weight suggested) or a cinder-block


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Prayer Convergence

This year is a little different.  Now, more than ever, our schools and the people who work in, attend, support and visit them all need prayers. Specifically, we need to pray for a layer of protection and that school can return to “normal” as quickly as possible.

Calling All PAX of Fort Mill to step up and live out the 3rd F.  Most of us have children that attend FMSD schools, as well as neighbors, friends and family that work at these schools. Some PAX work in these schools. What better way to start off the school year than to go to the schools, physically go, and pray?!?   Regardless of how we are connected to them, we are all impacted by what happens in these schools and this is a chance for us to live out what we are called to do.

NEW THIS YEAR :  I’d like to invite those that can make it to the Springs Farm location (in front of Springfield) on Sunday, August 30th @ 5:00.  We can grab some ice cream, have a little 2nd F and end in a Ball of Man (socially distanced, of course) in prayer for the entire district.

What: The Fort PAX (at least 2, preferably 3 or more at each location!) converging at every school in the FMSD, to pray for the students, school leadership, every employee of the school, the safety of the school, etc.

When: Any time Saturday, August 29 through Sunday, August 30

How (do I get involved):  Pick a school, grab a few fellow PAX and show up, ready to pray.  Spread the word in COT!!!

Why: Evil looks for every opportunity to cause chaos in schools.  Now, more than ever, we need prayer.  We pray that any and all evil is kept away from these schools, administrators, teachers, children and families. We also pray that God uses the believers in these school to be a light unto those that do not know him (students and adults alike).

For the guided prayer list click here

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The Sweati 2020

The Sweati 2020-
79 HIM took to The Forts annual summer CSAUP event. It was 78 degrees when 24 Ruckers launched from The Coliseum at 0530. They had their disclaimer and direction to the first of the 3 pain stations. Just After at 0600 54 runners took to the route. They departed and ran about 2.5 miles and got to meet Bones at Golden Corral for the first pain station. He worked them over as they came in for about 10-15 minutes. Once he finished dishing the pain they took off to Pantheon only about 1.5 miles up the Road. Fishsticks was waiting for sprints and pain. He had the PAX attention for another 10-15 minutes. Once they left they brought the route back to YHC. While waiting for the PAX to return and doing burpees I decided that my other two Qs most likely put the PAX through so much I would give them a choice. Either 20 burpees at 5 light poles with bear crawls in-between or they could buyout of it for a $50. going to our brother Cash. Most wanted to take on both challenges. We wore black for Cash and am still amazed at the Photos coming in from across the Country showing support to this HIM. We love you Cash. Here is a link to the pay-pal account if you feel you would like to support.


Backdraft Out

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Pre-Blast: August 2020 Invergence: How do we find Community while Socially Distant?

Calling all Pax to Pantheon on 8/28/20 for a Convergence/Invergence. All manners of beatdown will be offered from  5:15-6. After the sweatfest,  we will gather at the “Amphitheater” of Pantheon (front-left corner, follow the Pax).

There we will  hear from a panel of High Impact Men about the challenge of  creating a sense of Community during these times of isolation and distancing. We are called to gather and worship together. We are commanded to love our neighbors .

So, how do we do that in this time of uncertainty? Bring a chair, bring questions and ideas of your own and let’s discuss together. Looking forward to it.


Short Sale

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Covid Vaccine for the Soul Coming in September… Join In

Has Covid frozen your faith Journey as Churches have closed their doors?  Or maybe Covid has you asking bigger question of God and you would like to be in a community of Men to discover the answers.  Are you interested in growing in your faith walk? Discovering a path toward an Intimate, Abiding relationship with Christ through a small group study.

Maybe you have been in the church for your entire life, the last 10 years or you are just now opening your mind to this idea of a higher power… a “Sky Q”.  Regardless of where you are in your faith walk we all have room to grow and mature in our relationship with Christ.

We are all on a faith journey and some of us are more or less equipped to take our faith deeper.  If you have a gap in any of these areas then I have a challenge for you.

  1. Do you feel that you have created a solid foundation of knowing who God is and his desire to be a part of your life?
  2. Are you in a group that is consistently seeking to grow in a relationship with God?
  3. Do you feel that you have an adequate tool kit to help you grow deeper in your faith?

In September, we will be launching into a Journey to build from the ground up a knowledge of who God is and to start to learn how to have an intimate, abiding relationship with him.  Please reach out to any of the Journey alumni to learn more and to get connected.


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Pre-Blast: F3 Dads

F3 Dads returns with a 2020 version.

As many of you know, YHC has been a bit more averse to physical contact during age of COVID than some others. This year’s F3 Dads in The Fort will look a little different. We’ll avoid physical contact games like tag, tackle football, or tag. But Flash and YHC will have a concentrica building workout and workout-ish activities ready.

Bring your kiddos and let’s get to work.

August 8
0900 – 0930ish (give or take, we’ve got kids there, sometimes they break down.)
WEP (parking is odd with construction)
– plan on the green space….so wear socks. That grass is itchy.

Band Camp dismissed
(until 8/8 at 0900)

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The Sweati

The Sweati

Want to Run or Ruck and Sweat? Join YHC for both. Let’s get out of your comfort zone.

Come out and enjoy 5.75 miles of running or rucking. Included with your ticket is 3 pain stations that will test out if you have been posting to workouts over the summer/ Covid pandemic. This has been and will continue to be the summer sweatdown.

Launch from Coliseum (1025 Dave Gibson Blvd) you will be told where to go next.

Ruck- depart 0530
Run- depart 0600

Water will be available at pain stations. Bring your own if you are against trash.

Coffee will be provided by The Fort. Donations to the fund are accepted.

Q Source will follow at this site. Please bring chair and Q Source manual (not required)
Q source will start shortly after PAX catch there breathe.

Fellowship, popsicles, and coffee to follow.

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The Barry – The Bear + 1

July 9th was supposed to be the running of The Bear, a 5mi run up grandfather Mountain, however we’ve been covided. Event cancelled and so an open slot for crazy was open.

So in The Fort fashion, we can’t waste an opportunity to have an event with some level of difficulty and whole lot of fellowship and so THE BARRY was born. 

Don’t ask me why it’s called The Barry. The list of why we do things in F3 is endless and so you can add this one on there. THE BARRY will be The Bear plus 1, so it will be 6mi for you math geniuses.

Now pay attention; Running is not the only option!!  

  • You can run it, ruck it, bike it, walk it and if you are World Wide Leader…..you can power-skip it.

This is a Thursday evening and there will be 2ndF following. Please see Sign Up Genius so we can get an idea on numbers.



  • Who: All PAX that are interested….spread the word
  • What: 6mi event with Pizza and drinks to follow….(bring own adult beverages if not a PBR fan)
  • When: Thursday July 9th at 7pm
  • Where: 7000 Regent Parkway (giant pyramid building….really unique place)
  • Why: Seriously ??
  • How: Just show up with gear to do what you do and have fun


  • Bring chair with you for 2nd F
  • Please use Sign Up so we have idea on numbers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E44A5AE28A64-thebarry
  • Event will kick off at 7pm Sharp, with cold PBRs and hot Pizza to follow. 
  • Participation prize for first 50 participants
  • Great opportunity to EH someone and show them how nuts we really are
  • Hat will be passed to cover pizza 

Let Cake Boss know of any questions.  Don’t Miss THE BARRY.…..you only live once!!!


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  • QIC: Gears
  • When: 06/01/2020
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Men of The Fort, we’ve been contained for too long.

No, I’m not talking about shelter in place (although that has been an issue).  I’m not really talking about the solo workouts either (but also a problem).

We’ve been settling for less than we could be physically.

Coming Monday, June 1st, we will be launching a new Monday AO.  This will be in the spirit of Shark Tank/Minnow Pond with an emphasis on accelerating the King every week via pearls-on-a-string/run and gun format.  We will be launching from the Earthfare parking lot on 160 with MP-style AO rules to start:

  • No Warm-ups – Come ready to run
  • No 10 Counts – Come ready to not stop
  • No less than 3 miles – Come ready to cover some ground
  • No stopping for the six – Come ready to get faster

I know that last bullet point is going rub some the wrong way, but if we want to see what we can do physically, we need to push the limits.  The Q’s will have a mandate to have a clear route planned for the Pax and communicated by 0510 before launch.  My intent is not to prevent Pax from coming for the workout, but to encourage ALL Pax to come get faster.

I’ll also be picking Q’s based on the leaders of the pack.  Finish in the top three, and you make the list to Q in a coming slot.  If you don’t make it the first week, keep working to achieve #KingStatus.

“It’s simple really. If you want to learn how to run faster, just find a faster man. And chase him until you catch him”

Bring your A game on June 1st.  We’ll see who can make the cut.

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Preparedness- Are You Prepared?

Attn #HIM of the The Fort and Lake Wylie,

Preparedness is discussed in Foundation Point F5 of the the Q- Source.  As Defined Preparedness is: Getting Ready for the Expected While being Ready for The Unexpected. This is an all encompassing need to us as men.  It is valid in all parts out our lives;  Father, husband, boss, team member, Site-Q, WO Q ect.

The purpose for this pre-blast is in regards to life saving measures that Pax can take in the event of an unexpected medical emergency at home, work, or at an AO.  We have talked about it in Site-Q Meetings and at the last Invergence.

Last week HomeBrew ,a Pax from Lake Wylie, who is near and dear to our hearts, had just this type of medical emergency come crashing down on him after his 2.0 suffered a Febrile Seizure and stopped breathing.  He had no training but HAD to ACT. So he mimicked what he had seen on TV and was able to revive her before EMS was able to arrive.  Good On Ya for maintaining a cool head and doing what needed to be done.  CPR and Faith in the Sky Q is what saved her life.  I have maintained CPR/AED/First Aid certification for 6-8 years now for work.  I feel better knowing that if I am put in that sort of situation I have at minimum the base knowledge to try and keep someone alive till EMS-Fire arrive on site to take over.

Here is what HomeBrew and I are proposing.  This will be a friendly competition between The Fort and Lake Wylie regions.  From 4-1 to 4-15 every PAX from either region that completes certification or re-certifies in CPR/ AED/First Aid he and I + the Nan’tan and 1st F Q will complete 5 burpees.   The region that draws the most new or recerts will pass that number on to the “Loser”, but honestly- Who really loses in this situation? IE The Fort get 30 pax LKW gets 20 pax = LKW will do 150 burpees. The Fort will do 100. As you all know, I HATE BURPEES, but have committed to drive action across the regions.

The Certification I have been using comes from NationalCPRFoundation.com.  It is Red Cross compliant and should take between 30 mins to 1 hour to complete.  It is free unless you decide to purchases the hard copy certificates.  We will require a screen shot/ picture Tweeted or slacked to both HomeBrew and myself of the completed training for a CPR/AED/First aid at the end.  It will be added to the spreadsheet we will use to document Pax completion. The certification is good for 2 years.

It is highly recommended that All Site Qs get on board with this effort, but all PAX can benefit from this training. What better way to show leadership than making sure the Pax that Post to your AO know you have that training and are ready to act in the even that someone goes down.

Please join us in this and lets Ensure we are Prepared for the unexpected. Stay tuned to TwEETAR for a message from Homebrew.


Duck Dynasty  🦆👑and HomeBrew 🏠🍺

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