Even an IR Guy can Q Part 2

Answering the call of my Shieldlock brother needing a Q for The Ballroom, I figured I could dish out some pain.  PAX could modify up or down as needed.  Its YOUR acceleration. OWN it!


Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Big Arm Circles, Baby Arm Circles, Moroccan nightclubs, Arm Stretch, Down dog, Calves, Honeymooner, Down dog, Calves, Honeymooner, Down dog, Walk leg and hands together and stand slowly

The Deal – 3 Rounds, 9 exercises each focusing on Upper body, Core and Legs

Round 1 – 10 each exercise

Merkins, LBCs, Calf Raises, Diamond Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squats, Wide Arm Merkins, Hello Dolly, Lunges

Take a lap or Bear Crawl until crew gets back

Round 2 – 10 each exercise, find a curb

Incline Merkins, Bridges, Step Ups, Switchboards on and off the curb, Rosalitas, Side Lunges, Dip, Freddie Mercuries, Back Lunges

Take a lap or Crawl Bear until crew returns

Round 3 – 10 each exercise, find a curb

Decline Merkins, Heel taps, Al Gore, Left Incline Merkins (left foot and hand on curb), BB Situp, Right Incline Merkins (Rt foot and hand on curb), WWI situp

Take a lap (fast guys were to take 2 laps)

Airborne Hip Flexors

Round of Mary

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80s Rock Block at The Ballroom

5 men took a trip down memory lane at The Ballroom this morning for an 80s music-themed beatdown. Here’s what we did.

The Thang

  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Seal Claps (IC)

Mosey to front of school

Perform the first exercise until you hear the keyword. At the keyword, you perform the second exercise, then back to the first.

Song 1 – “Who Can it Be Now” – Men at Work

  • Exercise 1 – Plank, exercise 2 – Plank Jack every time you hear “Who can it be” (13 Plank Jacks)
  • Mosey around the lot

Song 2 – “Your Love” – The Outfield

  • Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead claps when you hear “Your Love” (21 Overhead Claps)
  • Mosey around the lot

Song 3 – “Jessie’s Girl” – Rick Springfield

  • American Hammers, Big Boy Situps when you hear “Jessie” (28 Big Boys)
  • Mosey around the lot

Song 4 – “867-5309/Jenny” – Tommy Tutone

  • SSHs, Burpees each time you hear “867-5309” (24 Burpees)
  • Mosey around the lot

Song 5 – “You Spin Me Right Round” – Dead or Alive

  • People’s Chair, Calf Raises on every “Spin me” (10 Calf Raises)
  • Mosey around the lot

Song 6 – “Take on Me” – A-Ha

  • Flutters, Freddies every “Take on Me” (16 Freddies)

Song 7 – “Down Under” – Men at Work

  • Dip position up, Dip position down on every “Down Under” (3 Dips)

Song 8 – “Another One Bites The Dust” – Queen

  • Hold People’s Chair, Knee Tar Jais on every “Bites the dust” (18 Knee Tar Jais)

Song 9 – “Roxanne” – The Police

  • Mountain Climbers, Merkins on every “Roxanne” (26 Merkins)


Thank you, Drop Thrill for the opportunity to lead this morning. Today’s workout was built to burn out one body part at a time. We didn’t cover much ground, but if you’re not sore later today, I’d be surprised.

As a reminder, F3 open to ALL men. We welcome men of all races, faiths, political views, income levels, sizes, ages, abilities, & sexual orientation. We respect differences even when we don’t understand them and cast no judgment. Our willingness to get better unites us. All means ALL!

Let’s continue to give away what was first given to us. All men need an outlet like this and friends like our brothers. F3 is a game changer. Let’s keep the ball rolling. I’m convinced we can change the world, one man at a time.


Italian Job

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Shaolin Moderate Workout and Cult Chat

This is the first full week of 2021 and YHC was glad to step in when a Q was needed at the Ballroom. IIRC, the last time I Qed there was back during Short Sale’s tenure, when Google Maps had no aerial photos.

8 PAX appeared in the gloom on a cool Tuesday morning. The weather said that there was some light rain in the area, but it wasn’t at the Ballroom.

The disclaimer was a disclaimed in a new way today, because YHC would be describing some very odd, new exercises and prescribing modifications as we went along. It may have sounded a bit professional, but I assured the PAX that I was not getting paid.

The warmup

A quick mosey around the parking lot followed by:
15x SSH
10x Low Slow Squat
10x Imperial Walker
10x Hillbilly Walker

Mosey around the back of the school for a stop by the bridge. Here we would do some stretching and exercises that were passed down from the Shaolin lineage, as well as from a cult known as Chung Moo Quan (more on that, later). This was part of the standard warmup from YHC’s studio in MN.

Legs about shoulder width for these, always both sides. Static stretches held 10s

1. Arms overhead, grab the R hand and stretch (pull) to the left without a twist. (lats)
2. Arms straight out, L hand toward L ankle, no twist (obliques and some lats)
3. L arm out, palm up. Grip L fingers with R hand using overhand grip (thumb to thumb) and pull down and back to armpit (inner forearms)
4. Elbows tucked into sides, L hand by chest, grab top of L palm with R overhand. Pull L arm up, push R hand down. Basically fold your hand back toward the elbow (wrist tendons)
5. Widen stance a bit. R in L hand fingertips up. From standing position, dip down to behind the ankles and come back up. (like cherry picker, but just once and up) 3 times.  Then both hands on lower back, chest and stomach out for the “old man getting out of bed” stretch three times. 5 rounds
6. Both hands make a diamond near the ground, legs straight as possible. Slowly orbit from ground, to the right, behind, to the left and back to the ground. Reaching as far as possible for entire movement. 3 orbits each direction
7. Legs out as far as they go, heels down and toes up. Fingertips on the ground (was pretty easy for the PAX to get the fingertips down). Fingertip pushups. Rock back on the way down, over the hands on the way back up. 10x

Mosey up the hill to the back of the school. Everyone on their six. Both sides if only one is listed, static stretches for 10s if not listed

  1. Legs straight out, separated as far as possible, toes up. Arms crossed in front fingertips up, sweep arms over toes 3 times, then grab and pull down for 5s hold.  4 times
  2. L hand to L foot, bending to L, R hand overhead reach to foot
  3. Feet together, pushing down knees (butterfly)
  4. Lay back, L hand grabs R foot and pulls to chest, L foot hovering
  5. Sit up, legs straight. Leaning back with straight back until feet start to hover, hands in fists, pound stomach 30times with fists, double count
  6. 10x 4count Flutter
  7. 10x 4count Hello Dolly
  8. Sit up, hands on ground behind. Both knees bent, kick both legs straight out, to right, and to left 10x. No break between R and L

Mosey around to the front of the building again and instructed PAX to find a pillar for support. Each exercise is right and left leg

  1. L knee at waist level, bounce knee up above waist and don’t let drop below waist. No touching the ground either  x40
  2. L knee again at waist level, snap kick out, no touching the ground  x40
  3. L foot to the side, toe forward. Raise as high as possible, no touching the ground x40

The Thang

Now that the warmup is complete, walk over to the high side of the parking lot and line up for the Doji. This is a balance and strength exercise that can be done by anyone.

Start by standing straight up. Using your L hand reach behind the R shoulder and ‘scoop’ with your fingertips, as you come around the front of your body, step into a deep forward stance with your R knee at 90º, and your L leg straight out, both feet parallel and about 45º off the direction of travel. Shift your stance to L forward stance while scooping behind you with your R hand, when you come back around, step forward staying very low, into L forward stance and push ahead with your L hand open, fingertips just at the shoulder level. Scoop behind w/L going into  R forward, then step forward with R and push with R.

It sounds like a complicated movement, but it wasn’t too difficult for the PAX. YHC called out each movement and we travelled about 15m with it (about 10 steps each foot), then turned around for another go.

After this movement we had about 12 minutes left. I had planned on getting more running into the workout, and skimmed over in my head the various workouts and exercises that would be good for a moderate workout without toasting the legs any more than I already had.

The best way to get some extra steps in? Dora

100 pushups, 200 squats, 300 LBCs!!!

We finished with about 90 seconds left, which was enough time for 20 flutters and a very quick saunter over to CoT


8 PAX counted off and name-o-ramad

Not a lot to announce right now, so Drop Thrill hyped the 2021 Christmas party.

Praises were voiced, prayers were requested.


Yeah, so the cult thing. My Shaolin teacher got caught up in a cult known as Chung Moo Quan in the early 90’s. I joked with the PAX about this commenting that they should hand over their wallets and sign some forms, to some good natured chuckling.  Obviously none of us are involved in anything like that, so we can laugh about it.

But have you ever tried to point out someone’s poisonous indoctrination? It’s usually not pretty. The cult indoctrinated don’t usually even know it’s happened because of how “normal” it seemed on the way in. They’ve received a lot of training and are well equipped to remain indoctrinated. Pride, ignorance, shame… all of these methods are veiled as normal and create an indoctrinated member.

I realize it’s super weird to expound on cult membership at a workout or in a backblast, but I assure you, dear reader, that it is relevant to every day lives.

Because while we may not be members of Chung Moo Quan, vandalize a building in the name of Tyler Durden, chant “the greater good” in a hooded robe,  or follow Jim Jones into death, we’re all subject to attempted indoctrination during almost all of our waking hours.

TV advertisements try to indoctrinate you into the cult of yourself.  Talk shows and news commentary try to indoctrinate you into the cult of bitterness, greed, or supremacy.  Our free country is, for the most part, monetizing our minds through indoctrination.  It’s incredibly difficult to tune it out.

This is why my word this year is “Discipline”.  I’m using two definitions. The first is the study of a subject, the second is to train.

Discipline as a study helps me to understand my beliefs and how they work in a world that wants me to change them all the time.  It applies to all 3 Fs as I intend to refocus on nearly 20 years of Shaolin training, be more intentional about being social (the pandemic has made life very cozy for a hardcore introvert like YHC), and actually focus on spiritual beliefs.

Discipline as a training regiment helps me to be strong enough to understand whether indoctrination is attempting to change my beliefs, or I’m just wrong.  As a physical training regiment, discipline can help me get the sleep I need and eat correctly. And as social training, I can tune out awful social static.


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Ballroom – Last workout for 2020

We had 5 at the Ballroom for a end of year wrap up beat down.  A slight delay due to a mother nature call, brought us into an immediate warmup as we waited for Drop to get situated.  Then we took off for a quick mosey to our first stop to complete the warm-up.  We did a few SSH, Wind ills, imperial walkers, Moroccan night clubs and a couple of other exercises.  Mosey number 2 for the main event.

We started with 3 minutes of merkins – 10, Mtn. Climbers – 15 and 20 shoulder taps.  Keep rotating through until 3 minutes is up.  at the end we did a burpee stack starting with 1,2,3 and so on.  After 3 minutes lap around the parking lot. Next round 10 squats, 15 monkey humpers, 20 calf raises (arms are tired) then nurring around the lot.  Round 3 10-BB Situps, 16-American hammers, 20 flutters. Lap around the lot.  Round 4 10-SSH, 15-overhead claps, 20- Moroccan nightclubs. nurring around the lot.  Short mosey over to the benches for round 5. 10-derkins, 15 dips and 20 step ups. Run to bottom of lot for a few minutes of wall sits.

We had a few short stories to talk about what 2020 looked like and if 2021 is a repeat what would we change.  U-Haul also mentioned the article that Anchorman posted to forget New Year’s resolutions and conduct a past year review instead.  Check it out here 

Thanks drop for the opportunity to lead.

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On The First Day Of Ballroom My True Love Gave To Me

It was a brisk mid December and three Pax chose to get stronger and sweat a little at the Ballroom.

Being December and all, I broke out the 12 Days of Christmas routine and it goes a little something like this…

1 – Run a lap
2- Turkish getups
3- Jump squats
4- LBCs
5-Diamond Merkins
6- Imperial walkers
9- Low slow squats
10-Lunges (each leg)
11- Merkins

I know you were all sad we only made it to Day 10.

Great to see Bass and meet Poppins for probably the first time as he’s only been posting a few weeks, welcome to The Fort from Chicago!

We talked about the 5 Core Principals, The Credo and then about the legacy of my mom and how we want to leave a legacy for the next generation.

Until next time.

Thrill is gone!

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Returning to the dance floor

Yeah buddy, it’s back on at the Ballroom as I had the opportunity to Q the 9 of us this morning. The weather was right and the campus was well lit; another perfect morning.

Hot Cakes rolled in with an FNG, welcome “Cubbie” to the brotherhood. The rest of us welcomed Destiny back  to the gloom and proceeded to listen to him complain, or at least talk about his skill to do as much. It’s all in love. We moved on to the disclaimer…check.

Mosey behind PKMS to the drop off loop and circle up:
SSH, Merkins, Squats, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs

Partner up for DORA while one partner would run to the bridge and back:
100 Merkins
200 Mountain Climbers (single count)
300 LBCs

Back in a circle:
60 second plank then Shoulder Taps I/C
60 second Al Gore with Overhead Claps then Squats I/C
60 second 6″ leg holds then Flutter Kicks I/C

Nur the drop off loop followed by a run of the same loop.

Mosey to the other side of the bridge.
Peter Parkers / Grave Diggers / Dips / Grave Diggers

Indian Run back to COT but we did Butt Kickers as we jogged.
A few PAX-led ab exercises upon arrival to COT.

Drop Thrill – Thanks bud.
Cubbie – Welcome.


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Ballroom Fun

Beginning today, I wake up 5 minutes earlier than usual so I’m not rushing to get to an AO. I typically pull up around 5:14. No more of that bs. I keep telling myself to go all-in so I need to be more disciplined all the way around. It worked well; I got to #TheBallroom early just so I could freeze my balls off with a couple other guys as we waited for 5:15.

My game plan this morning was to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We stuck to that plan.

Warmup: Mosey around the lot and sung some karaoke while we waited for the last car to park. The pax taught me that if you flip and reverse a karaoke then you’re not really flipping and reversing anything. You can only reverse, no flip. After some High Knees and Buttkickers, we circled up and did some SSH, Low Slow Merkins, Weed Pullers, and Goofballs.

The Thang: We moseyed to the athletic field parking lot for some more SSHs and back and forth running. I wanted to keep our heart rates up a bit but made it a you vs you run. We did some Mountain Climbers and even more SSHs and then some more back and forth running. The we moseyed down the path for the next stop. There we did some more SSHs, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, SSHs, Karaoke (Uhaul was in a singing mood), LBCs, CBLs, and then a mosey back to the school for some wall sits. A couple rounds of 3 counts per pax, a round of 3 merkins per pax, a round of 1 burpee per pax. Somewhere in there we Toy Soldier’d over to the hill for a Bear Crawl up and a Crawl Bear down. A slow walk up the hill to the school’s awning got us to our endpoint. We did some Dips. We did some Incline Merkins. We did some Calf Raises. We did some Step Ups. 6 o’clock bell rang.

I always hope to push a moderate workout to the higher threshold of moderate. I never want it to be too easy. Nobody yelled at me so I hope it wasn’t too easy. I appreciate the opportunity to lead; thank you Smithers.

Announcements: 8th Anniversary Party.
PSA: Get yourself some term life insurance.
Prayers & Praises: Praise for Drop Thrill’s brother being home. Continued prayers for his recovery. M’s & 2.0’s.

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Core Blast at Ballroom

Due to personal knee injury, I planned an all core workout.

2 rounds of 10 exercises. 1 min per exercise, 10 sec rest.

Lost my weinke sheet, so doing best to remember

LBC, Reverse Crunch, BB SItups, WWI Situps, Heels to Heaven, Mak Tar, Flutters, Superman,

Ended with Airborne’s Hip Flexor routine

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The Sweati 2020

The Sweati 2020-
79 HIM took to The Forts annual summer CSAUP event. It was 78 degrees when 24 Ruckers launched from The Coliseum at 0530. They had their disclaimer and direction to the first of the 3 pain stations. Just After at 0600 54 runners took to the route. They departed and ran about 2.5 miles and got to meet Bones at Golden Corral for the first pain station. He worked them over as they came in for about 10-15 minutes. Once he finished dishing the pain they took off to Pantheon only about 1.5 miles up the Road. Fishsticks was waiting for sprints and pain. He had the PAX attention for another 10-15 minutes. Once they left they brought the route back to YHC. While waiting for the PAX to return and doing burpees I decided that my other two Qs most likely put the PAX through so much I would give them a choice. Either 20 burpees at 5 light poles with bear crawls in-between or they could buyout of it for a $50. going to our brother Cash. Most wanted to take on both challenges. We wore black for Cash and am still amazed at the Photos coming in from across the Country showing support to this HIM. We love you Cash. Here is a link to the pay-pal account if you feel you would like to support.


Backdraft Out

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