Running Focus

9 men showed up for the workout at the Colosseum.  I decided to slow it down a bit and focus on form mostly due to getting my butt handed to me at the Honey Badger 24 hours earlier.

We began with a short mosey to the Middle School playground for some warm-up exercises.

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

Windmills x 15

Next, we ran to the front of the school.  I explained five things that I learned to improve my running.  We practiced each technique by running to the school sign and back.

  1. Breath using both your nose and mouth.  It takes alot of practice, but over time it becomes easier to do.
  2. Good posture, head high and back straight.  Keeps airway open and helps avoid injuries
  3. All body parts should move in the direction your body is running.  Sounds obvious, but watch your arm and shoulder movements while you run.
  4. Cadence or the number of steps per minute.  This can vary by runner, but typically you should aim for 160-180 steps per minute.  A few years ago, I had a bad case of plantar fasciitis.  I was told by an experienced runner to slow my pace down and focus on increasing my cadence.  Within two weeks time, my feet were back to normal.
  5. Mentally prepare yourself. If you are running a race or setting a goal, you’ve got to believe you can accomplish it.  Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage and support you.

Next, we ran to the top of the hill to the bank parking lot.  We performed plank squares with each arm and leg.  We ran back down the hill to the school sign for some ab exercises.

Back to COT



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The Sweati

The Sweati

Want to Run or Ruck and Sweat? Join YHC for both. Let’s get out of your comfort zone.

Come out and enjoy 5.75 miles of running or rucking. Included with your ticket is 3 pain stations that will test out if you have been posting to workouts over the summer/ Covid pandemic. This has been and will continue to be the summer sweatdown.

Launch from Coliseum (1025 Dave Gibson Blvd) you will be told where to go next.

Ruck- depart 0530
Run- depart 0600

Water will be available at pain stations. Bring your own if you are against trash.

Coffee will be provided by The Fort. Donations to the fund are accepted.

Q Source will follow at this site. Please bring chair and Q Source manual (not required)
Q source will start shortly after PAX catch there breathe.

Fellowship, popsicles, and coffee to follow.

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Burpee Prison

Seven PAX in total on a warm humid morning.

started with: Mosey Run (Toy soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees)
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dogs

Thang 1 Prison Yard Burpees
Divided pax into two groups to use two half-courts.
Setup on a half-basketball court (this is your prison yard). Ten burpees in corner 1, then bear crawl to corner 2. Nine burpees in corner 2, lunge walk to corner 3. Eight burpees in corner 3, bear crawl to corner 4. Seven burpees in corner 4, lunge walk to corner 1. Continue in similar manner 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ending with 1 burpee. Sum is 55 burpees this round.
When done: flutter kicks for the six

Short mosey run

Thang 2 Bench work
At the school’s benches:
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Back to Prison
Start at the first cone again but begin with 6 burpees and transverse around like the above. Thus doing 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees. Sum of 21 this round, and 76 burpees total.

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Global Warming
Did: bobby hurleys, squats, monkey humpers, LBC, Freddie mercuries, gas pumpers, amer hammers

Thang 4 Sally routine
Moby’s “Flower”, we did leg lifts: bring Sally up= legs up; bring Sally down= 6 inch leg hold.
Song is about 3:30, I think about 23 ups/downs.


NMM: Praises for my 20th wedding anniversary coming on July 1st.

Addiction takes many forms.   Pornography is one of those addictions.  Don’t let it put your mind in a prison.  There is help out there: shield lock, pastors, counselors.  Seek and you shall find.


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Amongst the Waves

First…where was our site Q – Hardwood?? L-Train mentioned he had a gynecologist appointment??? 🙂

YHC was called to Q prior to taking a beach trip and while sitting on the beach listening to one of my favorite bands – Pearl Jam -and watching my 2.2s bogie board , their song Amongst the Wave was playing and it got me thinking about life. How similar is life to when you head out into the ocean and try to crash through the waves too get out as far as you can in order to bogie board or surf and the waves push you back (or even go under), but you get back up and push through the next wave? Life pushes you through various waves and sometimes it easy to crash through them and other times the waves beat you up and push you back.

This made me think about F3 then. We post thinking that we can easily get better, but either the Q or mentally you get pushed back to reality and realize that you need to push harder to get through that wave to excel.

So today’s WO incorporated a wave theme.

Mossy to back parking lot for a short COP.

Head to the first light pole. Instructions were: run to first light pole, perform 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 LBCs. Run back to starting point and run to the second light pole. Perform the same 3 exercises and reps and run back to the starting point, but as you past the previous light pole(s) repeat the 3 exercises and reps. PAX were to pushed to see how many light poles they could get to. Fishstick’s made it to the 6th pole, while the rest of the PAX completed the 5th pole.

Near the end mossy to the school for 1 round of 10 step ups, 10 dips and 20 big boys. Then mossy to COT.

Great seeing the PAX gassed afterwards. Appreciate the opportunity to Q.


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Back to school

Mosey from parking lot down the the drop-off circle in front of the elementary school. There we did the following:
Hillbilly Walker
Moroccan Night club

Continued to mosey around the loop and around the middle school drop off and then over to the basketball court. There we did a few more warm-up exercises which I don’t remember at this time.

Once the Pax were good and warm we kicked off the starfish. YHC was expecting heavy rain and potential thunderstorms so the plan was to stay under the breezeways connecting the elementary school and middle. At each end point Pax would have 2 exercises to do. Pax completed one of the two exercises listed at each spot each time through. Every time pax came through the main intersection they did 5 burpees. All pax completed 4 rounds for a total of 60 burpees each.

Station 1 – Mike Tysons and Diamond Merkins (10)
Station 2 – Big Boy Sit-ups and Leg Raises (20)
Station 3 – Back Rows and Dead-lifts (15)
Station 4 – Squats and Dirty Myrtles (20)

Burpees between stations – 60 Total

After 4 rounds complete we have a few minutes left for the following:
LBCs with feet on wall
2 rounds of 10 Mike Tyson Merkins and 20 Dirty Myrtles

Then we headed back for COT after covering about 2 miles, a bunch of exercises and a little rain.

TClap |

Preparedness- Are You Prepared?

Attn #HIM of the The Fort and Lake Wylie,

Preparedness is discussed in Foundation Point F5 of the the Q- Source.  As Defined Preparedness is: Getting Ready for the Expected While being Ready for The Unexpected. This is an all encompassing need to us as men.  It is valid in all parts out our lives;  Father, husband, boss, team member, Site-Q, WO Q ect.

The purpose for this pre-blast is in regards to life saving measures that Pax can take in the event of an unexpected medical emergency at home, work, or at an AO.  We have talked about it in Site-Q Meetings and at the last Invergence.

Last week HomeBrew ,a Pax from Lake Wylie, who is near and dear to our hearts, had just this type of medical emergency come crashing down on him after his 2.0 suffered a Febrile Seizure and stopped breathing.  He had no training but HAD to ACT. So he mimicked what he had seen on TV and was able to revive her before EMS was able to arrive.  Good On Ya for maintaining a cool head and doing what needed to be done.  CPR and Faith in the Sky Q is what saved her life.  I have maintained CPR/AED/First Aid certification for 6-8 years now for work.  I feel better knowing that if I am put in that sort of situation I have at minimum the base knowledge to try and keep someone alive till EMS-Fire arrive on site to take over.

Here is what HomeBrew and I are proposing.  This will be a friendly competition between The Fort and Lake Wylie regions.  From 4-1 to 4-15 every PAX from either region that completes certification or re-certifies in CPR/ AED/First Aid he and I + the Nan’tan and 1st F Q will complete 5 burpees.   The region that draws the most new or recerts will pass that number on to the “Loser”, but honestly- Who really loses in this situation? IE The Fort get 30 pax LKW gets 20 pax = LKW will do 150 burpees. The Fort will do 100. As you all know, I HATE BURPEES, but have committed to drive action across the regions.

The Certification I have been using comes from  It is Red Cross compliant and should take between 30 mins to 1 hour to complete.  It is free unless you decide to purchases the hard copy certificates.  We will require a screen shot/ picture Tweeted or slacked to both HomeBrew and myself of the completed training for a CPR/AED/First aid at the end.  It will be added to the spreadsheet we will use to document Pax completion. The certification is good for 2 years.

It is highly recommended that All Site Qs get on board with this effort, but all PAX can benefit from this training. What better way to show leadership than making sure the Pax that Post to your AO know you have that training and are ready to act in the even that someone goes down.

Please join us in this and lets Ensure we are Prepared for the unexpected. Stay tuned to TwEETAR for a message from Homebrew.


Duck Dynasty  🦆👑and HomeBrew 🏠🍺

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Red Barchetta – test drive

In recognition of Tesh accepting the EPRI Technology Transfer Award, YHC wanted to call 45 min of hand stands…..but YHC is still working on 15 seconds of headstanding so…… we go.

Warm Up:

Windmill x10
SSH x25
Hold Plank
Mountain Climber x20
Shoulder Tap x20
Hooneymooner–>Downdog combination (not enough)

IW x20
HW x20


Mosey towards the bus route hill

Elevens – Burpees – Gorilla Squats

Electric Power
Bear Crawl up the dirty hill. Backdraft was wearing new shoes, sorry. People’s Chair for a word of the year sharing time.

Electric Power Research
Red Barchetta – Designed to get the heart rate up, much like the song by Rush of the same name.
100 Yard Dash–>100 SSHs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
75 yard dash–>75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
50 yard dash–>50 LBCs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
25 yard dash–>25 Merkins, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
10 yard dash–>10 burpees, run back to start point and plank/wait for six.

Electric Power Research Institute
Imperial Squat Walker – Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker. This 4-count exercise starts with hands clasp on head. Count 1 = a squat. Count 2 = stand up and bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. Count 3 = a squat. Count 4 = stand up, other knee to other elbow. We did these till 0600. Backdraft was a fan.


The honor that Tesh is getting is from the EPRI folks a BFD. But Tesh isn’t one to “toot his own horn.” (No pun intended. I realize that’s what I do for a living.) Personally, I am not always comfortable sharing my accomplishments. Partly because I want to do even better and more; so I feel like my “accomplishments” are inadequate compared to my goals. Partly because I don’t like to feel like I’m bragging. And in part because I’ve seen folks work as hard as me and not have the same success; it feel dishonest to claim sole responsibility. So I want to draw attention to this accomplishment because Tesh deserves it, and I know he won’t draw attention to himself.

Where in your life can you draw attention to someone (2.0, M, blade, etc.) that deserves recognition but doesn’t toot their own horn? Where are you overlooking someone because they’re not shouting their merits in your face? (If you need help, consider all the unnoticed work your M does at their gig or at home….. Or perhaps the amount of times your 2.0 hasn’t brought home a poor report card…..)


Rooster 2/29
Yeti 3/7
Doty Run 3/14


Cash – surgery today
Chicken Wing – hip replacement

An honor to lead, thanks Hardwood for the call.

-Band Camp dismissed


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Four Corner Beatdown

Today at The Colosseum we had nine PAX for a four corner beatdown. We did my customary short mosey and warmed up with some Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Morrocan NC.

The Beatdown consisted of Three rounds of three exercises 25x , 20x, 15x at each designated corner with 5 burpees in the center on your return from a corner.

Corner 1: Merkins, Flutters, Squats

Corner 2:Wide Arm Merkins, LBC, Mountain Climbers

Corner 3: Diamond Merkins, BBS, Calf Raises

Corner 4: CDD, American Hammers, Box Cutters

Another quick mosey to COT and the beatdown was over

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PRE-BLAST: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (AKA: #BTP)

Willpower is only the trigger to get a person started on a positive habit (#Brick). In order to maintain and continue #Bricklaying, a person needs to change the mental and physical environment in which they live, so that the habit can develop the “muscle memory” needed to go the distance. My #DRP list is lengthening, as is my ability to have #IMPACT in the men around me, and the following is intended to continue to put me on the right trajectory.

For the year of 2020, my word is “GO”.  In an effort to continue to #Accelerate my 1stF, and beginning on 1/6/20, I am instituting (for myself and anyone who wants to join me) an EC (Extra Credit) 15 minutes (of Boot Camp or running, or maybe even Broga) prior to every 45 minute workout. I will tweet and Slack the location with the hashtag #BTP the day before for those who wish to join me. (It’s a way to “trap” myself into an accelerating habit…)

For example, Monday I usually hit Honey Badger which is an hour workout. There would not necessarily be an EC prior to this (though there could be). Tuesday, I will be at Golden Corral. At 0500, I will begin an EC portion of the workout for those that want to join. It will launch from the same AO, and will be back at the AO in time for the 0515 normal start of the Post.

Clear as mud? Good. Ask me your questions. Otherwise, check your Twitter/Slack and #Accelerate with me.

Helmet, out.

TClap |


5th Annual Clave Boss 5k/10k and Christmas Convergence….a tradition like no other. Right there with The Masters and Kentucky Derby!!!

Invite your family visiting from out of town and get ready to celebrate Christmas with Fitness, Fellowship and Faith!


  • Date: Tuesday 12/24/19
  • Location: Gold Hill Elementary School
  • Time:
    • Clave Boss 5k/10k will launch at 0555am – THE RUN WILL START AT 0600
      • Will have option to run one or the other (10k course is different)
      • top 3 runners in each will receive Bundt Cake!
    • Shirts available with free shipping at:
    • Boot Camp will launch at 0700am
      • Qs = Santini, Pusher, Cake Boss, Maximus
      • Will be something for everyone!
  • COT: Namearama, FNG naming, BoM
  • Coffeerteria: Will be at Gold Hill School – Double D on Q with Coffee, Water and other items

Bring Uncle Chuck and the brother in-law that thinks your nuts and have a Jolly Ol Time at The Fort!



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