In Honor Of September, 11, 2001

WARMUP: All PAX but Shield dropped in the plank with their ears wide open to listen to our brother Shield share his experience as an NYPD officer on 9/11/2001. This included the names of a few of Shield’s fallen brothers. Some of us have been fortunate enough to hear him talk about that day but every time I hear it, I take away something new. This morning was no different.
Following the plank, we mentioned a few numbers of significance for the PAX to think about:
9 & 11: This was obvious
22: Years since that day 22yrs ago
100: The number of days Ground Zero in NY smoldered
ALL PAX 100 Side Straddle Hops (50 in cadence) & 22 Burpees

THE THANG: Grab your bell and meet over by Clickbait’s trailer where we had more gear. Everyone has a weight of some kind for the following 9 exercises:
11x Kettle Bell Swings
11x Thrusters
11x Goblet Squats
11x Bent Over Rows
11x Overhead Tricep Extensions
11x Big Boy Sit-ups w/ Weight
11x Bicep Curls
11x Standing Lunges
11x Overhead Press

We went through these 9 exercises one more time and occasionally modified the cadence.

In groups of 4, we all got to experience the 200lb sand bags for 4 reps, taking the bag from the hips, to the shoulders, to an overhead position, back to the shoulders and finally, back to the hips. If we weren’t on the 200lb sand bag, we did the same evolution with our own coupon.

Then, back to 22 Side Straddle Hops & 11 Burpees.

MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots in the newsletter & THE BLOOD DRIVE
COT: Indeed

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3 stations…3 pairs of exercises per station…3 sets per pair

Station 1: pull up bars
1a. Pull ups, mnt climbers
1b. Merkins, Bobby Hurleys
1c. Squats, donkey kicks

S2: Benches
2a. Dips and box jumps
2b. Derkins and monkey humpers
2c. V ups and incline merks

S3: Pavement
3a. CDDs and leg lifts
3b. LBCs and burpees
3c. Big boys and SSH

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Varsity Locks up Shield

WARMUP: Windmills SSH Nightclubs, Squats Merks Stretching, Mosey w buttkickers, toy soldiers.
THE THANG: Rebel :Partner up (3s) Merkin pumps with flutters – bottom of hill with Pull ups and Squats top of hill(next to JRROTC) 3rd partner is the timing of switching locations. Bass grabbed Q stick from Rebel and led the pax with rows of light poles (4) – w pain locations at each stop – increasing reps by 2 at each pole. 4 rounds completed w varying exercises for each round
Fogerty took back the Q stick for a quick round of JackWebbs ( squats/seal jax)
MARY: finishing with 3 mins of Mary led by NASA and capped off with Gemini closing out w a round of Russian Twists.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, Christmas Party, DamtoDam,
COT: prayers and praises added by all pax as we went around the circle for everyone to share something.
Bass closed is out in prayer.

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I thought this was a party. LET’S DANCE!

Leg Day – Dancing in the streets.
Squat variety including Pistols and Cossacks. Leg powered modes of transportation. There was a low wall in there somewhere. And a plank set at the end with mountain climbers, Peter Parker’s and Parker peters.

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Yes, we can play with those toys. But first, we must play with ourselves

9 motivators
Low slow squats
Peter Parkers

Hill sprints x2

Mosey to Print Shop
Obstacle course x2
Monkey bars. 1 Burpee for each bar you miss.
1 pullup at each pullup bar
10 dips on parallel bars

Station 1 – the timer
Run to flower shop and back. If you get back early pick up the 6. Scratch that. You WILL come back together. Today’s lesson is on checking your ego and serving your fellow man.

Station 2- pull-ups and dips

Station 3 – squats and lunges

Station 4 – Curls and Overhead press with the assortment of available gear

Flutters and American Hammers

Bobber read the newsletter to us

A lousy excuse for a bed at the hospital while your wife is in labor

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Downhill then back uphill

WARMUP: not today
THE THANG: 4 or more miles for today
MARY: also not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: join midweek grinds every wed at baxter Starbucks
COT: praises for family and prayers for the start of the school year

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3 Routes Hills and more Hills

Rolled in hot as I was trying to scout out my route before hand and missed my turn. Hopped out of the vehicle shared the route found out there where 3 for trails. The rest hit the road about 5 of us did the route and the rest did there own thing as they where scared of Harris st hills and the Sam Smith Rd hill. Double D was the pack leader.

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Mountain Climbing HIMs

WARMUP: None. It was big boy day!
THE THANG: We hit 6 hills across The Fort with 10 Burpees + 20 Squats at each plus misc work in between in places.
COT: Yes, this group is bound by Trust!

Happy belated bday @BandCamp!

Thanks for the Q stick @SoupToNuts!

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Clydesdales, Wed Aug 16

Apparently we ran, apparently there were 22.

The route was spectacular, all downhill, except for the uphill.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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