30 min Dora then broga

WARMUP: little mosey then some
then YHC took the opportunity to let some of the new faces I’d not recognized lead the PAX in some SSH. Yeah it wasn’t perfect but it got better and the importance of language was discussed. Great job BowWow and Marty Byrd. Thank you PAX for the constructive feedback in helping these men get some playing time in the arena.
THE THANG: Dora 1-2-3 as easy as can be.
Other partner runs loop as timer.

Mosey back and Marty bird showed us he’s been paying attention in class with 10 text book SSH.
Finished in order to get in some much needed Broga.
Don’t know the names of the moves but Shield told stories about pigeons getting chased by rats the size of small wolves.
MARY: we planked for a min of gratitude
COT: prayers for family and healing of those sick.

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Jack Webb from hell – remix

WARMUP: a little upward & downward dog, some low slow squats and single count merkins

THE THANG: moseyed over to WEP.  Starting at the first bench swing the PAX did 1 burpee and 4 merkins, ran to the next swing did 2 and 8, ran back to the first swing and then went to the 3rd swing did 3 & 12, then to the 2nd swing and up to the 4th bench swing, did 4 & 16 and so on until we got to 10 and 40.  
Since we still had some time left, YHC didn’t want to waste any time so we moseyed over to the playground and did a dead hang for a 10- count, 10 low slow squats, 5 pull ups and then 10 more squats.  With 4 minutes left we headed back to COT.  Arrived at 0600.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers for schools, kids, teachers, admin as well as others

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4 Season of a Man’s Life

Run to the hill by the football stadium. Stopped at each light pole for 8 HR Merkins. Once at the top we planked for the 6. 40 merkins total.

Continued to mosey past the church and armory. Entered back into the high school by the gym where we circled up.

With an impending birthday I have been reflecting a lot on where I am during my life. One such message that resonated with me is the idea that a man’s life is divided up into seasons. As a result the theme for today was the 4 seasons of a man’s life. I tried to mirror the workout with the nature of each season.

Season 1. : Spring Age 0-20. Theme is Identity.

This stage of a man’s life a man determines who he is, what skills he has, and what are his limitations.

SSH IC x10
Seal Jacks ICx10
Plan Jacks IC x10
Mountain Climber x10.

Did 2 rounds at 10 reps IC then 1 round of 20 IC to get to 40 IC reps in total for each exercise.

Ran to the next corner of the big parking lot for Summer

Season 2 : Summer Age 20-40 Theme is Learning and Growing

This stage of mans life is perfecting your skill set, and distinguishing your expertise for the good of society. How do you prioritize the things in your life (work v life balance). How do you establish family and your role in the community.

10 HR Merkins IC
10 Squats
10 Merkins IC
10 Lunges OYO

Repeated this 4 times to get to 40 reps of each exercise.

Run to the next corner of the parking lot for Fall

Season 3 : Fall Age 40-60 Theme is Influence

Key questions for this stage Have I achieved what I wanted to, can my mistakes be redeemed, and how to avoid having a mid-life crisis. Another key thing is to think about how you can influence the next generation. Particularly your family and close friends.

For this round of exercises I did a Tabata format

40 seconds on 20 seconds off.

Catalina Wine Mixers
HR Merkins

With time running out we ran to COT for the last season.

Season 4: Winter Theme is Investment.

At this stage you should have composure maturity and insight. You don’t see others as competition but as an opportunity to mentor and invest in the next generation. The greatest danger at this stage is for a man to believe he can no longer contribute. Of course in F3 we know this to be a lie. We have HIM’s all throughout the Fort as examples of what it is to be mentors, champions and examples.

The exercises at this stage were:

40 BBS
40 LBC’s IC
40 4-ct Flutter Kicks IC
40 American Hammers IC

With 8 seconds left I ended the workout…….with 5 more burpees OYO.

Honored to spend this day and this morning with the men of F3, members of my shieldlock and at Laces IN one of my favorite AO”s.

Until next time…..

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Not the Burpee Beast, but…

Mosey to the front of the school for YHC’s V-broga Q.  ~10 mins, saved some time for the some additional broga at the end of the workout
PAX asked to pair up at the bottom of the hill (exit road to Springfield Pkwy).  PAX 1 was the timer and ran a suicide of 3 light poles up the hill. PAX 2 completed AMRAP merkins during the run to/from light pole 1, squats during the run to pole 2, and big boy sit-ups during the run to pole 3.  Switch.  Rinse and repeat.

Next, we moved to the soccer field and found some tires, so we flipped them for a bit (2 flips of the tire per PAX then keep rotating through the line.  ~20yds down and back)

Then, lined up on the sideline of the field.  Burpee broad jump across the field, run up and down the staircase to no where 2x, then bear crawl across the field.  Some more bear crawls and some bomb jacks mixed in before finishing out the Thang with a few sprints, followed by some cool down broga.

Nothing specific today, besides the big boys during the Thang!
10yr events, upcoming charity shoot, bourbon tasting…read your newsletter
COT: 7 HIM challenged themselves and got better today. Keep getting after it!

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Jack Webs from Hell

SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parker x 10
All IC

Part 1
Using the field in 10 yard increments
Starting at the end zone run to the 10 yard line do 1 burpee and at the push-up position do 4 merkins. Run back to the end zone.
Run to 20 yard line, 2 burpees with 4 merkins each time you go down (8 total merkins). Run back to end zone.
30 yd, 3 burpee 12 merkins. Run back.
Continue until the other end zone is reached which would be 10 burpees and 40 merkins.

Part 2
Similar to above,
Instead, nur to 10yd and do 4 squats. Run bank to end zone
Nur to 20yd line, 8 squats, run back to start.
Continue until finished.

11’s – Mountain climbers to dying cockroach.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check the newsletter. 10 year started today. Post as often as you can.

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Convergence For Our Brother Shower Curtain

Four Lines: Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, mosey with Q to first of four rotations

Slapshot’s Pain Station:

Each Pax performs

50 Merkins
100 LBCS
50 HR Merkins
100 4-CT Flutters

Every minute a timer would go off and we’d run from one side of the “track” to the other. We would then do two burpees and resume the exercises.
Group 4 only had 3-4 minutes left so we did 10 Burpees OYO then Captain Thor until 5:55.

Badland’s Pain Station:

10 rounds Tabata – 45sec work 15sec rest –
SSHs, Freddy Mercuries, high knees taps, American Hammers, mtn climbers, laying Leg Raises, In and Out Plank Jacks, J-Los, star crunches, high knee goofballs

Punchlist’s Pain Station:

Light Pole Speed Drills –

5/10/15 Merkins
5/10/15 CDD’s
5/10/15 Bonnie Blairs

Bear-pees to finish

Shady’s Pain Station:

Sheet 1: 10 diamond Merkins, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Seal Jacks, 50 American Hammers, 50 Shoulder Presses, 40 Crab Cakes, 30 Flutters, 20 Big Boy Situps, 10 Flying Squirrels

Sheet 2: 10 Burpees, 20 Knee to Chest jumps, 30 Carolina Dry Docks, 40 Plank Jacks, 50 LBCs, 50 Squats, 40 Dips, 30 Calf Raises, 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Dive Bombers

Each sheet ~50 yards apart. Do the top exercise on sheet 1, run to sheet 2 for first exercise, then run back to sheet 1 and do 2nd exercise…and so on. Furthest we got was 50 shoulder presses and 50 squats. And we had awesome music courtesy of Detroit.

Great job Qs


Today we came to support our brother, Shower Curtain. He is recovering from his injuries and will need our help and support for several months to come. More than a workout!

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Cadence Burpees were a HIT!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills Merkins Squats Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 4 Corners- Starfish w cadence Burpees, 100 yd Merkins and Jump squats every 10 yds. Finish on 50 yd line w flutters.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Community Svc events Mens Bethel Dinner / trash pick up and the CSAUP.

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IronPax Pep- The Wheel of Misfortune

WARMUP: Instructions and pick up Cindy
THE THANG: The Wheel of Misfortune
In a throwback IronPax workout from 2020, we did the Wheel of Misfortune. 43 minutes of AMRAP.
Start with a 400 meter run
Pick up your block, do 10 Thrusters
Rifle carry the block 25 yds. to the 1st of 6 stations. They included: Decline Merkins, Blockees/Man Makers, Squats with the block on your back, Kettle Bell Swings, Chest Press and Cross Arm Block Raises.
In between each station, Rifle carry back to the light pole and do 10 Thrusters.
Each round consisted of 210 reps.
Most completed 2 rounds. Some more, some less.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign-up for IronPax, Ft. Mill Care Center still needs items. Get ready for Tour de Fort for the 10 year.
COT: Prayers for kids/teachers/parents as school starts back. Prayers for @Slapshot as he visits PA and his 102 yr old grandmother.

We ended with a discussion of community and building your brothers. IronPax is a great way to make new brothers by doing something hard together. Get signed up at https://f3greenwood.wordpress.com Workouts start will be Tuesdays and Fridays at NaFo. 5am start times as some of the beatdowns are timed to completion, though designed to be done in 45 minutes.

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Only Took A Week And Half To Write This Up

WARMUP: Started with a warmup lap around the track for 1/4 mile. Then we did 15 Hand Release merkins, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Hill Billy Walkers, Moraccian NightClubs , and 15 Over Head Claps

THE THANG: Usually this AO does Broga prior to the boot camp version of workout. I opted for 20 minutes of Broga afterwards as I prefer to stretch with warm muscles to get a deeper stretch. So here’s what we did. After the warmup had Pax mosey over to football field for a exercise I found called The Red Bruchetta: It goes like this,

Start at one end zone run to other end zone and do 100 SSH’s, run back to starting end zone and plank while waiting for six to return.
Next run to the opposite 25 yard line and do 75 Mountain Climbers run back and plank on elbows till 6 is in
Go to 50 yard line and do 50 LBC’s return and do Hello Dollys till 6 is in.
Go to 25 yard line do 25 Monkey Humpers return and do Flutter Kicks
Go to 15 yard line do 15 Burpees and return and do Penguins in cadence.
This took about 25 minutes to do which left about 20 minutes of Broga to wrap it all up. Thanks Bodywash for the Q.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Fort 10 year anniversary in September
COT: All parents and kids returning to school.

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