Konvergence for Kenya

We converged on 6/10 to with a special weinke designed by the PAX of F3 Nairobi (but “may” have been augmented by Poppins…)

Warm up
Various, but highlight was 150 SSH in sets of 50. #CrowdPleaser

Groups of 5
Indian Run
5 burpees by the guys at the back

Dora on the football practice field
50 burpees – bear crawl
200 merkins – bear crawl
200 squats – lunge walk
300 4-count mountain climbers – frog leap a partner

Lots of bat flipping on the 4-count of the mountain climbers and the frog leaping

The guys in Kenya average a 5 mile transit to and from the AO, so a group of PAX dutifully pre-ran and post-ran 5 miles after the beatdown. YHC took a bit of flack, because it was me that spitballed that idea and then did not pre or post run. I did bring my 2.0 to the workout to try to cover the fact that I wouldn’t be running extra, but to no avail. Badlands 100% called me out.

Welcome FNGs
– Dungeon Master
– V-neck

– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse, Sasquatch, Cyclops, Beaker
– rucking: Sprocket, NakedandAfraid
– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse
All running
– Gears

The plan was to raise $$ to purchase a vehicle for transportation of Nairobi PAX to workouts, supporting efforts to assist in community and coordinating donations etc. The need is tremendous and our financial support is magnified in Kenya.

As of this backblast, we raised $2620. I have no idea when you’re reading this, but you could possibly still contribute and Poppins may still have T-Shirts in the back of his vehicle: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-kenyan-f3-brothers?member=26869695&sharetype=teams

Q-School Wednesday 6/14 at Bushwood
The Fort Retreat 8/11-8/13 (Register now!)

Safari (F3 Nairobi Nantan) facetimed in at the end to offer up a prayer closing out COT.

This backblast respectfully submitted by Band Camp

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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OG, Old School Smoker at WEP

Run around WEP path with stops for warm-up exercises:
Mountain Climbers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parkers
Freddy Mercurys

OldBay on Q:
Ladder on far-side hill
– Imperial Walkers (1 at bottom) : Burpees (7 at top)

Run down to amphitheater stage
Partner Up for Dora – One partner run from amphitheater up path, then back and climb front of stage.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 LBCs
– 300 Squats

Handoff to ChickenHawk for 2nd half
Mosey to wall on far side of Springs building and partner.
– one partner does chin-ups on wall while other runs. Flapjack until 50 chin-ups done between partners.
– repeat with balls-to-the-wall (up, down, merkin)

Mosey to another wall. Pass coupon while pax take turns doing bear crawls.

Mosey back to COT for a bit of Mary.

Pax choice:
– American hammers
– Rosaledas
– Flutters (100, called by Walker)
– may have been more exercise, but I blacked out during the Flutters.

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Memorial Day WOD

– yes
– 10x Burpees / 22x various other exercises
– mosey around Amphitheatre
– rinse and repeat
– sandbag carry to stop sign and combined with other exercises
– by popular demand: Airborne Hip’s
– read newsletter
– was held

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Halting Ring of Fire

17 pax posted at Ring of Fire.

Started with a run. Did some Toy Soldiers and carioca.

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Ran around to the back of NaFo.

Did bench work: step ups (10 each leg), incline merkins (12 I/C), dips (12 I/C), butt touch squats (12), decline merkins (10 I/C), calf raises (18).

Proceeded to run some more, and stopped at the band practice lot. Did “Munitions factory”:
Pax do low plank for 1 min (this is home), then bear crawl about 100 yards (this is your commute), then do work at your factory making BOMBS (pax do 25 each of: burpees, OH claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats), then commute back home doing a nur, then plank for the six.

Then we ran to the pull up bars.

Did 6 pull ups and 6 toes-to-bar
Next run back to shovel flag for some mary…we did the Sally (Moby’s Flower) routine where leg raises for “bring sally up” and 6 inch leg hold on “bring sally down”.

Fini, COT.
HALT = Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These can be triggers for our Jester. Be aware so that you might be able to break the cycle.

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Farewell Repeat Farewell

CakeBoss led mosey down trail towards Harris Street
Stop every 100 yards for exercise
Tap out (head spin 2.0) assisted 1st time with leading
Get to Harris street park and get partner. (Can’t do life without others in your life) partner 1 suicides
Partner 2 exercise (Merkin, leg lifts, CDDs)
Flip flop

Partner 1 bear crawl path full circle
Partner 2 5 burpees then chase #1

Mosey up Harris Street
Every 2nd light pole do 10 calf raises

Hand off to Pusher
DORA 1-2-3
Partner 1 runs around church
Partner 2 Merkins, big boys, squats

Mosey down street to spring’s old office park for some Mary

Jailbreak to COT

Repeat moving to Chucktown and will be missed as a leader in The Fort but we will pray for him and his growing family and know he will always be with us.

Pusher says take your vitamins and say your prayers and you’ll be strong like him👏🏻🥓🎸🔥

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Endless streams of Omaha at BlockParty

The freshness of downtown Fort Mills morning dew and mumble chatter was in the air.

An immediate Omaha was necessary, best way to do that is by running aimlessly while thinking of your next move.

Ran up the hill to the parking lot, quick fake out then continued moseying to WEP parking lot.


promised we will warm up muscle groups that we would not be using.

– Peter Parker and Parker Peters
– @bandcamp like broga moves

Mosey aimlessly back up through the brick ledges where many Irkins, Derkins, Step ups, and dips have occurred in the past.

Made it to parking lot with large wall in front of pharmacy. Being stubborn or optimistic, decided to stick with the Weinke on this one but quickly modified then aborted.


Believe this one is exicon worthy, a muscle up/toe tap Webb like exercise. The idea, 1 muscle up followed by 4 alternating toes on the wall motions increased accordingly.

Decided to break up group in half. One half start on end of parking lot and burpee broad jump to those doing the Webb. Rinse and repeat.

The mumble-chatter was growing, rightfully so, quickly abandoned mission after two rounds.

Off to the roads thinking up the next round with general direction from the weinke in tow.

Next stop, the iron cross

– start at Loom parking lot
– 25 Mike Tyson’s
– Run to 4 way stop, run up hill on Williamson st to lit parking lot
– 25 Appolo Onos (d/c in case wondering)
– Run to Fort Mill Church of God freshly paved parking lot, vandalized with chalk ( let the record show YHC did go and wash off with h2o following)
– 25 jump squats (you’re welcome battle bot)
– Run to FM town hall building (formerly comporium) on Monroe white st
– 25 merkins

Rinse and repeat

Little bit of Mary for the overachievers and COT.


The rep count was intended to enable PAX to focus on form but you can only lead a horse to water. The spring chickens gotta run, so let em run.Most got 2 rounds or almost 2 rounds with 3+ miles total.

The many leadership opportunities of Qing are invaluable, along with the ability to share a message. Discussed missionality and finding your HIZ along with helping your kids or others do the same.

It’s always a privilege to Q at The Forts premiere AO, where I have a deep gratitude for what F3 has done for YHC as my 1st AO. Thx @kermit for the nod.

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Mother Rucking Wednesday

WARMUP: 5 min of burpees, first 3min are man makers, last two are slick burpees. I believe 35 was the number squatch got. 🤢
THE THANG: Ruck up and pickup the Implements of whoa and form a two man column as we make a loop around the park. Mumble chatter voted full size truck battery as the worst coupon so it became the timer. Rotated through Tamp, sandbag, battery and Tommy gun, and stupid plate. How could I forget that annoying thing.

We learned that carrying heavy things for long distance smokes shoulders and forearms.

Finished loop then parked coupons on grate and retrieved other heavy things. Then played “uncle”.
Start from a plank position facing away from coupons.
Count of three jump up and grab coupon and run or try to as fast and for as far as you can until somebody wants to stop. They yell UNCLE and everyone drops coupons where there at and mosey back to starting grate. Plank for the six.
On the count of three everyone runs back to retrieve a coupon that wasn’t yours and race back to starting grate.
Repeato Repeato Repeato

Finished with two minutes of slick burpees.

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